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All Articles for Category: Business of Gaming

October 16, 2012

Vegas Gang #83 - October 13th, 2012 (VIMFP)

Posted by Hunter

Episode #83 is up!

Listen here: ttp://

This time on the show:

- Interview with Derek Stevens, CEO of The D Las Vegas

I'm very happy today to have a post from a guest writer, Paolo Mello.

Many of you will undoubtedly know Paolo from Twitter, where he posts as @paolomello. You'll also find him contributing to comment threads here and at where his username is 'middleclassbuzz'.

Paolo is a Nevada native and Vegas expert, currently living in New York City. In this excellent piece, Paolo muses on the future of leadership at Las Vegas gaming companies.

You'll find his text after the jump - enjoy!

January 10, 2012

The Property Host

Posted by Hunter

Between gambling, food, booze and rooms, I spend a lot of money in Vegas casinos every year and yet I've never had a host that I could call to reward me for my loyalty. As a result, I haven't been shown much... and hey, as a 'journologger' (love making up terms), maybe I shouldn't be seeking that out anyway. I'm not too worried about myself but I definitely see a weakness here. Lets look more closely.

Over the past decade and especially since the Great Recession, we've seen some of the historical institutions of the casino industry remake themselves. These days, gaming revenue makes up only 39% of the average total, a shift from 15 years ago when it was closer to 58%.

What should be the next sacred cow to fall? The casino host.

Ok, maybe 'fall' is not the right way to look at it - how about transform instead? There was a time when the goal of these sales-oriented-sometimes-mercenary employees was simply to get you on property to sit at a slot machine or hit a dice table, plied by free drinks and a couple of comps to the coffee shop. At this point, that's old-style thinking.

Capturing every ounce of revenue from both gaming and non-casino operations should be the goal of every property GM or president. Why is it then that loyalty programs are still mostly gambling centric? How about a new class of 'property hosts', rewarding recurring visitors, not just to the penny slots but to the suites as well? The current system is a relic of a previous age.

Along with revenue diversification should come promotional and loyalty diversitifaction as well. We've seen some of that with new programs designed to highlight the 'leisure spend' dollar - but not nearly enough. Plus, they still charge for crappy Wi-Fi that barely works (no, I'm not gonna stop bitching about that).

Sure, Las Vegas casinos will always need a few high-end hosts to take care of the big players but there's a whole new and emerging market of customers who want to be taken care of for just spending money on stuff outside of the casino: Rooms. Suites. Shows. Clubs. Food. Retail. Better food. Golf.

Free tip: Care about these people, even if they don't gamble. You'll make more money.

If I spend $1,800 on a couple of nights in a suite, why is that worth less than dropping the same amount on Wheel of Fourtune? Sure, you had to pay a housekeeper to clean the room but the marginal cost there is negligable (or at least that's what they taught me in college). Sure, casino dollars may drop fastest to the bottom line but this a newly competitive economy. Money is money is money.

Now, there are definitely properties that have been working to moderninze along these lines, even if they still use the older nomenclature of 'casino host'. The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas Sands (Venetian & Palazzo) and to some degree Caesars' Total Rewards and MGM, among others, have all started to credit for some non-casino spend.

Great but not enough. Looking at overall spend should be the standard, not a 'revolutionary practice' or half-measure.

This is not new ground to cover. Some Vegas casinos have affiliations with national hotel brands that have this mastered and in some cases allow customers to spend those points in Clark County. Learn from them!!

The traditional marketing strategy of casino-centric hosts is outdated. The sooner it is replaced by something that captures and rewards every dollar coming into the city, the better off the Strip operators will be, serving happier and more loyal customers.

October 27, 2011

Genting in Florida: How big is too big?

Posted by daveschwartz

The Miami area has become, over the last few weeks, the most exciting potential casino development in the US. Massachusetts, it seems, has taken a backseat. Las Vegas Sands, Wynn Resorts, and Genting (who own Genting Highlands in Malaysia, Resorts World in Singapore, and are about to open at Aqueduct in New York) are seen as the frontrunners for gaming licenses, with MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment circling in the background.

As part of its pitch, Genting has said that it might build the world's biggest casino. But is that going to be the best fit for Miami? Or the best business model? After the jump, I'll compare casino square footage and break it down.

October 16, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #032: Implosion City

Posted by Hunter

It's time to blow some crap up!

SoV is back. Happy Sunday.

This time around, Jeff explains what's going up in smoke and when. Enjoy.

October 10, 2011

Tom McCartney Out as Trop President

Posted by Hunter

The word is that Tom McCartney is out as president of Tropicana Las Vegas. Not a lot of details... More to come.

We interviewed McCartney about a year ago at Podcast-a-palooza.

October 6, 2011

MGM Meets Zynga?

Posted by Hunter

At this week's G2E conference in Las Vegas, birthday boy and MGM CEO Jim Murren gave a keynote that included some thoughts on the future of the company's gaming operations online (along with him openly wondering why the markets don't love his company).

Not a lot of groundbreaking news except for the fact that Murren alluded to new social programs or apps that he described as 'MGM meets Zynga'. Zynga is the popular publisher of Farmville, a Facebook powerhouse. This jives with what we've heard about former Wynn exec Andrew Pascal's new project, IncuBet.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - this is gonna be big time stuff for these gaming companies. My guess as a first foray is something that fits well within existing law - a way to push MGM brands and hmmmMlife through Facebook - some sort of game that lets you either build casinos or pretend to be a high roller. Not all that innovative (it's been done) but this time it will have real gaming brands behind it, which could make all the difference.

Expect more of this. A lot more.

Murren's slides are here. Also, don't miss this G2E related gem.

Thanks to Detroit1051 for the tip on the slides being up.

Here's Jeff's latest 'advice' column, this time with thoughts on Monte Carlo, New York New York, MGM Grand, Tropicana, Luxor, Excalibur and Mandalay Bay.

This is the last of the series for The Strip. Read the others here.


September 19, 2011

Wynn Cotai "Not Yet Approved"

Posted by Hunter

So that whole press release from Wynn Macau that strongly implied (if not straight up said) that their Cotai project was moving forward? Yeah, I guess someone forgot to tell the government.

Today in the Macau Daily Times, Secretary for Economy and Finance, Francis Tam Pak Yuen unceremoniously bursts that balloon. His quote?

"Companies may release their news, and the news should correspond to reality. Anyhow these news release won't affect the process"

Despite the fact that local officials seem to be back-pedaling on Wynn's go-go attitude, the piece also goes on to say that it's likely the project will be approved (it was filed before the 2008 cut-off) - it's just a matter of when.

Must be fun doing business in China, huh? If this happened in the US, my guess is that The Steve would be bellowing from the mountaintops about the 'unstable business climate'.

Personally, I can't wait for Cotai construction to start - if it's as magnificent as the principals have been hinting, it will certainly be something to see.

September 18, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #030: Advice For the Center Strip III

Posted by Hunter

This is SoV #30! Congrats to Jeff on the milestone and thank you to all of you for reading.

Here's Jeff's latest 'advice' column, this time with thoughts on Bellagio, Caesars Palace, Cosmopolitan, Bally's, Aria, Planet Hollywood and Paris.


September 16, 2011

incuBET: Andrew Pascal's New Venture

Posted by Hunter

Sometimes when a nugget or two shakes loose, the next thing you know you've got an avalanche of new info coming in. Thanks to Twitter, Google and some sharp sleuthing from VT super-boss Chuckmonster, some additional details on Andrew Pascal's new social/gaming/tech/entertainment company have come to light.

Meet incuBET (come on guys, spring for the dot-com domain too).

According to the SEC, Pascal, along with former WagerWorks exec Paul Matthews and a third partner, Humam Saknini have raised $5 million for their new venture.

My original thought was that these guys were adding some social elements to existing slot and video-based games - say maybe coming up with new ideas and partnering with an existing device maker like IGT (WagerWorks was sold to IGT and Matthews went on to work there so relationships likely run deep). The sparse incuBET homepage almost makes it sound like they want to inject wagering into 'casual gaming', which is the same code phrase used for games on Facebook, the iPhone and iPad.

Could this be a bigger play than originally thought? Obviously, adding betting to Facebook games wouldn't be legal in the United States under current law... and changing that sounds like a mighty big job... If I was incuBET, I'd at least be thinking about that possibility for the long term, while working under existing law to make slots more appealing to younger gamblers in jurisdictions that allow them.

Will we see something from these guys at G2E? That's only weeks away - time will tell but I'd keep an eye on this group.

September 16, 2011

Former Wynn Boss Pascal Working on Social Gaming?

Posted by Hunter

The scuttlebutt on Twitter this afternoon is that Andrew Pascal, former COO and President of Wynn Las Vegas and Encore, is working on a new startup focused on 'social gaming'. Indeed, a view of his LinkedIn profile indicates perhaps something along those lines. His venture firm's Facebook page includes links to two upcoming products: QRious (I assume some sort of QR code nonsense) and another called MyVegas (as an aside, 'MyVegas' is also the name of the social networking feature on popular travel Web site

The word is that he's started a new company, including former execs from companies like MGM Resorts. That gaming company has reportedly expressed interest in Pascal's new operation and may be the first to roll out any new products they reveal.

Before his stint at Wynn, Pascal ran wagerworks, a startup devoted to online gaming. Pascal is the nephew of Wynn Resorts director Elaine Wynn.

For a long time I've been saying that younger gamblers are pretty bored by slot machines and features like interactions with Facebook, Twitter, etc... seem overdue. Perhaps this is a move in that direction? I've met Pascal a few times but to say I know him would be massively overstating. Still, my impression is that he's a very smart guy and sees the tech blind spot that a lot of these gaming and hospitality companies have.

What is Pascal working on? If you have any info, email us and let us know. Anonymity guaranteed!

September 5, 2011

I'm Vegas Homeless

Posted by Hunter

I've realized recently that I'm Vegas homeless. When I think about it, I probably have been for a long time.

What does being 'Vegas homeless' mean? I lack a consistent home base. There's no hotel I can rely on to offer me a great stay and friendly service at a price that's reasonable. I don't have a single casino in which I concentrate my play. There's no one hotel I care about and no one hotel that cares about me.

More after the jump...

August 31, 2011

Bellagio Room Re-Design: Not As Bad As You Thought

Posted by Hunter

I stayed in a new Bellagio room and I'm telling you all about it.

My photos are here:

The write-up is after the jump.

August 30, 2011

The Plaza (2.0 Beta 1)

Posted by Hunter

I stayed in an updated room at The Plaza this past week, just a few days before the official opening. This is my story.

If you want to see my pictures, they're here:

We're back with part three of Jeff Simpson's 'Advice for The Strip' column here at Simpson on Vegas. In this episode, it's the other side of the Center Strip.

Continue after the jump...

August 17, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #028: Advice For the Center Strip

Posted by Hunter

We're back with part two of Jeff Simpson's 'Advice for The Strip' column here at Simpson on Vegas. This time around it's Venetian, TI, Mirage, Casino Royale and Harrah's.

Continue after the jump...

August 1, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #027: Advice For the North Strip

Posted by Hunter

This time around, Jeff offers up some free advice to casino owners and operators for some of Las Vegas' most iconic properties.

This is the first in a series.

Continue after the jump...

July 24, 2011

Drain the Swamp: Some Daylife Pools Pretty Icky

Posted by Hunter

Ever wondered what might be in the water at pool-clubs like Rehab and Tao Beach? Well, you might be sorry you asked.

The Daily decided to investigate and discovered that just as you might have guessed, some of these places may be a bit less than clean. Urine, 'dissolved solids', etc...


July 19, 2011

Vegas Gang #63 - July 19th, 2011

Posted by Hunter

Episode #63 is up!

Listen here:

This time on the show:

* Our Guest is M Resort President Anthony Marnell III

We have a frank discussion on operating in Las Vegas in this climate, nightlife customers vs. casino customers and more. It's a great talk - you'll enjoy it.

** Sure Bets **

* Alternative Vegas Media
* M Resort
* Spotify
* Nevada Week In Review

July 15, 2011

Former MGM Boss Terry Lanni Dies

Posted by Hunter

Sad news from Jon Ralston that Terry Lanni, the former MGM Mirage boss, has passed away. Lanni had been battling cancer for the past several years. Our thoughts are with his family.

Lanni helped to shepherd the company two through mega-mergers: first with Mirage Resorts and then later, Mandalay Resort Group, creating the most powerful company on The Strip.

His tenure at the head of MGM was not without controversy. A confusing situation regarding his college degrees and the approval of the now-troubled CityCenter project marked the later parts of his career.

I never met Lanni but we did have a mutual friend and the word on Terry was that he was a class act.

More on Lanni:

- Las Vegas Sun
- Las Vegas Review-Journal

- 2008 Interview w/ Steve Friess

June 23, 2011

Vegas Gang #62 - June 23rd, 2011

Posted by Hunter

Episode #62 is up!

Listen here:

Jeff kinda sounds like he was calling from the moon, so sorry about that.

This time on the show:

* Bellagio Re-Design [photos]
* Sahara Sale [photos]
* George Maloof and his Plams
* Atlantic City: Toast?
* Wynn + Adelson Are Buddies
* Predictions

** Sure Bets **

* 'Midnight in Paris'
* Jeff Simpson on Twitter
* Paternity Leave (but stay away from aggressive ducks)
* 'Everything is a Remix'

June 21, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #024: Loveman The Local

Posted by Hunter

Will Gary Loveman expand the Caesars empire (ha ha) into the Las Vegas locals market? That's the theory that our intrepid columnist, Mr. Jeff Simpson, is putting forth in this latest edition of SIMPSON ON VEGAS.

Enjoy after the jump and leave your comments to tell us what you think about this possibility.

June 19, 2011

Return of the Sahara sale

Posted by daveschwartz

Now that it's open to the public, I can't say this is a sneak peak, but I know there are a bunch of folks on here who haven't made it down to the big sell-off yet, so I figured I'd post some more pictures taken Thursday, a few hours after the doors opened.

The fun really gets going after the jump.

It's a lazy Saturday afternoon and that seems like a good opportunity to comment on two stories I saw posted today online.

First off is a note from Howard Stutz in the RJ, indicating that the Maloof's ownership stake in The Palms has been reduced from 85% to 2%. George Maloof remains as property president but for all intents and purposes, the family has comparatively very little stake in the business.

In the past, I've heard Maloof referred to as a gaming operations genius (I might even have said something along these lines myself). How could anyone say that now? The guy was forced to sell off virtually all of his ownership to keep the lights on - if you read between the lines, it sounds like there weren't a lot of other options.

Making money in the go-go era of 2005 wasn't all that tough. It's the operators thriving now and through the crisis that deserve respect.

Personally, if I owned a property, I certainly wouldn't want to get Maloofed.


Second up is a VegasTripping post about the room renovation project at Bellagio, including some photos. These changes have been widely anticipated - as one of the top properties in town, Bellagio's room product should set a standard for Las Vegas luxury.

The series starts out with a hallway shot, showing off new wall coverings and carpet. I agree with Chuck that the carpet color tone change is pretty awesome - I totally dig it. From there though, things go a bit downhill as we get into the room itself.

In my opinion, the bed/sleeping area is a bit of a disaster and given the relatively dramatic change, I expect it to be the most controversial part of this re-design. The headboard/wall combo isn't particularly ugly in a vacuum, it just doesn't fit in with what I've come to expect from Bellagio.

The much hated armoire is gone (good riddance!), replaced by what seems to be a functional, if not beautiful substitute. If this was the worst part of the re-design, this crime scene would be pretty uneventful. Given that Bellagio's rooms are smaller than some of its newer competitors, the large armoire never made any sense from a usability perspective.

In general, I like the overall color scheme and as VT notes, the rooms were way overdue for a change. Still, this feels like all reaction and very little new ground being covered. How long until these updates feel old and dated?

Coming up with a room design that fits Bellagio's language and overall message but that also can delight the changing tastes of luxury customers is certainly a challenge but I'm not sure that was even attempted here. What I see is a buffet of recent design choices taken from Bellagio's top competitors. There have been many signs over the years that MGM-folk don't really get what Bellagio is all about - what makes it special. So far, this is looking like it might be another one.

I'm saying these things without having yet stayed in the new rooms. It's possible there are super-secret hidden features that aren't obvious from these photos. Who knows, maybe the bed gives out free blow jobs or something. Absent that, so far I'm leaning towards seeing this as another example of a company that's lost it's way... That said, I'll try 'em for sure.

June 6, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #023: Examining CityCenter

Posted by Hunter

CityCenter has now been open for about 18 months.

This time around, Jeff looks at how things are going for MGM with their gigantic project.

May 24, 2011

Landry's Marina takeover just as predicted

Posted by daveschwartz

Landry's Inc. a Houston-based company that owns a full spread of restaurant chains and Downtown Las Vegas and Laughlin's Golden Nuggets, has officially taken ownership of the now-former Trump Marina and will be putting about $100 million into renovating it. Meanwhile, a vaunted plan to allow "mini-casinos" has resulted in exactly zero construction to date. That's exactly what anyone would have predicted when the mini-casino concept was first mooted, and it's a good sign that some operators, at least, see some upside in the market.

First, some history. Steve Wynn's AC Golden Nugget opened in 1980--it was the first Atlantic City casino to be built new from the ground up, not a patch-and-paint job of an existing hotel. Wynn was young, charismatic, and with the help of Frank Sinatra and many others, made the Nugget the Atlantic City casino for high rollers. Wynn was a hero in Atlantic City: one year, he gave all of his managers new cars as bonuses, which made him an absolute legend. But in 1987, frustrated with the regulatory regime, he sold the Golden Nugget to Bally's. If you want to hear a good first-hand account of the change-over, listen to my podcast interview with Roger Gros, who describes the tears shed when Steve left town. The Golden Nugget become Bally's Grand, then The Grand: A Bally's Casino Resort, then the Atlantic City Hilton. [Personal history: My first job inside a casino was working in the Bally's Grand ice cream parlor back in 1989. And I left a ton of quarters in the old Golden Nugget arcade before that. So you could say this was the first casino I spent a substantial amount of time in.]

Across town, Hilton Hotels started building a hotel-casino on the marina in the early 1980s. By 1985, they had it ready to open, with signs installed and matchbooks printed with the Hilton name, when the Casino Control Commission denied the company a license for doing business with Sidney Korshak, a Chicago attorney with reputed mob ties. Donald Trump, who was in the midst of a struggle for control over what became Trump Plaza with Holiday Inn/Harrah's, bought the nearly-finished Hilton and renamed it Trump's Castle. This was both a way for him to expand his casino holdings and for him to strike against Harrah's, whose Harrah's Marina was across the street.

Trump's Castle lasted until 1997, when, after a plan to rebrand it as a Hard Rock casino fell through, it became Trump Marina. For years it was the runt of the Trump Entertainment Resorts litter. Back in 2008 Trump almost sold it for $318 million--it would have become a Margaritaville casino. Landry's paid a cool $38 million and is planning to put $100 million--not the $150 million that was thrown around before the sale became final--into a complete renovation.

So it turns out that, for $138 million, Landry's gets a spiffy "new" casino hotel with about 1,000 rooms, 70 table games, and 2,000 slots (give or take). Considering Encore Beach Club alone cost about $70 million, that seems like a pretty good deal.

And let's compare it to the "mini-casinos" that were supposed to be Atlantic City's savior. I spent a lot of time trying to debunk the idea that the proposed mini-casinos are feasible, let alone will bring the salvation of Atlantic City.

These mini-casinos are limited to 20,000 square feet and can be built with only 200 hotel rooms instead of the previously-required 500. Back in March 2010, when the idea was first floated, I did ran a few cursory numbers and determined that, with casinos that size, the projects would be difficult to keep open if someone waved a magic wand and created them; there was no way that they'd ever be able to pay for their construction. The money just wouldn't be there.

Meanwhile, rumors were flying that certain operators were going to come to town and spend $300 million--no, make that $450 million--on building a mini-casino. In a blog post that would surely make me a modern Nostradamus if I wasn't saying anything that wasn't completely obvious to anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of business and no vested interest in the outcome, I posited a hypothetical scenario: why build a $300 million mini-casino when Trump Marina could be had for $75 million?

This is what I wrote back in 2010:


So instead of starting from scratch and investing $300 million in a new facility with one-quarter of the revenue potential, why not just buy Trump Marina and renovate it-really renovate, almost beyond recognition? Even if you put $100 million into it, you're still saving money, and you've got a much bigger, with way more potential upside.

Comparison shopping in AC


As it turns out, that's exactly what Landry's is doing. And we've yet to see ground break on one of the two now-permitted mini-casinos. And, as I said earlier this year when mini-casinos were approved, "Paying fourteen times the price for less than one-quarter of the footprint is beyond delusional."

Looking around the market, there are still opportunities. Caesars Entertainment has four properties in Atlantic City--about 40% of the market. I'm sure they'd be willing to spin off the Showboat if they could find a willing buyer. In 2011, it doesn't really add anything to the company except more rooms and slots. Bally's/Wild Wild West/Claridge has a huge footprint and lots of potential should the market turn around, Caesars is the prestige brand (and now corporate namesake), and Harrah's is the second-best performer property in town, behind Borgata. So Showboat would probably be available if the money was there, and if it's not already encumbered by a debt agreement.

The Atlantic City Hilton's woes have been well-documented, and with the Tropicana under Icahn's control, that's easily the most vulnerable, and the only one that's officially on the market. Anyone got $30 million burning a hole in their pocket? If you had the money to invest in improvements and marketing, it could be a solid buy.

Basically, what happened to Trump Marina is proof that, if the economics are right, there are still operators willing to invest in Atlantic City--and you don't need mini-casinos to persuade them to dip their toe in the water.

May 11, 2011

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #021: When The Fun Stops

Posted by Hunter

Yeah, so this isn't about gambling addiction but I couldn't resist the use of the headline on everyone's favorite in-casino pamphlet.

Jeff's back with the latest installment of his column and this time around, it's looking at a common thread in recent casino corp conference calls: a reduction in comps to rated players.

The article is after the jump.

May 4, 2011

April 2011 Trip Notes (Cosmopolitan, et al)

Posted by Hunter

Some notes from my trip, now two weeks past:

- Hotel: Stayed at Cosmopolitan and tried their lowest end room product, the City Room (which I believe is the only room offered with two beds). I took my brother along on this trip, who is 29. This was his first experience at the Cosmopolitan and he absolutely loved it. Everything from the design, to the room to the pool - right up his alley. It was interesting to see the place through someone else's (significantly less jaded) eyes.

- Cosmo: Generally, things went well. The room was clean and we got in right way. I visited the spa and while I appreciated the design, the attendant allowed towels and used cups to stack up all over the place and they didn't have any combs or brushes for your hair. Weird. In the casino, I was informed that none of the bars have Stolichnaya Vodka (they have flavors but not the normal stuff). It's such a common brand, that seemed odd to me as well. Service was pretty good throughout the resort. Friendly workers and lots of curious folks wandering the property. I didn't see a lot of gaming action.

- Food: Hit some places I'd already been or had been recommended to me: China Poblano (twice - so good), Tacos al Gordo (near Encore ; very good taco stand style - highly recommended. It seems their new Strip outlet was a surprise to some based on the Twitter reactions), Steak and Shake (South Coast ; was fun and worthwhile but the line was loooooong). Drinks at Sinatra where we had a long talk with the bartender - he'd actually served The Chairman long ago.

- CityCenter: Took my bro through CityCenter for the first time. He's an artist and really appreciated the work they've installed around the campus. He didn't care for The Crystals very much though ("this place is a disaster. WTF?")

- Construction: Ruffin is removing more of the TI lagoon to add a Starbucks and some sort of margarita debacle. The area being torn up is the southern tip, between the porte-cochere and the front of the hotel. Further down The Strip, the Tropicana is looking more 'finished' - less jarring moments as you move from a renovated part of the hotel to one that hasn't been touched. At Cosmo, Blue Ribbon was having it's floors replaced (it's since re-opened) - in talking to employees, it sounds like it was pretty dramatic when that pipe broke (I can't believe we haven't seen any random customer video). The Sugar Factory at Paris is just as ugly as I expected it to be.

- Sahara: Went by for what might be the last time. It was medium busy in the casino but the employees looked pretty sad and tired. Being in there was a bit of a bummer but I'm glad I got the opportunity to take some pictures.

- Crowds: This was a Tuesday and Wednesday night but it was crowded. There were people everywhere. Nice to see.

- Vegas Video Network's Pub Crawl: On Wednesday, I went to a taping of Pub Crawl at the Vegas Video Network studio. This was a lot of fun and if you're a fan of the show, you should consider it on your next trip. Everyone was super friendly and they're a laugh riot. Bring booze.

I took a load of photos. They're available here in case you want to see them.

A couple of great new choice Steve Wynn quotes in this RJ piece:

"They started CityCenter on all debt alone. It was luck they bumped into those guys from Dubai," he said. "They gave them $5.4 billion. It's gone. How could you lose $5.4 billion here, you've got to be an imbecile or a moron."

and also, on Cosmo:

"The place is worth $500 million," he said. "It will throw off $40 million to $50 million at nine times earnings. That's 10 percent of what it cost."

Oh, BTW - congrats Steve!

Read the whole piece here

Jeff's back with his latest piece and this time he's examining the performance and challenges facing The Cosmopolitan.

Click through for the full text, it's a good read.

I was just at Cosmo last week for another stay. I've got a bunch of scribbles and other notes that I'm (slowly) working to turn into a piece of my own.

Anyway, enjoy!

Word is starting to get around that the FBI has seized the Internet domains of popular online poker sites including Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars and Absolute Poker.

According to CNBC's Twitter account, the companies have been charged with 'Fraud, Illegal Gambling'.

While some users may still be able to reach the sites in question (Internet DNS changes take time to propagate, especially when they're... uh, unscheduled), that won't last. The domains have been seized by the FBI's Cyber Initiative and Resource Fusion Unit.

This is pretty huge.

We've been talking about online poker and Nevada gaming companies getting into bed with these folks... Well, if they're convicted, I have a feeling we won't be seeing anytime soon.

More to come on this and I'll update with more details as they're available.

Update: The US Attorney's press release.

One thing that's not clear at the moment is what is going to happen to customer funds that were on deposit with these sites. As of right now, they're unavailable for withdrawal.

If you want to follow the discussion in the poker community, have a look at these forum posts.

Update: After a bit of a delay, the Vegas papers have stories up:

April 14, 2011

Citizen Kirk

Posted by Hunter

It's the end of an era... sort of.

MGM Resorts International founder and primary shareholder is stepping down from it's board of directors in June.

Kerkorian built the largest hotel in Las Vegas three times with The International, the original MGM Grand and then the MGM Grand we know today. Inextricably linked with Las Vegas, his fortunes have risen and fallen with Southern Nevada's.

What does this mean for MGM and Las Vegas? Probably not a whole lot will change. While it seems clear Kerkorian has served as an advisor to Murren and Lanni before him, it doesn't sound like that advisory relationship will change much, at least in the near term. If MGM executives could convince the board to go ahead with CityCenter, they're pretty much being allowed to do whatever they want over there anyway.

In an interview with the LA Times, Sahara 'operator' Sam Nazarian claims that the plan all along was to close the hotel for renovations and for it to re-open in 2014 as "SLS Las Vegas, with six restaurants and two nightclubs".

"We've spent $30 million in design development drives; we're shovel-ready," said Nazarian, who formed his company in 2002 with proceeds from real estate investments as well as a wireless telecommunications company he sold. "If we were admitting defeat we would have admitted it.",0,5536847.story

Uh-huh. A few questions:

- What exactly has he spent $30 million on designing?
- Why no mention of the secret plan when the resort's closing was announced?
- How much will this renovation cost? He's only got three years so unless he's not going for major upgrades, work had better start by the end of 2011 if he wants to make 2014.
- Who is going to lend him this money and put cash into a North Strip property that is neighbors to a dirt lot and the ugliest unfinished building in America?

As Jeff said on Twitter - "I'm skeptical. Very."

April 13, 2011

MGM Resorts Takes Majority Share of Macau Operation

Posted by Hunter

An IPO for MGM's Macau has been long rumored and we finally have details on how the deal will be structured - MGM's stake will actually increase by 1% to give them a 51% majority control position.

MGM's sometimes controversial partner, Ms. Pansy Ho, will have her stake reduced to 29% while the remaining 20% is sold to the public. In a related transaction, Ho will purchase $300 million in MGM notes.

Bloomberg has the details and MGM has their official press release.

I actually spent the morning reading the Wynn Macau annual report and while there are few zingers (Cotai still hasn't been approved by the government despite Steve basically saying 'any day now' during the last conference call), the one inescapable fact is how much money they are making over there. It's staggering.

MGM historically hasn't been as successful in Macau as Wynn but that's been on an uptick and being able consolidate the affiliated company on their books should help their financial picture.

Here's Jeff Simpson's take on the morning's news:

MGM Resorts made an important announcement about its Macau joint venture this morning, a deal that I think will be a big plus for the Strip's biggest operator. In a deal with partner Pansy Ho, the JV will sell 21 percent of its ownership shares in an initial public offering -- all supplied from Ho's current 50 percent stake in MGM China. 18 percent of MGM China's shares will be sold through the proposed IPO and another 3 percent will be made available as an over-allotment -- all 21 percent will come from Ho's half-stake in the JV. MGM Resorts will buy an additional one percent of MGM China shares, that coming from the over-allotment. The proceeds of the IPO and of MGM Resorts purchase of the additional 1 percent stake in MGM China go to Ho. Ho, in turn, has agreed to buy $300 million of MGM Resorts senior debt. The deal and the IPO, if approved by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, will result in:

* MGM Resorts upping its stake in the MGM China joint venture from a 50 percent stake to a 51 percent stake.

* Public shareholders will own 20 percent of the JV.

* Ho's stake in the JV will drop from 50 percent to 29 percent.

This is a great deal for MGM Resorts as it allows them to take control of their Macau JV without diluting its ownership stake because of the IPO. MGM Resorts also is spared having to dig deep to buy out the stake Ho is selling into the IPO. The deal also conveniently allows Ho, who now has a significantly increased stake in and probable operational control of her father's market-leading casino company, SJM, to dilute her MGM China stake and reduce conflict-of-interest concerns.

The challenge for MGM Resorts will be to continue its slow improvement in Macau operations, increasing its market share while Ho's allegiance and contacts will likely increasingly favor SJM.

In a separate deal, the Michael Jackson estate and Cirque du Soleil announced a long-rumored joint-venture to produce two Jackson-themed shows, one of which will tour and the other of which will take up residency in a Strip showroom of an MGM Resorts hotel [ed: most assume this will probably be Mandalay Bay or, less likely, Monte Carlo]. I imagine the Las Vegas show will be a success and will be a plus for all three entities (MGM, CdS and the Jackson estate), the glut of CdS shows notwithstanding.

Jeff's back and we're talking about poker again this time around. Since the last post went up, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has weighed in with a letter to the author of AB258 that makes his position fairly clear.

The letter is available here from the Las Vegas Sun.

What did the mainstream media miss when analyzing this development? Continue on for Jeff's take on how this impacts this issue.

Update: According to Channel 8, an amended version of the bill made it out of committee and is heading to the Assembly floor.

April 4, 2011

How Is This Gonna Work Exactly?

Posted by Hunter

From a story in today's Las Vegas Sun about sportsbook apps coming to smartphones:

After launching its first application for BlackBerry phones in September, the company has introduced the application for Android and will soon be compatible with iPhones.

Apple requires all App Store bound apps to go through an approval process. They don't tell us where these reviewers are but most people seem to think they're in California, Massachusetts and Texas. Per state law, this app only works inside Nevada's borders.

Is Apple going to come out to Nevada just to review this app? If so, that's not an option that is generally available to other developers and would obviously cost money. Is Leroy's going to break gaming regulations to allow Apple's testers to opt out of the location targeting? Maybe some sort of simulated test mode that tries to straddle both requirements?

This issue may be unique to the iPhone and thus maybe not all that interesting of a story in the general sense... but it shows how technology is intersecting with gaming almost continuously these days. Perhaps telling is the fact that Apple removed specific language that prohibited gambling apps several months back, opening the door to non-simulated wagering.

On this topic, I'm certain that there is more to come.

Cosmo has filed it's first 10-K for the year 2010. This comprises a year of opening expense but only 17 days of operations.

More analysis to come (I'm hoping Dave and/or Jeff will share their takes and I may have more to say too) but a few interesting figures:

We incurred a net loss for the year ended December 31, 2010 of $139.5 million


The Company's gaming revenues were $4.3 million for the 17 days of operations during the 2010 fiscal year. Non-gaming gross revenues over the same period were $14.0m. The Company's gross room revenues were approximately $4.2 million. Average daily rate ("ADR") and occupancy for that period were $319 and 97.8%, respectively, generating revenues per available room ("REVPAR") of $312. Other non-gaming revenues included gross food and beverage revenues of approximately $9.3 million and convention and retail revenues, including the spa and salon, of approximately $0.5 million.
Revenues for the 17 days of operations in 2010 include retail value of accommodations, food and beverage, and other services furnished to our guests without charge. These amounts totaled $7.6 million and, in accordance with industry practice, have been deducted from revenues as promotional allowances.

Perhaps some of this stuff will show up on EBay?

We recorded an expense of $10.1 million in 2010 primarily relating to certain construction in progress ("CIP") related assets that we deemed had no future value to the Company. These abandoned assets consisted primarily of fixtures and furnishings, including assets which were in various stages of completion at our suppliers, as well as cancellation fees charged by some suppliers against deposits held by them. These assets were identified following the finalization of certain interior designs in the period leading up to the opening of the Property on December 15, 2010.

A big chunk of 2010's expenses were advertising related:

Total advertising costs were $44.3 million, $0.1 million and $0, respectively, for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 and the period from July 30, 2008 (inception) to December 31, 2008.

Looks like John's taking home $800k per year:

The annual base salaries for Mr. Unwin and Mr. Burge have been set at $800,000 and $400,000, respectively.

That makes him a bit of a bargain, especially compared to his neighbor, Jimbo Murren, whose salary, not including stock or bonus, was $2.0 million in 2009.

If the hotel is sold, they want Unwin to stay...

Each of Mr. Unwin and Mr. Burge is entitled to earn a retention bonus based on continued employment through the date on which a sale of The Cosmopolitan is consummated. If, during the term of their respective employment agreements, The Cosmopolitan is sold to an unrelated third party and their employment has not terminated as of the completion of such sale, Mr. Unwin and Mr. Burge shall be paid a retention bonus of $4,500,000 and $1,000,000, respectively, within 60 days following the completion of the sale.

... and if it's shutdown, he still cashes in:

Similarly, if at any time during the term of their respective employment agreements, each of Mr. Unwin and Mr. Burge's employment is terminated due to a shutdown of The Cosmopolitan, they shall be paid 100% of their respective retention bonus.

As for the data itself, 17 days isn't much to work with... But, given the past few years of property openings, we do have some other resorts we can compare against.

According to the Las Vegas Sun, Aria generated operating income of $7m during it's first 15 days of operation. Aria is a much larger hotel than Cosmo though neither were able to ramp up all their rooms out of the gate. As Aria headed into the first quarter of 2010, it famously had occupancy of only 63%.

Wynn Resorts reports WLV and Encore together so we don't have specific figures for the latter, which opened in late 2008.

UPDATE: Dr. Dave here. Here are some of my thoughts.

It's notoriously difficult to evaluate opening numbers like these; there's never enough information to make a good comparison. What's a "good" gaming revenue number for a casino that's opening without a legacy player database? What kind of F&B numbers should the place be pulling in? There aren't any real benchmarks, which is kind of scary when you think about it. People invest billions in building these things and don't have any way to define what makes them a success. Or at least no definition that they'll share with the public.

In the absence of those kinds of apples to apples comparisons, I figured the best thing to do would be to take the daily average in each of the categories that Cosmopolitan reported and compare it to something I have: the daily average revenues for big ($72 mil plus in annual gaming revenue) Strip casinos for fiscal 2010. If you want to see that report, it's over here (pdf).

Here's what I found--all numbers are in thousands of dollars.

As you can see, the Cosmopolitan's got a lot of heavy lifting to do. In gaming, it woefully underperformed, lagging the Strip average by a whopping 55%. I'm not totally sure whether the casino took that million dollar hit from baccarat cheaters in December or January, so that might be skewing the results.

In rooms, it's also underperforming, but that's not surprising since it didn't have all of its rooms online.

The big surprise is food and beverage; here, the Cosmopolitan significantly outperformed the Strip average, by 172%. Of course, you might have casinos like Circus Circus and Riviera in the group, so it's hard to compare these numbers with, say, Aria, Bellagio, or Wynncore. But with this limited data, it looks like the "new to market food and beverage concepts" (I've got that burned into my brain now) are a success.

"Other" revenue is mostly retail and entertainment, and since the Cosmopolitan's big theater isn't yet open, and it doesn't have a staple show that will consistently bring in big bucks, this isn't a surprise.

So all in all, it's hard to say exactly what's going on, but judging from what we see here, in December the Cosmopolitan struggled with its casino, about par with its rooms, doing great with f&b, and straggling along with everything else.

March 28, 2011

Riviera financials show North Strip's plight

Posted by daveschwartz

Riviera Holdings Corp, the company that owns the bankrupt Riviera casino hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, recently released its annual report. The company had a rough year, and a look at the financial reports from the last few years sheds some light on why the casino's in such trouble, and why the Sahara is closing.

(more after the jump)

March 27, 2011

Vegas Mate Stats - March 2011

Posted by Hunter

I'm back with another peek at the stats collected by Vegas Mate, my iOS app for all things Vegas. Traffic in the app is up again this month, which is always nice.

Over the past thirty days, Vegas Mate usage has broken down as follows - most viewed hotels:

1. Aria (5.73% - Last Month: #1)
2. Bellagio (5.45% - Last Month: #3)
3. Caesars Palace (4.39% - Last Month: #4)
4. Cosmopolitan (4.31% - Last Month: #2)
5. MGM Grand (4.04% - Last Month: #6)
6. The Venetian (3.59% - Last Month: #5)
7. The Mirage (3.22% - Last Month: #9)
8. Wynn Las Vegas (3.09% - Last Month: #7)
9. Planet Hollywood (2.90% - Last Month: #8)
10. Mandalay Bay (2.72% - Last Month: #10)

A few interesting points:

* Cosmo fell from #2 to #4.
* Aria remains in the top spot.
* The Mirage zoomed up two spots.

Compared to last month, the top 10 represented a smaller share of the overall pie, indicating less concentration amongst the top properties.

The least popular? Fiesta Henderson. The least popular on The Strip was the Four Seasons.

In restaurants, the Buffet at Bellagio was again the most popular, followed by the Wynn Buffet, Aria's buffet and then Craftsteak. The top ten restaurants are four buffets, two cafes and four fine dining places.

The most popular shows? Peepshow followed by O, Garth Brooks and Jabbawockeez.

March 24, 2011

MGM Who?

Posted by Hunter

It's obvious that Steve sees WYNN as the spiritual successor to Mirage Resorts, not MGM Resorts International:

As a company that has safely conducted gaming in the US for more than 40 years, we believe that the same can be done for poker on the internet

From the Wynn Resorts press release today about their alliance with

Wynn Resorts was founded in 2002 (though some of it's subsidiaries existed as far back as 2000).

March 23, 2011

AB 258: Legal Online Poker in Nevada

Posted by daveschwartz

A bill currently on the floor of the Nevada legislature's getting a lot of attention. AB 258 would legalize online poker in the state of Nevada and, with the consent of partner states, outside it as well.I thought I'd look at the text of the bill and share my thoughts.

More after the jump...

March 19, 2011

Dr. Dave: Thoughts on Bacc & Pennies

Posted by daveschwartz

Last week, one of the local dailies ran a story reporting on the latest trend: baccarat and penny slots are big revenue producers for casinos, particularly on the Las Vegas Strip.

Great story, but it's about 6 months out of date--at least where baccarat's concerned. And, as a look at the numbers will show, the ascendancy of the penny slot is hardly news. There's a real story in here, but it's not the one you read in the paper--and it's not necessarily a good one for Nevada gaming.

(More after the jump)

March 11, 2011

VegasTripping Pegs Sahara Closing Before MSM

Posted by Hunter

My friends at nailed a big story and this time they got it before it was reported in either of the big Vegas newspapers.

Nice work Chuck.

Oh, and by the way, The Sahara is closing May 16th.

Las Vegas Sun


March 1, 2011

Federales Investigate Las Vegas Sands

Posted by Hunter

Ok, so it's the US, not Mexico... I just really wanted to say 'Federales'. Anyway, here's the deal...

It seems the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the US Department of Justice (DoJ) have decided to investigate Las Vegas Sands under the provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This investigation came to light in Sands 10-K, filed today.

It seems that allegations by Steve Jacobs, a former exec at Sands China Limited (LVS subsidiary) triggered this investigation. He alleges all sorts of shady and underhanded dealings, some supposedly instigated by the head Rascal operator himself, Mr. Sheldon G. Adelson.

No way to know if any of Jacob's allegations are true - he clearly has an axe to grind with the brain-trust at the MEGACENTERâ„¢. Still, would it surprise anyone to find out if this really was how business was conducted over there? Secret investigations of your enemies? Bribes? Kinda exactly how I imagine things might work when billions are on the line and your regulator is a semi-corrupt authoritarian state. But hey, what do I know...

Can't wait to see what happens... My bet is probably nothing. The SEC doesn't really have a great track record when it comes to busting real financial criminals.

February 27, 2011

Hotel Popularity Expressed as Vegas Mate Usage

Posted by Hunter

I've been collecting anonymous stats of Vegas Mate usage since October. For those familiar, they work sort of like Web stats - basically treating screens in the app as 'pages'. I added the analytics to make better informed decisions when enhancing the product but one interesting side effect is seeing what people are looking at.

What's the most popular hotel in Vegas Mate? I thought it might be fun to look at the data...

Over the past thirty days, Vegas Mate usage has broken down as follows:

1. Aria (6.59%)
2. Cosmopolitan (6.28%)
3. Bellagio (5.83%)
4. Caesars Palace (4.77%)
5. The Venetian (4.05%)
6. MGM Grand (3.97%)
7. Wynn Las Vegas (3.67%)
8. Planet Hollywood (3.19%)
9. The Mirage (3.17%)
10. Mandalay Bay (2.93%)

The top ten represent about 45% of the total hotels viewed - there's still quite a bit of activity all the way along the curve. I was interested to see Aria sticking in that top spot, despite a strong surge from Cosmo.

Beyond the hotel stuff, Vegas Tripping is the most popular news provider, followed by Two Way and then Tasting Las Vegas.

Fun stuff.

I may do some of these posts on a semi-regular basis, we'll see.

This time on the show:

Mr. DeRuyter Butler, Executive Vice President of Architecture @ Wynn Design & Development is our special guest.

We discuss Cotai, Fontainebleau, his role at Wynn D&D as well as CityCenter and challenges of working in China. Plus, we find out that Sheldon has been giving us all the middle finger since 1999.

This is a 'don't miss' interview.

If you love casino design, construction and all the thinking behind it, check it out.

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

Jeff's latest column delves into the Hard Rock settlement with the NGC.

Interestingly, in the past few days the Hard Rock has been in the news as it appears it is heading into foreclosure. We'll discuss that story and others on the Vegas Gang this week.

Keep reading after the jump... and yes, I skipped thirteen on purpose.

January 28, 2011

Maybe You Guys Should Try Staying In The Hotel?

Posted by Hunter

I'm a bit of a daydreamer sometimes.

I love wandering the casino floor and when I do, I often think up crazy schemes and ideas about what I'd do if I ran the place.

One of these strokes of brilliance (!) came the last time I was staying at Wynn Las Vegas, strolling through the beautiful Tower Suites lobby.

If I was running one of these hotels, I'd require every single one of my managers to stay a few days in the hotel each year. Eat in the restaurants, use the spa, go to the pool, etc... You see things differently as a guest, even if you're already on property every day going to your office.

Sure, a lot of resort employees have done all of the above as part of an opening routine and some eat in the outlets frequently. I'm talking about a concrete program, done without fanfare or as some sort of special event.

Perhaps the higher up you go, the more nights per year you're supposed to spend doing this sort of thing - and I'm not talking about checking into villas or eating at Alex - it's more important to stay in the cheapest and most popular rooms, eating in the more reasonably priced restaurants. It's as a guest you see the little bits of damage and problems with the rooms, service and facilities that you'd never notice during a quick walk-through.

And for what it's worth, I don't mean a stunt like this, though that does sound humorous and I'm sure I'll watch it.

Do any of The Strip properties already do this? I've never heard of a similar program but maybe I've missed it. Do other large hotel companies do this?

Just a little quick update - these guys should be staying in their competitor's hotels too. The VP of Hotel Ops at XYZCore should be staying at the Arias, Bellagios, and Mandalay Bays of the world, as part of their job.

January 24, 2011

Ho Passes Reins to Macau Casino Empire

Posted by Hunter

This seems inevitable.

Stanley Ho, at one time the singular Macau casino kingpin, has transferred control of STDM/SJM to entities controlled by his family.

Ho's grip seems to have lessened in recent years as the businessman had ailed in hospital for some time after a fall.

These ownership shifts are interesting, partly because we don't know what changes might be in store but also because one of his daughters, Pansy, is MGM Resorts' business parter in the MGM Grand Macau project. That relationship got the company into some hot water with New Jersey regulators due to her complicated relationship with her father.

Here ya go folks, the latest Simpson on Vegas, via our good friend Jeff Simpson.

This column is all about the little annoyances on the casino floor - it's a great look at the little things that bug Jeff (and a lot of these bug me too)... Plus, we get to publish the term 'craps superstar' - a new job description is born!


January 16, 2011

Pocket Park: CityCenter Crown Jewel, Ripped to Shreds

Posted by Hunter

Big thanks to mofobes of This Ain't Iowa for posting a photo tonight of a disemboweled Pocket Park at Aria.

Huh? Jimbo's favorite part of the whole complex, all ripped to bits?

Perhaps just a little 13 month renovation? That is the normal schedule to renovate a resort feature, after all - we all know that.

Update: A few more photos:

January 10, 2011

Vegas Gang #56 - January 10th, 2011

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* Trippies 2010
* Alex Closes @ Wynn Las Vegas
* Plams LovesMan - Maloof Downfall?
* Social Media Abuse - Bubble Bursting?

** Sure Bets **

* Stratosphere
* Netflix
* Wynn Las Vegas room re-design
* El Cortez
* Professional Brakes
* NYT Disunion Series
* AC Revenue Numbers

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

Happy holidays to all!

Jeff is back with a special column, and while prostitutes and lawsuits might not be traditional Christmas fodder, I recommend reading anyway. Come on, you know you're stuck with your relatives and probably bored out of your mind right about now, right?

Enjoy... and who doesn't want an Adelson voodoo doll? Last minute gift idea!


So, here's my 4,200 word set of notes on my stay last week at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

I hope you enjoy it - please leave your comments below.

If you want to see photos from my stay, a complete gallery is located here.

Keep reading after the jump.

December 18, 2010

Vegas Gang #55 - December 16th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

Our special guest this week is Steve Friess of The Strip Podcast.

This time on the show:

* The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Opens

* Vegas Gang 'Sure Bets'

* Dr. Dave's Jay Sarno Book
* Cosmo Pizzeria
* McCarran Airport (LAS)
* The Traditional Las Vegas Sports-book
* Holstein's @ Cosmo

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

December 17, 2010

You Always Remember Your First Time

Posted by Hunter

That could almost be a headline on the cover of Cosmo, the magazine. As you might have guessed though, this is about The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, which opened this week on the Las Vegas Strip.

My two night stay was pretty bumpy and based on the experiences of others, it sounds like I was not alone.

What sort of problems?

Well, I plan to write another post with more detail on this topic but to give you a flavor: our room wasn't ready until three hours after we were told to arrive for check-in, neither of the TVs in our room worked properly (one of them could not be shut off without being unplugged and on the other you couldn't change channels), neither bathroom had a bathmat so water made the marble floor very slippery, we did not receive the turn-down service either night we were there, and the TV couldn't be used for many of the built in services such as checkout and reviewing of messages.

That's a partial list of the problems I recorded with the room. It doesn't include any of the good stuff either - that will be in a dedicated post about the room and the stay that discusses some of the great things about the design and a few things that really bugged me from a functional standpoint.

The question I want to ask is this: what should a guest expect of a brand new hotel and how should a brand new hotel market itself before it is running like a finely tuned machine? Are opening night guests asking for abuse? Should new hotels make disclaimers or offer discounts?

To set the stage for this discussion, I'd like to include a few important bits of information about this week:

* The per night rate for the Cosmopolitan this week was significantly higher than comparable rooms at other Strip resorts (traditionally this is a very slow time of the year).
* The front desk staff told us that all the rooms had been extensively checked for problems prior to any guests checking in. It's hard to imagine how this could be correct given some of the basic issues like TVs not working.
* Cosmo CEO John Unwin was quoted in several interviews saying the staff was ready and excited to open the doors and to welcome guests. If anything, I'd say expectations were raised in the pre-opening press, not lowered.
* There was no disclaimer or notice to incoming guests that kinks were still being worked out and that they may need to be patient, etc...

Based on the comments on Chuck's post and some of the stuff I read on Twitter, I get the impression that some folks believe that this is just what happens with new hotels and the first guests should just deal with it. Maybe most people feel that way - I'd like to find out.

I think it's an interesting question but for me it boils down to getting what you pay for - they promised a lot and didn't deliver on that promise, at least in terms of hotel operations. Based on that, I think that the complaints are justified, even if we're not talking about curing cancer here.

None of the problems I encountered are even close to terminal. If they pivot and fix these issues, then this will be a distant memory in no time. Early signs indicate that they're serious about raising their game. We'll see.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

December 15, 2010

Technology Is On Stage at Cosmo

Posted by Hunter

One of the things I've noticed as I've been touring Cosmo are the interesting uses of technology in the new resort.

As CEO John Unwin would say, as a new company, they are free of legacy tech. The result is interesting uses of the latest and greatest. A few examples:

* LED/LCD displays are everywhere, not just for ESPN but for tons of art from Chicago firm Digital Kitchen.

* The casino floor way-finding machines are not only touch based but also include a slot, video poker and table game finder based on several criteria including denomination and game type.

* Each check-in desk has an embedded iPad, tuned to a special 'guest services' app. Right now this appears to only be the Cosmo Web site but I expect this to expand over time. I was tempted to install the Aria app for kicks but I restrained myself.

* The in-room TV allows you not only to view info about the resort but also the acts appearing in venues like Marquee and Book and Stage, as well as the ability to show a personalized itinerary of your activities on property. This is a few steps beyond anything we've seen in-room elsewhere in Las Vegas.

* Much of the digital art is generative, meaning it deviates from its baseline using stimuli from the environment - for instance, the digital pillars in the lobby will animate more bubbles as you walk by, based on sensors in the base.

That's just a taste but for a nerd like me, I love this stuff. I've gotten a hint of some of the backend software they're using and I hope to bring you some detailed information on that soon.

December 15, 2010

Welcome to The Fabulous Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

I'm on the ground this week for the Cosmo opening and today was my second chance to tour the property, this time in a more extended fashion than last week. It was great to be able to spend a little more time and really check things out.

I'm still excited. The rooms really are drop dead gorgeous and the terrace views from the upper floors are insane. They make you gasp when you step out for the first time.

I've posted a bunch of photos as well as a video. Enjoy.

I also got a chance to join a David Rockwell interview with Blackjacker1979. Rockwell had a hand in a large amount of the property design. That should be posted soon - it's only about ten minutes but was quite interesting. Thanks to Eric for letting barge in.

Hotel check-in is tomorrow afternoon starting at 1pm, followed by a chance to try some nibbles from the various restaurants. The curtain goes up for the public at 8pm - I'll be at the craps tables.

Can't wait!

December 12, 2010

Cosmopolitan Opening: Coverage This Week

Posted by Hunter

The big week is here - Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas opens on Wednesday. I'll be in town most of the week to cover the event for for my favorite Internet readers, you.

The fun starts on Tuesday with another set of tours and interviews, continues on Wednesday with a ribbon cutting ceremony and then wraps up at 8pm when the doors are open to the public.

Two Way HQ will be setup in my Cosmo suite so that I can bring you all photos, video and commentary from me and a bunch of other interesting folks too. Should be fun and it's the last one of these we'll get to do for awhile.

For those that are also in town, there are several meet-ups planned:

12/14 10:11pm Mandarin Bar - Mandarin Oriental

12/15 6:11pm Chandelier - The Cosmopolitan


12/15 11:11pm Vesper - The Cosmopolitan

12/15 1:11am Bond - The Cosmopolitan

Hope to see you there.

In addition to the opening coverage, I'll be performing a final round of 'boots on the ground' testing for Vegas Mate 3.0, which is about to be completed.

December 10, 2010

UPDATED: Cosmopolitan: Different That Matters?

Posted by Hunter

I'm writing this post several hours after getting my first look at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas with my good friend Chuckmonster, following an interview with CEO John Unwin. Let's be honest - the hype machine surrounding the opening has been running overtime for the past few weeks. Cosmo has been getting a lot of ink, most of it positive, even if tentative. I won't be coy: I was impressed with what I saw. In some cases, very impressed.

Given that, when discussing this new property I think it's useful to turn back the clock a year. When I first toured Aria in November of 2009, I found a few things I liked there too. Based on my glance today, there's more to appreciate in the design and innovation of Cosmo than there ever was at Aria but it underlines a fundamental truth: without great service, no hotel will matter very much to any customers that matter very much.

We saw a lot today and to be honest, I'm still processing everything.

One thing though, stood out so dramatically that I can't stop thinking about it - the views, from the terraces in the tower to the restaurant patios to the windows overlooking the lake at Bellagio from the Identity Lounge - they are stunning... beyond stunning.

The Cosmopolitan appears to be embracing it's place on The Strip and reveling in it - personalizing it and making it an integral part of it's identity. Doubling down on it even. Unlike CityCenter, where designers seemed almost ashamed to be part of the legacy of their neighborhood, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas seems to be all about providing a window to the excitement that's both inside and outside it's doors.

I had a lot of fun on our tour today. I love the little details like the varied light fixtures and chandeliers (not THE chandelier, though that is stunning as well), the Japanese soaking tubs (again, with great views), the huge suites with their wine fridges and complete cocktail gear, the varied and interesting restaurant designs, the at-first-seemingly-random but at closer-examination-definitely-not collection of LP covers leading the way down to the now not-so-secret pizza place, and one gaming innovation: casino cabanas.

That last item is a simple but unique idea and I'll be very curious to see if it plays - table games, separated via beaded curtains, allowing you and your buddies to have a semi-private experience without running afoul of state law.

In our interview, Mr. Unwin repeatedly gave us the phrase 'different that matters'. It appears that's something of an ethos for the new resort - change and challenge the operational and design status quo but not just for the sake of doing so - it has to be done for a reason. I like the sound of that philosophy but it's too soon for me to judge if that's just a catch-phrase or if it means something tangible.

I'm back here next week and I'm looking forward to it. It will be a lot more fun to write about this stuff when I have photos and tales of customer service to share. Right now the place is all promise.

I hope that promise is fulfilled because that would be a lot more fun than the alternative.

UPDATE: We got permission to post a few new, blurry photos of the joint - the lobby, part of the casino and the Vesper bar, which is right off the lobby. We'll have full-on, real, non-blurry photos and video in a few days.

December 9, 2010

Vegas Gang: "Unwin-terview" - December 9th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* Special Edition - Hunter and Chuck interview John Unwin, CEO of the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

December 4, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #010: 3-2-1 Cosmo

Posted by Hunter

The esteemed Mr. Simpson is back with his latest column. This time around the bend, he'll share his thoughts on the opening of the Cosmopolitan as well as discuss a recent stay at Aria.


A surprising headline - it seems that Macau decided not to grant a land concessions for two parcels to Las Vegas Sands. This was land that the company was expecting to be granted to develop an integrated resort. This PDF from 'Top Builders Group' shows some renderings of proposed LVS buildings for that site.

The company can appeal the decision but has a very limited time window to do do.

This is interesting. We've of course seen rumblings from the Chinese government indicating that they want to slow development of new resorts in Macau but this is a significant development.

In September, SJM indicated that it wanted to take over the parcels for its own development.

December 1, 2010

Slot Gaming For The Facebook Generation

Posted by Hunter

You just lined up three diamonds.

Along with the traditional bells and whistles, the machine illuminates a small LCD and offers to snap your photo via the built in camera. If you accept, it will be posted to your Facebook account along with a message letting all your friends know just how lucky you are (with or without jackpot totals, based on your preference). The machine will have access to all of your social networking profiles, via your slot club account - you linked them via the club Web site.

As far as I know, no slot manufacturer has announced this sort of integration but I have to believe it's coming someday. It only seems natural as younger players, reared on video games and smart-phones, start to enter the eager marketing cross-hairs of the casino industry.

What Other Innovations Will We See?

I'd also expect more video type games that involve multiple coordinated players and network based achievements. Again, taking a cue from video games, these players are used to playing against their friends on networks like Xbox Live where they are able to achieve levels based on amount of play and skill. These achievements could move with you from machine to machine and maybe even casino to casino - imagine a sort of meta slot club for certain games that recognized your play no matter who owned the machine you were playing on. I think that some manufacturers have already talked about this sort of thing arriving soon.

Will we start to see significant games exclusive to a certain casino or multi-property corporation? Could we ever see a gaming company purchase a manufacturer in an effort to get exclusive access to the hottest games? This is not an uncommon pattern in video gaming, as manufacturers like Microsoft and Nintendo have purchased companies like Bungee and Rare in an effort to lock up the best titles as exclusives. What if you could only get Wheel of Fortune at Las Vegas Sands properties?

IGT's market cap is only $4.65B - not unsubstantial for the debt ridden gaming companies but not so high that it's outside the realm of possibility. Let's also not forget that Kazuo Okada is one of the major investors in Wynn Resorts - his company is a device manufacturer in Japan.

Come On, Most Slot Machines Really Are Pretty Boring

It's interesting to see what seems like the relatively slow pace of game innovation on the slot floor. In other industries, companies like Zynga have proven that there's a huge market for different types of social games (i.e. Farmville) that, if you explained them to someone before they became popular, you'd be laughed at because the idea sounds so dumb. My gut instinct is that while some of the traditional double-diamonds-with-cheese type games may continue to draw for some time, eventually these game makers will need to come up with something more compelling. I can tell you that generally speaking, I find slots a bore and not worth more than a few minutes while waiting for someone, etc...

How about a game where winning money is just part of the draw - something that has other compelling qualities as well? I'm not suggesting that we somehow turn Halo into a negative expectation slot machine but there's got to be some way to meld these two concepts so that they can start to look at the future.

One hurdle is regulation. In NRS 14.040, the "Minimum standards for gaming devices" states that games "must use a random selection process to determine the game outcome of each play of a game". That sounds like any game that uses skill is out but it's not quite that simple.

The Gaming Control Board's 'Technical Standards for Gaming Devices and On-Line Slot Systems' deals with extended features and bonus games, which *are* allowed to incorporate skill into the outcome, though they are severely limited in the amount they can contribute to the overall return to the player - no more than 4%.

"Oh, they tried skill based games and they didn't take off."

Yeah, you know what kinds of games they tried? Crap like Battleship. I can't imagine anything more boring. The recent 'Pong' slot machine also had a skill based bonus round. I give them nostalgia points and it's a little closer to what I'm talking about but still, it's a half-assed attempt at doing something interesting.

The regulation is extremely important - they ensure a fair game. That said though, they may need to be reviewed and expanded in coming years as consumers tastes change. It's not like games of skill aren't already wagered on daily in the casino - from poker to twenty one to the sports-book. Unfortunately, change will probably be a very slow process.

People spend a lot of discretionary income on other forms of game based entertainment ($20B on video games annually) - the casino game manufacturers should be working more aggressively to steal some of that market. Make casino games and specific 'gaming devices' a reason to go to a specific property, not just something to do once you've already arrived at the casino.

Will server based video slots in any way lower the barrier to entry for game creators? Again, regulation still stands as a significant obstacle but imagine if manufacturers like IGT could draw on talent from multiple, smaller game 'studios' that would then partner with a licensed manufacturer to bring their games to the market. This model has been very successful in other forms of entertainment production and potentially could result in an explosion of new and interesting ideas for gameplay.

I don't follow the gaming manufacturing industry as closely as I follow the hospitality side - any slot experts care to comment on the above? I'm specifically interested in folks that love slots AND love Facebook.

November 28, 2010

The Admiral's Week In Review: 11/22-11/28

Posted by Hunter

It's Sunday so it sounds like a good time to do a quick weekly update. First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all those folks in the US and Canada. For me, Thanksgiving is always a refreshing chance to spend time with family without the commercial trappings of other holidays and this was no exception. In translation, that means I worked the entire weekend.

We had a a little bit of pre-trypto fireworks on Tuesday when Steve Friess and Mike Dobranski engaged in a little back and forth over how much they both like to eat great food (that was the topic, right?). I'll let you read the thread on VegasTripping, which does a pretty good job of explaining the ups and downs.

The most interesting part of that conversation is something that's a constant topic for me - the corrupting nature of free stuff from Las Vegas casinos. Once you get to a certain point and draw a certain number of tourist eyeballs, these doors start to open. This is a topic we discussed in the special Vegas Gang episode interview with Chuckmonster and is something that the Vegas Internet Mafia Executive Board discusses from time to time at the monthly meetings in our secret clubhouse atop The Harmon.

For my own part, I've taken free rooms and meals, though it's by far the exception, not the rule - I spend thousands of dollars a year on hotel rooms, food and other entertainment on The Strip. I've always done disclosures when writing about anything I got for free. That's a good baseline but in thinking about this more, I've decided to go further. From now on, anytime I get something for free from a Las Vegas casino, I'll let you guys know (either here or on Twitter), even if I don't plan to write about it. I think that should tie up that last potential loophole. I don't know what the specific policies are on other sites but perhaps they'll start to do something similar. I think it makes good sense and I certainly have nothing to hide and now you know what to expect without any question. Moving on...

In what is becoming a semi-regular thing, the Sun writes about something that many of us (including the Vegas Gang) have been discussing for ages (love ya Liz!) - that the pedestrian access to CityCenter sucks big time. Shocker! Next, we'll read that their big, fancy Elvis show isn't doing too well - egads!

Do you have $5,600 and and a burning desire to see Jay-Z whilst hanging with Las Vegas' finest? A limited number of complete, three-day packages are available for the New Years shindig at The Cosmopolitan. Yeah, that's a metric shit-ton of money but hey, it is New Years and the folks at the Cosmo have turned back the balance on your Citibank card to 2007 levels. If you can't cough up the dough, you could always low-roll it at Aria and then just watch on the big-screen marquee. Tell Jimbo we sent ya.

There's a pretty neat story in the New York Times about the super-hardcore swimmers they source for shows Le Reve and O. I feel asleep the first two times I saw Le Reve but it sure does sound like a lot of work. Oh, 'O" is good too.

Oh, and last but not least, this blog, the (brand new!) parent site, the podcast, my ridiculous Twitter account and Vegas Mate for iPhone were all nominated for Trippies. First off, a big thanks to everyone that wrote us in. When the polls open, we'll post all the details about voting. Everyone knows I'm a sore loser so let's not embarrass papa, ok?

I'm working on a post dreaming about the future of slot machines which should go up this week. I've also got about half of a story on Aria's suckage done but that topic is starting to feel pretty tired to me so it's hard to be enthusiastic about finishing it. We'll see. I spent the whole weekend working on The App so I'm pretty tired.

Have a great week,

November 27, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - (Almost) December 2010

Posted by Hunter

We haven't done one of these for awhile but it seems like a good idea to post another. Thanks to Jeff for the suggestion.

To kick off the discussion, there's a story today in the Sun about the El Cortez suite competition.

You may recall that back in August we had the estimable Ms. Epstein on the Vegas Gang to discuss this same topic.

I still like the idea, these months later.

Anyway, open topic away...

Treasure Island owner Phil Ruffin doesn't seem to think CityCenter was such a hot idea. Ok, that might be a bit of monday-morning-quarterbacking but he's also going out on a limb to say Cosmo is doomed, in his talk with Nevada journalist Jon Ralston.

He also revealed that his $1B offer for The Mirage was turned down by MGM's board just over a year ago.

Ruffin's typically one of the more restrained casino owners when it comes to making public comments. Interesting to see him coming out full on, including bashing President Obama.

Thirty days to go.

Thanks to a trusty source, here we have a few shots of some Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas casino interiors, one of the ingress/egress areas (perhaps right inside valet, up to the restaurant level?) and then three videos of the West Valet, showing some of the really cool work the multimedia team is doing.

I've bemoaned the lack of technology being used in modern casino-resorts - well, here we are at least seeing something more inspired than using LCD panels for restaurant menus. Perhaps just a taste?

It's sort of James Bond meets the Bat Cave. If you want to know who Cosmo's ideal customer is, it's Bruce Wayne, no doubt.

I dig the look and I'm excited to see more.

My buddy Mr. Friess has a few more, including what to me looks like the centerpiece chandelier I've heard so much about:

That headline is a quote from Steve Jobs, to a Wall Street Journal reporter in 2004. A year or so later, Apple released an iPod that played video on a 2.5 inch screen. It's often cited as classic Jobs misdirection.

Today's article in the Review Journal about MGM tearing down The Harmon is likely the same sort of statement.

Sure, the building clearly has structural problems - it had to be capped at half of it's height - but to my knowledge there's been no final or official declaration that the resulting structure is inherently unsound, just MGM's attempt to extract a larger settlement from their builder and their builder's insurance company.

MGM says "it is unlikely the Harmon will be completed using the building as it now stands." That leaves plenty of SEC wiggle-room for some 'repairs' to be made to the structure after the lawsuits are settled. Why would they have even finished the building if it couldn't be salvaged? They knew about the problems at least twelve months and millions of dollars before it was sealed.

Jeff Simpson thinks that Fontainebleau might get fontaine-blown-up. That I can imagine. The Harmon, not so much. Unless the building is condemned by the county, I bet on that thing opening someday - furnished with the money that MGM wins from Perini for (allegedly) royally screwing up the project.

Until then, it's the most expensive billboard on The Strip.

November 12, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #009: The Armchair Executive

Posted by Hunter

Jeff Simpson is back and this time around he's sharing his prescription for some of the most famous assets on The Strip and nearby.

How do you think these properties can survive the downturn? Share your thoughts in the comments.

It's been quite a week in Vegas-land. Hard to imagine that less than a week ago, we were reading a WSJ story that validated pretty much everything I wrote back in September about CityCenter.

From there, we were off and into conference calls, some of which included a few interesting tidbits. MGM told us that both Bellagio and MGM Grand will be getting room refurbs next year, while Steve Wynn explained that their Cotai development work was wrapping up and they'd start moving dirt around any day. The best part of that call was The Steve's ludicrous assertion that they're not secretive about their hotel designs - he practically laughed the questioner off the call. We'll see detailed models and drawings of Wynn Cotai just as soon as some inept outside designer posts them online, not because the company was feeling generous.

Speaking of leaks, they continue at Aria, where we've learned that they're working on a massive new signage package to lure Cosmo visitors and that they're even considering building The Strip's largest marquee. I've got loads of new CC stuff to share with you as soon as I'm done digesting it all.

That brings us to today, with the only piece of news this week that really surprised me - Wynn Las Vegas superstar Andrew Pascal has decided to leave the company, to be replaced with the reliable Marilyn Winn Spiegel (someone we considered as a VPP guest before we settled on the excellent Tom McCartney). What is Andrew going to do next? He's a young man, I can't believe that he's ready to retire.

Pascal has worked for Wynn for a long time but before this current stint, he was in Silicon Valley as Chairman of WagerWorks, a company that provided online casino games, playable for points. Is he headed back to tech? Chuckmonster is betting on Icahn but I just can't imagine that sort of transition.

Ichan's not really in hospitality, he's in hospitality finance - moving money around from distressed property to distressed property, a far cry from actually serving guests. Nope, I think for Pascal I'd put my money on a few months time off and then into some new entrepreneurial venture of some kind - more likely Silicon Valley than Spring Valley though. Maybe Aunt Elaine has eyes on angel investing - we know she can afford it.

What's more interesting is Wynn hiring a veteran Harrah's exec for such a tough job. The last HET (or should I say CZR?) alum to have the gig, Don Marrandino, didn't even make it to opening day. Spiegel is well regarded but the properties she's overseen for Loveman have very different guest satisfaction aspirations. Hopefully we're not in for a rocky transition just as Las Vegas starts to ramp up again.

Interesting stuff... In other news, I've been thinking recently about re-calibrating this blog and it's content. The landscape has changed dramatically since I started doing this and in a world where my time is limited, I want to make sure I'm spending it to do something that matters, not just be the second, third or fourth site to post on the same topic. More on this as decisions are made.

One last thing - if you haven't already, maybe go ahead and nominate this blog and my app Vegas Mate for The Trippies - you have three days left before they close. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be so pleased with being nominated that I'll spill a bunch of new juicy secret details about everyone's favorite massively overpriced, failing joint venture project.


November 1, 2010

WSJ Covers Tough Calls Made at CityCenter

Posted by Hunter

The Wall Street Journal has a new piece that dives deeply into some of the hard choices that the joint venture board has had to look at over the past few months as performance has continued to be elusive for the mega-complex.

WSJ: Rolling Dice on Giant Casino Complex (Registration Required)

One thing that does seem to be a bright spot - Aria's performance continues to improve.

I was personally there several times this weekend and volumes seem to be up. That said though, after visiting Blackjacker1979's SkySuite where the light bulbs flickered on and off and the music shut itself down to note an open door (incorrect), there are clearly still problems.

I'd expect CityCenter to market heavily to Cosmo guests starting in December, though one rumor I heard at Vegas Podcast-a-palooza sounded like a terrible idea: an advertising wrap on the Aria Pelli Tower. It would really be sad if it comes to that... How 'bout just building a real Strip marquee guys, huh? You could have the biggest one in town.

October 28, 2010

Podcast Weekend: Check Out Tasting Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

So, Mike Dobranski has been doing his Web site, Tasting Las Vegas, for maybe a year or so? Since it started, I've appreciated his food commentary but the real gem is his new podcast of the same name.

In the first four episodes of the show, it's become clear that Mike is a great interviewer - fun to listen to, pulling out tons of random info.

I like the TLV show for the same reason I love VegasTripping - no nonsense, no bullshit info. Mike's not afraid to say when something sucks or when he thinks John Curtas' stamp of approval on a specific restaurant means squat.

It's pretty raw and brash but very entertaining. Check it out, I think you'll enjoy it.

October 27, 2010

Let The Bummer Years Begin

Posted by Hunter

The Fontainebleau is about to open.

A re-invigorated Plaza project has broken ground and Boyd is halfway through putting up a gorgeous red-gold glass curtain wall on Echelon Place. Jim Murren is a semi-successful investment banker in Connecticut, the Marnell's own the recently joined Rio/Palms complex and Nevada's recently elected junior senator is attending the groundbreaking of a monorail extension that will bridge McCarran Airport, The Strip and Fremont Street.

Can we fast forward to 2017? I'm sure that's what some Las Vegas casino operators would wish for. It's hard to blame them.

Things look a bit sour for Las Vegas - August numbers notwithstanding, let's be honest - some of the city's best boom-time customers don't have any more money to spend on bottle service and $500 dinners at SW. Sure, the biggest players haven't lost enough to kill their gambling habit but that mid-tier backbone - successful young people, boomers and a smaller segment of folks truly blowing the rent on a weekend in Vegas - they're still pretty fucked up from this recession.

Well, at least it's not as bad as it is in Atlantic City where the top operator doesn't even want to own the other half of their property. In my mind, AC is toast.

As someone that has spent the last ten years as mostly excited about Las Vegas and now sells a product that is inexorably linked to the city, I have to say that things look very tough for the next few years.

A CB Richard Ellis study publicized today really laid out the bad news. The market won't be able to handle the massive increase in supply for some time. Thanks a lot CityCenter. At least we don't have any more rooms coming online anytime soon... Oh, crap... Thanks a lot Cosmo.

The Cosmopolitan will be the last property for awhile, and that's almost certainly a good thing. In a way, they may end up with an advantage - they can be the 'newest property on The Strip' for five years or more. That title worked great for The Aladdin. Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

Some of the issues mentioned in the report are structural - air traffic is more difficult than ever in the era of shoe-bombers and naked body scanners. Asian baccarat is slated to increase but that alone is not a market savior. The formerly solid underbelly of Las Vegas tourism - that combination of California drive-ins along with southern and midwestern vacationers... well, they're hurting... and that's not going to change anytime soon (damn that Obama-Reid-Pelosi-Boehner-Palin-McCain cabal!)

It's easy for Wynn to charge $200+/night for a weekend night when the town is half full but when Luxor, Excalibur, Monte Carlo and Treasure Island are all offering rooms in the sub-$50 range (sans the ridiculous resort fees), those rates are harder to justify... and how anyone could feel good about a $150/night room at Aria or Vdara mystifies me. Just say no.

But it's not the Wynns of the world I'm worried about. Aside from maybe Las Vegas Sands, they're probably best positioned to ride this turbulence out. As a lover of the history of Las Vegas, it makes me a little sad to see how little of their revenue now comes from the 'Gambling Capital of the World'. In quarterly earnings today, LVS reported that barely 15% of their revenue comes from their two Strip casinos. With Singapore on the rise, LVS is again a gaming company to watch, even if their numbers don't yet match Chairman Adelson's bluster.

Why am I writing this? I dunno. For whatever reason, a few stories today sucked me in and I felt compelled.

See you Saturday.

News this morning that Boyd Gaming will decline their opportunity to purchase the other half of Borgata, currently owned by MGM Resorts Intl. and held in trust. Boyd is the managing partner of Borgata.

Frankly I'm a little surprised - they only had to cough up $250MM and it's not even worth that to them? Clearly the macro trend of the city weights heavily on this decision.

This moves the process along a bit for MGM for whom the asset is tied up in a trust following action by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission.

October 18, 2010

Dick Whitman Doesn't Know What He Wants

Posted by Hunter

** Mad Men Spoiler Alert **

Do you love furry little creatures? The Cosmopolitan hopes so.

The hotel broadcast their first TV commercial during the finale of Mad Men, the popular AMC advertising drama. During the final episode, viewers were shocked to see that Don Draper fell in love with his secretary and got engaged, all in the space of about 42 minutes.

Sure, 'Megan the Secretary' is good looking and seems to actually be capable of a real conversation but come on, Don's clearly emotionally damaged since his marriage broke up and it's hard to look at this as a long term thing. I think most viewers cringed when they watched him dial Faye Miller, the seemingly substantive woman that looked really good for Don, only to blow her off.

Will your flirtation with the Cosmopolitan be longer lasting? There's been a good amount of gushing about the property in advance of it's opening. I've said more than a few kind words myself. Will that last when the credit cards start swiping?

We're now at the point when the resort starts to go from a set of interesting concepts that are easy to appreciate into a 'why the hell didn't housekeeping show up and where the hell are my bags' potential reality.

How will the Interwebs react if Cosmo has the same sort of sputtering opening that Aria had, one year ago? Has Cosmo built up enough goodwill to get the benefit of the doubt if there are major snafus? It will be an interesting test of both the hotel and all of us that write about this stuff.

As for the commercial itself, I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't totally sold. For me, it seemed a bit like they were trying too hard to establish their cool and edgy bonafides. The commercial felt a little like a live-action version of a nightclub half-pager you'd see in the Weekly or Vegas Seven. For a casino ad, it has resulted in a remarkable amount of commentary, which of course means they accomplished at least one goal.

This first ad didn't give us a look at the resort - none of it was actually shot on property. What we don't know is if they'll be following it up with more television advertising and what those spots could be like.

To my eye, the spot was squarely aimed at fun, taboo and youthful vitality (as well as those older folks desperately clinging to youth by any platinum card necessary). As we've seen in abundance since May 28th, when you target the Hard Rock / Palms crowd, it's very hard to filter who comes through your front door. Will this be a hotel full of Surrender patrons? Personally, I'm hoping the answer to that is no but we'll have to see - I bet some people are already planning how many rollaways they can get into a wrap-around.

My good friend Charles says he loved the ad. I certainly wouldn't say that. One place I do agree with him though, it's wayyyyy better than Aria's advertising.

October 16, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #008: Jeff's Best and Worst

Posted by Hunter

Jeff's back and this time he's started up his own little 'gaming hall of fame/shame', picking the top and bottom of Las Vegas' operators for the past decade.

Would you rate 'em different? Reply in the comments.

October 14, 2010

Vegas Gang #52 - October 14th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

Podcast-a-palooza - Oct. 30th, 2010. Our guest will be Tropicana Las Vegas President Tom McCartney - all the details are available on the Web site.

* PENN Swallows M
* August Gaming Figures
* MGM May Sell Borgata ; Not Making Much Money
* Room Rate Survey Data

* Vegas Gang 'Sure Bets'

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

We're doing a Vegas Gang episode on Thursday so I guess I should just say thank you and leave it at that. This is great material.

Instead, I'm going to once again report on difficulty for MGM Resorts International - profits are still a Mirage - they just can't Wynn (get it?!? I'm so clever).

When a company does an early release of their financials and it includes several bullet points and a few paragraphs of figures, always read it in reverse. The most interesting stuff is always hidden behind a smokescreen of PR-speak.

The part of the company not infected with the virus that is CityCenter continues to deflate - down 13% for wholly owned operations (it was -16% last quarter). CityCenter may be a debacle but MGM needs the other places to keep the lights on.

As for Borgata, they did get an offer but it's below the amount they've been carrying on their books for the asset so they'll be taking a write-down this quarter to align their books with... well, reality. Will BOYD also have to do a write-down? I'd say probably.

When the Borgata thing is eventually settled, they'll not only get the cash from the sale but also their share of operations put into trust since the Pansy Ho debacle. That'll be one fat quarter when it hits but that's like when the drug dealer comes to your house and opens up his briefcase. He's not moving in, don't get too excited.

Say what you want about Borgata - and Atlantic City is certainly in trouble - but it is the top property there and has been helping to fill Jimbo's bank account every month. MGM may not have had much choice when it came to selling but that cash-flow is going to leave a hole of at least some size once the post-sale hangover wears off.

Interestingly enough, the day after we get news of improved Strip numbers (up 21%) for August, MGM reports taking an almost 10% hit in casino revenue for the quarter. How is that supposed to jive? This story cites baccarat as a bright spot but MGM's bac volume was down 6%. Does that mean that September cratered? Or were all these gains elsewhere? MGM still controls a huge percentage of the high-end bac play so this seems a bit odd.

As I previously wrote in my series on CityCenter, MGM is now going back to the markets for capital - they have loans of over a billion dollars due next year that they need to pay off. It will be interesting to see how much this influx of supply will impact prices on the open market. Much to the Swami's chagrin, stock was down 6% in after hours trading.

There is some good news, something else that I hinted at in my previous series - Aria is starting to swing over to the profitable side of the fence. It's had good volumes but this time around it got the hold percentages it needed to post a number in the black. ADR and REVPAR for Aria are both improving.

So I guess everything's fine...

So, after today's sale of the M Resort debt (which will quickly be converted into equity) to Penn National Gaming, where does that leave M Resort CEO Anthony Marnell III? Of course, that was the number one question I had after reading last night's rumors and this morning's news.

Well, we finally have the answer. Sort of. Ok, not really... But Marnell did talk to the Sun about his future role. Basically, he hopes he'll have one.

Apparently, he's spoken with Carlino and seems to have the equivalent of a 'good vibe' about the whole situation. Sorry Tony, that doesn't seem like much to hang your hat on.

Realistically, how could Carlino keep him in place? My guess is that PENN's plan is to look for some significant cost cuts and while Marnell may be useful in a transitory role, he's not a PENN guy and thus it's hard to see how he would fit into that puzzle.

Sounds like it's gonna be a pretty crappy weekend for Marnell but no matter what, I am certain we'll hear from him again soon. Marnell, Inc. should just buy the Rio back and be done with it. Harrah's probably won't even notice it's gone missing.

Peter Carlino and Penn National Gaming have been flirting with a Las Vegas purchase for what seems like forever. They were most often the ones mentioned when it came to MGM selling The Mirage (as long as you didn't believe the BS about Steve Wynn taking back his old now hand-me-downs).

The Marnell's built M for a cost of $1 billion (not counting another $240MM for the land it sits on). Today, Lloyds Banking sold that debt to PENN, including a $160MM note owned by MGM, for $230.5 million. Yes, 23 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR! That's an amazing deal for Carlino and crew, buying an almost brand new property that has been well taken care of since it was opened.

M's location may still be more challenge than opportunity but that will change in time. Carlino is seizing a great opportunity here and I'm sure this investment will pay off for them in the long run.

Penn is already licensed in Nevada so I'd expect this transaction to go down smoothly.

What will happen to the young Marnell? Sounds like he's out, no doubt looking for his next opportunity. He gambled on M and lost but I'm sure we haven't heard the last of him.

I think the real question here is what PENN will do to the place - they have a reputation for.... uh... being very... uh, efficient. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the more interesting and costly little touches at M cut to bring costs down.

Coverage elsewhere:

Wow, this is just too funny. It seems that the unique construction of CityCenter's Vdara creates a parabola that focuses the sun's rays, right onto the folks using the pool.

One guy in the story claims it singed his hair and there are supposedly melted plastic bags to prove how powerful this thing is. Even the employees seem to be calling it a 'death ray'. Of course, MGM is trying to play it down. The name they prefer: 'solar convergence'. Ha!

I try not to link to RJ stories but it's the only place you can read all the details:

You can't make this stuff up.

On a more serious note, will this have any impact on condo owners trying to get out of their contracts? I could imagine an enterprising lawyer including this in their complaint.

September 23, 2010

Hard Rock Intl: Get Off My Lawn!

Posted by Hunter

Sometimes you're having a crappy day and then you read something that's ridiculous enough to remind you that other people are perhaps even crazier than you. That's what happened to me with this story from the LV Sun.

It seems that brand owner Hard Rock Cafe International is upset about the way that licensee Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas has been marketing itself, specifically how it relates to their Sunday Rehab pool party.

When I think of 'hard rock', I think of Van Halen, Motley Crue and the like. Those guys were guilty of acts far far worse than anything that happens on that stupid TV show. This lawsuit just seems silly to me. It also cracks me up that the complaints in the lawsuit are from people that are offended by the reality TV show but apparently still watch it and are familiar with the details.

Is there another angle here? Is this just some kind of shakedown? Anyway...

September 20, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #007: Mommy and Daddy Will Be Right Back

Posted by Hunter

Here's Jeff's latest column wherein he examines parents towing their kids through the casino, Tamares and what's happening at The Plaza as well as his take on how The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas will fare when it opens in December.


The Plaza today announced they'd be laying off 400 workers as they close the hotel and part of the casino for planned renovations.

Tamares, the holding company that owns the hotel, spun this as the start of great things to come but come on - how many hotels shut down completely to renovate guest rooms? Clearly Downtown Las Vegas continues to struggle - other hotels like Binion's have also shut down.

The Firefly restaurant, part of the casino and the showroom will remain open. That's gotta suck for the Firefly though - great restaurant, cool space but now even fewer customers. It's usually half empty when I am in there.

September 12, 2010

Vegas Gang #51 - September 12th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

Podcast-a-palooza - Oct. 30th, 2010. Be there.

* CityCenter CityCenter CityCenter
* Vegas Gang 'Sure Bets'

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

This is the final part of a series about the problems that MGM Resorts International faces at CityCenter and how those problems may be impacting the important relationships they need to run their businesses.

Based on fascinating new insight into operations at the various CityCenter components, we dive deep into how the complex is doing and how bad things might get.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three - this post

Please leave your comments on this post.

This is part two of a three part series about the problems that MGM Resorts International faces at CityCenter and how those problems may be impacting the important relationships they need to run their businesses.

Based on fascinating new insight into operations at the various CityCenter components, we dive deep into how the complex is doing and how bad things might get.

Part One
Part Two - this post
Part Three - tomorrow.

Please leave your comments on this post.

This is part one of a three part series about the problems that MGM Resorts International faces at CityCenter and how those problems may be impacting the important relationships they need to run their businesses.

Based on fascinating new insight into operations at the various CityCenter components, we dive deep into how the complex is doing and how bad things might get.

The other parts of the series will be posted later this week.

Part One - this post
Part Two - Sept. 8th
Part Three - Sept. 9th

Please leave all comments about the series on this post. It's all after the jump.

September 4, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - September 2010

Posted by Hunter

Here's this month's open topic discussion for y'all to use if you'd like.

For me, one of the topics that's been fascinating for me to watch is the ongoing battle between Righthaven LLC and the rest of the world. After they sued Senate candidate Sharon Angle, the shit really hit the fan.

Steve seems to be at least partially responsible for this latest salvo.

What's my take on all of this? I pay a bunch of people to create content for me and I certainly believe in strong protections against it being used without my consent. That said, some of these cases seem like using an atomic bomb on an ant hill - a bit of an overreaction.

I'm fascinated to see how this shakes out, especially if the EFF gets involved and backs one of the defendants in an attempt to set some precedent.

Anyway, open topic away...

August 30, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #006: Bankruptcy Bonanza

Posted by Hunter

Jeff's back with more wisdom from his valley enclave. This time he's taking a look at the Fertittas and their situation with Station Casinos - a company they built, extended and then bankrupted.

How did this happen and what's coming next? More after the jump.

August 25, 2010

Cosmo Gets a Guest Database From Marriott

Posted by Hunter

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, currently rising between CityCenter and Bellagio, has solved one of its bigger pre-opening problems - the lack of an existing customer database.

They've decided to partner with Marriott on this, giving those existing customers a Strip outpost to use their rewards points and the Cosmo a large database to market to. It's not a player database but it is better than nothing.

The Cosmopolitan is joining Marriott's 'Autograph Collection'. View the other participating hotels here:

Late yesterday, just as we were recording the latest Vegas Gang (out soon), we got news that Harrah's Entertainment filed papers to publicly trade the 10% stake that investor John Paulson purchased earlier this year.

Of course, the plan for the HET LBO was always to re-emerge as a public company somewhere down the road but this is just a small chunk and it's coming at possibly one of the worst time to IPO in recent economic history.

In addition, the chunk is small enough that the company wouldn't be subject to all the governance rules that we're used to for majority public owned companies.

Interesting interesting interesting...

August 9, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #005: Downtown Blues, Part Two

Posted by Hunter

Jeff is back with part two of his take on the Downtown Las Vegas scene and what might help it turn around.

Keep reading after the jump and if you missed part one, it's right here.

In a totally unrelated thought - don't forget that we're giving away an iPad.

August 9, 2010

VT: Your Hotel App is Boring

Posted by Hunter

Yours truly has a piece running over with our good friends at about mobile apps in the hotel and casino industry and why they're all missing the mark.

I've closed comments here because I'd rather you comment over there on the story itself.


August 6, 2010

Station Lands With Fertittas - For The Best?

Posted by Hunter

A bankruptcy judge has ruled that the Fertitta family will retain ownership of most of the assets of Station Casinos, Inc.

This was not really unexpected but I have to wonder - is this what 'should' have happened?

Clearly the Fertittas created a powerful empire over the last 20 years in Las Vegas but at the same time, they're at least partially responsible for the mess that the company is in now. Of course, the economy took a dirt nap in 2007 but it was their policies that left the company exposed and vulnerable, leading to a bankruptcy filing that wiped out billions of investor dollars.

If Boyd Gaming is to be believed, the bidding process heavily favored the insiders, partially due to some fine print related to the land under Texas Station. What really amazes me is that Colony Capital stuck by these guys through this whole thing given how much money they lost.

Even if it seems a bit slanted, it's hard not admire the ruthlessness of the Fertitta brothers in this whole thing. Where else but Vegas can you lose billions and end up on top? Ok, I guess Wall Street... and Washington... and maybe across the Valley at CityCenter... oh well.

August 6, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - August, 2010

Posted by detroit1051

Morgans Hotel Group reported that Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas saw earnings decline by 35% in the 2nd Quarter. The link to the Las Vegas Sun article is below, but the earnings reminded me of a nagging question I have on the Hard Rock brand. Does the brand still have the importance it did in the late 20th Century? Hard Rock's website says:
"Since its inception, Hard Rock has remained extraordinarily faithful to its original intentions. Its rock 'n roll sensibility - an HRC birthright - remains at the very center of all Hard Rock restaurants and all expansion efforts undertaken by Hard Rock International."

As we enter the second decade of the 21st Century, how many people, especially those younger than Baby Boomers, are still passionately interested in rock 'n roll and the memorabilia associated with it?

Hard Rock International is owned by the Seminole Tribe of Florida and operates the only two full casinos in the state, in Hollywood and Tampa. They are both well run resorts, but with limited gaming in Florida, they are on a par with the better locals casinos in Las Vegas.

Ten years from now, will the Hard Rock brand still be relevant? Since many readers here are younger than I, how do you see Hard Rock's future?

Las Vegas Sun on Hard Rock's Q2 Earnings

Hard Rock's History on Corporate Website

Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood

Harrah's Entertainment - Net Income: -$274 million (loss) Revenue: $2.2 billion More Info

MGM Resorts International - Net Income: -$883.5 million (loss) Revenue: $1.53 billion More Info

Boyd Gaming - Net Income: $3.4 million Revenue: $578.4 million More Info

Wynn Resorts - Net Income: $52.4 million Revenue: $1.0 billion More Info

Las Vegas Sands - Net Income: -$4.7 million (loss) Revenue: $1.59 billion More Info

This thread will be updated as other companies report.

July 22, 2010

SIMPSON ON VEGAS #004: Downtown Blues, Part One

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another installment of 'Simpson on Vegas' and this time around, Jeff examines the situation in Downtown Las Vegas.

This is part one of a two part series. Continue after the jump for the article.

This morning Wynn Resorts pre-announced 2nd quarter results for their operating subsidiary that runs the Wynn Las Vegas / Encore resort complex on the Las Vegas Strip. These results do not include Macau operations.

The complete news release is here:

The results clearly show that Las Vegas is struggling. Wynncore is arguably the very top of the market and compared to a year ago, they are taking a bigger loss. That said, occupancy and ADR don't look as horrible as they could have been. Despite increased occupancy, REVPAR was down.

I'm sure the folks at Wynn are looking down the road at CityCenter without a distinct lack of kind words - adding thousands of rooms into the market has only served to depress rates further (we're still waiting for an increase in supply to raise room rates, as some analysts have suggested would be the case when more rooms come online later this year).

The news release also mentions increased health care costs. Can't wait to hear another episode of the Steve Wynn vs. Obama Show on their next conference call.

July 12, 2010

Labor Board Sides w/ Wynn - Tip Pooling is Legal

Posted by Hunter

Way back in 2006, Wynn Las Vegas bucked a long standing casino trend and decided to split casino dealers tips with their supervisors.

Since then, it has been the subject of much ink and several trips through various parts of the legal system. Today, the Nevada Labor Commissioner has spoken: no state laws were violated.

How long until other properties start to do this? Harrah's has already asserted their right to do this at Caesars, despite the fact they also say they're not planning to do so.

This is a big milestone in this case and a major setback for those fighting it. Expect appeals though, this isn't over.

July 4, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - 4th of July, 2010

Posted by detroit1051

July already? Time flies when you're thinking of Vegas.

The Las Vegas Sun has a story about a Las Vegas company which is placing commercials on idle slot machines. It looks like Palms is the only casino using this marketing product now, but I bet other casinos will follow. I don't want to be bombarded with beer, car or other ads as I'm walking through a casino. The ads don't have sound now, but how long until that changes? Less offensive would be infomercials for the casino's own offerings like restaurants, clubs, lounges, rooms, etc.

The next time any Las Vegas readers are in the Palms, let us know what you think.
Here are links to the Sun story and then the Reel TV site which has an informative introductory video.

Technology allows advertising on idle slot machines

Reel TV corporate site

June 2, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - June 1, 2010

Posted by detroit1051

Let's start June with a new customer satisfaction survey which shows The Orleans as the overall winner, and Venetian as the upscale winner.
Orleans Ranks High in Customer Satisfaction Survey

May 31, 2010

Encore 2.0: Beach Club and Surrender

Posted by Hunter

Think back to 2005 in Las Vegas.

This is when the main building blocks that are now Encore were being fleshed out. At that time, 10,000 hotel rooms were planned for the New Frontier and Stardust sites. This would make the planned Strip porte-cochere a very important part of arrivals at Encore.

Or so everyone thought...

Quick link to my complete set of 120 photos:

Also, my buddy Steve was long on the tour too and his take is here.

The rest of my write-up follows after the jump...

May 31, 2010

Vegas Gang #47 - May 27th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

First off, a note - very excited to announce that Jeff Simpson will be writing a bi-weekly column for Two Way Hard Three. I'm very excited to have him on board!

* Encore Beach Club Opens
* MGM Mirage vs. Perini
* Atlantic City Numbers Down
* Tropicana Reborn?

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

May 28, 2010

UPDATED: Encore Beach Club is (Almost) Here

Posted by Hunter

Tomorrow marks the opening of the new Encore Beach Club and photos have started to leak out. The other day, we had some nice nighttime shots posted over at VT.

Today, we have a few shots from the recent 'play days' going on as they put the place through its paces. Thanks to Dave for submitting these shots.

I'll be on-site for a tour of the new facility tomorrow and will report back.

Update: Just finished my tour. The link to the photos is below, though I haven't had time to organize them yet.

What did I think? The place is gorgeous. Top notch, well built - just what you'd expect from Wynn. I need more time to process my thoughts but I have to say any concern I had is pretty much washed away. Yes, I still think Surrender's design is a little over the top but the pool complex more than makes up for it.

The four main bungalows have to be the nicest of their type on The Strip - complete with fully decked out bathrooms w/ showers. The balconies over the street are a trip. No Wi-Fi unfortunately, a somewhat strange omission.

At full capacity, the place can hold about 2800 people. That's big. That said, the indoor portion that is Surrender is fairly small, about Blush size.

At night, there's a light-show built into the walls - we didn't get to see it but they were very enthusiastic about it.

The gaming includes a craps table, which is a nice touch. Limits will vary of course.

The newly expanded Switch not only has a magnificent glass wall but now includes a full patio for dining.

Some of my photos:

I did count more than a few Ed Hardy shirts in the line, which was pretty long.

NOTE: I was told that as recently as this week, some of these signs have disappeared. Word from MGM Mirage is that this doesn't indicate a change of policy, just a temporary adjustment of the signage itself.

Over the past several weeks, several bloggers and Las Vegas visitors noticed that at both Luxor and Excalibur, new signs had sprung up prohibiting guests from taking photos or videos in any of the two resort's public areas.

If you're interested in understanding and debating the new policy, continue after the jump.

May 2, 2010

Vegas Gang #46 - April 30th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

Win an iPad! Details here: There will be a live broadcast of some sort to award the prize on Thursday. Look for details here on the blog in the next few days.

NOTE: This recording got screwed up somehow and we lost a segment of the show. Apologies to my fellow panelists and to the listeners. We salvaged what we could. Enjoy.

* Wynn Resorts Discussion (partial)
* MGM Mirage Name Change
* Boyd / Station Drama Continues
* Taking Photos In Casinos / New Luxor Policy

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

NOTE: We recorded an updated segment on Wynn in Macau, plus Marina Bay Sands:

May 2, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - May 1, 2010

Posted by detroit1051

"Oasis at Gold Spike". Stephen Siegel has found his niche in Las Vegas. I hope he succeeds.
Oasis at Gold Spike, Downtown

Well, here are 88 photos of the Encore Beach Club construction site, taken last night and today, both from the ground and my 58th floor room.


April 15, 2010

Strip Walk - April 2010

Posted by Hunter

Mike is back with Strip Walk and this time, he's heading into Palazzo, Luxor, CityCenter, Treasure Island, Caesars Palace and more.

Food reviews for Solaro (Palazzo) and Grotto (Golden Nugget).

Complete photo gallery is here:

Today, MGM Mirage pre-announced their first quarter earnings, two weeks early. These are subject to change but let's be honest, they probably won't.

Why would a company pre-announce? Typically they have some information that is out of alignment with what the market knows and wants to give it some time to absorb. Often it's bad news...

Let's look at MGM's announcement - keep in mind that MGM Mirage only owns half of the CityCenter joint venture (the good half?)

MGM has always been very helpful in breaking out their results by property. Unfortunately, it appears that they are reporting their 50% of CityCenter's results as a single blob - no way to know Aria vs. Mandarin vs. Vdara vs. Crystals. Hopefully we'll get more detailed info in the real quarterly filing.

Compared to the year ago quarter, this time they don't have the benefit of the TI sale nor the insurance income from the Monte Carlo fire. Also, they had to write down the residential inventory at CityCenter, all of which hurt them compared to 2009Q1.

What is interesting - the CCJV netted $24 million from poor saps that abandoned their deposits on residential units. Probably can't count on that cash for 2011Q1.

CityCenter is reporting an operating loss of $255MM in the first quarter, though $171MM of that is a charge related to the write down of the residential inventory. Aria's loss is pegged at $66MM, though most of that is depreciation expense.

Did you spend time at Aria and wonder why you didn't hear your neighbor in the room next door? Chances are, you didn't have one:

"Occupancy percentage at Aria was 63% with an average daily rate of $194."

Ouch. That figure, 63%, is pretty darn low. That said though, the $194 isn't too bad - you wonder if they had lowered rates more if they could have boosted the occupancy.

As a comparison, in the first full quarter Wynn Las Vegas was open, it had an ADR of $264 and 93% occupancy... Granted, 2005 was a very different time for Las Vegas so even mention that here is probably grossly unfair.

Their non-CityCenter results aren't great either - Adjusted Property EBITDA for the wholly owned stuff is down almost 20%. Table games hold was down (it was at the high end of the range in 2009), though volume was up compared to 2009. REVPAR took another hit, to under $100 at $94.

Because of the charges and the prior year having the TI sale, they swung from $355MM operating profit to an $11MM loss. MGM Mirage has worked hard to pay down its debt and that's starting to show in the results as interest expense decreases.

So - tough quarter for MGM but they have some cash and borrowing available so they'll probably ride it out just fine. Hopefully in Q2 we'll see Aria firing on a few more cylinders - hard not to think that if this bleeding continues that they'll shed some additional service folks and degrade the experience for the guests.

Complete Release:

In other news, the company announced a private placement:

April 7, 2010

Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas To Open in December

Posted by Hunter

Long rumored but finally official - the Cosmopolitan project, wedged between Bellagio and CityCenter, will open (mostly) in the middle of December.

As the article below says, this is gonna be the last opening for awhile.

April 2, 2010

Vegas Gang #45 - April 2nd, 2010

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang is back!

Win an iPad! Details here:

* Station Casinos Re-Org
* CityCenter's First Hundred Days
* CityCenter vs. Perini
* Atlantic City Mini-Casinos
* Closure of CalNeva

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

March 31, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - April 1, 2010

Posted by detroit1051

Hooters Hotel-Casino reported another loss in the 4th Quarter and said bankruptcy is a possibility. Hooters is the old San Remo on Tropicana.
Hooters Narrows Loss, Says Bankruptcy Possible

March 29, 2010

CityCenter, Perini Begin to Slug It Out In Court

Posted by Hunter

The development of CityCenter was notable for all sorts of reasons - a massive, expensive new development on The Strip is always a big story.

By now, everyone knows about the problems, most notably what happened with the stunted Harmon Hotel tower. Well, it seems that since the project is now up and running, it's time for the lawsuits to start flying.

As the Sun says - it could get ugly.

Station Casinos, currently working their way through bankruptcy, unveiled a reorganization plan that would sell off a large portion of the company's assets.

This would leave the Ferttita's in control of Red Rock, Sunset Station, Palace Station and Boulder Station, properties dispersed across the Valley.

Given that Boyd Gaming has tried at various times in the past 18 months to purchase some or all of these assets, it would follow that they would be able to unload these properties if they so chose.

Curious what would happen with Aliante and Green Valley, which are 50% owned by the Greenspun family. Do they have the financial means to buy the other 50%? Would they be serious bidders?

March 16, 2010

Macau To Regulate Building Of New Casinos

Posted by detroit1051

Macau's new Chief Executive, Fernando Chui, gave his first policy address March 16. He had been expected to announce stringent plans to slow the overheated gaming market in the Chinese region and announce steps to diversify Macau's economy. Gaming revenues increased almost 70% in the first two months of this year compared to 2009. Gambling accounts for about three-quarters of government revenue for Macau However, his comments appear to have resulted in a sigh of relief by major casino operators who already have a presence in Macau such as Wynn and Las Vegas Sands.

Reuters reports that Chui intends to limit the building of new casinos. This could help current operators' profits by protecting the market from oversupply of new casinos. Wall Street will give its opinion when the NYSE opens this morning.

To read Reuters:
Macau government to regulate the building of casinos

Wall Street Journal initial story (subscription may be requred):
Macau Gambling Industry Awaits Chui's Speech

Update: RJ's Howard Stutz weighs in.
Macau Curtailing New Casino Construction

Update #2: The market liked WYNN and LVS today. Wynn +4.48% and LVS +7.33%.

Las Vegas Sands - Net Income: -$113.9 million (loss) Revenue: $1.28 billion LV Sun

MGM Mirage - Net Income: -$434 million (loss) Revenue: $1.45 billion LV Sun

Harrah's Entertainment - Net Income: $295.6 million Revenue: $2.09 billion LV Sun

Wynn Resorts - Net Income: -$5.2 million (loss) Revenue: $809.3 million More Info

Boyd Gaming - Net Income: -$1.0 million (loss) Revenue: $384.9 million More Info

This thread will be updated as other companies report.

February 28, 2010

Open Topic Discussion - March 1, 2010

Posted by detroit1051

Steve Wynn wants to open in Pennsylvania, and it looks like LVS wants to sell Sands Bethlehem after only nine months.
Las Vegas Sands Corp. seeking to sell Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem

February 25, 2010

Vegas Gang #44 - February 25th, 2010

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* MGM's Aria - 2 Months In
* MGM Mirage Exits Atlantic City / Wynn Enters Philadelphia Market
* Greenspun / Station Casinos Relationship Disintegrates
* Lake Las Vegas Shuts Down
* President Obama's Remarks and Visit
* Harrah's Interested in The Palms?

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave comments below. Trivia questions can be sent to - we might use yours on the show.

February 11, 2010

Vegas Mate 2.5 - 13,000 Words of Content Goodness

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Mate, my Las Vegas travel guide for the iPhone and iPod Touch, is about to be updated again, to version 2.5. This will be the tenth update to Vegas Mate since it was originally released in August 2008.

What's new in this version? Nearly 13,000 words of updated or brand new content, along with some other tweaks and enhancements.

As I look at the future of Vegas Mate and other related apps (ahem, iPad ahem), I see good content as being right at the core of delivering a top-notch product. With that in mind, I hired my good friend, highly acclaimed freelancer Steve Friess to produce a few words (sometimes more than just a few) on virtually all of the hotels in the Vegas Mate database.

The result is a fantastic update full of a ton of information (some of which was new to me!) I couldn't be more happy with the way it has turned out and I'm sure you'll love it too. It's really fantastic.

My plan is to submit 2.5 to Apple in the next few days so it should be available relatively soon - maybe a week from now if the stars align properly. Vegas Mate updates are free to all existing customers.

In other news, I'm happy to say that a new Vegas Mate Web site is practically done (I cringe whenever I look at the current VM site). It features more info on the app as well as several screen casts showing the app in action.

February 8, 2010

MGM Picks China Over New Jersey

Posted by Hunter

Well, this seemed inevitable. MGM Mirage announced they are planning to divest themselves of the 50% stake they own in Atlantic City's Borgata.

The asset will remain in trust as they arrange a sale.

January 22, 2010

Vegas Gang #43 - January 21st, 2010

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* Fontainebleau + Ichan
* Resort Fees
* Harrah's + Planet Hollywood
* Harrah's iPhone App

* Vegas Gang Trivia Episode #1

Check out the show:

Feel free to leave comments below. Trivia questions can be sent to - we might use yours on the show.

January 19, 2010

Strato-bleau Moving Forward

Posted by Hunter

According to the Las Vegas Sun, it appears that financier Carl Ichan will probably end up as the new owner of the Fontainebleau project, the hulking shell of a half-finished hotel looming over the north end of The Strip.

It's not clear yet exactly when, or even if, the project would be restarted.

January 14, 2010

Strip Walk - January 2010 - CityCenter Mega Edition

Posted by Hunter

Our own mike_ch is back with a 'mega' Strip Walk, including his first time at CityCenter.

As regular readers know, Mike is never short of opinions - you'll get his full take on the new MGM Mirage development as well as a boatload of photos.

This is a good one - you don't want to miss it. Enjoy.

Complete gallery:

January 13, 2010

Encore Beach Club Renderings? Get 'Em While You Can...

Posted by Hunter

Reader @mac78130 caught these, potential renderings of the Encore Beach Club project in Las Vegas.

We don't know if these are real or not but they do match the project as proposed, with a walk-way across the existing parking garage entrance. If they are indeed real, I assume the Wynn overlords will have these taken down soon so see 'em while you can.

January 8, 2010

Updated: Harrah's To Launch iPhone App

Posted by Hunter

The Las Vegas Sun is reporting that Harrah's will be launching an iPhone app sometime this month.

This sort of thing is inevitable - I expect more of this to come.

What's not really mentioned in the article though - GPS doesn't really work indoors. On the iPhone, it falls back to cell-tower triangulation which is not very accurate (it could tell you that you were on The Strip but not that you were specifically inside Caesars) - that's a problem that I combat with Vegas Mate too. I'd invest in high-quality interior maps if I could use them that way.

Now, the other way an iPhone can locate itself is through registered Wi-Fi access points - if Harrah's is installing and registering Wi-Fi stations, that would improve the ability to locate indoors (for Vegas Mate too - it all works the same way). That would be great for everyone.

The author also refers to the app 'text messaging' users. I assume they mean Push Notifications, which are like text messages but are not really the same thing. It's a pretty high level article so I guess the specific details aren't too terribly important.

I haven't tried the app yet but I certainly will. In the meantime, the far more comprehensive Vegas Mate is on sale this week for the bargain price of $1.99.

Update: Is this 'Caesars Palace' app on the App Store the app they're talking about? If so, it's already out... and quite basic. Looks like basically a brochure in app form. Also, it appears to download each screen of data as you move through the app. That means it won't work offline for iPod Touch users. If this is the app they're talking about, count me underwhelmed.

January 5, 2010

Harrah's Blog Disses Resort Fees

Posted by Hunter

Very interesting item on the Harrah's blog today that ties into some of the things we've been talking about.

Basically, a post putting down resort fees and the resorts that charge them. I guess this means the PHo resort fee will be getting the axe sometime soonish? Theirs is pretty small at only about $5.

December 31, 2009

Vegas Gang #42 - December 31st, 2009

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* CityCenter Opens
* 2009 Recap/2010 Look Forward
* Gary Jacobs and MGM Mirage

Have a Happy New Year. We love you.

December 31, 2009

Vdara General Manager Responds

Posted by Hunter

A few weeks ago I wrote an open letter to Vdara General Manager Angela Lester about problems I had during my stay. I'm happy to say that today I got a detailed, point-by-point response from Ms. Lester that covers each specific issue I raised.

All service operations have missteps, especially brand new ones. The thoughtful response indicates that they truly want to fix these problems and improve quality. I appreciate her taking the time to respond in full.

As for if I will visit Vdara again - certainly. While I prefer gaming properties when in Las Vegas, a Vdara firing on all cylinders could be a nice alternative.

Ms. Lester's response is after the jump.

Happy New Year!

December 27, 2009

Phil Ruffin: The Strip in 2020

Posted by Hunter

Writing a piece for the Las Vegas Sun, mega-investor Phil Ruffin of TI has shared his vision for the future with the rest of us here:

His predictions are pretty safe: more people, uptick in room rates, and 'don't invest anywhere but The Strip if you want to be successful'.

If Ruffin has any real insights about the future, he's not sharing them here.

December 22, 2009

Open Letter To Vdara General Manager

Posted by Hunter

Both of my trips to Vdara were extremely problematic for me as a guest - stuff was broken, long waits, service issues, etc... I decided to write a letter detailing my experience to the hotel's general manager, Angela Lester.

I also decided to post the letter here, after the jump. If she responds, I will also make sure to post that as well.

I tried to be fair and this is not meant to embarrass the hotel but as a paying guest, this stuff shouldn't happen. Comments are welcome.

December 19, 2009

Mandarin Oriental - December 2009

Posted by Hunter

For my last night, I stayed at Mandarin Oriental... and am I glad that I did. This place is amazing.

Here are some photos:

I'll be writing and posting all throughout the next week with my thoughts - for now, I'll leave it at these!

December 18, 2009

UPDATED (AGAIN): ARIA Opening Is In Full Swing

Posted by Hunter

The coverage is rolling -

Also, I just uploaded 190 photos from inside ARIA to Flickr:

Got to sample some of the restaurant cuisine - so far great stuff. Lots of details to come but the staff here seem happy and excited - fun!

Update: Photos of two rooms at Vdara (I was moved to a suite due to 'issues').

Update 2: More photos of ARIA and opening night festivities:

December 16, 2009

Boyd Makes New Bid For Station Casinos

Posted by Hunter

Boyd Gaming, who made an offer for some of debt-plagued Station earlier this year, has now said it wants to buy the entire company for $2.45 billion. Station Casinos is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

I can see how this would make sense - they seem like organizations with comparable goals and customer bases. Station rebuffed the previous offer.

December 12, 2009

Vegas Gang #41 - December 11th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* Dr. Dave Tours CityCenter
* Hunter Stays at Vdara
* Jeff Explains How Harrah's Can Buy P-Ho
* Fontainebleau Drama Continues

December 11, 2009

Good Day, Sunshine

Posted by Hunter

A LVRJ article on the new trend (?) of sunlight being let into casinos:

Of course, Encore made a significant play for this and I think very successfully - parts of the casino are indeed flooded with light.

The author mentions CityCenter as an extension of this. My first impression walking through ARIA was certainly not that I needed sunblock. The casino is directly up against the porte-cochere glass doors in several places and light certainly spills in at the edges... maybe it's because the color scheme is mostly earth tones but it 'felt' dark to me.

There are certainly wonderful spots at ARIA, such as the main registration desk, the Harmon entrance and the entire promenade level, that are very well lit.

I hope this is indeed a trend that continues... Personally, I'd love to see a joint where the entire casino floor ceiling to be a skylight. Could be an amazing design feature, no?

December 8, 2009

More Time Inside CityCenter's ARIA

Posted by Hunter

I got a second chance to check out part of CityCenter's ARIA last week - I figured this would be a good time to share some of those thoughts.

The 4,004 room resort is the centerpiece of the project, including the only gaming space in the complex.

Continue after the jump for some additional thoughts...

December 7, 2009

UPDATED: No Push For Locals as ARIA Customers?

Posted by Hunter

This one was too odd not to post. Steve Friess has a blog post with a quote from MGM Mirage CEO Jim Murren where he says he doesn't really care if locals visit ARIA, implying it's the least important part of the complex (to him?).

This seems like an odd thing to say, the simplest reason being that ARIA has a killer spa, pool day-club and a bunch of high-end restaurants, let alone 150,000 square foot casino. It'll be interesting if he backtracks from this at all - almost sounds like it didn't come out right.

Update: It gets even better!

December 1, 2009

UPDATED: Vdara: Some Photos and Opinions

Posted by Hunter

Dr. Dave Schwartz has blogged a bit about his walk through Vdara this morning. Also, his photos are available here:

Also, VegasRex has his own take, another interesting read.

I'll be at Vdara on Saturday to explore it more fully, along with The Crystals, before the big event in two weeks.

Update: Steve Friess lends some new pictures and thoughts about Vdara.

Three interesting stories breaking this morning:

Binion's to Close Hotel Tower - the legendary Downtown hotel has announced they will be closing the hotel tower and restaurant facilities as a result of the bad economy:

Harrah's Entertainment, who have been buying Planet Hollywood debt, is taking the process to the next step - Nevada gaming regulators:

Las Vegas Sands raised $5 billion in an IPO for their Macanese operations:

November 29, 2009

UPDATED: Jim Murren: The Man and His City(Center)

Posted by Hunter

A story in today's Sun delves into Jim Murren's thinking regarding the design of CityCenter. It's an interesting look at the process and gives more insight into the man, someone that hasn't had a well-defined public persona beyond the quarterly conference calls.

Murren talks about CityCenter inspiring people to create art - that would be incredible were it to occur. Perhaps a modern-day Renoir will be so-moved by slot machines - I'm a little skeptical.

The author, Liz Benston, makes reference to people that have described CityCenter as "a themed version of New York as envisioned by a Manhattan transplant". That's one of the points I raised in my write-up of the site tour. Sounds like Murren would match it more closely with master-planning done in places like Abu Dhabi - perhaps that is more apt but I think the basic premise still holds.

There are some nice photos with the piece, including the Crystals/ARIA pocket park, one of my fave places in the complex (and it sounds like one of Murren's too).

Vdara opens on Tuesday. Hard to believe that we're finally at the finish line!

Update: A related update - the LA Times has some interior photos, though mostly specific textures and related design elements including some stuff I saw and some I haven't yet seen.,0,853232.photogallery,0,37081.photogallery

I love big cities. I'd much rather ride a subway than sit on a beach. I love museums and cultural events, great restaurants and urban activity.

New York is one of my favorites. If I had to live outside the US, I'd probably settle in London. I've been lucky enough to see Cairo, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, Chicago, Istanbul and much of the rest of the world. Great cities are complicated, charming, messy, crowded, contradictory... and wonderful.

MGM Mirage is trying to replicate the best bits of those experiences in a new project opening soon on the Las Vegas Strip - CityCenter.

This past week, your humble host was given the opportunity to tour part of this new hospitality complex - 67 acres at the heart of the Las Vegas Strip, located between Bellagio and Monte Carlo.

My experiences on that tour are after the jump - enjoy. CityCenter will be a hot topic of discussion for months if not years. I can't wait until you all can share your own thoughts.

Update: We're not allowed to publish the actual map but Chuckmonster traced a copy and posted it on VT. This is the casino level and includes much of the stuff I saw on this tour. His version looks identical to the 'real' one. Enjoy.

November 20, 2009

Vegas Gang #40 - November 20, 2009

Posted by Hunter

This time on the show:

* Hunter Tours CityCenter
* Fontainebleau
* Global Gaming Expo 2009

I believe we'll have someone from MGM Mirage Design Group on a future episode, not too far away. Feel free to submit questions here.

Perennial bridesmaid Penn National Gaming made a formal bid for the shut-down Fontainebleau project on the Las Vegas Strip today - the bid: $50 million. Bidding ends January 15th, 2010.

The project has incurred over $1.5 billion in construction costs and is estimated to require perhaps a similar amount to complete to original specification.

If Penn pulls this off, they'll have their first Las Vegas Strip presence - something they've toyed with for some time... If this does happen, Jeff Soffer is going to enter the gaming disaster hall of fame, right next to new-Aladdin developer Jack Sommer... Sommer? Soffer? Odd name similarity there... Anyway...

Update: Since this was written, Penn National has been outbid by a group lead by investor Carl Icahn:

I'm trying something a little different this quarter - a single thread to cover all gaming companies reporting.

I will update this thread as other companies report.

Wynn Resorts - Net Income: $34.2 million Revenue: $773.1 million
* Wynn Las Vegas / Encore Las Vegas: ADR: $210 Occupancy: 83.9%
* Wynn Macau: ADR: $263 Occupancy: 89.2%

Boyd Gaming - Net Income: $6.3 million Revenue: $398.2 million
The Echelon project will remain mothballed for three to five years.

Harrah's Entertainment - Net Income: -$1.05 billion (loss) Revenue: $2.28 billion
Harrah's is privately held.

Las Vegas Sands - Net Income: -$123 million (loss) Revenue: $1.14 billion

MGM Mirage - Net Income: -$750.4 million (loss) Revenue: $1.533 billion LV Sun

Station Casinos - Net Income: -$455.4 million (loss) Revenue: $255.7 million. Station is privately held.

Interesting promotion from Planet Hollywood - you pay $600 and can stay 10 nights between now and March 2010, working out to $60 a night.

What makes this really interesting is that there are no blackout dates and the hated resort fee is waived.

For frequent visitors, these sorts of promotions could really save some money. Props to PHo for trying something like this.

Two interesting but unrelated stories this morning:

* Wynn Resorts will be paying a special dividend to shareholders and then start paying a regular dividend in 2010.

* CEO Dan Lee has left Pinnacle Entertainment, a Las Vegas based casino operator with properties in various US markets. Lee was Mirage Resorts CFO in a past life and partly responsible for assembling the parcel that is now CityCenter.

Posting both for the sake of discussion...

November 4, 2009

The VT 'Debacle'

Posted by Hunter

By now, I doubt that any regular reader isn't familiar with the / Wynn Resorts flap over

Well, Charles S. Monster has posted their planned response and I think it's just about perfect (except for Steven vs. Stephen - sorry, couldn't resist the nitpick).

As Chuck's partner in the referenced Web site, I can confirm his origination of said term, which no doubt has entered our lexicon - I use it myself frequently.

I'm typically not one for boycotts or protests but there is no doubt that Wynn Resorts made themselves look a bit silly this time around. Maybe they didn't realize who the domain belonged to or its intended purpose. Let's hope that they buy into CSM's plan to reconcile - I'd rather see Twitpics of Macau than the inside of a courtroom.

Of course we'll all be watching to see what happens... and I'm sure I'll ask him about it on the next VegasGang.

Speaking of casino opening Web sites, we're reprising our Encore performance for ARIA... though we have a few tricks up our sleeve to amp it up a bit. Stay tuned.

October 21, 2009

Vegas Gang #38 - October 21st, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Live from Vegas Podcast-a-palooza 2 @ The Palms.

We discuss CityCenter with our guest MGM Mirage Sr. VP of Public Relations Gordon Absher.

Feel free to add your comments below...

October 21, 2009

LV Weekly on Podcast-a-palooza 2

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Weekly writer Richard Abowitz was on-hand this past weekend for our second annual Vegas Podcast-a-palooza at The Palms. The resulting article is now available online:

More after the jump...

October 13, 2009

Inside The Unfinished Fontainebleau

Posted by Hunter

Really cool video that David posted on Stiffs and Georges showing the interior of the FBleau project as it stands.

Does it look 70% complete? I know the last 30% would be basically all the finishes but it seems far off that mark to my untrained eye.

Video embedded after the jump.

I'll try not to go overboard on the 'Palooza stuff this week but I did want to mention that the good peoples at Planet Hollywood have been gracious enough to provide some potential prizes for Podcast-a-palooza guests.

Chuck has the details:

Thanks to them for supporting the event. One of their stars, Holly Madison, will be interviewed by Steve & Miles of The Strip Podcast.

October 11, 2009

Fontainebleau Worth Finishing?

Posted by Hunter

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Alexandra Berzon, in her new gig as a WSJ reporter, has a story up on discussing the Fontainebleau project on the North Las Vegas Strip.

The story examines one of the most looming issues for FBleau - there are potential bidders but the place will need $1.2 to $2.0 billion in work before it can welcome any guests - the numbers just don't pencil out.

That location, without all of the other projects that are now delayed or shelved, combined with the collapse of the condo market, means that the project is worth a mere fraction of what it would have been.

Prospective buyer Penn National Gaming may be ready to submit a bid - and it may be as low as $300 million.

We'll see how this all shakes out. (Subscription Required)

I can't really imagine a scenario in which the project is imploded for a re-do - even at close to zero, it seems it would be cheaper to buy this and finish it... right?

October 1, 2009

Open Topic Discussion - October 1, 2009

Posted by detroit1051

Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Gaming stocks ended the 3rd Quarter with very nice share price increases. Now, what will happen when CityCenter opens?

Strip stocks stage September surge
LV Sands, MGM Mirage, Wynn Resorts rise

September 26, 2009

Vegas Gang #37 - September 24th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

New episode is up:

We discuss:

* Planet Hollywood + Harrah's?
* Fontainebleau + Penn Nat'l?
* Stanley Ho's SJM
* Niche Marketing @ Monte Carlo
* Gaming Figures
* Aria

Do you have questions for MGM Mirage's Alan Feldman? He'll be our guest at Vegas Podcast-a-palooza in October. Leave your question in a comment and we'll consider them for the show.

September 25, 2009

Las Vegas Innovator Bob Stupak Passes Away

Posted by Hunter

Bob Stupak, creator of Vegas World and The Stratosphere Tower, died today at 67.

Other media outlets can eulogize him far better than I can but I'll say this: even if his creations were not up your alley, the guy had a massive impact on Las Vegas as it is today.

Mike's back with another Strip Walk and this time it's all MGM, all the time.

Here's the complete photo gallery:

Read on for more...

September 17, 2009

SJM's Stanley Ho Dead? [Probably Not]

Posted by Hunter

MacauTripping is reporting that Dr. Stanley Ho, Macanese gaming pioneer and leader of SJM may have died. Reports are as yet unconfirmed but if it is true would no doubt have a major impact on the gaming industry in that region.

From what I have read, the path of succession for SJM is not clear - who will take over the company? Ho had many children, including those that are in relationships with foreign companies like MGM Mirage and PBL. Could Pansy Ho take over SJM? Can't imagine New Jersey regulators would love that, given their concern over alleged SJM activities in the past.

Update: So, it appears that Dr. Ho is alive and well - this rumor is unfounded as far as we can tell.

September 15, 2009

Harrah's Investing in Planet Hollywood Debt

Posted by Hunter

The news that Harrah's had started buying Planet Hollywood debt started fluttering around on Saturday and finally got some major coverage yesterday.

Basically, PHo has been hurting, just like everyone else. I'm sure Harrah's sees an opportunity to potentially pick up a Strip property at a discount, ala Tropicana AC or LV.

Potentially great business decision for Harrah's but I hope this doesn't come to fruition. As others have said, The Strip doesn't need more consolidation - it seems to be healthier and do better with more operators and more competition.

If this does go down, it would be interesting to see if regulators have more pause after the events of the last few years.

September 14, 2009

City Center Wins Some Green

Posted by Hunter

City Center isn't even open and it's already winning some green. By that terrible pun, I am referring to their LEED certification for Aria and Vdara, two components of the project.

This is a great thing - not only does the company get a tax abatement for up to ten years, it gets them a bunch of extra press and builds some additional excitement... plus, helping the environment isn't a bad thing either.

September 4, 2009

Vegas Gang #36 - September 3rd, 2009

Posted by Hunter

The latest Vegas Gang Podcast has been published.

We discuss:

* Encore Beach Club
* FBleu Sale Rumors
* City Center Condos
* Frank Fertita Jr.

and more...

Feel free to leave comments below. I feel like I was supposed to put something in the show notes and I can't remember what now...

Oh, here's the LV Weekly article on Vegas Mate:

September 1, 2009

Grazie Expands: Las Vegas Sands Gets Into Promo Game

Posted by Hunter

Today, along with others, I got an email about changes to Grazie (formerly 'Club Grazie'), the Las Vegas Sands guest benefits program.

I'm not calling it a slot club because the company has decided to expand the offering - you get points for gaming but also rooms, dining and retail. Three tiers separate card holders, Grazie, Gold and Platinum.

This is a welcome change for Las Vegas regulars that enjoy a good 'two way hard three' but also drop significant change for deluxe suites and gourmet meals (are you listening, Wynn Resorts??)

Personally, I hope to see more of this permeate the gaming industry.

August 20, 2009

MGM Grand's 'Prima' Program

Posted by Hunter

I saw the 'Prima' promotion from MGM Grand maybe a week and a half ago and didn't think much of it - at first glance I guess I didn't really get it... until I listened to the T&M Show (kinda like H&M but with some Replacements, more shoe-talk and less Scandinavians).

Turns out, the deal goes something like this: book at MGM Grand under this program and you commit to spending $500 on top of your room cost - basically a credit on your room account. In return, you get all kinds of deals and special offers during your stay including 2-for-1 drinks, 2-for-1 entrees at restaurants, VIP check-in, a limo trip, club access, etc...

This is interesting! I'm sure many people can relate to spending something in this range (or more) during a trip of a few days, especially if they concentrated their activity at one hotel and if show tickets are involved.

As far as I know, there aren't other deals of this kind out there, at least not explicit like this one is. Curious to see how this goes for them and if Prima is around in a few months.

August 18, 2009

Encore Las Vegas: 'Switch Beach Club' Coming Q2-2010

Posted by Hunter

As we've previously reported, Encore Las Vegas is looking at replacing the Las Vegas Strip porte-cochere with a new pool complex, tentatively named the 'Switch Beach Club'.

This rendering was presented tonight to the Clark County Planning Commission:

The complex should be open for next year's Summer season.

Some recent photos of this area: Exterior 1, Exterior 2, Exterior 3, Construction Exterior.

Thanks to @mtc for the higher-res image.

August 9, 2009

Vegas Gang #35 - August 9th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #35 Posted

We discuss:

* Harrah's 'Street O' Shops'
* Monte Carlo Hotel 32
* Financial Reporting
* Random Banter

and more...

Feel free to leave comments below.

August 3, 2009

MGM Mirage Reports Second Quarter 2009 Results

Posted by Hunter

This morning, Nevada based MGM Mirage released their second quarter results:

A loss of $212 million for the quarter, along with lower revenues as well. Despite taking a big hit this quarter, some analysts believe MGM Mirage has turned their balance sheet around and should start to see some upside in the coming quarters. They miraculously were able to navigate a very difficult set of conditions this Spring without resorting to an asset fire sale.

Their massive City Center project opens in phases starting in October.

August 2, 2009

Open Topic Discussion - August 1, 2009

Posted by detroit1051

High rise condos are the subject of a story in the RJ. The concluding paragraphs summarize what many others have been saying:

"What is the end game for Las Vegas? Returning to its roots as an affordable and diverse entertainment destination, Nichols said.
"We became too much of the $500 bottle of vodka and multihundred-dollar room," he said. "We increased capacity at a higher price point when there was no demand for that. There's a direct relationship between price point and market share. If entertainment, rooms, and food and beverage get back in line, just like any service or commodity, that's when the town will rebound."

To read more:
High-Rise Plans Go Flat In Las Vegas

July 30, 2009

Las Vegas Sands Posts Second Quarter Loss

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands, operator of The Venetian and The Palazzo in Las Vegas and several casinos in Macau, posted a loss of $171 million for the second quarter of 2009.

Looking at the details, they had two large one-time charges and without those, they'd have swung to a $22 million profit. Those charges include a non-cash impairment related to the shopping complex at The Palazzo, worth substantially less than originally thought.

LVS, which is building a new property in Singapore, believes it can realize $500 million in annualized efficiencies through cost cutting. They're not all that specific about what they want to do but that's a big number... I'm sure you intrepid readers could suggest a few things they could cut back on, no?

July 30, 2009

Wynn Resorts Posts Second Quarter Income Plunge

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas based Wynn Resorts reported their second quarter results this morning. Net revenues were below many analysts expectations but EBITDA was stronger than expected.

The press release is here:

Occupancy in Las Vegas is off almost 10 points from the year ago quarter and ADR is down to just over $200 as many recent visitors can attest to. REVPAR in Las Vegas was off over 35% to $188, though over 2,000 additional rooms are included in the figures for this quarter.

The stock has been trading up $5/share as of this writing.

Update: Fixed the poorly worded headline.

July 28, 2009

Station Casinos Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Posted by Hunter

Not much detail but the troubled Las Vegas locals operator has filed for protection and reorganization under the bankruptcy code.

Station 'went private' in 2007 as part of a $9 billion deal.

July 27, 2009

Wynn's Roger Thomas Honored - Video Interview

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to Mike E over at for catching this one - a multi-part video interview set with design genius Roger Thomas, Executive VP of Design at Wynn Design and Development as he was honored this past February in Las Vegas.

Thomas was responsible for many major Wynn designs at properties including Wynn Las Vegas, Encore Las Vegas, Wynn Macau, Bellagio, Treasure Island, Beau Rivage, The Mirage, Golden Nugget and more.

Roger Thomas - Chapter 1
Roger Thomas - Chapter 2
Roger Thomas - Chapter 3
Roger Thomas - Chapter 4
Roger Thomas - Chapter 5
Roger Thomas - Chapter 6

July 21, 2009

Potential Hong Kong IPO for Wynn Resorts

Posted by Hunter

There's a story circulating that indicates Wynn Resorts may offer some shares of its Macanese operations on the Hong Kong stock market. The move could raise up to $2 billion.

The RJ has more:

A Union Gaming analysis indicates that Wynn Resorts' balance sheet is strong and that the cash is not required to meet existing obligations. If this is true, does that mean WYNN is playing it safe or about to embark on a new project?

Of course, Las Vegas Sands has floated a similar idea several times and never pulled the trigger.

July 16, 2009

Sponsorship and Social Media in Gaming

Posted by Hunter

My good friend Chuck @ published a new piece, talking about how social media and 'sponsored' conversations are impacting the way the casinos get their message out.

I encouraged him to publish this because I think discussing people's expectations is important as all of us publishers set our own standards.

I believe that in these sorts of things, transparency is a good policy.

Oh, and if you want to follow us on Twitter:

@hunter (not all Las Vegas stuff)

Also, our previous list of people tweeting about Las Vegas, which is only partially up to date at this point:

There was a news story a few days ago indicating that Nevada regulators had decided to levy a fine against Planet Hollywood for incidents at the Privé nightclub including underage drinking and other offenses.

Today, an article in the Sun that compares the $500,000 fine with other agencies.

Update: The gaming commission approved the fine, as expected. In addition though, Clark County has denied the liquor license application for Privé. I'm not really sure how they can survive without booze.

The Sun weighs in:

July 13, 2009

Union Gaming Group Fires Up Engines

Posted by Hunter

Last week, we had Rich Moriarty from Union Gaming Group on the Vegas Gang show. It was great - Rich is a pro with a lot of experience in finance and gaming.

This week, Union Gaming is launching their daily coverage of gaming company financials, Heard On The Strip.

Now, the product is aimed at larger institutional investors, governments and hotel execs and is priced accordingly but Union Gaming breaking on to the scene is important for all of us that armchair quarterback the industry as well. Given how often these guys are quoted in local and national media when it comes to gaming, I expect lots of interesting insight from them as they grow their new biz.

Thanks again to Rich for coming on the show last week - really enjoyed it.

July 10, 2009

Vegas Gang #34 - July 9th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Episode #34 of the Vegas Gang is up:

Rich Moriarty from Union Gaming is our guest.

We discuss:

* Harrah's and Station LBOs
* May 2009 Gaming Figures
* Las Vegas Sands Re-Starting in Macau
* City Center: Crystals Retail Information

and more...

Update: I mis-spoke during the show, indicating that Station filed Ch. 11. That's not the case, though they are still in negotiations with their lenders. I apologize for the mistake.

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

Fascinating article today in the Sun about the fast-paced world of design and construction on the Las Vegas Strip.

Cost overruns and safety issues at projects like Fontainebleau and City Center have highlighted the massively iterative nature of the design process, sometimes at the cost of millions.

June 21, 2009

City Center: Rescued From The Brink

Posted by Hunter

A story today in the RJ about how MGM Mirage saved City Center.

Despite painting a rosy outlook at the time, things were very close to catastrophe.

This is a topic we touched on during a Vegas Gang show - I speculated that Murren and Co really pulled off a near-miracle in keeping the project intact. Knowing now that they did it without having to sell any additional Strip properties is even more amazing.

June 20, 2009

Vegas Gang #33 - June 18th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Happy to be back after a little bit of a break. Lots to talk about, as always.

We discuss:

* MGM Mirage Expands to Egypt
* Tropicana Atlantic City Sells to Ichan
* Fontainebleau Files Chapter 11
* City of Dreams Opens on Cotai

Also, check out and Vegas Mate 2.

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

June 20, 2009

Oh Ye of Modest Means, Cometh to the Casino

Posted by Hunter

We know that all casino operators take their player databases and deliver offers based on the customer's profile - better customers get better offers, though sometimes it can be far more complex than that - bringing in a long lost customer, enticing some specific block. They use high-end relationship management software to pull these things together.

It becomes more interesting when an operator makes a mistake and the customer gets to see how they are classified in the database.

Over the past day or so, MGM Mirage sent out email marketing information for the Michael Buble concert on July 4th weekend. At the bottom of the offer, where it has the players name, it appears they accidentally included the account classification.

Here's what mine looked like:


I'm not sure what 'Mature Wealth' actually means - I'm 29 years old and haven't been staying or playing with MGM Mirage as much as I did a few years ago. Even when I had, I never dropped any large coin at their properties - it did make me chuckle though.

What's more interesting is that other readers reported tags such as 'Modest Means' - not sure if calling customers poor is the hook MGM was looking for to get people back on property.

Did you get this email? Any other interesting tags you're willing to share in the comments?

June 16, 2009

MGM Mirage Expanding to Egypt

Posted by Hunter

I guess the Luxor was just practice - MGM Mirage is going to put an MGM Grand branded hotel into Giza, the Cairo suburb home to the Great Pyramid.

I've been to see the pyramids and while they are impressive. I don't know if I can imagine an MGM Grand logo blinking in neighborhood.

June 12, 2009

Ichan Group Purchases Tropicana Atlantic City

Posted by Hunter

An investment group lead by Carl Ichan has finalized a purchase of the Tropicana in Atlantic City. Ichan has gaming experience having previously owned interests in Arizona Charlie's and The Stratosphere in Las Vegas.

The AC Trop was forced into sale when the NJCC opted not to renew the license of previous owner, Columbia Sussex.

The price for Ichan? $200 million - that's 80% less than the $1B the property was expected to fetch. Amazing.

June 12, 2009

Strip Walk - June 2009

Posted by Hunter

Mike is back with a Strip Walk for June 2009 including Encore, Palazzo, Treasure Island, City Center and more.

As always, the photo gallery is here:

Click through to read more.

Not a big surprise given the funding problems they ran into when the banks pulled their last $800 million but it's still worth noting that this is bad news.

Thanks to reader 'G' for sending this to me.

June 4, 2009

Tropicana 3.0?

Posted by Hunter

As has been reported in many corners, plans for changes at the Trop in Las Vegas are moving forward.

This RJ story has the details:

Even if they pump a $100 million into this place, it will still be the Trop. Don't get me wrong, it could go a long way to clean up the casino floor - new carpets, some paint, etc... but let's not pretend that all of a sudden people are going to mistake it for a five-diamond joint.

Trop 3.0 could do just fine targeting the mid-market.

May 30, 2009

Non-Casino Based Comps Finally Getting Traction?

Posted by Hunter

I heard rumblings about the LVS Club Grazie policy a few days ago but completely spaced on it.

Thankfully, Chuck Mike E. @ VegasTripping did not and wrote it up:

This one is near and dear to my heart. I love playing the casino but I'm *sure* that over the years I've spent way more on hotel suites and fancy meals. I know I would personally benefit from this *cough* Wynn Resorts *cough*.

Hopefully this trend spreads as fast as the ultralounge.

May 29, 2009

Schaeffer Out at Fontainebleau Resorts

Posted by Hunter

Former Mandalay Resort Group executive Glenn Schaeffer is out as the top dog at Fontainebleau Resorts. This is another *major* blow for the company that is already struggling with financing problems related to its Strip resort.

May 28, 2009

Cotai's City of Dreams Opens Monday

Posted by Hunter

The WSJ has an article about City of Dreams, set to open Monday on Macau's Cotai Strip.

At $2.4 billion, it's a very ambitious project and I know a lot of Macau-o-philes that are eagerly awaiting the doors being thrown open. Other than The Venetian, it's the second *major* project to open on Cotai.

May 21, 2009

Vegas Gang #32 - May 21st, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Happy to be back after a little bit of a break. Lots to talk about, as always.

We discuss:

* MGM Mirage Pulls a Rabbit Out of its Hat
* Fontainebleau May Not Be Totally Screwed (we'll see)
* UNLV Center for Gaming Research Trends
* MGM Mirage Selling Properties

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

The results of the long-running New Jersey investigation into the suitability of Pansy Ho as a business partner for MGM Mirage has resulted in the department of enforcement recommending against.

MGM Mirage partnered with Ho on MGM Grand Macau and owns a 50% interest of one New Jersey property, the Borgata.

What happens next is unclear - maybe nothing. The Sun has more:

May 19, 2009

REVIEW: Disney's The Lion King @ Mandalay Bay

Posted by Hunter

We sent Mr. Mike_Ch over to Mandalay Bay to see the new production of Disney's The Lion King.

He came back with a mighty helpful and dare I say insightful review.

Enjoy after the jump!

May 18, 2009

Fontainebleau Grinding To a Halt?

Posted by Hunter

Despite the fact the LVRJ has misspelled the name of the resort (as of this writing it says 'Corporate layoffs begin at Fountainebleau, more cuts likely'), they do have an interesting story about layoffs at the under-construction Strip resort.

May 16, 2009

Tropicana Las Vegas Take Over Plan Continues

Posted by Hunter

The private equity takeover plan that includes former MGM Grand exec Alex Yemenidjian seems to be moving forward.

May 13, 2009

MGM Mirage Plans Offering to Reduce Debt

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage has proposed issuing some new debt and equity to raise up to $2.5 billion. Proceeds would be used to pay off other debts.

Part of the package would includes liens against Bellagio and The Mirage which translates into MGM not selling those places anytime soon.

May 8, 2009

Monte Carlo to Introduce Hotel 32

Posted by Hunter

As per an email marketing campaign, Monte Carlo will be introducing 'Hotel 32' in the coming weeks or months.

Details are sparse and MGM Mirage says they're not ready to divulge more yet but the images in the email seem to show a heavily upgraded 32nd floor, the top level damaged by the January 2008 fire. There may also be a special lounge on this floor for suite guests, though that's not confirmed.

Hotel 32 is expected to start accepting guests sometime in August of 2009.

May 6, 2009

Las Vegas Sands Reports Q1 2009

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands reported their first quarter results and as many could have guessed, they lost a little money this time around - looks like $87 million.

Details here:

May 5, 2009

Wynn Resorts Posts First Quarter Loss

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts posted their first quarter numbers today:

Looks like Macau, sometimes the lifeboat for earnings, wasn't able to pull it off this time.

May 4, 2009

MGM Mirage Reports First Quarter 2009 Results

Posted by Hunter

A very tough quarter for the Las Vegas based operator - 20% reduction in net revenue. To their credit, they don't sugar coat it - things are tough in gaming and these results reflect that.

If they hadn't had some of the TI sale figures in this quarter, things would have looked even worse.

REVPAR took a big hit - looks like they had to significantly drop rates to stabilize occupancy.

May 3, 2009

Fontainebleau Interiors and Animation

Posted by Hunter

CSM at has posted some still images of Fontainebleau Las Vegas interiors that were captured from a video rendering. Chuck's post and stills are here:

The original video is here:

Chuck mentions in his post that it amps up his interest in the property a good margin. While I think some of it looks interesting, that overhead casino shot reminds me of a nicer version of Planet Hollywood. Of course, I may change my mind when I see it in person.

Still, very interesting. Hopefully this place is completed sooner rather than later.

Sad news this morning - long time Las Vegas headliner Danny Gans, who recently opened a new show at Encore Las Vegas, has apparently died in his sleep. He was 52 years old.

Gans previous show at The Mirage had a long successful run, as did his previous off-Strip engagement at The Rio.

While perhaps not known outside of Las Vegas, Danny Gans' show was one of the town's most popular.

I know Gans was married and had children. Very sad.


Las Vegas Sun:

Update: Richard Abowitz has the Wynn statement:

Update: Steve Friess spoke with Gans manager Chip Lightman:

April 29, 2009

CityCenter Funding Plan Approved

Posted by Hunter

After a very anti-climatic afternoon which saw MGM Mirage shares stop trading ahead of the closing bell, we see this news that MGM and partner Dubai World have hammered out an agreement, along with the lenders, to make sure CityCenter is completed and opens later this year.

It appears that MGM Mirage had to put Circus Circus and its land up as a lien as part of this deal, if construction costs go over.

April 27, 2009

Open Topic Discussion - April 27th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Here's an open topic thread for y'all, primed with a report that LVS may be looking to sell Sands Macau and then operate it for for prospective buyer.

April 23, 2009

Vegas Gang #31 - April 23rd, 2009

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another episode! It can be downloaded here.

Our special guest is casino expert Bill Zender, author of Casino-ology, a collection of his writings over the past several years. Zender was also a guest on Dr. Dave's excellent UNLV podcast.

We discuss:

* Game Protection and the Future
* Casino Consolidation on The Strip
* MGM Mirage Selling Properties

Feel free to leave your comments below. If it's a question that you want asked on the show, please make that clear in your post. You can also send those to

April 23, 2009

LVSUN: Fontainebleau Funding Disaster

Posted by Hunter

According to the award winning Las Vegas Sun, Fontainebleau is suing some banks that apparently don't want to loan about $800MM that was promised to complete the project.

Funny, we were just talking about FBleau on the VegasGang today. Episode to be posted soon.

According to the WSJ, investor Carl Icahn and Oaktree Capital, a private equity firm, have been buying up MGM Mirage bonds and are pushing for the company to file bankruptcy.

More as it develops.

Update: WSJ link.

In 2006, before a cratering economy taught grown men how to cry, a Nevada holding company, Southern NV Rental Holdings, purchased dozens of houses around the Palace Station casino on West Sahara.

In that linked article, the Sun hypothesizes that Station Casinos was somehow involved in these purchases, perhaps for possible re-development in that area. That same holding company purchased other residential properties near other Station developments as well.

Well, it seems these houses are again for sale and whoever does ultimately own them seems willing to take a bath to get rid of them. The original article indicates a range of purchase prices, some in the $200,000 - $285,000 range. Many of the units are now listed at selling prices of $120,000 or less.

Is Station selling assets at fire sale prices to raise cash? Given the level of indirection with these holdings, we can't say for sure and the company didn't respond to my email request for a comment.

Update: Some more from the LVBP archives (thanks David!). Still not completely clear it is Station - could be a business partner that now wants to divest itself of land for a project that probably isn't happening anytime soon... or not. The delving continues.

April 10, 2009

UPDATED: Dubai to MGM: Never-mind, Our Bad

Posted by Hunter

It seems Dubai World has floated a proposal in the drama that is CityCenter.

Hopefully you can read that (I will post a free link when/if I can) but it basically sounds like they're saying that all the parties should agree to fund the rest of the project - you know, kinda like the original plan they had when they struck their deal in the first place.

Under this plan, MGM Mirage, Dubai and the banks would remove some of the contingencies surrounding the final $3 billion (every time, this number seems different) in funding required to finish the project.

Also, a different story from the RJ about MGM Mirage about the banks letting them continue to go along alone, without DW:

April 10, 2009

Steve Wynn on Ralston / Sunday w/ Charlie Rose

Posted by Hunter

Many of you have already seen the two part interview with Steve Wynn that Jon Ralston did. If not, watch here:

Part One (LV Sun)

Part Two (LV Sun)

Now, along with giving insight into his political beliefs, one of the more interesting bits is the talk about Wynn shopping for assets on The Strip. We also discussed this on yesterday's Vegas Gang. Would Wynn buy Bellagio? I think the consensus is that he meant what he said - if the price is right, Wynn Resorts may be game. This should not surprise anyone.

Wynn says Las Vegas is better off with multiple operators duking it out. I totally agree and hope that one of the positive outcomes of this downturn is that we have better, more vibrant bare-knuckled competition on The Strip. That would certainly make my job more interesting.

Can't get enough of The Steve? He'll be on 60 Minutes this Sunday with a piece by my favorite interviewer, Charlie Rose.

April 9, 2009

Vegas Gang #30 - April 9th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another episode! It can be downloaded here.

This time around we discuss:

* February 2009 Gaming Numbers
* Listener Questions

Feel free to leave your comments below.

April 9, 2009

Gaming Numbers Published

Posted by Hunter

We will touch on this on the next Vegas Gang show but I wanted to post this for comments.

As is typical, the gaming figures have been released. They are of course, down.

Dr. Dave thinks the RJ is downplaying the bad news.

In related news, word comes that the Gaming Control Board is forming an internal crisis team to deal with bankrupt casinos.

Harrah's was able to pull off a debt swap that looks to have improved their position a bit.

April 7, 2009

Inside Wynn Design and Development

Posted by Hunter

Steve Friess has a very interesting photo post over at Vegas Happens Here:

I'd highly encourage checking it out for any Wynn and/or design freaks.

March 26, 2009

When The Fun Stops: City Center May File Chapter 11

Posted by Hunter

Sources are telling the Las Vegas Sun that City Center may be forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy tomorrow, if they miss an important financial payment.

This is also being covered by the WSJ:

NOTE: This isn't a filing for MGM Mirage, just City Center LLC.

We'll see what happens here. It is unclear if MGM Mirage would be allowed to make the Dubai World part of the payment if they wanted to and if they did, it might not be in their interest to do so, even if they had the cash.

At this point, both companies are positioning themselves in a legal pissing contest for control of the project.

March 26, 2009

Vegas Gang #29 - March 26th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another episode! It can be downloaded here.

This time around we discuss:

* Casino Photography Rules
* MGM Mirage vs. Dubai World
* Tropicana / Chapter 11
* Las Vegas Sands in Macau

Feel free to leave your comments below.

March 23, 2009

Open Topic Discussion - March 23rd, 2009

Posted by Hunter

We haven't had an open topic for some time so here goes...

One thing to kick it off: Dubai is suing MGM Mirage over City Center:

And the LVSUN:

March 22, 2009

Casino Photography - Punishable By Law?

Posted by Hunter

Casinos have discouraged photography inside for ages - it's nothing new. This is usually under the guise of protecting their customers privacy.

Recently though, some have reported casino security taking a much harder line and in one case, a photographer was even detained.

VegasRex has been beating the drum on this issue for some time - if I recall, he even had a run-in himself. Some of his commentary is here:

The RJ is now looking at the issue as well, contacting Rex, the detained customer and a few security officials:

As someone who has taken literally thousands of photos of these places, inside and out, I have strong feelings on this. Now, I understand a private business can prohibit photography - I've been asked not to take photos - but the idea that this is some kind of security threat and that it could even possibly be a real offense is ludicrous.

March 18, 2009

LVSUN: Station to Seek Bankruptcy Protection

Posted by Hunter

Not much of a surprise given all that's gone on with the company - it seems they are going to use the bankruptcy laws to attempt to re-organize.

Not much else to say - just the latest step for Station as it attempts to survive a dramatic fall off of its Las Vegas business combined with the staggering debt load accumulated by going private.

March 17, 2009

MGM Mirage Reports Fourth Quarter 2008 Results

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage has posted their late filing of their results from the fourth quarter of 2008.

Summary from the company here:

Unless I'm missing something, seems like they intentionally left out some of the worse looking numbers, leaving analysts and readers to compute them for themselves. Loss per share of $4.15? Not good. Occupancy hovering in the 85% range - I was actually expecting a bit worse.

The language in the filing , likely required by auditors, is pretty stark - it spells out the trouble that MGM Mirage is in regarding financing the completion of their projects.

A conference call is scheduled for this evening and this post will be updated once I have time to read the whole filing.

Update: More from the WSJ:

March 14, 2009

WSJ: MGM Mirage Facing Breakup

Posted by Hunter

An article in the Wall Street Journal today discusses the possibility of more asset sales at MGM Mirage - perhaps enough that it may look more like a breakup of the company than just shedding a few hotel rooms.

(if that doesn't work, you can probably access through Google here)

While MGM Mirage shareholders might not love the idea of the best assets being sold off at potential fire-sale prices, maybe this would be good for The Strip and Las Vegas.

As others have said, when ARIA opens, will Bellagio suffer? If it had a different set of owners, they could compete head-on, full bore.

One thing is for sure - MGM Mirage has bet the farm on City Center.

March 13, 2009

Harrah's - $5.5 Billion In Asset Write-downs

Posted by Hunter

They are writing down massive amounts of goodwill... plus, the properties aren't throwing off nearly as much cash as they used to.

March 12, 2009

Cannery Kingless? Crown May Be Going Home

Posted by Hunter

According to the Las Vegas Sun, Australia's Crown Resorts is canceling their purchase of Las Vegas based Cannery Resorts:

The article references licensing requirements in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a potential source of trouble.

Now, the deal isn't 100% dead - Crown has the option to consummate a deal with Cannery down the line, though it's far from certain now.

[Thanks to reader Mark D. for catching this one so quickly.]

March 11, 2009

Construction Issues at Cosmo?

Posted by Hunter

Another week, another report of building problems left undiscovered by officials. Instead of City Center, now we have the neighboring Cosmopolitan, the property that can't seem to find a permanent owner having been taken over by its financiers after the developer defaulted last year.

The RJ reports:

With all of this talk about buildings not being properly checked during construction, I can't help but to recall these issues with Harrah's a few years back:

March 10, 2009

Steve and Elaine Wynn to Divorce

Posted by Hunter

According to CBS Channel 8 in Las Vegas, Steve and Elaine Wynn are divorcing.

The couple are heavily involved in their company, Wynn Resorts. Both are on the board of directors and their decision making is visible throughout their projects. Elaine is often credited with many of the concepts that have evolved into major resort features, from 'Mt. Wynn' all the way down to the uniforms on the restaurant and cocktail servers.

Steve has often indicated that much of the design, be it guest rooms or public spaces, is heavily influenced by a female point of view. There's a much repeated story about picking glass based on how the color would make female customers look, an example of how important they consider these things. I'd argue that this has been a very big part of the successes they've seen in their resorts.

It's not clear if Mrs. Wynn will remain active in the company, though in the past she has indicated her intention to do just that. I've met her only in passing but from what I have read about her, she just seems like an incredible woman and I personally hope she remains involved.

March 9, 2009

Bill Weidner Leaves Las Vegas Sands

Posted by Hunter

Bill Weidner resigned as president of Las Vegas Sands today.

Not much more information is available at this time, though this seems unexpected and sudden. Las Vegas Sands has been hit especially hard by the economic downturn.

Is the Hard Rock looking through people's bags to enforce a 'no outside booze' policy? Seems crazy, right? Well I received an email from a reliable reader saying that they are doing just that, at least this past weekend.

This sort of policy is just as common as people ignoring it - most Las Vegas hotels frown on the practice and if you're walking around with a cooler or carrying a six-pack, you might see a raised eyebrow or even be questioned about it. From what I'm hearing though, the Hard Rock is going a step beyond this with security guards actually having customers open their backpacks, purses, and other bags to ensure that no outside alcohol is coming into the hotel. From what I am told, these searches are being applied unevenly - sometimes they're allowing folks to pass right through and other times stopping everyone.

After taking an informal survey on Twitter, no one had ever even heard of it being taken this far at other properties though HRH patrons confirmed that the hotel has been having guests sign a paper indicating an understanding of the policy for years.

Now, I am not a lawyer but this just seems totally upside down. Being private property, maybe there's nothing at all illegal about asking to go through people's stuff but what happens if you refuse? Do they throw you out? Does grandma have to let security rifle through her underwear?

I have a line into the hotel to see if this is official policy or just an overzealous shift of rent-a-cops. I'll update this post when/if I hear back - so far nothing.

March 7, 2009

Deutsche Plans Cosmo Overhaul ; Deal With Hilton?

Posted by Hunter

Stories in the Sun and RJ today have word that Cosmo owner Deutsche Bank have decided to re-design the interiors of some floors, resulting in work stoppage.

Also, there's word that the bank may have signed a deal with Hilton to operate the hotel and/or casino portions - Deutsche does not have a Nevada gaming license and a recent deal with MGM Mirage seems to have fallen apart.

Two unrelated stories from the Las Vegas Sun.

First off, it seems Moody's are saying that Fontainebleau might be in trouble if they can't sell condos (insight!):

Then we also have Harrah's, a company struggling to avoid bankruptcy. They're attempting to re-structure their debt to avoid that scenario.

Let the good times roll!

March 4, 2009

UPDATED: MGM Mirage Misses SEC Filing

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage was due to file it's 10K quarterly report information with the SEC but instead, filed for an extension:



MGM Mirage is in an incredibly precarious position. If it cannot re-work its capital structure or sell off some additional properties, there may be no option other than Chapter 11 - almost unthinkable for a company that just a few years ago was the king of The Strip.

Principal shareholder Kirk Kerkorian has seen his stake shrink from almost $10 billion to somewhere just shy of $400 million.

Update: MGM Mirage's Jim Murren has sent a letter to employees about the company's financial condition:

Boyd Gaming, who shut down their Strip project Echelon last year, is making a bid for a chunk of troubled Las Vegas locals operator Station Casinos.

For $950 million they would purchase Green Valley Ranch, Aliante Station, Texas Station, Wild Wild West and both Fiestas. Boyd has a large locals operation already that could potentially meld well with Station's offerings.

Update: There's some discrepancy over exactly which assets are included in the proposal. This LV Sun blurb doesn't mention GVR:

Updated March 3rd: As of today, Station has rejected this offer from Boyd:

March 2, 2009

UPDATED: M Resort Opening - Day Two

Posted by Hunter

As most readers know, I was at the M Resort opening party last night... not as an invited guest but as a media person - I basically forced myself on the PR folks and they were gracious enough to give me the green light.

After spending three or so hours there on Sunday night and then another hour again today, I wish I could say it was awesome and that I was blown away. Generally speaking, I wasn't. There are some cool touches like the wine cellar, the pool deck and the pharmacy but other than that, I could have been inside Aliante Station (which also cost $400 million less to build) or GVR and not known the difference.

I don't mean to say there's anything 'wrong' with the place but by that same token, I did not see anything that would make it a recommended must-stop. In the boom times of years past, this would be another strong locals contender, easily in the same bracket as Green Valley Ranch or maybe even Red Rock but those times are long gone. It's certainly a lot nicer than South Point so the folks that live in the area should be pleased, though I think the only people living in the immediate neighborhood are lizards and coyotes - there is nothing but empty desert across the street.

I timed the trip from MGM Grand to the M - 22 minutes by car in moderate traffic on Las Vegas Blvd. It would no doubt be faster on the 15 but the point is that it is quite a ways from the resort corridor of The Strip. If they are trying to poach anyone from that zone, I wish them luck.

In the run-up to the opening, owner Anthony Marnell III has been making a big deal about recognizing the new economic reality. His implication is that the days of expensive hotel rooms and high end meals are waning. My inspection of his restaurant menus didn't give me much faith this philosophy has been implemented - $42 steaks with $7 baked potatoes sounds more like Bellagio prices than Value Central.

When I came back today, Marnell himself was walking the floor, fixing problems and attending to customers - that's great. With Strip casinos being run by large corporations and even the bigger locals operators filled with bureaucracy, it's refreshing to see an owner/operator involved at that level. The Las Vegas Strip is such big business that nothing happens that isn't PR approved and focus group tested - that means little to no innovation and lots of 'me too' copying (see nightclubs, ultra lounges, gourmet burger places, etc...) A directly involved manager like Marnell has an opportunity to innovate and I hope he does. Putting the pharmacy in the casino is a promising first step and his background in technology, a sector known for innovation, gives me hope we'll see them trying new and interesting things out there. The family did that at The Rio and I hope that trend continues at 'M'.

I ended up doing the rounds with Steve Friess and I'm glad I did because it made the entire thing far more fun. His write-up is here and I recommend checking it out if you're curious about the resort. Steve's a much better writer than I am (duh).

So - should you check out the 'M'? If you're in the neighborhood, sure. I think of Red Rock Resort as enough of a spectacle to be worth visiting from other parts of the Valley. Not sure if I would put 'M' in that category, at least not yet. The VP pay tables didn't look all that hot (lots of 8/5). Some of the restaurants looked interesting and the wine cellar joint is pretty cool.

Some new photos:

Update: David McKee has chipped in with more thoughts including from others that were there last night. Seems like opinions are all over the place for 'M'.

March 2, 2009

M Resort Opening Photos

Posted by Hunter

I took some photos at the VIP opening party for M Resort, located on Las Vegas Blvd. at St. Rose Parkway.

The party was a lively affair with most all of the restaurants open for tastings. The wine cellar was also open downstairs, one of the cooler parts of the property.

I'm going to go back to the casino again today to spend some more time there before I render an option. First impressions - some interesting restaurants and nice pool deck but a fairly unimaginative casino design. I still think some aspects like including an on-site pharmacy are brilliant.

The photos:

February 26, 2009

Vegas Gang #27 - February 26th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another episode! It can be downloaded here.

This time around we discuss:

* Boyd Offers to Buy Station Assets
* Wynn Resorts Q4 2008
* iPhone Card Counting Software Makes the Rounds
* 2008 Gaming Abstract Figures
* M Resort Opens Sunday

Feel free to leave your comments below.

February 24, 2009

Wynn Resorts Q4 Results: Down But Not Out

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts has released their financials for Q4 2008:

Not great, as expected. Still, not terrible. For the quarter, adjusted net income was $7.6 million, down from $82 million a year ago. Most of this decline is due to Las Vegas as Wynn Macau saw an uptick. They also took a tax charge, bringing the GAAP earnings for Q4 to a loss of $159.9 million.

While only online for a little more than a week in 2008, we get our first peek at how the company will be reporting Encore. It seems that they will not be breaking the WLV/Encore numbers apart. For the Las Vegas complex ADR was $281 and REVPAR was $224. Occupancy was down to 79.7% for the quarter - incredibly low.

Wynn Macau seems to be humming along nicely with a 35.6% revenue bump over 2007.

All the details are in the press release linked above.

February 23, 2009

MGM Mirage and Cosmo in Deutsche Wedding?

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to reader Anthony who pointed out this breaking story... It appears that the rumors may have some truth to them - this has been floating around for a few weeks without any substantiation.

It seems that Deutsche Bank may be looking to extricate themselves from the situation they find themselves in with Cosmopolitan by offering to help finance the rest of MGM's City Center project.

February 23, 2009

City Center Starts Taking Reservations for ARIA

Posted by Hunter

ARIA, the main hotel component at City Center, is taking reservations starting today. The first night for regular guests is December 17.

The Web site for bookings, which also contains some new renderings of the property and rooms is here:

Rates for opening night are currently at $299 (ouch) for what is normally a very very slow week in town. We'll see if those come down.

Reservations for Vdara, the condo hotel next to ARIA, are expected to open today as well [online here - thanks Mike P!] for dates starting in October. Not sure what it will be like to stay in what will still be a construction site in the delta between those two openings.

This is the first opening of a [ed: Las Vegas] hotel for MGM Mirage since the company was combined in 2000.

February 22, 2009

LVSun: Fontainebleau May Run Into Problems Post Open

Posted by Hunter

Not a new story but I've been out of commission for the past 36 hours... Looks like some analysts believe that Fontainebleau may run into some cash issues post open, later this year.

Of course, we here and pretty much everyone else, everywhere else has been saying this too.

February 17, 2009

Strip Walk - February 2009

Posted by Hunter

Mike's back with another Strip Walk column. He's got some photo links in his post but if you want to see the entire gallery, click here:

Continue after the jump to get your Vegas fix.

February 15, 2009

RJ: iPhone Used for Card Counting?

Posted by Hunter

An interesting note in the 'Inside Gaming' column today - it seems that the Nevada Gaming Control Board is looking into reports that software for the iPhone and iPod Touch could potentially be used to cheat in casinos at games like Blackjack. Counting is not illegal in Nevada but using an electronic device to aid is.

There are many 21 training programs available on the iTunes Store, some that do include a 'counting feature'.

There's even some vague implication that the phones could be banned - which would be useless... All the various smartphones allow downloadable applications, not just the iPhone - that's nothing new. As they become more and more popular, customers will not stand for not being able to use their phones in casinos.

Game protection is important but these guys need to figure out how to do it without pissing the customer off.

Oh, and IG: iTunes is not a Web site, BTW.

BTW, if you're looking for something fun to do with your iPhone or iPod Touch, consider Vegas Mate (card counting not included)!

February 13, 2009

Vegas Gang #26 - February 12th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another episode! It can be downloaded here.

This time around we discuss:

* Atlantic City
* Las Vegas Economic Woes
* Tropicana Re-Brands as Value Property (!)
* City Center's Harmon is Stunted

Also, be sure to check out the new podcast from the UNLV Center for Gaming Research. You can subscribe to that here:

February 11, 2009

UPDATED: Las Vegas Sands Reports Q4 2008

Posted by Hunter

The Q4 2008 numbers are in for LVS - the first major operator to report their results.

Looks like an operating loss of $34.4 million, down from income of $133.6 million in the same quarter last year (GAAP). Adjusted, it's a $17.1 million loss vs. a previous year Q4 income of $71.1 million.

In Las Vegas, occupancy was 93.7% for the quarter - better than I expected (though not broken out by property). In Macau, occupancy was at 90%. While not providing figures, the company admits that the Four Seasons Cotai has been slower to ramp-up than they would have liked.

The company believes it can save $250 million a year through a new efficiency program (read: likely layoffs, hour reductions, etc...).

They have gotten their average borrowing rate down to around 3%, which is pretty good considering it used to be almost twice that.

We will no doubt be discussing tomorrow on our next episode of the Vegas Gang.

Updated: Management said that they don't see any market segment where they could really raise room rates other than perhaps in the group segment.

They are working to try to combat the recent national sentiment that seems to be pointing at Vegas based business trips as some sort of 'boondoggle'.

February 10, 2009

Macau Updates: Wynn Cotai and More...

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to Drambuie Man, y'all get to see some updated photos of what's going on in Macau, specifically Cotai.

Chuck is going to be posting these over at, starting with the Wynn Cotai site.

More to come over the next few days...

Updated: Chuck posted a few more of the photo sets:
City of Dreams
Encore at Wynn Macau

February 8, 2009

UPDATED: City Center Structures to be Re-checked

Posted by Hunter

After rebar problems at The Harmon went unnoticed, Clark County is requiring MGM Mirage to assure them and the public that the structures at City Center are sound.

This article in the Sun:

and another piece in the RJ:

detail the process. Perhaps the biggest issue isn't that errors were made - that happens on job sites all the time - but that they still can't figure out how it happened and passed the various, required inspections. That points to a possible systemic breakdown in the evaluation process.

Updated: A story in the LV Sun today titled 'Adaptation or 'disaster'?' discusses what the Harmon changes will mean for the project overall - a very interesting piece.

February 4, 2009

Encore Las Vegas - January 2009

Posted by Hunter

After spending a few more nights at Encore in the middle of January, I'm sharing some more of my thoughts after the jump.

Along with this, I am still working on editing some additional audio that was taken during various media tours - a substantial job given the varying quality of the source material.

Continue on for a little bit more about Encore.

February 3, 2009

Station Casinos to Enter Prepackaged Bankruptcy

Posted by Hunter

In what comes as no surprise to Vegas-o-philes, Station Casinos is restructuring their debts under bankruptcy protection:

If approved, Station would continue to operate under current management, though the equity partners have to kick in $244 million.

Station is one of the largest employers in Las Vegas.

Two unrelated but interesting stories:

Wynn Resorts has long prided itself on not laying off employees (though that does not seem to apply to the Wynn Design and Development sister company who recently shed several jobs). Today the company announced some measures aimed at keeping people employed, even if that means less pay, less hours and reduced benefits:

a little more from the LV Sun:

In other news, the IRS followed disgraced Fry's executive Omar Siddiqui to The Venetian this week. They are investigating allegations of tax fraud. Siddiqui was a Las Vegas high roller at several properties for years.

February 3, 2009

LV Sun: Tropicana to Re-Brand With Value Focus

Posted by Hunter

According to this article in the Sun, the Tropicana has hired a branding/marketing firm to help them re-make their image to go after the value conscious consumer.

Perhaps a market that was becoming more and more under-served on The Strip but not sure if this was the lifeboat that customers were hoping for,

January 31, 2009

RJ: Analyst Believes Station Near Default

Posted by Hunter

According to the RJ, an analyst at Moody's believes that recently privatized Station Casinos is about to run out of cash.

Given the operating environment, I wouldn't be surprised.

January 29, 2009

RJ: Elad Granted Loan Extension

Posted by Hunter

Elad, the company that purchased the New Frontier land to build a Las Vegas version of The Plaza Hotel, has been granted a 42 month (!) extension to their $625 million loan.

Hopefully for us all, the economy improves inside of 42 months.

January 28, 2009

LVSUN: Las Vegas Sands Directors Sued

Posted by Hunter

According to the Las Vegas Sun, the board of directors of Las Vegas Sands, owners of The Venetian and The Palazzo on the Las Vegas Strip as well as several casinos around the globe have been sued for mishandling the company.

Apparently this is not the first time this has happened and suits like this not are uncommon when a company sees a dramatic drop in their share price.

January 22, 2009

Open Topic Discussion - January 22nd, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Throwing open another open topic but I got this little nugget to kick around from reader Jeff in OKC:

"Is Bellagio cursed? I don't know of any curse, or any Indian burial grounds, etc., but, I think there's some bad mojo at the Southwest corner of Flamingo and Las Vegas Boulevard. Since the Dunes was built there in the 50's, all kinds of unusual problems have plagued the property. Design and construction problems abounded there in the 60's and 70's. But ownership seems to be the biggest victim of strange things there. From legendary mob control, to the Japanese financial collapse that led to Steve Wynn getting the land. Spectacularly, for our purposes, Steve Wynn built palatial offices for Mirage Resorts, which he had to give up when he got in a cash bind and had to sell out in 2000. I understand MGM moved their HQ to Bellagio after the buyout, and Terry Lanni took over the same office. Lanni, as well, suffered an equally amazing fall from grace in just a few days during November, 2008. If I were Jim Murren, I think I'd move HQ back to the MGM Grand. Any thoughts?"

January 19, 2009

Macanese Group Organizes Against Las Vegas Sands

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to Chuck S. Monster and this link from MacauTripping:

It seems a local group in Macau is none too happy with the attention on Las Vegas Sands problems. As he said, fascinating stuff. I love how these guys are peeved about a perceived preference for Singapore.

What I'd love to see now is a lawsuit between Las Vegas Sands and protesters that want to picket outside Venetian and Sands Macau. That would be serendipitous.

January 19, 2009

LV Sun: Fontainebleau Has The Cash To Keep Rising

Posted by Hunter

Funny to see this story today in the Sun about the financing at Fontainebleau:

Just the other day as I was walking outside Encore, I was thinking to myself that it didn't look like much glass had been added to the tower at FBleau since December. Well, photographic evidence proved otherwise - my mind was just playing tricks on me and the glass is indeed rising.

When I checked out the visitors center there a few weeks back, there was a lot of construction activity in the low-rise portions. It is telling though that so far I don't think they will even sell you a condo - perhaps a chance they want to keep their options open?

The visitors area includes a large model of the complex, which does look interesting, as well as a model room. The room itself was nicely appointed - you can see Schaeffer and THEHotel written all over its style. Not quite as big as I would have expected, but then again, neither are the rooms at ARIA.

January 16, 2009

Vegas Gang #25 - January 16th, 2009

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #25 is online.

This week on the show:

* Harrah's Suspends Caesars Palace Tower
* Rumors Swirling Around The Mirage Sale
* Encore Media Week

Leave any comments below.

For the past several weeks, rumors of a potential sale of The Mirage have been making the rounds. Personally, I've heard at least two different versions and one from a credible source, though no one that has claimed direct knowledge of a deal.

Today, Howard Stutz in the RJ has a piece that made the front page 'Breaking News' section on the persistent rumors:

In all the versions of the story I keep hearing, the buyer is always Penn National, with Pinnacle Entertainment a distant second chance possibility. The rumored price is typically between $1.2 and $1.5 billion.

MGM Mirage has consistently said that they evaluate all offers but they have nothing to announce.

Still, does this sale make sense for MGM Mirage? Without a dollar figure, it's hard to say but as Stutz indicated, if liquidity is enough of an issue to force this, I would have expected other assets to be divested first, such as the 50% stake in Borgata or perhaps something like Luxor. Of course, The Mirage may be the only asset that this buyer wants (and can afford - I'm sure they'd love Bellagio).

The Mirage has recently been significantly re-worked and would be a great Las Vegas starting point for a company like Penn.

And to those that keep hoping Steve Wynn would buy the hotel back - no chance (unless the price was super-low). He's looking one direction and that's forward.

UPDATE: As stated in the comments, the RJ link is dead and the home page now includes a note saying Penn Natl is not interested... At this time...

Thanks to reader Mark D., we have this bit of news from the LVRJ:

So, along with MGM Mirage's announcement last week about The Harmon being built without its condos, we have this. I hope they at least finish the shell so it doesn't look crappy.

Updated: The LV Sun chimes in:

Uhhhh... huh?

It seems an Israeli company wants to build what would be the world's largest hotel in Las Vegas, just next to the Hard Rock on Harmon.

The hotel would have 6,745 rooms and include a casino.

January 6, 2009

UPDATED: Elad Asking Adelson For Help?

Posted by Hunter

This is sort of a bizarre story... It claims that Elad, the company that purchased the New Frontier and plans to build The Plaza there someday, is supposedly asking Las Vegas Sands for financial help.

Does that make any sense to anyone? LVS has had more than their share of financial problems recently... what sort of help could they possibly offer?

Update: More from Bill Lerner via Steve Friess:

January 1, 2009

Open Topic Discussion - January 1, 2009

Posted by detroit1051

The new year's ongoing lead story will likely be CityCenter as it moves toward either completion or modification in 2009. The speculation about Harmon is followed today by Norm in the RJ raising issues about Veer:
"There are rumblings that MGM Mirage is close to announcing the status of the beleagured City Center project, including whether several buildings will be completed. There's talk that The Harmon, the Light Group's boutique condo-tel, with 400 hotel rooms and suites and about 200 luxury condominiums, will be delayed. The bigger concern, I'm told, is the central iconic tower, which was designed to lean about 22 degrees but is now almost double that because of a cabling issue. ..."

December 31, 2008

Vegas Gang #24 - December 31st, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #24 is online.

This week on the show:

* The Trippies are announced this weekend.
* Encore Las Vegas Opens -
* MGM Mirage Sells Treasure Island to Phil Ruffin
* The Harmon / City Center / Light Group Parting Ways?

Leave any comments below.

December 31, 2008

Strip Walk - December 2008

Posted by Hunter

Mike is back with the final Strip Walk of 2008.

Yes, there's some more Encore stuff in here but most of the column is dedicated to the rest of The Strip - do not fear, Encore haters!

Enjoy. Main text and photo links after the jump.

December 26, 2008

Station Casinos Hoping For Cash Infusion

Posted by Hunter

The Las Vegas Sun has a story about the deteriorating financial condition of Station Casinos, the large Las Vegas locals market operator.

The company is facing $5 billion in debt that needs to be refinanced or restructured.

December 24, 2008

Encore Coverage from Around the Web

Posted by Hunter

Many of my colleagues have also been writing about Encore and the opening festivities.

Here are some links not to miss:

I'm sure there's more good stuff - feel free to add to the comments.

If you didn't catch them last night, I posted more photos on Flickr - these will also be moving to a gallery on shortly.

December 22, 2008

Encore Suites at Wynn Las Vegas - First Impressions

Posted by Hunter

This will be somewhat brief - I will write a full review of this first stay probably later in the week - but I wanted to share a few first impressions, brought to you from Encore's 61st floor.

I was lucky enough to be given a guided tour this morning by Roger Thomas, VP of Design for Wynn Design and Development. He is responsible for most of the interiors of the resort, along with previous creations like Wynn Las Vegas, Bellagio and Treasure Island. He refers to himself as an 'author' when talking about the design process. Given how much thought goes into his 'prose', I think that's appropriate.

The tour was great - I took a lot of notes that I will transcribe later.

In a word I would describe Encore as breathtaking. It's much smaller - very intimate. It is a fantastic complement to Wynn Las Vegas. The casino, as many anticipated, is very similar to Wynn Macau with smaller chambered areas. Personally, I think this design is a huge win, though it might not work with a larger space. It's more appropriate for a smaller casino floor as they have here.

There are walk up bars on all sides of the property - Thomas told me this was in direct response to customers wanting more bars on the WLV side. One of the bars on the east end of the casino is a huge glass wall overlooking the pool, flooding the gaming areas with natural light.

For restaurants, we saw Sinatra (retro, 60s Palm Springs kinda vibe, but not in an old sorta way). Later in the afternoon, I watched them install the 1953 Best Supporting Actor Award in its display. It's gorgeous.

Had a quick lunch at Society Cafe Encore and it was really fantastic. Simple dishes but my chicken sandwich was perfectly done.

The Esplanade includes several high end boutiques, including a new home store featuring Roger Thomas' furniture. The Wynn and Company Jewelers on this side are displaying the 'Wynn Diamond', a 231 caret stone that is breathtaking to behold.

While not being much of a nightclub guy personally, we walked through XS and I was impressed. I think it's got a chance at being the top spot in town - the interplay between the pool and the club is amazing and sure to be a huge hit, likely to be copied elsewhere.

The Tower Suites lobby is tucked away from the casino floor, as it is at Wynn Las Vegas, while the main Resort check-in is open to the main walkway on the North side. Tower Suites is less of a preferred option at Encore, though the rooms we did see on that side were huge and amazing. The 2 and 3 bedroom, two level sky villas sounded impressive, though we did not get to tour one (yet).

They're being pretty tough about photos so far. I'm hoping that will ease up at 8pm when the place officially opens.

There's a ton of interesting design detail in this place - as much or more than Wynn Las Vegas.

More to come. Please follow us at and feel free to ask questions to us there via Twitter or if you can't do that, leave a comment.

Also, room photos:

December 21, 2008

LVRJ Posts First Encore Interior Photos

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to readers for pointing this out.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal has posted a few PR shots of Encore's interior. They include a couple of shots of the atrium and the spa. Others have rightly pointed out there's a lot of design cross over between Encore and the 'Villa Atrium' at Wynn Las Vegas.

Yesterday, as I was waiting in an interminable airport line, I got a call that came up as 'Wynn Las Vegas' on caller ID. That could have meant one of two things - someone was calling to yell at me about something I wrote or there was some problem with one of my hotel reservations - as many of my readers know, I'm booked at Encore for opening night and will be at WLV before that.

Well, it was the latter...

The call was from an Assistant Hotel Manager who told me that the room I had booked at Encore, a Tower Suites room, was not available and I would have to be downgraded. The explanation was that a 'computer glitch' had made the rooms available for sale when they should not have been. The manager said they 'just figured it out' and were making calls to people. Well, I booked Encore the first moment it became available (someone told me I was the second person to book online, after our friend Brian Fey). That was October 31st.

So, for a month and a half, these rooms (as well as the larger suites) were incorrectly available to book online and apparently no one noticed until December 15th. Uh-huh.

My currently unsubstantiated guess is that they got a better-than-expected RSVP from invited guests and didn't have the rooms to put them in, so they started to bump regular bookings down from the Tower to Resort side of the hotel. I'm working on getting a confirmation on my theory.

Now, I understand the casino is a VIP business and this can happen. Such is life. My first issue would be if I was lied to about the computer glitch in order to get me to 'go quietly' and accept the lesser room. I suggested upgrading to a larger, more expensive room but those were also not available. I wanted to have access to a few types of different rooms for photos and commentary for you fine people, hence my protests when the call came in.

My disappointment will subside. Life will go on.

What's interesting though is that as of now, it seems like people that booked through Wynn's Web site got short shrift compared to other methods. For instance, another reader here had booked through the American Express Travel Agency and thus far has not received a similar phone call about adjusting the reservation. Will he keep his more deluxe rooms?

If this turns out to be true, customers need to be careful who they choose to book with. The advice I've handed out to hundreds of thousands of site visitors - that booking with the hotel directly is often the best route - may no longer hold true in all cases.

Did other readers get the same call? If so, how did it go? What did they tell you? Did they offer you any compensation? I know that at least Brian was able to negotiate a dining credit as part of this downgrade so it's not a total loss.

December 15, 2008

UPDATED: MGM Mirage Sells Treasure Island to Ruffin

Posted by Hunter

This morning the news broke that MGM Mirage is selling Treasure Island, one of the resorts it acquired as part of Mirage Resorts in 2000, to investor Phil Ruffin. Ruffin sold the New Frontier site a few years back and is a partner in the Trump International condo development.

Also, this story in the WSJ:

Be sure to read the comments as many readers and some journalists have chimed in. Jeff Simpson from the LV Sun and Vegas Gang spoke with Ruffin this morning.

This post was updated to flesh it out with more info.

Treasure Island holds a special place for me - I stayed there many times before it was 'upgraded', at which point I lost my case. I think it's a great asset that Ruffin will probably do well with. It has a hard time shining compared to The Mirage and Mandalay Bay as the lower end of MGM Mirage's middle tier.

December 11, 2008

Vegas Gang #23 - December 11th, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #23 is online:

This time around we cover:

* Mirage Volcano Reborn (Photos: here
* Encore Suites at Wynn Las Vegas Opens December 22nd -
* Nevada Gaming Numbers from October 2008
* Las Vegas Marathon

Feel free to leave any comments below.

We've been alluding to our upcoming coverage for the opening of Wynn's Encore for some time and now we're spilling the details.

I'm proud to announce that we're teaming up with my esteemed colleague, Mr. Chuck S. Monster of to bring you coverage that will be the next best thing to being there.

We will both be 'twittering' (or is it 'tweeting'?) via Twitter, posting copious amounts of photos on Flickr and recording our observations for what I'm certain will be multiple blog postings. You can post your questions to our Twitter streams and we will do our best to answer them right from the casino floor.

To make it easier on your inner-Vegas-addict to keep up with everything, we're compiling it all in one place:

That's your one stop shop for all things Encore. The page updates itself so when the gates open, you can sit back and let the sweet nectar flow. See Chuck's note on browser compatibility here. His recommendations are seconded from this corner as well.

There's been some talk about doing a special 'Vegas Gang' episode and while the logistics of how possible that will be are not yet clear, rest assured that we will be getting everyone's opinion on Encore out to you as soon as humanly possible.

December 3, 2008

Strip Walk - November 2008

Posted by Hunter

Mike_ch is back with his latest Strip Walk. This one is more in 'trip report' style as he was slummin' it down on The Strip for a few nights at The Grand.

It's a long one so grab a cup of coffee and sit back.

December 2, 2008

BeeGees Musical at Encore? Wynn Arts Center?

Posted by Hunter

Robin Leach has come forward with a couple of supposed Wynn Las Vegas / Encore updates.

First is that Wynn wants to do a BeeGees musical at Encore, which may or may not be called 'Stayin' Alive'.

Second is that supposedly Wynn will break ground on a 4,000 seat 'Wynn Arts Center'.

I assume this would have to be out on the golf course side of things as there's little space elsewhere.

I should note that Leach has not always been the most reliable in the past. As some commenters suggest, it might be prudent to see what unfolds here.

December 1, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - December 1, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

It IS a difficult balancing act, cost control vs customer service. If the holiday season ends with a slow New Year's, the Strip's strategy of superior customer service may have to be rethought, but what is the tipping point at which customers rebel?

"In recent months, the profits of several big casino operators have fallen faster than revenue, or total sales before expenses. It's a sign that the companies have not cut costs deeply enough to offset the decline in their business.
On the Strip in the third quarter, MGM Mirage's revenue fell 9 percent, and earnings declined more than 15 percent over the same period in 2007; Harrah's Entertainment's revenue declined 12 percent, and earnings fell 17 percent over the same year-ago period."

Cutting Costs vs Serving Customers

November 26, 2008

UPDATED: Jim Murren Takes Reigns at MGM Mirage

Posted by Hunter

It's official - Jim Murren has been moved into the CEO and Chairman slot at MGM Mirage.

No one needs to repeat that this is a very tough time for business on The Strip and Murren will not have an easy time of it.

Now, does this mean anyone ends up leaving MGM? Does Bobby Baldwin stay? Who gets the now-vacant COO job?

Update: Lanni has declined even a seat on the board. Odd.

November 26, 2008

Global Gaming Expo 2008: Alive and Kicking

Posted by Hunter

Matthew Farley, author of "Good Food, Good Whiskey, and a Good Gamble: Outdated Nostaligia or Still Effective Today?" was kind enough to write up and share his thoughts after attending G2E in Las Vegas.

This dovetails nicely with yesterday's Vegas Gang coverage of the event.

Thanks to Matthew for sharing his insights - I'm sure you'll all enjoy this.

Click through for more...

November 25, 2008

Vegas Gang #22 - November 25th, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #22 is online:

This time around we cover:

This is a special episode, focusing on the annual G2E gaming conference.

Feel free to leave any comments below.

Also, please consider voting for us in the Trippies!

November 25, 2008

Station Casinos Owners Inject Capital

Posted by Hunter

According to the LVRJ, Station Casinos 'owners' (which party is not specified) have will be injecting between $450 and $500 million into the company to shore up its debt situation.

Similar to a move by Las Vegas Sands just weeks ago, it shows the difficulties that the consolidated gaming companies are having in this economy.

November 23, 2008

Encore Las Vegas Web Site is Live

Posted by Hunter

A slightly less basic than before Encore Las Vegas Web site is live:

Before the resort opens, not a lot of photos... Really, not a lot of anything. Still, more than the teaser we saw before.

I have to admit, I'm getting very excited for the 22nd and can't wait to unveil our coverage plans. I think you'll be pleased.

PS - Hey, Wynn Resorts! What's the official name of this property? I've heard 'Encore Suites at Wynn Las Vegas' but now you are promoting this as 'Encore Las Vegas', 'Encore at Wynn Las Vegas' and even just 'Encore'. What's the story?

UPDATE: Site is back online.

UPDATE: The TV commercial is on the site.

November 18, 2008

An Inside Look at City Center Construction

Posted by Hunter

The Las Vegas Business Press sent a reporter in to City Center to work as a construction hire for three days. The write up is here:

November 13, 2008

Vegas Gang #21 - November 13th, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #21 is online:

This time around we cover:

* Terry Lanni to Leave MGM Mirage
* Las Vegas Sands Financial Woes Continue
* Should the Nevada Gambling Age Be Lowered to 18?
* WSOP Changes This Year

Feel free to leave any comments below.

Also, please consider voting for us in the Trippies!

November 13, 2008

UPDATED: MGM Mirage CEO to Retire at Month End

Posted by Hunter

Terry Lanni, MGM Mirage's chairman and CEO, is planning to retire at the end of the month.

Jim Murren, COO, is being recommended for the job.

Whoa... Didn't see this coming. End of the month? That's not much time for a transition. Is he sick? Hopefully not [ED: a memo to employees says it is not health related].

I can't imagine majority shareholder Kerkorian would toss him during such a tumultuous time. They've worked together for ages... It must be something else... The timing is just so strange.

Update: MGM Mirage press release here:

We're discussing this on the Vegas Gang, which will be out later today.

UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal is reporting there are some questions about his MBA from USC as the school could not verify the degree.

November 10, 2008

Las Vegas Sands Will Raise $2.14 Billion

Posted by Hunter

After posting fairly dismal third quarter results today, Las Vegas Sands indicated that it should have deals in place by the end of the week that will give it access to over $2 billion in new capital.

The company recently informed investors that it was in danger of breaching debt covenants due to leverage issues.

The company is suspending part of its ongoing Cotai Strip development in Macau to focus on its two other projects: Marina Bay Sands in Singapore and Bethlehem, PA casino project. The St. Regis condo project on the Las Vegas Strip will also be suspended.

November 8, 2008

Harrah's Earnings Drop ; Layoffs Hit Atlantic City

Posted by Hunter

Harrah's earnings took a hit, as expected.

From the Sun:

The RJ says they are going to work on cost cutting:

Also, from a newer blog that Dave Schwartz clued me in on, some info on AC layoffs:

As required by law, Las Vegas Sands filed a disclosure statement with the SEC today that indicates the company may not be able to maintain required leverage ratios which could put it in danger of a default.

A default could potentially lead to other action such as bankruptcy, though the company did not use that term in its filing.

Will Sheldon Adelson lend the company more money? Is he in a position to do so?

Will we see cuts at their resorts, in either staff or service?

UPDATE: The Las Vegas Sun has more:

Last night was the opening of the new Cirque du Soleil show 'CRISS ANGEL Believe' at Luxor. The show features illusionist Criss Angel's magic combined with the artistry that we know from Cirque.

Well, it seems that CDS' run of perfection may be over, at least if they don't end up completely re-working the show that premiered last night.

Many of the reviews are in and they're not great.

November 1, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - November 1, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

A friend said he had heard that Caesars Palace has mothballed the entire Centurion Tower due to lack of demand. Centurion Tower is 14 stories and opened in 1970. Can anyone confirm this?

October 31, 2008

UPDATE: Wynn Resorts Third Quarter Call

Posted by Hunter

Just got off the Q3 2008 call for Wynn Resorts. Final quarterly numbers are here:

Wynn Resorts Q3 Results

On the call, the company discussed it's cash position (strong), it's future outlook and plans.

Encore is scheduled to open December 22nd, though it's still not 100% clear the first date that the public will be able to book a room. We should get that information in the coming weeks.

When asked about development on Cotai, Steve Wynn stated that they were waiting to see evidence that the current supply in Macau had been absorbed properly and at that time they'd proceed on that front. With The Venetian and Four Seasons on Cotai, the market does seem to be struggling somewhat to support the new properties, with the visa restrictions contributing to that.

It sounds like Wynn Resorts is in no hurry there - they plan to build what they describe as the world's most amazing resort and one would assume anything that fits that description will stand the test of time.

On the topic of purchasing perhaps distressed gaming assets, that pretty much was shot down - Wynn likes to build, not buy.

Overall, quite a bit of confidence from the principals.

Updated: As of this morning, Encore is accepting reservations from opening night (December 22nd). Yours truly will be there that first night, reporting all the details... We'll have photos, blog updates and live twittering.

October 30, 2008

Vegas Gang #20 - October 30th, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #20 is online:

This time around we cover:

* Trippies 2008
* Gaming Stocks Slide
* Bellagio Turns 10 To Little Fanfare
* How MGM Mirage and Harrah's Market

Feel free to leave any comments below.

October 29, 2008

MGM Mirage Reports Third Quarter Results

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage announced their 3rd quarter results for 2008:


Profits are way down from the year ago quarter. MGM Grand Macau is doing a bit better and Bellagio had an unexpected uptick but generally, they're feeling the pinch as you can see in the figures.

October 28, 2008

Boyd Gaming Evaluating Options for Echelon

Posted by Hunter

This RJ piece indicates that Boyd Gaming is not sure when construction on their halted Las Vegas Strip project, Echelon, will resume.

BYD reported its earnings today (not great) and yesterday we got news that retail operator General Growth Properties is trying to sell off Las Vegas assets because it can't make the mortgage payments. Crazy times indeed.

October 28, 2008

Encore Party Set For Wynn's Birthday?

Posted by Hunter

After finally getting temporary certificates of occupancy for part of the structures at Encore, planning for the opening is starting to firm up.

We're hearing that Wynn Resorts staff can now start to use the hotel tower and new convention rooms with more to come as other areas are completed.

The other tidbit that's starting to leak out is that instead of a grand opening for Encore like the sort we're used to, the Company may opt instead to have a gala birthday celebration for Steve Wynn (his birthday is January 27th) to celebrate the opening of the hotel.

Yesterday Wynn Resorts put out a press release that once again mentioned that the hotel was taking reservations from January 12th onward. It's still not clear if we'll see any customers occupy the hotel before then.

The hotel has been taking reservations for weeks already but it's funny to see a bunch of news organizations parrot the press release and announce that the spigot has been opened.

October 25, 2008

Strip Walk October 2008

Posted by Hunter

Mike Ch is back with another Strip Walk. This one covers Encore, Treasure Island, City Center, The Mirage, Palazzo and more.

Photos are here:

Thanks Mike! Enjoy!

October 20, 2008

Atlantic City Update from Dave Schwartz

Posted by Hunter

Fellow Vegas Gang member Dave Schwartz has posted a photo essay bringing us up to date on what's going on in Atlantic City over on

October 18, 2008

Tropicana Scraps 10,000 Room Redevelopment Plan

Posted by Hunter

In what should come as a surprise to no one, Tropicana Entertainment has confirmed that the plans that would have put 10,000 rooms on that site are dead and any future development could be seven years away.

It's good to hear they want to put some money into much needed maintenance but if they think that putting a food court by the pool is going to turn this place around, they're insane.

October 16, 2008

Harrah's in Trouble?

Posted by Hunter

David McKee posted this story today about potential financial problems at Harrah's Entertainment:

We also covered this at length in today's Vegas Gang episode that will go up in a day or so.

October 16, 2008

Aliante Station - Contemporary Scottsdale?

Posted by Hunter

An article on the upcoming Aliante Station property opening in November.

As Dave Schwartz pointed out to me, 'contemporary Scottsdale' doesn't really sound all that awesome.

October 15, 2008

Bellagio Turns 10

Posted by Hunter

Dave Schwartz reminds us that 10 years ago today, Bellagio opened:

Pretty amazing it has already been ten years - and the place still looks great and is always one of the top earners in town.

October 13, 2008

Wynn Resorts Preliminary 3rd Quarter Results

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts decided to release preliminary third quarter results today at the close of the market.

At a glance it seems that Wynn Las Vegas will either squeak by with a $2 million profit or post a small $2 million loss. This is down from $35.8 million in the year ago quarter. Part of this is pre-opening expenses but mostly it sounds like lower EBITDA.

WLV ADR is down by $10 from the year ago quarter.

Wynn Macau is expected to clock in between $57 and $63 million, way up from the $39.2 million in the year ago quarter.

They're not offering much guidance given the economy and the Macau visa restrictions.

It seems like once again the Macau property salvages the earnings. The company reported having $1.7 billion in cash.

October 12, 2008

The Long Weekend Is Over

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas' long weekend is over... But that's not the end of the line for an industry that has bright days ahead.

Perhaps never more than now, Las Vegas gaming is run by people that are extremely competent and can weather the storm. These companies are mostly well capitalized with good banking relationships, even if they may have to adjust projections that were made in better times.

They are often diversified - granted some more than others - but even if we were to see something like a major Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the great midway that is the Las Vegas Strip is going nowhere.

People always need a place to forget their troubles and relax, in good times and bad. No one is better at that than Las Vegas. The electricity that draws me and so many others to come again and again cannot be shut off - it's part of the American psyche. Yes, we'll see a 'correction'. The seemingly endless acceleration of quality, luxury and prices will slow even more or even be put on pause. That's okay and consumers will welcome the chance at a bargain. They'll see rates and rooms that could have been priced much higher only months before and when things swing back the other way, they'll have tasted the best Vegas has to offer and want more.

Those that believe in Las Vegas will not stop investing in it. That investment might not be a new multi-billion dollar golf course redevelopment project in the near term but you better believe all that remaining Strip land will be built out in the future - it's inevitable.

Right now, you can get some of the best deals we've ever seen on casino industry equity - yes, the companies are not all in the same spot financially and some are probably better investments than others but I think you can count on nearly all of them to head north of their current trading prices.

Personally, I'm sick of the doom and gloom stories. Let's work on fixing the problems and move on instead of harping on disaster.

This long weekend may be over - and there may be a hangover - but the weekend will come again.

I'm betting on Las Vegas.

October 11, 2008

VegasTripping Covers City Center

Posted by Hunter

My good friend and fellow Vegas Gang-banger Chuck Monster from VegasTripping has been doing a bang up job covering what MGM Mirage has in store for us at City Center.

If you haven't seen these already, be sure to check out the following links:


City Center Tram:

ARIA Pool:

VDara Pool Deck:

October 10, 2008

More on Tropicana AC From McKee

Posted by Hunter

My friend and fellow Vegas Gang member David McKee put up an interesting post yesterday with a few updates on the status of the forced sale of the Tropicana property in Atlantic City.

We've talked about Tropicana Resorts several times on the Vegas Gang Podcast but it seems the news never stops... and for those not reading McKee on a regular basis, you're missing out.

Check out this YouTube video that combines Wynn's Encore renderings with construction photos:

Huge thanks to Mike E for tracking this down.

Also, this piece in the Sun on Encore:

Wynn talks about hoping to open on December 22nd if he can get temporary occupancy before that. In the past they haven't seemed as worried about getting that occupancy certificate so why this time?

The piece also talks about opening a couple of hundred rooms per day so I guess we have confirmation of the first Wynn soft opening, at least when it comes to planning.

October 9, 2008

RJ: Wynn Las Vegas Dealers Lose at Supreme Court

Posted by Hunter

The LVRJ is reporting that the Wynn Las Vegas dealers that sued to remove the tip sharing program have lost their appeal:

October 6, 2008

NY Plaza Wins Strip Resort Name Case

Posted by Hunter

My friend Steve Friess has a note on his blog about the outcome of the Elad vs. Tamares case over naming use rights for "The Plaza" for a future resort on the Las Vegas Strip.

Give it a look. Also, Vegas Gang member Dave Schwartz was an expert witness in the case - expect us to touch on this in the next 'Gang episode.

October 5, 2008

Quickies: "Switch" at Encore, Cher Done For 2008

Posted by Hunter

Two quick unrelated items:

* has a tidbit about "Switch", one of the new restaurants at Encore. Supposedly it will feature an internal environment that does just that - switches mid-way through the evening.

* Looks like Cher is having some health issues that will force her to cancel shows this year, which will no doubt hurt Caesars Palace.

October 4, 2008

Las Vegas Weekly - Buyer's Market for Nightlife?

Posted by Hunter

Interesting article in the LV Weekly talking about the economic situation and it's impact on Las Vegas nightlife - we may see a swing to a more customer hospitable Saturday night.

September 30, 2008

Check Out Large Group of City Center Renderings

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to donnymac for pointing this out - a site with a bunch of renderings that I haven't seen, at least not all of them:

Once again, another StripWalk from MikeCh, this time covering South Strip properties (and a trip to the Hard Rock).

Continue after the jump to read the details, photos are here:

September 26, 2008

Las Vegas Hilton Sports Book Robbed

Posted by Hunter

First seen on Twitter, the Las Vegas Sun now has a story about a robbery today at the Las Vegas Hilton.

Don't know about Twitter? You can follow us: / RateVegas or me: / Hunter

September 26, 2008

Macau Trip Report - September 2008

Posted by Hunter

George (Drambuieman) is back with another great report on Macau. Some info on CotaiJet, Ponte 16 and more.

Click through to read and be sure to check out the photos:

September 21, 2008

Vegas Gang #17 - September 18th, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #17 is online here:

This time around we cover:

* Economic Update
* Kansas Update
* Strip Clubs in Strip Resorts?
* Mega-Resort Designs of the Future?
* ARIA Update

Feel free to leave your comments below.

September 18, 2008

ARIA Restaurants Announced

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage has started to leak the info on the restaurants that will be built inside ARIA, the main resort at City Center.

Two takes on the line-up, which is heavy on big names and maybe a couple of great restaurants:

September 16, 2008

Marina Bay Sands - Singapore

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to our friend George (Drambuie-man), we have a report on the construction of the Marina Bay Sands, the Las Vegas Sands project in Singapore.

Photos are here:

Continue after the jump to

September 15, 2008

UPDATED: City Center Room Photo - Tech at Aria

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to reader Josh for pointing this out.

The LA Times has an article about tech at City Center's main hotel, Aria. The article includes a room mockup photo:

The full article:

Update: This MGM Mirage press release has more info on all the tech going into the room. Some of it sounds pretty cool, though I hope the Internet speed is a bit higher than 128kb that they indicate in the release.

September 13, 2008

Eastside Cannery Heads Profiled

Posted by Hunter

A nice piece in the Sun about the guys that developed the Eastside Cannery and Cannery Resorts.

September 10, 2008

The Mirage Details Re-Launch of Volcano

Posted by Hunter

The Mirage Volcano, a fixture on the Las Vegas Strip for almost 20 years, is being re-launched.

MGM Mirage teamed with WET Design (Fountains of Bellagio) to re-create the iconic front-feature.

WET brought in Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart and Indian tabla sensation Zakir Hussain to create the audio for the new volcano.

More info here:

Scheduled to be unveiled later this year, we have a bunch of photos of the construction progress here:

September 4, 2008

Cosmopolitan Finds a Buyer

Posted by Hunter

It seems that the embattled Cosmopolitan Hotel project on the Strip has found a buyer after the bank foreclosed on the original developer.

Thanks to Mark D for pointing this out.

Also, some coverage in the RJ:

August 30, 2008

UPDATED: Nevada Black Leaders Upset by Blog

Posted by Hunter

My friend Steve Friess wrote the other day about the closing of the 40/40 Club at Palazzo. Steve is a curious and thoughtful guy who isn't scared about political correctness when he writes - that's part of what makes him a great reporter.

Well, it seems some people took what he wrote the wrong way:

As someone that knows Steve a little bit, I can say with certainty that he was just positing a question - something for discussion (I suggest you read the comments on his story). That's what he does - he fosters discussion. If we can't talk about this stuff, we'll never make any progress.

Update: Steve has posted an update here:

August 28, 2008

Four Seasons Macao Opens on Cotai Strip

Posted by Hunter

The next step for Las Vegas Sands' 'Cotai Strip' is the Four Seaons, opening next to the Venetian Macao (or Macau for any non LVS folks). Well, the opening has arrived:

This also includes the Cirque show, 'Zaia', opening at The Venetian Macau. Cotai Strip development may slow as credit markets tighten but things are now rolling with the inventory of rooms starting to build.

August 28, 2008

Eastside Cannery Opens

Posted by Hunter

As Chuck at notes, the Eastside Cannery opens tonight.

I don't have this hotel in the RV or Vegas Mate databases yet and it brings me back to a question I've been asking myself for some time - should I remove a lot of the 'locals' joints from RateVegas and Vegas Mate?

Those pages get far less traffic than Strip and even Downtown properties and having them there means more upkeep and more data to clutter navigation. Is it worth it?

I'm sure I'd keep places like GVR and Red Rock and of course The Palms, Rio and other near-Strip joints. I'm talking about nixing the Fiesta, Texas Station, etc... If I'm going to do it, now is the time, especially for the iPhone app. Thoughts?

Mike Ch is back yet again - this time with a boots on the ground report from Planet Hollywood.

Our man on the scene braved the Palace of Earl to bring back some first hand intel.

As always, photos are here:

Also, he linked up some photos in his post as well. Enjoy after the jump.

As an aside, I'm well aware of how bad the photo gallery sucks. I've not had the time to do much about it but I actually think that might change in the near future. Stay tuned.

August 27, 2008

40/40 Club at Palazzo to Close / Lavo Opens

Posted by Hunter

Word comes this morning that the 40/40 Club at The Palazzo is closing. This has been long rumored and many have doubted the place was doing very well.

In other Palazzo news, Lavo, the club from the creators of Tao, has opened. Lavo is notable because it is the center of ongoing litigation between the operators and Las Vegas Sands.

August 24, 2008

KS Licenses Awarded to Harrah's and Penn Natl Gaming

Posted by Hunter

Fellow podcaster David McKee keeps us updated on the Kansas gaming process here at Stiffs and Georges:

Mike Ch is back with another Strip Walk.

This time he hits both ends of the Strip with Luxor, Echelon, Encore, City Center and more.

Photos are here:

August 11, 2008

How Timing of Reporting Can Skew Gaming Numbers

Posted by Hunter

A very interesting story from the LV Sun that covers how the timing of reporting can skew gaming win figures:

August 7, 2008

Package Flights From Las Vegas Being Cut?

Posted by Hunter

Regular reader Jeff from OKC wrote in to describe what seems to be a dwindling number of hotel and airfare packages available from the mid-west to Las Vegas.

Is this happening in other areas and how severe is it? As smaller carriers shut down or cut back on flights, how is that impacting the flow of people into Las Vegas in a time when it needs more visitors, not less? These are often subsidized, at least in part, by gaming companies - are these subsidies drying up?

As Jeff said, it seems like the worst time for it to be harder to get to town.

The RJ posted a story in which they confirmed tips they had been sent regarding City Center construction workers having alcohol before they entered the job site.

Perini, the site's main contractor, has a zero tolerance policy regarding alcohol and drugs.

Construction safety has been highlighted at City Center due to the number of construction deaths since the project began.

Another development in the saga of the Tropicana and Columbia Sussex. This time, the Nevada Gaming Control Board has recommended that the Las Vegas Strip casino be taken over by an unlicensed group of trustees as it progresses through bankruptcy.

What's interesting is that they are not licensed employees and that they say that CoSux head Bill Yung is no longer part of the decision making process.

This decision, as well as the recent stoppage at Echelon and other Las Vegas issues will be topics on tomorrow's Vegas Gang.

August 5, 2008

MGM Mirage Q2 Profit - Down 69%

Posted by Hunter

Here's a story from the Sun on today's reporting from MGM Mirage on their second quarter:

Some properties, such as Bellagio, didn't do as poorly as some might have guessed. Executives seemed bullish on the future.

August 2, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - August 2, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

The New York Times has a long story on Steve Wynn, Las Vegas and gaming in Sunday's paper. It doesn't break new ground for anyone familiar with Wynn or the industry, but it's interesting. The highlight for me was reading that Steve is irritated by the sound of rushing wind in the elevator shafts. The writer must not be familiar with the old DI. She makes it sound like Steve Wynn bought the homes around the property in order to build a golf course. Yes, he did, but the DI always had a golf course.
Read the story here:
The Chips Are Down in Vegas, but Steve Wynn Is Betting Big

August 1, 2008

Breaking News: Boyd Delays Echelon

Posted by detroit1051

This was rumored the past few days. It's too bad for Las Vegas and the North Strip. I hope they can resume construction in a year or so. BYD's Conference Call is at Noon today, so we'll get more information then.

NEW YORK, Aug 1 (Reuters) - Casino operator Boyd Gaming Corp (BYD.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) said on Friday it has decided to delay construction of its new Las Vegas Strip casino called Echelon and suspended quarterly dividends.

The company also posted lower second-quarter profit as the U.S. economic slowdown reduced gambling revenue.

The company also said it has decided to delay the construction of Echelon due to the challenging economic environment. It plans to resume construction in three or four quarters, assuming credit market conditions and economic outlook improves.
Boyd Delays Echelon

Despite a softening Las Vegas market, Wynn Resorts pulled through with some strong company-wide numbers.

According to the Company: "Net revenues for the second quarter of 2008 were $825.2 million, compared to $687.5 million in the second quarter of 2007. The revenue increase was driven primarily by a 50.3% increase in revenues at Wynn Macau."

I'll have to listen to the conference call later - if there's anything good in there, I'll update the post.

Update: Listening to the call now - as Jeff indicates below, classic Wynn on display in the call. Lots of fun to listen to as he takes jabs at various parties - and he has the numbers to back him.

Here's a KLAS interview with Steve Wynn covering the Encore hiring, his take on City Center, Encore itself and more...,%20Jobs

Thanks to Chuck at VT for pointing this out.

July 18, 2008

Nazarian Has Big Plans for The Sahara

Posted by Hunter

Today's Wall Street Journal (subscription required) has a great article on Sam Nazarian, new owner of The Sahara.

He wants to provide a superior experience, even for guests priced out of the market by the swing to luxury offerings - he plans rooms at about $200 a night. That doesn't mean implosion - he wants to work with the canvas he has, while adding to it and improving it.

It's a great read, check it out.

July 14, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - July 14, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

This week's Zoning meetings:

LVS is asking for a time extension on its approval to build a new Convention Center. The Agenda item says LVS is in the process of obtaining permits, but could the economy be a reason?
Las Vegas Sands Convention Center

Wynn has requested a deviation for Encore's signage:
Encore's Signage

July 12, 2008

Vegas Gang #12 - July 11th, 2008

Posted by Hunter

The show is up:

This time we feature:

* Wynn Hires Tim and Tim / Wynn Early Financials
* Nevada and Illinois Post Bad Numbers
* Tropicana E.Coli Outbreak
* Don Barden / Pittsburgh
* MGM Mirage / Wynn Resorts Market Cap

Comments welcome below.

Don't forget the Podcast-a-palooza:

July 11, 2008

UPDATED: Strange "Hack" Story

Posted by Hunter

My friend Steve Friess posted a story on his blog about a supposed "hack" at that supposedly offered illegitimate low rates to customers.

Based on the email that went out afterwords, MGM Grand handed this poorly.

Also, I agree with Steve - based on all I know from years of building Web applications for e-commerce, this sounds like BS to me... If it is true, they were likely penetrated extremely deeply, which would be even worse. Just own the mistake and honor the rates already!

Updated: Steve has more details - not a 'hack' - just a promotion that was used by those it was not intended to be offered to. Still, maybe not the best handling?

Just saw this fly across the wire - Wynn Resorts has announced preliminary 2nd Quarter results:

Operating income at Wynn Las Vegas is expected to be $18-22 million, down from $63.4 million last year. Wow, big drop. Looks like they are blaming it on lower hold percentages, lower ADR, and lower occupancy.

On the other end, Wynn Macau did much better than last year it seems with operating income almost doubling to $100 million or so.

The company also announced they will be buying back more shares.

Mike's returning with a new Strip Walk. This time we see Fontainebleau, Encore, Echelon, City Center, Luxor and more.

Keep reading after the jump and check out his photos:

July 2, 2008

Tim Poster and Tom Breitling Join Wynn Resorts

Posted by Mike E

A surprising bit of news this morning.

"LAS VEGAS, July 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Tim Poster and Tom Breitling will be joining Wynn Resorts (Nasdaq: WYNN - News) subsidiary Wynn Las Vegas as Sr. Vice Presidents of Strategy and Development."

June 27, 2008

VegasGang #11 Posted

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #11 is online here:

This time we feature:

* Encore at Wynn Las Vegas Opening
* Cosmopolitan Sued Over Its Name
* MGM Mirage Using Social Networking
* Harrah's Pays Debt With Debt
* Adelson Profiled in New Yorker

Feel free to add comments below...

June 25, 2008

VegasTripping Posts Encore Photo Update

Posted by Hunter

My good friend and fellow 'Gang Member', ("yeah, I'm in a gang") Chuck has posted a bunch of new Encore construction photos:


June 23, 2008

The New Yorker Profiles Sheldon Adelson

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to fellow Vegas Gang member Jeff Simpson for this link... Looks like the New Yorker has done a profile on everyone's favorite casino overlord, Sheldon Adelson of Las Vegas Sands. Check it out below. Also, props to Jeff for the mention!

June 22, 2008

Kick Me When I'm Down

Posted by Hunter

Well, it looks like things have gotten just a little bit worse for the Cosmopolitan:

Hearst says they own the name. Ouch.

How about a little due diligence when you start a project, huh?

I just read this article from fellow VegasGang podcast member Dave Schwartz and I really enjoyed it. I think he's 100% correct.

The economics of Las Vegas have fundamentally changed (for the better) and a new 'cheapo-era' is NOT the answer to dealing with a (hopefully) short term problem.

June 13, 2008

Vegas Gang #10 - Economic Woes to Bankrupt LVS?

Posted by Hunter

Vegas Gang #10 is up -

This episode focuses on the CityCenter walkout and the economy vs. Las Vegas. We cover a few stories on the specifics, including an entry suggesting that LVS is heading for Chapter 11. That may be an extreme outcome but its an interesting discussion point.

Also, a little bit on the iPhone and its impact on Las Vegas.

Enjoy the show and feel free to post your comments here.

UPDATE: Stiffs and George's has a story about Palazzo's underwhelming performance:

The Las Vegas Sun is reporting on a workers strike at City Center, MGM Mirage's large development on the Las Vegas Strip.

Due to a rash of construction deaths, the workers are demanding increased safety provisions be made before work will start again.

Update: It's possible that work will re-start again soon - it appears Perini and the trades had a positive meeting.

June 1, 2008

Tao Nightclub Attempts Ballot Box Stuffing

Posted by Hunter

All you readers probably realize that the 'parent' of this blog is our ratings site, We allow readers to rate and review hundreds of Las Vegas hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and more. It's been running since 1999 and has a huge database of worthwhile data.

Over the years, I've added several features designed to protect against malicious uses of an open system - I was getting a ton of submissions that were nothing but spam links to gambling sites. I track the IP address of each submission for the purposes of comparison (no personal info is tracked or stored unless you submit your email address).

Well, over the past few months I've noticed quite a few glowing reviews for Tao Nightclub at The Venetian. At first they looked legit but the wording from week to week was QUITE similar. I checked and of course they are all coming from the same IP - one that is registered to Cox Communications in Las Vegas, NV, the region's cable modem provider.

So, it appears that Tao, or someone working for them, is attempting to defraud the public with fake reviews posted through my service. I assume they're doing this elsewhere as well.

I mention this just because it is interesting. I'll do nothing more but delete the incoming fake reviews and continue on my day.

Any other site operators notice anything like this? Fake comments? Planted submissions? Are Vegas casinos, clubs and PR operations *finally* getting smarter about using the 'Net?

Also, a note to Vegas businesses that want to get their word out - I'm happy to listen to your pitch and I love sharing interesting stories and info with my readers. Just don't try to come in the back door.

May 29, 2008

Cosmopolitan Las Vegas to Become 'W Las Vegas'?

Posted by Hunter

The rumor floating around today is that The Related Cos has purchased/taken over the Cosmopolitan project on the Las Vegas Strip and it will be an outpost of the 'W' hotel chain. Time will tell...

Looks like Richard Suen, the Chinese businessman that supposedly helped Las Vegas Sands setup their contacts in Macau will get a pay day after all.

A Las Vegas jury awarded him $43 million in damages. The company will appeal.

May 25, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - May 25, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

This is good news that Tableau's Mark LoRusso will definitely move to Encore, and it looks like Tableau's space will remain a restaurant instead of becoming another club.

"Steve Wynn has lured another star chef to Wynn Las Vegas. Larry Forgione, a pioneering chef from New York, will move An American Place into the Tableau space this winter, when Mark LoRusso opens a restaurant at Encore, the new luxury suite hotel at Wynn Las Vegas. "Larry Forgione was one of the first chefs to focus exclusively on American ingredients and cuisine," Wynn said. "His vision and commitment to sustainability paved the way for many of today's chefs." ..."
Norm Column in the RJ: Norm

May 19, 2008

Details on "ARIA" - City Center's Anchor Hotel

Posted by Hunter

As speculated, the name 'ARIA' is official.

MGM Mirage's press release had a bit more info than I've seen published elsewhere. I don't usually just publish these things but I think this is of interest so continue reading after the jump.

Vegas Gang Podcast #8 has been posted:

Comments can be posted here on this site, below.

Our guest is Steve Friess and we cover his book, 'Gay Vegas' as well as Las Vegas marketing, MGM Mirage splitting up, casino cheating and more.

May 14, 2008

Luxor : Lost In Transition -

Posted by Hunter

My good friend Chuck at is just back from Las Vegas and wrote up a little report about the transition at Luxor:

Yes, we're back (and better than ever?).

Anyway, the episode is posted here:

Comment away!

May 6, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - May 6, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

MGM's 1st Quarter Conference Call transcript is available:
MGM Transcript

May 5, 2008

Tropicana Entertainment to File for Chapter 11

Posted by Hunter

It looks like the 'chickens are coming home to roost' for Tropicana Entertainment - in our pre-call bater for Vegas Gang, Jeff Simpson tipped us off to this story.

Thanks to Chuck for the link.

Shadow Creek, MGM Mirage's fabulous golf course located in North Las Vegas, will close for a few months for an extensive renovation.

The press release is after the jump but basically it says that it will close until December while original architect Tom Fazio looks over the changes.

May 2, 2008

Wynn Resorts to Manage Casino in Philippines?

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to for this interesting story that talks about Wynn Resorts potentially managing or consulting on a casino from Arusze in the Philippines.

May 2, 2008

Encore at Wynn Macau Continues to Grow

Posted by Hunter

Yes, the property formerly known as 'Wynn Diamond Suites' has been renamed 'Encore at Wynn Macau'.

Thanks to VegasTripping for the tip and also a photo of construction:

Encore at Wynn Macau
Encore at Wynn Macau Construction Photo

May 2, 2008

Earnings: LVS and WYNN Report

Posted by Hunter

Yes, this is a few days old but we need a story to cover it and I was out.

LVS - Las Vegas Sands had an unexpected 1st quarter loss which has caused the stock to tumble. Slow ramp up for Palazzo in Vegas and a new weakness in Macau seems to be the culprit. Some numbers here.

WYNN - Wynn Resorts did better than expected on revenue but it looks like it missed on EPS. I am hoping to have some more time later to get deeper into these figures and listen to the call playback.

April 29, 2008

The Future Is Now At CityCenter

Posted by detroit1051

The LV Sun gives us a glimpse into CityCenter Casino's server-based slot floor. Will players be apprehensive about a casino's ability to manage the games, denominations, paybacks and players' comp accounts from a central IT office? Or, in this age when everyone, including seniors, are at ease with computers, will the benefits be welcomed? In my opinion, it will be a huge success as long as players don't believe the casino can manage payback with each spin of the reels. This concern can be easily managed with strict controls from gaming regulators and through effective communication strategies by casinos. What does everyone think?
Server- Based Slot Floor At CityCenter

Mike_ch is back with the latest Strip Walk. This time we have a look at Encore at Wynn Las Vegas, Caesars Palace, New York New York and Luxor.

Notes after the jump, photos here:

April 22, 2008

Wynn Resorts Puts Las Vegas Sands In Cross Hairs

Posted by Hunter

On the most recent episode of The Strip Podcast, Steve Wynn talks about his ultimate plans for the golf course - two new hotels for a total of 10,000 rooms (including WLV and Encore) and a 1.5 million square foot convention facility.

Clearly, this would put Wynn Resorts in direct competition with the various other convention centers in town, most specifically Las Vegas Sands and their Sands Expo. No specific timeline was given for the development.

April 20, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - April 20, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

KLAS-TV has a three part, 30+ minute interview with Steve Wynn on its website. The audio is so poor that I haven't listened to it yet. I'll need headphones, but for Wynnophiles, it might be interesting.
KLAS-TV Interview With Steven Wynn

April 17, 2008

Sands on Trial Over Macau Deal

Posted by Hunter

I really should have posted this earlier as it is a fascinating story.

It seems a gentleman that allegedly helped Adelson's company get into the Macau market believes he was promised more compensation than he has received (nothing so far).

Well, now he's suing the company in a Nevada court. Should prove a very interesting exercise.

The rumors are true! Gans will move to Encore when it opens, leaving The Mirage.

What's funny is that Wynn denied this point blank to Steve Friess in the last interview.

April 14, 2008

RJ: MGM Mirage Laying Off 400+ Managers

Posted by Hunter

The story says it all - at least some of the doom and gloom is true enough to scale back.

Thanks to Brian and Detroit for pointing this out.

Harrah's Entertainment, the recently gone-private casino behemoth, has decided to change its name - to Caesars Entertainment. Fun.

April 8, 2008

Vegas Doom and Gloom From The UK

Posted by Hunter

A Las Vegas-is-gonna-go-bust doom and gloom article from the Times Online in the UK.

April 5, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - April 5, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

The Wall Street Journal follows up on the condo-hotel bubble, and focuses much of the story on Residences at MGM Grand and Trump's new tower. The story should be available without a subscription:

"It's been a very bad investment," said Moji Adekunbi, a 47-year-old engineer, who bought a $550,000 condo-hotel unit in the Signature at the MGM Grand in 2005 in Las Vegas, where one of every four hotel rooms being developed is a condo-hotel unit. Mr. Adekunbi counted on the cash flow from renting out his unit more than covering his $3,000-a-month mortgage payment, leaving him with a tidy profit.
He said the developer's sales staff led him to believe that the hotel would have 94% occupancy and $350-a-night rates, Turns out, he said he is netting only between $400 and $1,800 a month before his mortgage payment."
Condo-Hotel Buyers See Investments Sour As the Market Weakens

April 3, 2008

Vegas Gang #5 - Tom Breitling - April 3rd, 2008

Posted by Hunter

Episode #5 of the Vegas Gang has been posted below:

This features Tom Breitling, formerly of the Golden Nugget, talking about his new book. Enjoy!

Steve Friess chats up Steve Wynn for this weeks The Strip Podcast and there is no shortage of great quotes, particularly near the end when he gets into Adelson's claim that at one point he had offered Wynn a job.

I assume the show will be posted sometime Thursday. It's certainly worth a listen, along with a few bits on Encore and the Binkley book, "Winner Takes All".

April 2, 2008

Columbia Sussex Charging Cards Without Consent?

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to a tip from David McKee comes this story about convention attendees at the Westin Casuarina who, when the convention organizer failed to pay their bill, apparently had their cards charged by the hotel to cover the loss.

If this is true, it is insane. Hopefully we'll hear more on this. The quote from the LVCVA is funny.

Some may recall that before the 're-opening' of the Aladdin as Planet Hollywood, I was quoted in a London paper by writer Steve Friess and gave a less than stellar prognosis for the troubled property. That subsequently lead to an exchange between Friess and Hollywood principal Robert Earl.

Anyway, as I said all along, I have nothing against the property or its operator and here's a story that indicates their strategy is indeed working, pulling PHo back from the abyss that was the Aladdin. For the sake of healthy competition, I hope we see this continue. Congrats to them for hard working paying off it seems.

April 1, 2008

Las Vegas Sands: What's Going On?

Posted by detroit1051

Two important stories on LVS:

Why would Sheldon Adelson make such public comments about MGM, Pansy Ho and Atlantic City?
Sands Chief Questions MGM Mirage's Motives

What is the real story on CFO Rozek's departure from LVS?
Robert P. Rozek resigned from his position as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp

March 27, 2008

Crown Las Vegas Looks Dead

Posted by Hunter

It looks like the Crown Las Vegas project, which was to be a super tall hotel tower at one point, is dead - at least in its current incarnation. Something will be built there someday, the question is what.

March 23, 2008

Related Joins Bidding on Cosmopolitan

Posted by Hunter

According to the WSJ (sorry, registration required), the Related Companies, no stranger to distressed Vegas developments, is looking at the Cosmopolitan project.

Thanks to Brian for the tip! Happy Easter!

Steve Friess picked up on the news from Wachovia that Elad is putting the Plaza Las Vegas project on hold due to the challenging credit market:

Very interesting, especially coupled with the Cosmopolitan news. Friess apparently just did an interview with Steve Wynn where the casino mogul predicted this.

Update: Elad, the developer, is denying the report so at this point this is in question.

Thanks Hail2Skins!

March 13, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - March 13, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

Here's another Vegas book, but I'll skip this one:

Double or Nothing: How Two Friends Risked It All to Buy One of Las Vegas' Legendary Casinos, by Tom Breitling

We talk the concept of 'free' and casinos, lots of fresh details on Encore at Wynn Las Vegas, Majestic's Vegas numbers, and more. This is a don't miss for Wynn fans.

The participants include:

Jeff Simpson - and

David McKee -

Dave Schwartz -

Chuck Monster -

Direct Download:

February 27, 2008

Open Topic Discussion - February 27, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

Winner Takes All, a new book by Christina Binkley will be released on March 4. Binkley was formerly the casino/gaming reporter for the Wall Street Journal.
Winner Takes All: Steve Wynn, Kirk Kerkorian, Gary Loveman, and the Race to Own Las Vegas

Dave Schwartz has an interesting article where the talks about a piece from Wired that is discussing the proliferation of free services in business, especially on the Internet. Dave spins that into a gaming business narrative and breaks it down for us.

February 26, 2008

Encore Suites at Wynn Las Vegas - Coming December 2008

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts have settled on December 2008 as the unveiling for Encore Suites, the sister resort going up next to Wynn Las Vegas.

Few new details besides the opening timeframe are in the press release, though it does allude to many of the features we've already covered here in the past.

We're back with roundtable #2 - this time around the topics include Crown investing in Harrah's/Station, MGM Grand Detroit, Pure being raided by the IRS, Cuba as the next Macau and more.

The participants include:

Jeff Simpson - and

David McKee -

Dave Schwartz -

Chuck Monster -

Direct Download:

February 21, 2008

MGM Mirage Project Jumps: CityCenter Sale, RevPAR Up

Posted by Hunter

Some info on MGM Mirage's quarterly results, announced today:

February 20, 2008

Tax Evasion at Pure? IRS On the Scene

Posted by Hunter

This is still breaking but it seems like the Feds raided Pure, the nightclub at Caesars, today.

Pure is not run by Harrah's, it is a separate entity.

February 12, 2008

Wynn Resorts Reports Q4 Results

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts just reported their results.

That's the press release. I'll update this with some thoughts as soon as I have a chance.

February 12, 2008

Las Vegas Sands To Replace Sands Expo Center

Posted by detroit1051

Las Vegas Sands hosted an Investors Day on February 11 in Las Vegas. Management presented detailed information on the company's operations in Las Vegas and Macau as well as on other projects being built or planned both in this country and overseas.

One important announcement was the plan to build a New Sands Expo at the corner of Koval and Sands. Once the facility opens at the end of 2010, the land that the existing Sands Expo Center sits on could be used for another resort or other purposes. The site is 20 acres and is part of the Venetian/Palazzo complex.

The Investors Presentation is available as a webcast and as a slide presentation. The slides of the New Sands Expo and of the 20 acres for future development are very interesting.

Investors Day Slides=Part I
Investors Day-Part II
Webcast Replay Links

February 9, 2008 - LV Sands Planning Sky Gaming

Posted by Hunter

Baccarat to be offered on private flights to and from Asia:

The first episode of what could become a new, semi-regular podcast has been posted.

It doesn't yet have a name but the working title is 'Vegas Roundtable'. It's a gaming industry related podcast in a discussion format. Today's participants include:

Jeff Simpson - and

David McKee -

Dave Schwartz -

Chuck Monster -

Thanks to all participants. The podcast is in my normal feed for 'The Worst Las Vegas Podcast' but it will probably move to a dedicated feed. Also, if anyone can think of a good name, drop them in the comments.

If you don't subscribe to the feed and want the direct URL, here it is:

February 6, 2008

Adelson: No New Licensees in Macau

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to David McKee's blog for pointing out this article from Macau with some quotes from LVS boss Sheldon Adelson.

The Macau Daily News says in their piece that according to Adelson, the number of concessions will NOT be expanded in 2009 and in fact may *shrink* as some of Ho's more ghetto places get hit.

Interesting. Sorry Harrah's.

February 4, 2008

UPDATED: Las Vegas Sands Reports Q4 2007 Results

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands reported their Q4 2007 results and the press release is here:

I'll update this story in a bit with some details and numbers once I have a chance to dig in.

Updated: Ok, I took a look at the numbers, which were down a bit. They cited increased development costs, which looks like it makes sense. Net income was WAY down but they had a ton of costs from opening Palazzo and post-opening stuff at Venetian Macau on Cotai. Interest expense was way up which indicates they had to fund some of those through bank loans. The Cotai property didn't perform at the level they wanted in terms of winnings but volume seems pretty strong - the property is already contributing about half of the company's gross. With Palazzo and Venetian Macau open, Sands is setup for a pretty nice story in fiscal 2008.

Some new photos posted this afternoon:

The Encore shots give a really good look at the final layouts for the big parts of the project. You can see all the skylights in the low-rise for the new spa, plus I assume that lattice roof area will be filled with glass as well. Overall, looking good - can't wait to see more.

Thanks to Brian and Mark for sharing their photos.

Regarding the podcast, I have GarageBand open now - hopefully I'll get this finished shortly.

January 30, 2008

Monte Carlo Fire and EIFS

Posted by Hunter

Last week, most TV sets were tuned in to see the facade of a Las Vegas hotel, the Monte Carlo, engulfed in flames. I'm no expert in fire safety but I know what was going through my head, watching in real time: this fire is moving FAST and whatever is on the top of that building looks to be fueling it.

In the hours and days that followed, one term was repeated over and over: EIFS.

Instead of demonizing an easy target, I'm glad that I've had the chance to speak with several folks fluent in EIFS details, including some industry representatives. Keep reading after the jump and I'll share a couple of things I've learned.

January 28, 2008

Tropicana Workers Asked To Hold Paychecks?

Posted by Hunter

According to a blurb in the LV Sun, workers at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip have been asked not to cash their paychecks for a few days.

January 23, 2008

Palazzo Las Vegas - Opening Weekend Thoughts

Posted by Hunter

Palazzo is the finest hotel ever built in Las Vegas - Las Vegas Sands In-Room Magazine

"Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen." - Red Faced Guy

I was in Las Vegas at the end of December on a trip that was supposed to coincide with the soft opening of The Palazzo, the first major property to open on the Strip since Wynn Las Vegas in 2005. Of course, we know how that turned out - Las Vegas Sands postponed the soft-open for a few days and by the time guests were walking through, I was back at home.

When another excuse for a trip popped up, this time coinciding with the 'real' opening of The Palazzo, the credit card was primed and ready. I reserved a standard 'suite' for two nights at a rate of about $300/night. I've been a critic of The Venetian in the past but I really wanted to go into this past weekend without pre-judging the property... at least that was my goal.

Keep reading after the jump for my thoughts on The Palazzo, some comparisons to other properties, and some specific notes on the photos.

Photo gallery:

January 19, 2008

Palazzo First Thoughts

Posted by Hunter

We checked into a standard 'suite' at The Palazzo last night. I will be writing more when I get home, as well as publishing some photos, but here are some overall thoughts quickly, before I head out:

I really like the lobby and atrium areas - they look fantastic... but they may be the best parts of the property.

The room is nice, though I don't consider a single room a suite, even if it has a separated living space. The room is nicely appointed, though some of the fixtures look cheap.

Service has been great. A bellman walked us to our room, though I assume that's because it was slow. I am told on 80% of the rooms are open.

The casino is a disappointment. It's just a huge open room. Better than The Venetian but nowhere near as nice as WLV or Bellagio in this regard.

The pool area looks closed at the moment and only a few restaurants are open. I haven't spent much time in the shops yet.

This place is just what any close watcher of LVS would expect - it's The Venetian, slightly upgraded.

So, as I work on getting more data, what sort of things are you guys interested in?

January 17, 2008

Open Topic Discussion: January 17, 2008

Posted by detroit1051

Sheldon Adelson: He is driven. Interesting article in the NY Times.
"...the Venetian is now the Strip�s second most profitable casino hotel, behind only the Bellagio, said Robert A. LaFleur, an industry analyst with the Susquehanna Financial Group, and that is with only a third of its revenue coming from its gambling floor."

When 3rd Place on the Rich List Just Isn�t Enough

January 15, 2008

McKee's Stiffs and Georges is Back

Posted by Hunter

It's been on the LVA site for a little while but I wanted to make sure readers were aware that David McKee's blog, Stiffs and Georges, is back online. McKee is a straight talking Las Vegas gaming biz blogger that's not afraid to call 'em like he sees 'em.

Make this a regular on your regular RSS/reading list.

The Cosmopolitan, one of the more interesting upcoming deveopments on the Las Vegas Strip, is reportedly looking for investment capital. The Las Vegas Sun's new gaming blog reports:

Update:The mortgage holders have foreclosed:

Well, the gaming win in the great state of Nevada declined a good bit last time 'round:

Not good for our favorite multi-national casino conglomerates. It's hard not to link this to the degrading confidence in the US economy overall. Gaming is often somewhat insulated - people love to wager no matter how screwed they are - but of course there would be some kind of a hit if things go down big time in the US of A.

We're back with another piece from guest author Matthew Farley. He was nice enough to write a piece previously on video table games.

This time the topic is old school service offerings and their place in today's Las Vegas, specifically as it relates to Binion's. An interesting piece and I thank him for sharing this with us. What do you guys think? Let's get a discussion going in the comments.

As for any other guest authors out there, feel free to contact me: editor AT ratevegas DOT com. We can give you some great exposure and writing is a lot of fun!

December 31, 2007

UPDATED: Palazzo Opens Just to Spite Me

Posted by Hunter

Well, Palazzo's casino and some other public spaces are open.

We got back from Las Vegas on Saturday - I was really hoping to see the insides myself. So much of the exterior needs work but I guess they were just determined to start the cash meter.

Update: Thanks to Mark for sharing some exclusive photos with us. You can see them here:

Updated Again: I just booked two nights over the opening weekend so we'll be reporting on the full Palazzo experience.

December 26, 2007

MGM Grand Macau Rings In $6.6M In First Two Days

Posted by Hunter

According to, the MGM Grand Macau opened to a smashing success - over $6.6 million in drop in the first few days of operations. This points to a very high volume of play in that time.

December 24, 2007

Caesars Palace Dealers Vote to Unionize

Posted by Hunter

Well, this could be the second shot across the bow in the industry as we see a second major Las Vegas casino's dealers vote to have union representation.

Following Wynn Las Vegas dealers before them, is this a reflection on management in these two organizations? Will we see dealers at an MGM Mirage property go this route?

December 23, 2007

BREAKING: Palazzo Will Not Have Guests in December

Posted by Hunter

It turns out that due to 'construction delays' there will be no hotel guests at Palazzo in 2007. I have confirmed with hotel staff that guests are being moved to The Venetian if they so desire.

Still working on final word if even the casino will be open this coming week - it's looking doubtful.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up on this.

December 21, 2007

Mirage Room Remodel to Start in February 2008

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to reader Andy who spotted this on The Mirage's official Web site. It seems the rooms are getting a full on make over starting in February and based on the pictures, they are totally tossing the current room decor.

Wow, that's drastic. Now, I totally think the rooms need to be redone but honestly, I think this design goes a bit too far for my tastes. I love the amenities they are adding - that's great... and, I think generally the vibe is okay but this is like cranked too far. It's as if they had one or two many committees weigh in on this, each tweaking the design a bit to the point that there's no longer any cohesion.


December 20, 2007

Wynn Macau Expansion Opens December 24th

Posted by Hunter

This was in the news yesterday and I just assumed most people saw it so I didn't post it but maybe I was wrong... Anyway, Wynn Macau is set to open it's casino expansion on Monday, December 24th. This includes more tables, slots, and their new dramatic entry feature (I hope we hear more about this soon). Following in January are more retails shops including Hugo Boss and Ferrari.

December 19, 2007

Golden Nugget Completes Its Renovations

Posted by Hunter

According to a press release from the Golden Nugget Las Vegas, they have completed their long running set of renovations that include a second floor nightclub for Downtown.

The 'Gold Diggers' nightclub opens at 4pm and offers views of the Fremont Street Experience. Along with the club, they have opened a new restaurant called Red Sushi and also some meeting space called 'The Grand'.

Overall, it is nice to see continued investment into the Downtown property.

December 18, 2007

MGM Grand Macau Opens

Posted by Hunter

Well, today is the big day for MGM Mirage with their first entry into Macau with the MGM Grand Macau. The property is a 50/50 joint venture with Pansy Ho, daughter of longtime operator Stanley Ho.

Personally, I think this property looks very interesting and it is certainly on my list of places to stay when I visit Macau sometime next year. I see the Wynn Macau/MGM Macau combo (they are right next door to each other) as the true epicenter of Macau luxury, despite Las Vegas Sands' grand Cotai experiment, at least for now.

December 14, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: December 14, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

Is Las Vegas facing a "perfect storm" with increased gaming taxes, high restaurant prices, infrastructure issues, crime/gang problems and other issues which confront large urban areas?
I was astonished to read that Las Vegas is now the most expensive restaurant city in the country, and higher gaming taxes may put a damper on future growth.
Las Vegas Becomes Country's Most Expensive Restaurant City

"Here in Las Vegas, that atmosphere for gaming having unfettered power to control economic-political outcomes is about to be changed as never before," he said.
He then referenced the initiative proposed by the teachers union to raise the gaming tax 3 points to 9.75 percent to pay teachers more and finance educational programs. That's a 44.4 percent tax increase."
Gaming Taxes

December 12, 2007

Tropicana Atlantic City License Revoked

Posted by Hunter

Wow. In a pretty amazing turn of events, the New Jersey Casino Control Commission has denied a license extension to the Tropicana Atlantic City.



Mike_ch is back with another Stripwalk. This time he visits Encore, City Center, TI, Palazzo, Luxor and more. Check it out after the jump plus don't forget to check out the new photos:


December 6, 2007

Crown Las Vegas Moves Forward; Two Towers

Posted by Hunter

Another piece of news from the recent press, the Wet N' Wild Crown Las Vegas project is moving past the Planning Commission after slashing their height, which may mean that they will end up with two towers.

December 6, 2007

Harrah's Buyout One Hurdle Away From Done

Posted by Hunter

It's making its way through the regulatory process in Nevada, with one hurdle to go.

December 6, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: December 6, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

I missed this story on's new Arrow bus service, in cooperation with the monorail. It was written up in today's Miami Herald: introduces high-tech bus service on the Las Vegas Strip
Here's the route map and details:
Is there a big enough market for both The Deuce and Arrow?

December 1, 2007

Steve Friess Goes Over Vegas' Worst To Come

Posted by Hunter

My friend Steve Friess has an article in the Las Vegas Weekly that goes over some of the worst ideas, coming soon to a Las Vegas near you.

November 29, 2007

FEATURE: Video Table Games - Worth the Risk?

Posted by Hunter

This is exciting - an original piece from a new guest author, Matthew Farley. This piece focuses on video table games, a growing segment of the manufacturing scene.

Big thanks for Matthew for providing this - we hope there's a lot more to come! Anyone else interested in writing something should feel free to get in touch with me at editor AT ratevegas DOT com.

The feature story starts after the jump.

November 28, 2007

Welcome to MEGACENTER, May I Take Your Coat?

Posted by Hunter

Well, it appears at the geniuses at Las Vegas Sands have decided that they needed a name for the combined complex of The Venetian, Palazzo and the Sands Expo Center. That name? MEGACENTER (yes, all caps). Dumb name. I wonder if they considered other gems such as THEMegacenter or maybe even CITYMEGACENTER.

Also, as has been reported elsewhere, Palazzo's opening moved from 12/20 to 12/28, no doubt cause they realized it was impossible to make 12/20 work. There's a good chance I'll be in town for this opening so I'll keep y'all posted. I don't think I'm brave enough to reserve a room.

The RJ has details on the departure of Tropicana's CFO:

The embattled parent company of the Tropicana on the Strip took another blow with the resignation of the company's chief financial officer after only 120 days in the position. [From - Business - Tropicana CFO quits, takes new job]

November 25, 2007

Planet Hollywood / Robert Earl Update

Posted by Hunter

For those following the fun, here's a recap on all the excitement:

The original article by Steve Friess where I was quoted is here.

Then, the first followup was on Steve's blog here, where we had a little commentary.

The latest is the Friess article in the Las Vegas Weekly, which can be read here.

Anyway, lots of fun and I will of course update you as it (if it) unfolds further.

Update: More from Chuck at VegasTripping:

Here we are with a special Thanksgiving-eve 'Strip Walk' segment. This time around, mike_ch checks out the Frontier, Encore, City Center, Luxor, The Mirage and more. Text after the jump...


November 21, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: November 21, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

Bottle service at clubs is huge as reported in the LV Sun. The economy must be better than I thought!
"Consider that more than 2,000 people walked through the door at Mirage's Jet nightclub during a recent weekend - and that more than half sat at reserved tables where bottle service starts at $400 for a bottle shared by three people.
An average table check can reach about $800, said Kelley Jones, president of nightclub operator Light Group's restaurant division."
Revenue From Alcohol Growing Faster Than Slot Revenue

November 20, 2007

Plaza Hotel vs. Plaza Las Vegas Name Show Down

Posted by Hunter

A piece on Steve Friess' Vegas blog yesterday talks about the upcoming clash between the Downtown Las Vegas Plaza Hotel and the upcoming Plaza Las Vegas, destined for the site of the now demolished New Frontier.

Like Steve says, this one seems clear. I'm curious how this will shake out - Elad has deep pockets, they could probably license the name and pay off the cash strapped Tamares (they still own the Plaza, right?)

November 14, 2007

November 2007 LV Strip Construction Photos Posted

Posted by Hunter

I've posted my Las Vegas Strip construction photos: Most Recent Las Vegas Photos

All sorts of great stuff including Encore's high and low rise buildings, WLV's villa atrium, Palazzo, the white tiger pit at The Mirage, City Center, P-Ho, Bellagio, and more.

The link above should show them all but you can also visit the November 2007 tag. Also, based on some feedback I plan to add new searching and sorting capabilities to the photo database soon.

November 14, 2007

Open Topic Discussion - November 14, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

This will start Brian Fey's day off with a smile. Wynn Las Vegas has won recognition from The Michelin Guide.
NORM: Michelin makes Steve Wynn's year
Michelin's Highest Honor of Five Red Pavilions Awarded to Wynn Las Vegas

November 13, 2007

New Frontier Implosion

Posted by Hunter

Okay, that was amazingly cool. If you've never felt the raw power of a building fall, make sure you put the Tropicana Island Tower implosion on your Jan/Feb calendar.

I took a ton of photos. They are here:

That's probably it for now - I'm super tired and it's been a long day. Lastly though, another big thank you to Steve Friess who hooked me up with the pimp media access. Thanks Steve!!!

November 12, 2007

New Fronter Implosion - Our Coverage

Posted by Hunter

Well, I decided that I'm going to jump in the car and head to Las Vegas to photograph and shoot video of the implosion of the New Frontier tonight (early tomorrow).

I'll be trying to do this as 'live' as possible, including posting to my Twitter feed @ratevegas. Also, Flickr should have updated photos and of course I will be posting here, but that's probably going to have a little delay, just due to the nature of the tech. The Twitter feed will be the most up to date as it happens.

So, wish me luck and you'll hear from me soon.

Update: If anyone reading this is either a Wynn Resorts employee or is staying at Wynn Las Vegas and has a room overlooking the Frontier, drop me a line at editor AT ratevegas DOT com - myself and another high-profile Vegas blogger/writer would love to watch from your window.

November 7, 2007

MGM Grand Abu Dhabi - $3 Billion Non Gaming Resort

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage announced today that they will build a $3 billion, non gaming resort in Abu Dhabi, part of the United Arab Emirates.

November 5, 2007

The Mirage Replaces White Tigers With Burgers

Posted by Hunter

I got a press release this morning from MGM Mirage regarding a new restaurant going in at The Mirage. BLT Burger will be replacing the Habitat at the resorts' Southern-most Strip entrance.

This is another nail in the coffin of Siegfried and Roy's tenure at The Mirage. As for the restaurant, the press release states:

"BLT Burger's diverse menu will offer quality ingredients including beef (sirloin, short rib, chuck and brisket cut), American and Japanese Kobe, lamb and Ahi tuna burgers along with soft, no-frills buns. Onion rings and a variety of French fry options, including waffle-cut, sweet potato and chili cheese, will complement the meal. An array of milkshakes in classic and spiked varieties will be available along with a selection of ice cream floats. Nostalgic glass-bottled sodas, innovative cocktails, as well as a focused selection of wine and beer will quench every guest's thirst."

November 4, 2007

Open Topic Discussion - November 4, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

I can't imagine MGM or Wynn having the problems HET has had with unauthorized remodeling. And, I can't imagine the RJ ever going after this story as aggressively if it were MGM or Wynn.

"Harrah's Entertainment has reached a turning point in recovering from bungled remodeling projects at two of its local hotels.
A block of 501 guest rooms at Harrah's Las Vegas returned to active use by patrons on Friday, Harrah's Entertainment executive Jan Jones announced the same day.
Those rooms were pulled from service due to remodeling that had been performed without permits or inspections. They are located on floors four through 19 of the hotel's Carnivale tower. Those floors no longer need a fire watch, which is round-the-clock patrolling by personnel with two-way communication to report any fire, Marybel Batjer, another Harrah's executive, said Saturday. The rooms were out of service for 25 days.
A smaller block of 87 rooms at the Rio also returned to service earlier last week. Those rooms were shut down for less than 25 days. At that hotel, fire watches continue on floors three through 17, plus 19, of the Ipanema tower."
Improper Remodeling: Harrah's Reopens 501 Rooms

November 3, 2007

Station Casinos, Inc. - a Private Company

Posted by Hunter

Well, the last step in Station Casinos, Inc.'s journey to 'go private' has been achieved.

The Las Vegas Review Journal has the skinny:

October 30, 2007

Wynn Resorts Reports Q3 2007 Results

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts just reported as the market closed - the conference call is about to start and I'll update this with any interesting info.

Quarterly revenue was $653.4 million, up from $318.1 million last year - all because of Macau. Adjusted property EBITDA was $186 million.

Adjusted net income: $73.4 million, compared to a $1.3 million loss last year. GAAP net income was $44 million and that figure from last year was skewed by the sale of the Macau sub-concession.

Lots of interesting details in the press release:

ADR at Wynn Las Vegas: $282, up from $271 a year ago. Occupancy was 96.6%.

ADR at Wynn Macau: $245 and occupancy was 91.9%.

October 30, 2007

MGM Mirage Blames OPERA Failure On Memory Leak

Posted by Hunter

On their earnings call today, MGM Mirage's Jim Murren discussed the recent problems with their guest reservations system, OPERA, that runs 7 properties for the company, mostly in Las Vegas.

Murren stated that the OPERA issue was due to a 'memory leak in the operating system'. He also stated that OPERA runs on an 'HP platform' and an 'Oracle database'. By 'HP platform', it's not clear if he means they are running on HP's PA-RISC UNIX operating system or HP hardware and something like Windows Server.

Murren claims the issue is resolved and they are fully operational but that they intend to have a backup system put into place for the future. He didn't break out the total cost of the problem for the company.

October 30, 2007

MGM Mirage Posts Third Quarter Results

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage posted their 2007 Q3 results - the company's net revenues are up 6% to $1.9 billion.

Details are here:

Some discussion on the call surrounded City Center and Dubai, Bellagio's baccarat room being closed, and the ongoing construction at former Mandalay properties.

Occupancy was up 1% to 97% and ADR hit $147, up from $140. REVPAR hit $143 from $135 a year ago.

An interesting item - gambling revenues, excluding Beau Rivage, are actually down 3% from a year ago.

October 29, 2007

Harrah's Privatization: $2.8B Problem Set to Derail?

Posted by Hunter

An interesting wire story about Harrah's dispute with a Native American tribe and a possible $2.8B judgement against the casino company. Analysts pose the possibility that it could even derail the privatization of the company, if the judgement is upheld.

October 28, 2007

Open Topic Discussion - Oct. 28, 2007

Posted by Hunter

Here's a new open topic thread for y'all. A couple of notes on this sunny Sunday:

Regarding the piece on VT&T regarding the Encore casino and a 'poker island', based on the plans I have seen and the people I have talked to, this is off the mark. Now, the plans I originally saw for the low rise stuff have substantially changed since then, as we have already discussed... My understanding is that there is no poker room planned for Encore, plus the walkway changes he talks about obliterate the retail that's planned along the WLV-Encore corridor and generally just sound like they waste space. I am very skeptical.

Second, thanks to reader MikeP for sending in a photo inside Palazzo's retail area, plus the new aquarium at The Mirage:

October 23, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: October 23, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

MGM Mirage has been plagued with Reservation System computer problems for several days according to Steve Friess in the New York Times.
Computer Glitches Plague Casinos

October 21, 2007

Palazzo - Opening on Time?

Posted by Hunter

An article over on the VegasRex blog talks about the Palazzo and if it will open on time. It's a question that a lot of people are asking - and wondering if 'opening' will be qualified with 'limited'.

Now, some of what Rex talks about are probably less of an issue than he makes them out to be - when these high-rises are built, the lower floors are finished, fixtures are installed and furnished while the upper floors are still being framed and curtained.

We know that the retail shops will be open in January and the 'Jersey Boys' show will be later in the Spring. Also, I'm pretty sure that some of the convention space expansion will probably not be open on 12/20 either.

Anyway, any inside info in this thread would be fascinating - what do you guys think?

October 21, 2007

The RJ Goes to Macau

Posted by Hunter

Looks like the RJ has a front page piece on Macau gaming, specifically US based operators there. It's an interesting piece and it comes with a fairly cheesy map and some photos. Worth checking out - even some photos of the analysts that get quoted in every gaming article in the paper.

October 20, 2007

Palazzo Construction Detailed

Posted by Hunter

An interesting article in the LVBP goes over the Palazzo project - I didn't realize it was the largest steel project in North America - and it explains doing the framing that way vs. the more typical cement pours you see all over town.

Not so sure about that comment about LVS' 'typical attention to detail' though.

October 18, 2007

Macau Quarterly Gaming Revenues Rise Again

Posted by Hunter

Sorry I'm only getting to post this now... Looks like Macau quarterlies are once again blowing through estimates:

A 46% increase? Nice. This quarter had a little bit of Venetian Macau action but we'll really get a feel for that next time around, plus of course in the LVS and WYNN quarterlies.

Thanks to Mike for another installment of 'Strip Walk', or semi-regular feature that focuses on Las Vegas Strip construction progress.

Lots of great new info here and of course, we've got photos:

October 11, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: October 11, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

Can Le Reve be salvaged? I haven't seen it, but Wynn has been tinkering with it for two years now: Is it a first class show?
Le Reve Continues To Evolve

October 10, 2007

Inside The MGM MIRAGE Brain Trust: Jim Murren

Posted by Hunter

In Business Las Vegas did a fascinating interview with MGM Mirage President and COO Jim Murren last week. It is a highly recommended read that gives great perspective into the thinking that has driven recent deals with Kerzner, Dubai World and others.

It's clear that Terry Lanni and Jim Murren 'get it' when it comes to the biz side of the gaming industry - they are re-defining the standard practices that have been common knowledge in the industry. Business as usual? Not anymore.

From partnering with interesting companies to big ambitious projects like City Center in Las Vegas, they are bringing techniques that have worked well in the general hospitality industry to gaming and it seems to be paying off in spades.

Personally, I'd love to do an interview with Murren but MGM MIRAGE sometimes looks down on Internet media, even those of us with larger numbers than some print publications. I'm hoping one of these days these companies will wake up to that. They're not as bad as some companies but they could do better in this department.

October 4, 2007

Harrah's Cut Corners With Rio Renovation? Unsafe?

Posted by Hunter

Wow, another crazy story, this time involving Harrah's and the Rio.

Did officials cut corners during a recent renovation? It seems some contractors have come forward and alleged this may be the case.

Clark County is on the case.

October 4, 2007

Las Vegas Sands Macau Concession Payola?

Posted by Hunter

Very interesting article in the RJ about a case involving Las Vegas Sands, sealed documents and their Macau sub-concession.

Was anyone aware of these allegations? This could prove to be very bad for Sands.

October 2, 2007

MacauTripping Launches

Posted by Hunter

My good friend Chuck from has launched his new Macau site,

This is a great addition to the Macau Web scene and a place I'll use for info constantly - at least until goes live.

Good work Chuck!

September 30, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: October 1, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

Liz Benston had an interesting column on Macau in the 9/30 LV Sun:
Catching up to Las Vegas

Some quick notes on what's in the paper's today...

The RJ has an article on Aliante Station which is being built in North Las Vegas by the soon-to-be-private Station Casinos, Inc. North Las Vegas is a bit of a future growth market for them but this is set to be another nicely put together project, even if it is very 'Station-esque'.

Inside Gaming has an interesting note on 'Macau' vs 'Macao', which the eagle eyed will have noticed are both used by US operators in Macau (Wynn Resorts likes 'Macau', Las Vegas Sands uses 'Macao' - sounds like the LVS folks are clinging to the past).

I'm still looking for some sort of concrete occupancy numbers for The Venetian Macau - anyone seen anything published other than 'things are going well'? If so, post links in the comments.

Lastly, has been following up on the trip blog with great posts daily. Its quickly becoming my fave stop for Macau info and getting me excited for a trip myself. I did go out and grab and there's no way I could get all the info I need without heading over there myself. We'll see I guess.

September 27, 2007

Strip Walk: September 2007

Posted by Hunter

Well, you know the drill at this point. Another episode featuring MGM Grand, Wynn Las Vegas, City Center and more.

Photos are here: RateVegas Photos

This time we get a bonus video: Diablo's Cantina

September 24, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: September 24, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

"USA Today" profiles Terry Lanni:
"Throughout its history, Las Vegas has seen its share of legendary tycoons, from Howard Hughes to Steve Wynn. The low-profile Lanni flies under the public's radar, but he's one of the most-respected and influential forces in the $90 billion gaming industry.
"I've dealt with a few CEOs, and I'd have to rate Terry up there at the top," says Kirk Kerkorian, the 90-year-old owner of Tracinda, which held 56% of MGM Mirage's stock as of June. "I've always liked this company. We've got a hell of a team there."

Executive Suite: You can bet on MGM Mirage's Lanni

Well, that was a great conversation... We had an in-depth talk with Chuck from who just recently has gotten back from Macau.

We went over everything from specific hotel talk on topics like Wynn Macau, Venetian Macau, Galaxy Starworld, MGM Grand Macau, Casino Lisboa and more. We also talked about the business - folks like Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas Sands, SJM, Melco and others.

Cotai, gaming industry topics, casino design and more. It was a great discussion and I'm hoping we can do another segment soon.

Fresh back from Macau, where he chronicled his trip, Charles from will be a guest for a special Q&A version of the podcast.

We'll be doing this on TalkShoe but here's how this will work - you guys submit some questions here on the site, I'll ask them in the first 30 minutes or so. The second half of the show will be open for general discussion. We'll see how that goes.

So... TONIGHT at 6pm PT

Update: Ok, the Talkshoe link is here:

If you're planning on joining us, I strongly recommend you go to the Web site ahead of time to sign up for an account and download the software. Strictly speaking, the software isn't required (only a telephone is really required) but having it gives you extra features.

If you really can't download the software, you can call in using this number: 724-444-7444 with the TalkCast ID of 44621. Without the software you might not be able to ask any questions as we won't be able to identify you in the system.

September 20, 2007

Is LVS Interested in BYD?

Posted by detroit1051

This would be huge if LVS acquired Boyd especially for the Echelon site on the Strip.

"Activity was brisk, for instance, in Boyd Gaming Corp. as rumors swirled that the casino company might be in the sights of Las Vegas Sands Corp."

Rumors Swirl That LVS Interested in Boyd

September 20, 2007

Quickies: Wynn on The Strip, Leach on Nightclubs

Posted by Hunter

A couple of quick hits today:

Steve Wynn is the guest on this week's, The Strip Podcast. He talks about Macau, nightclubs, and more. According to Wynn, Tryst is the top netting nightclub in town and Tao is fiddling with their numbers a bit. The interview is interesting and features a fun example of Wynn's office at work. Steve's thesis on why spending is up is sort of interesting.

Second up, thanks to Detroit, this link to an article from Robin Leach - will the nightclub boom continue.

September 18, 2007

Bobby Baldwin Interview

Posted by detroit1051

Liz Benston interviews Bobby Baldwin in the LV Sun. He answers some of the questions we asked during our recent call-in podcast.

"He typically shuns publicity but was keen to address rumors that he might be leaving MGM Mirage - perhaps to join his old boss - after a management reshuffle. Baldwin would have been a natural choice for operations chief at MGM Mirage, a job that went to finance chief and CityCenter's chief idea man Jim Murren. Baldwin says he is impressed by Wynn's growth in Las Vegas and Macau but he's satisfied and challenged at MGM Mirage, at least for now.
The poker whiz from Oklahoma will retain control of CityCenter and the two adjacent resorts, Bellagio and Monte Carlo, while becoming chief visionary in planning projects along the Strip and beyond."

Q+A: Bobby Baldwin

September 16, 2007

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #17 - September 15th, 2007

Posted by Hunter

Our second time using and it was a lot of fun. Regular readers like Detroit1051, Mike E, Brian Fey, mike_ch and BarbaryKevin were all in on the action.

We covered a broad range of issues, from Cotai, Harrah's, Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas Sands, Palazzo, Encore, IGT and a lot more.

During the show we talked about Chuck's Macau diary. That link is here:

September 16, 2007

Harrah's Making Moves on Cotai

Posted by Hunter

Harrah's is making moves on the Cotai Strip in Macau by purchasing a golf course that makes them the second largest land holder in the area after Las Vegas Sands.

Based on one Web site's analysis, they paid about $22 million an acre - not too shabby.

Harrah's is still without a concession that gives them the necessary license required to operate a facility in Macau but of course, money talks and Harrah's wants in.

September 16, 2007

Call-In Podcast: This SUNDAY 7pm PT

Posted by Hunter

Okay, our next live podcast will be on this coming Sunday, the 16th at 7pm PT / 10pm ET.

We will be doing the show live with audience participation encouraged. We did this last time and it was fun... Using a system call TalkShoe, listeners can call in and be on the 'air', just like a radio talk show.

All the details to get on will be posted here on Sunday before the show.

It's gonna be fun - there's always lots going on in Las Vegas. I'll talk about my recent one day trip and I have a special report from a friend who experienced 'VMA Weekend' first hand.

Show Completed: We had a great time with a lively discussion on a bunch of topics. The show will be posted soon. Stay tuned for the next one, probably on another Sunday evening.

September 14, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: September 14, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

These wraps are visual pollution, imo.

"They are hard to miss, but that's the point.
A 40-story-high Jim Beam bottle ad on the side of the Rio, which was finished this week, is visible to commuters and tourists traveling north on Interstate 15.
An image of an Absolut Vodka bottle appears on the east side of the Luxor towers above the Strip.
Both advertisements are also visible from planes landing and taking off at McCarran International Airport."
Hotel-draping banner ads become latest clutter cutter for enterprising merchants

September 13, 2007

StripWalk: September 2007

Posted by Hunter

Here's the latest Strip Walk, this time hitting Wynn Las Vegas, Trump Las Vegas, New Frontier, Palazzo, Treasure Island, New York New York, Excalibur, Luxor and more...

As always, the photos are here:

Commentary after the jump... Take it away Mike!

September 10, 2007

LVRJ Features

Posted by Hunter

As the Wynn Las Vegas tipping fiasco was hitting fast and furious, one Web site - was the voice of many that felt they didn't have one. The Web site is a popular gathering spot for those in the industry and it was the home of many a hot-and-heavy discussion on the topic. Some of those discussions even spilled over here as we have some of the same contributors.

Anyway, the site is profiled in today's LVRJ:

September 9, 2007

The Mirage: AAA Diamond Rating Inspection

Posted by detroit1051

Past posts on AAA Diamond Ratings and Mobil Star Ratings generated so many comments, that we might as well start a new topic. The 9/9/07 RJ follows the AAA inspector as he checks out The Mirage on its regular review.

"Unwilling to name competitors by name, Vincent said the association is the only company sending inspectors to all the properties it rates"
You'll recall in posts last year, we talked about Mobil's erroneous comments about Wynn Las Vegas, including reference to a "5th floor swimming pool", which showed that an inspector had not actually visited Wynn. Mobil subsequently corrected its errors.
MGM Mirage management should be happy with this story.

September 7, 2007

VegasTripping Goes to Macau And Trippies 2007!

Posted by Hunter

My good friend Chuck at is heading to Macau next week. Despite being very jealous, I'm happy to send you guys over to his site to get the regular updates he'll be posting - I know that I'm looking forward to some very thorough reporting from the field, HST style.

If you want to follow the mayhem as it unfolds, here's the best link for the action:

Second up, their annual 'Best Of' list, the Trippies, are now open for nominations. Feel free to nominate us - the parent Web site,, this blog and even our podcast, which we're bringing back into a more regular schedule with live call-in shows (next Sunday the 16th!).

September 2, 2007

Strip Walk: August 2007

Posted by Hunter

We're back with another Strip Walk! This was written almost a week ago and this time around you'll get Mike's comments but a few of my own sprinkled in - I was in Vegas for one night last week and took some of my own photos as well.

As always, the photos are here:

Commentary after the jump...

August 31, 2007

Open Topic Discussion: September 1, 2007

Posted by detroit1051

So, I'm a day early.
"In Business Las Vegas" has a story on a new hotel pricing website, Farecast, which sounds intereresting. I haven't spent much time on it yet, but it may be helpful for Las Vegas hotel rates.
New Web site uses science to gauge hotel pricing
The website itself is:

August 27, 2007

UPDATED: Venetian Macau Opens - Reader Review

Posted by Hunter

I'm just back from a little vacation and I'm beat but this is something I need to report - Las Vegas Sands have opened their second property in Macau, The Venetian Macau - the first hotel to open on the Cotai Strip.

Some links:

Update: Read the comments for a review from reader Chris B.

August 22, 2007

Harrah's To Build 20,000 Seat Arena

Posted by detroit1051

Here's Harrah's press release on plans to build an arena behind Paris/Bally's. Jason and Billy alerted us to it earlier today.
"Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: HET - News) and AEG today unveiled plans for of an approximately 20,000-seat, privately financed, state-of-the-art arena. This arena is envisioned to be Las Vegas' new home for the most popular and important sports and entertainment events. The site of the venue will be one block east of the world famous Las Vegas Strip on approximately 10 acres of land that is part of the current Harrah's land holdings."

Harrah's Entertainment and AEG Agree to Develop World Class Sports & Entertainment Arena on the Las Vegas Strip

August 22, 2007

Dubai To Buy 9.5% of MGM Mirage and Half of CityCenter

Posted by detroit1051

"Dubai agreed to pay $5 billion for a 9.5 percent stake in MGM Mirage and half of the Las Vegas casino owner's biggest development, bringing billionaire shareholder Kirk Kerkorian his biggest investment in the company."

This is huge news. There is a more in-depth report in the 8/22 Wall Street Journal for subscribers. The news troubles me, but Lanni and Murren haven't disappointed yet,

Dubai World To Buy 9.5% of MGM Mirage

August 21, 2007

MGM Mirage Shuffles Upper Management

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage made a few changes in the executive suite which they announced today.

First off, the extremely capable Jim Murren has been promoted to President and COO of the company (from President, CFO, and Treasurer). Murren came from Wall Street and is probably the most responsible for MGM Mirage being a model for other gaming companies to follow, especially when talking about reporting. Murren will also oversee all properties except for those that are part of the 'City Center Campus'.

Bobby Baldwin has been moved into a new position - Chief Design and Construction Officer. He'll oversee all new construction and capital improvements in the US. He also will oversee the 'City Center Campus', which includes City Center, Monte Carlo and Bellagio.

Lastly, Dan D'Arrigo has been promoted to EVP and CFO.

All of these positions report to Terri Lanni, the company's Chairman and CEO. Additionally, John Redmond, who had been running the properties formerly in the MGM family, including MGM Grand and NYNY has resigned as planned.

The press release is here:

Unrelated, Harrah's has scheduled an announcement for tomorrow regarding entertainment changes at their resorts in Las Vegas.

August 20, 2007

New Frontier To Be Imploded November 13th

Posted by Hunter

According to our friend Steve Friess of The Strip Podcast, the New Frontier is set to be imploded on November 13th, probably at some ungodly hour of the morning.

It's not public yet (well, I guess it is now) but it sounds like he checked his sources, showing off yet again that he is a real reporter. Come on, Steve - bloggers don't need to FACT CHECK. Heh.

Anyway, discuss below...

August 20, 2007

ANOTHER Strip Shooting

Posted by Hunter

Well, early Sunday there was ANOTHER shooting on the Strip - for those keeping track, we've had three in the past few weeks and a gun scare just last week that turned out to be false.

Here's the story on Sunday's action:

What's going on here? One of the great things about the Las Vegas Strip is that it is considered safe - enough so that many just take it for granted.

How will this impact tourism? Will it?

August 16, 2007

Strip Walk: August 2007

Posted by Hunter

Welcome to a new semi-regular feature, 'Strip Walk'. These photo updates from the Las Vegas Strip (and other parts of the Valley) have previously been presented by our man in the field, mike_ch. Well, now he's an official part of the crew and we're aiming to get these two you about every other work, time and schedule permitting.

His notes follow after the jump and the photos for this and future walks are here:


August 16, 2007

Las Vegas and the Tightening Credit Market

Posted by Hunter

You can't pick up a newspaper these days without seeing stories about the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market and the potential trickle into other areas of the economy, including the tightening of credit.

No doubt the availability of cheap money has helped to fuel the building boom we are seeing on the Las Vegas Strip and elsewhere. As credit markets do tighten, how will that impact building in Las Vegas? Any impact? Visitors spending less in the casinos?

August 15, 2007

Book Review: 'Gay Vegas' by Steve Friess

Posted by Hunter

Steve Friess is an award winning Las Vegas-based journalist that regularly writes for the New York Times, USA Today and other national publications... You probably know him as the co-host of one of my favorite podcasts, The Strip. Steve's a great guy and Vegas is lucky to have him.

His new Las Vegas guidebook, 'Gay Vegas' covers Sin City with an emphasis on gay and lesbian travelers, though the tips in here are applicable to anyone visiting Southern Nevada.

Keep reading after the jump for my take on the book and if you want to pick up a copy, this Amazon link is a way to say thanks to us as well:

"Gay Vegas: A Guide To The Other Side of Sin City" (Steve Friess)

The shareholders of Station Casinos voted overwhelmingly to approve the plan to take the company private.

The $5.4 billion offer is from a new entity that combines Colony Capital and the Fertitta's, the company's founding family.

It will move to regulators next, I would expect inside the next nine months.

August 13, 2007

Wynn Talks Cotai, Encore and More in Interview

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to for pointing us to this interesting interview with Steve Wynn.

He talks about their upcoming Cotai property - he wants to make it the best in the world it seems... Also, some talk on Encore (the casino will look like Macau's, which is pretty much what we all expected) and Las Vegas Sands.

Great interview:

Update: I thought I had a photo of the Wynn Macau casino in my gallery but I looked and couldn't find one. I know I've seen it though - I remember really liking it with the columns and drapes - much more low-key than WLV. Anyone have a link?

This interesting story in the RJ caught my eye - a well known casino security expert that has trained many in the industry has been accused of colluding to fix high stakes poker games in Atlantic City.

While an integral part of internal controls and even public safety, we don't hear about much of this stuff and that's why I thought it was worth sharing and discussing.

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A second construction accident in about a week at Fontainebleau, though this time no one was killed, unlike last week. It appears a major collapse in the parking garage area that is under construction has taken place.

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August 6, 2007

UPDATED: WYNN Earnings 2nd Quarter '07 & New Blush Club

Posted by detroit1051

WYNN will release its Q2 earnings shortly, so we'll start a new topic now. In the meantime, Wynn has issed a press release announcing the opening of Blush on Labor Day weekend:
"Blush offers a unique option to the Las Vegas scene as the club seamlessly transforms from elegant lounge to high-energy nightclub."
Formerly the location of Lure, the venue will undergo a complete remodel under the direction of Wynn's Executive Vice President of Design Roger Thomas. The 4,500 square-foot club will feature a lit onyx dance floor and cr�me lantern ceiling sculpture. This central art focal piece will create various hues and images that enhance the vibe and atmosphere as the display literally comes alive nightly."

Las Vegas Nightlife Redefined with Blush

Updated: The earnings are in and they are pretty impressive. Check here.

As noted in the RJ and the LVS thread, Palazzo is scheduled to open December 20th, 2007. We'll see if that's a soft opening or what - I have my doubts.

Also, according to the Movable Buffet, Tangerine at Treasure Island will be closing and will be replaced with a new nightlife venue by the end of the year. Tangerine is managed by the Pure Management Group.

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August 2, 2007

MGM Mirage Quarterly Profit Up On Property Sales

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage had a big quarter but a large portion of the ground they gained were from one time events - property sales in Primm and elsewhere.

Still, income from continuing operations was also up - the company is healthy and I still consider it to be one of the best run in gaming - a model for the industry in that regard.

Revenues hit $2.11 billion and earnings were at $360 million with those property sales factored in. Incoming from continuing operations was $182 million, up from about $140 million in the year ago quarter.

REVPar on the Strip jumped 7%. I hope to have property specific info soon.

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August 1, 2007

Las Vegas Sands Profit Falls in Q2 ; Revenues Up

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands reported their second quarter results today and the story is that net income is down this quarter, mostly due to higher costs.

Net income was $34.4 million from $109.3 million a year ago. Big drop... Well, they are about to open the Venetian Macau so they clearly have a reason to be spending money this quarter. Revenues were up to $612.9 million from $517 million so unless they get spend happy next time around, this is likely no huge deal.

Update: Looking at some of the numbers, at The Venetian in Las Vegas the ADR (average daily rate) was up $266, almost 10%. Other metrics like the drop were also up - fundamentals look solid.

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July 31, 2007

Open Topic: 8/01/07

Posted by detroit1051

"Exclusive Resorts today announced that it will develop and own 30 luxury condominiums at MGM MIRAGE's (NYSE: MGM - News) highly anticipated Vdara at CityCenter on the Las Vegas Strip. Vdara Condo Hotel, one of the $7.4 billion project's four residential towers, is set to open in late 2009."

I had never heard of Exclusive Resorts, but I sure fall short of its demographics. This is not your father's timeshare. MGM Mirage and Exclusive issued a press release on Exclusive's purchase of 30 units at Vdara. Membership fees run from $239,000-$459,000 with annual dues of $14,000-39,000.

Here's the release with a link to Exclusive Resorts site:
Exclusive Resorts Buys 30 Units At Vdara

July 30, 2007

Conrad Project on Hold

Posted by detroit1051

LV Business Press reports the Conrad Majestic project planned for the Strip and Convention Center Drive is on hold with an announcement to be made in October. Doesn't look good. If you're not CityCenter, Echelon, Fontainebleau, Cosmopolitan or Elad Group, it's tough to build new projects.

Conrad-brand hotel project faces another delay, developer says

July 24, 2007

Elvis Themed Resort for Center Strip?

Posted by Hunter

This land is way too valuable for its current use so this was bound to happen... But an Elvis theme? Puke.

We'll see how much this project changes before it actually hits the drawing board, let alone the concrete machine.

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According to industry sources, Tao Las Vegas at The Venetian is the highest grossing restaurant in the US, passing No. 2 Tavern on the Green in NYC by a huge margin.

Now, Tao is a nightclub too so it has an advantage but the numbers it is putting up are HUGE nonetheless.

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July 19, 2007

Caesars Palace Adds New Tower: Octavius

Posted by Hunter

We've reported on this in the past so it's not new news, but Harrah's is unveiling the plans for the new tower coming in at Caesars Palace - the Octavius Tower.

The LV Sun has more info:

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July 12, 2007

Las Vegas: "An Environmental Pileup in the Making,"

Posted by detroit1051

"Fast Company" magazine writes that Las Vegas is growing too fast, has low quality of life, low quality employees and faces major water and environmental issues:
"The talent base in Las Vegas is not college-educated, it's not young and it's stuck in low-income jobs," Hammonds said. "That is not a recipe for economic sustainability. At the same time, you're getting remarkable population growth and a building boom. We worry about the quality of that growth if it's not supported by expansion of the talent base."

Las Vegas bashing is becoming a more frequent focus of media. In a tourism-driven economy with 130,000+ hotel rooms, you're going to attract great numbers of workers to provide support at all the hotels, casinos, nightclubs and other entertainment businesses. I think the story is a little unfair, but there is no question Las Vegas is going through major growing pains which affect quality of life. Water will continue to be an issue in the entire southwest U.S. and Las Vegas must come to grips with its infrastructure and traffic/mass transit challenges.

Report Says LV Growing Too Fast

Fast Company Magazine

July 9, 2007 Macau Cotai Strip Update

Posted by Hunter

Welcome to the first in a new series. Thanks to our friends at, we will have some regular news and updates from Las Vegas Sands' replica of the Las Vegas Strip in China.

Continue after the jump for the posting with all the latest Cotai Strip news.

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July 8, 2007

Wynn Las Vegas: Q2

Posted by detroit1051

Steve Wynn talked with Jeff Simpson of the LV Sun again. Wynn said the Q2 numbers are in for WLV, and that the blackjack hold percentage doubled. He credits the improvement with his change in tip policy:
"Wynn said the final numbers for the Wynn Las Vegas second quarter are in, and the blackjack hold percentage doubled from 10 percent in the second quarter of 2006 to 20 percent this year .
He credited his crew of team leaders, motivated after receiving partial shares of the tip pool, with the improvement, saying that they had obviously been able to stop some blackjack mischief - referring to the lower hold percentage that he thinks was likely caused by cheating, collusion or supervisors who didn't stop card counting.
"The change is too big to be driven by luck," Wynn said. "Statewide the hold is about 15 percent. I think I've pulled the sheet off of some problems, and when you look at the statewide number , there must be problems at a bunch of other places."

Steve should quit talking. His comments today will further alienate dealers and other casino operators.
Wynn Talks With Jeff Simpson

July 6, 2007

Shooting at New York New York

Posted by Hunter

Thankfully this doesn't happen often but it appears we have a crazy guy that opened fire inside the casino early this morning, injuring several people.

More info:

Chance of a backlash against Las Vegas? MGM Mirage taking security seriously enough? Can you even stop someone like this in advance?

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June 30, 2007

Weekly Open Topic-June 30

Posted by detroit1051

Last week's topic had 64 replies, so let's start a new one.

Kerkorian's initial interest in acquiring Bellagio and CityCenter certainly helped MGM during the month of June. The RJ summarizes share price changes in June for operators and slot manufacturers. MGM leads the pack.
Kerkorian's bid boosts MGM Mirage

June 27, 2007

MTR Gaming Sells Binion's in Downtown Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

Binion's, formerly Binion's Horseshoe in Downtown Las Vegas, has reportedly been sold by owner MTR Gaming to TLC Casino Enterprises, the folks that own the Four Queens.

Binion's is a property full of history - once one of the most popular spots in town, it's been heading downhill for years.

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June 20, 2007

Bellagio Closes Fontana Lounge

Posted by Hunter

I have confirmed reports that Bellagio is closing its Fontana Lounge, a small live music/dancing venue overlooking the lake that's been there since the hotel opened in 1998.

Casinos change amenities all the time but this closing is notable because it offered lounge music and a low-key dance environment for slightly older customers, important as most all nightlife is focused on younger patrons and loud, club music.

MGM Mirage hasn't finalized plans for the space, though previously there have been poker tournaments held there and clearly it could be a prime restaurant spot.

Does anyone know of any good alternatives?

Update: See this story for more:

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June 20, 2007

Kerkorian Withdrawing from CityCenter, Bellagio?

Posted by detroit1051

The 6/20/07 WSJ reports that Kerkorian will withdraw his plans to take over Bellagio and CityCenter. Since the original announcement, MGM's share price is up 37%.
Was this only a ploy by Kerkorian and MGM to get the stock moving? Regardless, imo, MGM is still in play to be taken private.

An announcement may also be made today regarding a joint-venture between MGM and Kerzner Inetrnational to develop a multi-billion dollar casino resort on the 40 acres at the Strip and Sahara.
Subscribers to the WSJ can read the story at:
Kerkorian's MGM Plans in Doubt

June 19, 2007

Boyd Breaks Ground on Echelon Place

Posted by Hunter

Boyd Gaming broke ground on Echelon Place, the complex that will sit where the Stardust did for 50 years.

David's got some good coverage and it's also been all over the 'Net today.

You guys excited about Echelon? After seeing Borgata in AC, I can say that Boyd has it in 'em. Could be great.

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Thanks to Dave Schwartz for allowing us to publish his recent Atlantic City trip report.

The report is after the jump and the photos that go with it are here:

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June 14, 2007

Planning Meeting Agendas: Hard Rock, Caesars

Posted by detroit1051

Expansions at Hard Rock and Caesars Palace are on the agendas for next week's Planning Meetings.
Hard Rock: The plans indicate that the proposed expansion involves the
construction of 6 new high-rise towers to accommodate the additional
2,671 hotel rooms, with 4 of the towers located on the northwest side
of the site.
Hard Rock Expansion

Caesars: This is a request to modify the height of a previously approved high-
rise tower in conjunction with a resort hotel (Caesars Palace). The
tower was originally approved at a height of 295 feet with 1,017
guestrooms with a Tuscan villa design. The new elevations depict a
350 foot high tower with a design that is similar to the existing
Augustus Tower located just east of the proposed towers site.
Caesars Palace Hotel Tower

Station requests time extension on plans for resort at Tropicana and Industrial (Dean Martin Drive):
Station Resort

June 7, 2007

June 2007 Las Vegas Strip Development Update

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to mike_ch who is back with another Las Vegas Strip development/construction update.

The photos are here:

Keep reading after the jump!

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I was in town in May for a few days and I got another peak at the plans for Encore, the addition to Wynn Las Vegas currently being constructed just North of the existing tower.

I've written about this in the past but I wanted to see how things had progressed since the last set of plans. Well, not much has changed since the last round, honestly. Since at this point we've already been privy to the high-rise setup - multi-story suites, a new 'tower suites', the service configuration, the most interesting thing is probably the specifics of the casino and garden area. Unfortunately, this is an area still in flux and provided in least detail.

A couple of notes:

* The 'standard' Encore rooms have a similar configuration to those at Wynn Las Vegas, though they are larger.
* The sub-basement level includes another employee dining area, room service kitchen and other back of house facilities. Fortunately they won't have to run room service from the main WLV room service kitchens which would have had potential for cold food and bad service.
* There is additional valet parking under the new garden/casino space.
* There is a lot of cooking capacity, suggesting maybe ~6 new full size dining outlets and a handful of other smaller facilities (i.e. 6 restaurants and maybe 3-4 places like Sugar and Ice or the coffee shop).

I've also got some new documents to review, such as utilities layouts for the new building and if they shed any new light, I'll update this post.

I posted some photos previously but here they are again: My main camera was busted so I had to use the point and shoot. Hopefully next time I can send some photos from my new iPhone (yes, I'll be in line 6/29 - I love Apple more than I love WLV!)

Update: I have been contacted since this ran by multiple sources that indicate the 'garden' plan, as previously reported, is basically out, with the majority of that space being used for gaming and some dining. There is still some floral areas but more along the lines of what we have at WLV now, nothing grand in scope. This is of course, always developing but I've now got this from two sources, people that have proven credible in the past... We'll see!

Also, on the self-parking, we're hearing that a large portion of the new garage will be new self-park.

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May 31, 2007

Atlantic City Photo Update

Posted by Hunter

We really don't do a lot of Atlantic City coverage - I've only been there one time myself... Not a place that I would want to visit on a regular basis but I had an interesting day there and a great meal at one of Borgata's gourmet rooms.

Borgata itself was impressive - standing in their casino you would be hard pressed to forget you were on the Jersey shore. It feels like a Mandalay Bay-ish type of place.

Anyway, thanks to reader Tom M., for a slew of photo updates:

Some interesting new projects like an expansion at Borgata, plus of course MGM Mirage's possible entry into the market - AC is hopping!

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May 30, 2007

Las Vegas Construction Update - May 2007

Posted by Hunter

Here's some more info on upcoming Las Vegas construction, based off of filings with the county.

THEPlace - The condo development to sit between Mandalay Bay and Luxor is still on track, despite there not being a peep from them since the initial announcement. Some details on the project stats, which will include a rather large 256 square foot water features.

Hard Rock Condos - Nothing really here - just a request for an extension for the new owner to figure out what they want to do.

Cogent? - Anyone know what this is?

New York New York Nightclub - This is finally coming together, with an indoor/outdoor setup.

Fontainebleau - Work continues as they are asking for a batch plant.

Casino Royale - They want to expand the casino in the back with all sorts of new space.

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May 29, 2007

Detroit Casinos

Posted by detroit1051

Detroit is a 2,000 mile drive from Las Vegas, but it's an interesting market of only three casinos (plus Casino Windsor across the river in Canada) with revenues of $1.3 Billion in 2006. MGM Grand $490 Million, MotorCity Casino $469 Million and Greektown $345 Million. The three commercial casinos are moving into their next phase. The casinos were authorized in the mid-1990's as a source of tax revenue in struggling Detroit. Many operators presented proposals, including Steve Wynn. The three selected were MGM Grand, Mandalalay Resort Group and the Sault Ste Marie Chippewa tribe of Michigan. The three selected companies were required to have local partners, but in effect, the local partners had little power. They did, however, make a lot of money from the very successful casinos. The law permitted the casinos to operate in temporary or interim facilities while they planned and built permanent casinos with hotels. Like many political projects, hotel requirements changed and ultimately were watered down to 400 rooms each. Detroit's former mayor had visions of the casinos being together on the Detroit River, but there was so much opposition that each company went its own way in separate locations. Two of the three casino hotels will open by the end of this year.

More on Detroit's progress and the status of the projects after the jump.

From Wall Street Journal

May 21, 2007 4:39 p.m. EDT
Tracinda to Enter Into Talks
With MGM to Acquire Bellagio
May 21, 2007 4:39 p.m.

Billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian's Tracinda Corp. announced Monday that it intends to enter into negotiations with MGM Mirage to purchase MGM's Bellagio Hotel and Casino and City Center properties.

In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Tracinda said it also wishes to pursue strategic alternatives with respect to its investment in the world's second-largest casino operator, which may include financial restructuring transactions involving all or a substantial portion of the remainder of the company.

Tracinda currently owns 158.8 million shares, or a 56% stake in the Las Vegas-based company, according to the SEC filing.

Tracinda said it has made no decision with respect to any such restructuring transactions and reserves the right not to engage in or approve any transaction.

Shares of the company closed Monday at $62.89.

Updated by Hunter / Tuesday Evening: In an interview with Steve Friess, Bill Weidner from Las Vegas Sands indicated that his company might be interested in The Mirage and Treasure Island if MGM Mirage's properties were to be sold off individually.

Ok - this is getting a bit out of hand. Now, Weidner has actually expressed interest in those two properties in the past. I don't have a link but when the MGM/Mandalay deal was going through, everyone wondered if the FTC would require an asset sale to complete the purchase (they did not in the end). It was at that time he mentioned that LVS would be interested in buying The Mirage and/or TI to include with their portfolio. We know how that story ended.

Of course LVS is interested in The Mirage and TI - and not just a close approximation - these are places that perform very well and have a long established record. I was at The Mirage earlier today for dinner and despite it being a Tuesday, it was quite busy and doing well with occupancy. LVS would do well to score either property but it is so extremely unlikely that there's no point discussing it. Kerkorian's motivations are unknown but it seems more likely that instead of trying to raise cash through selling properties, he's either making a first step toward an LBO for MGM Mirage or it is an attempt to impose a valuation on the company that is closer in line to what he can see as MGM Mirage's rightful place in the market. The latter would be a particularly shrewd move and U'I'm sure we we will discuss these motivations more as we learn more.

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May 21, 2007

Luxor May 2007 - I'd Rather Stay in a Tent

Posted by Hunter

I'm at Luxor for a convention for a few days - it's been awhile since I've stayed here and I've never been that impressed. Stlll, this place has fallen off even more than how I last remember it. My room smells bad, a bed that looks like it came from a military barracks and not even an in-room safe. Wow - the parking lot is probably more hospitable.

MGM Mirage has a TON of work to do if they want to make this place into any sort of a worthwhile endeavor. Honestly, I'm blown away with how bad this room is. Wow.

May 16, 2007

New Frontier Sold ; Plaza Going In

Posted by Hunter

Sorry guys, I'm sick and haven't gotten this posted until now.

Here's the low-down:

Frontier has sold and it is likely a Plaza hotel is going in its place.

May 13, 2007

Wynn Las Vegas Dealers Vote to Unionize

Posted by Hunter

In a final vote of 444 to 149, Wynn Las Vegas dealers have voted to unionize. This is the first step in a process that will take some time to be finalized, if it does ever even move past this step.

Either way, it's a big story. We'll see what happens next.

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In a meeting last week between Steve Wynn and his Wynn Las Vegas dealers, the Wynn Resorts chairman and CEO apologized for what he called a 'big mistake' - his changes to the casino tip policy that were enacted last September at the Las Vegas Strip resort and the resulting brouhaha.

Wynn spoke about being tired and worn out by the opening of Wynn Macau as he was making the original decision. He laments the loss of the feeling of family at the company and acknowledges that many there feel betrayed. Calling it the 'wrong solution to the right problem', Wynn then urged the dealers to vote 'No' on the election this weekend that would have their casino dealers join the union.

As we get word of the Wynn vote, we'll keep you updated. Even if the dealers vote yes in a majority, the company still would need to negotiate a contract, which the union has failed to do in the past at other resorts where elections have gone their way.

Update: We have posted the audio of the story, provided by reader Leonard Stern:

Also, Steve Friess posted a story on this topic:

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May 11, 2007

Builder of Cosmopolitan Makes Riviera Bid

Posted by Hunter

Another bid for the Riviera, this time from the folks that are building the Cosmopolitan next to Project City Center.

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Okay, all sorts of updates for today.

First off, some new construction photos from Brian Fey - Encore, Palazzo, etc.. - these are really coming together! - Thanks Brian!!

One photo that got special mention is this Encore shot:

People have been asking what this is.... Well, the plans I saw put the garden area right in that space - this looks to me like an advanced watering system. My guess is that these gardens are special - some kind of 'hook' or feature built into this attraction to make this more interesting than plants in the (fake) ground.

[Ed: Looks like this was even more basic than what we thought. Since we posted this I've been asking around and it sounds like this is based off the data network for the slot machines in the casino portion. Apparently the added casino space has encroached on the garden area and that explains the location... So - more casino, less garden = no story.]

[Ed (again): Looks like VT&T confirms this.]

MGM Grand wants to build another convention center adjacent to their existing facility.

Trump Las Vegas wants to change their floor numbering. This one is funny since it shows how these numbers are totally manipulated for marketing purposes.

Fun with parking at the Cosmo site.

Las Vegas Sands wants to add a pedestrian bridge to the back side of the Sands Expo Center.

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May 9, 2007

Wynn Las Vegas' Spamalot in Trouble?

Posted by Hunter

Well, if this continues, Spamalot at Wynn Las Vegas is probably in trouble.

Of course, many speculated the show might run into the same sort of trouble that 'Avenue Q.' had in the same space.

This is not good news for the show or Wynn Las Vegas, which has struggled with their entertainment offerings from day one.

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May 9, 2007

Harrah's Reports Q12007 Results

Posted by Hunter

It's funny, Harrah's is the largest gaming company in the world and I'm just totally not interested in their quarterlies. Maybe it's because they are so spread out and derive revenue from so many locales - I'm not sure.

Anyway, here's an RJ report on Harrah's luck for Q1, which it seems wasn't so awesome due to Atlantic City.

Harrah's is in the process of going private so pretty soon I won't have to write these stories any more.

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May 7, 2007

Wynn Resorts Swings to Profit for Q12007

Posted by Hunter

Well, they finally got out of the red... Wynn Resorts announced Q1 2007 net income of $58.4 million, compared to a loss of $11.4 million for 2006. Adjusted net income was $72.6 million, on strong results from Wynn Macau and Wynn Las Vegas.

Revenue for the quarter was $635.3 million, up from $277.2 million from a year ago.

The conference call starts in 20 minutes and I will be updating based on anything from that call.

The press release covers all of the interesting details - I will break them down shortly.

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Wow, this is an interesting story.

Steve Friess has a note on his blog that says that MGM Mirage's company wide sports book network went down this afternoon, making it impossible to place bets at any MGM Mirage property - this includes Bellagio, MGM Grand, The Mirage, Mandalay Bay, Treasure Island, Monte Carlo, Luxor, Excalibur and Circus Circus.

This comes on the same day as a major boxing event and the Kentucky Derby - two MAJOR betting events.

Now, being in the technology field, I know that these things happen. I also know that these systems all have backup systems and that they train for these outages. I'd love to get some details on how this went down and what happened.

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Well, construction is on going at the Fontainebleau site, even though they have yet to really announce anything.

site plan shows some of the features of the new casino, including a zen garden - no doubt Schaeffer's contribution as he is into that stuff pretty heavily.

This project will be one to watch, no doubt.

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May 5, 2007

Macau Casino Update: April 2007

Posted by Hunter

A big thank you to Drambuie Man for sending in a new report and photos from Macau.

I asked for some more photos of Wynn Macau and the Venetian and we got some good coverage. I can't wait to get out there and see this stuff myself.

The report is after the jump...

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May 5, 2007

Tropicana Brand

Posted by detroit1051

David McKee has his edge back. He discusses Columbia Sussex's adoption of the Tropicana brand for its casino properties. There is a link to's rendering of the proposed Tropicana expansion on the Strip. It's dated April, but I must have missed it.
"Columbia Sussex Does Something Right"

MGM Mirage reports Q12007 results this morning and despite posting some strong numbers that were solid gains, they didn't meet analyst consensus estimates for net income, mostly from lower than expected Las Vegas Strip gaming revenues.

Mississippi with Beau Rivage had a strong surge in activity as the property continues to come back from Katrina. Beyond that, Strip REVPAR jumped 9% and EBITDA was up as well.

I like to look at occupancy, ADR and REVPAR more than the revenue figures to get a feel for the real property performance and there was some growth there as well. The blended ADR for the Strip was $169 for the quarter and REVPAR at $162 with occupancy of 96%.

Here's the press release.

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Well, this isn't something I would normally report but it's getting a ton of coverage so here's one for the record...

Steve Friess, of the Strip Podcast and his new blog was the one that broke the story - Harrah's clearly should have embargoed some more bloggers because they just lost control of their story (don't get me started on how these PR departments treat most bloggers - we have more traffic than many of the print magazines covering the industry but often I'm treated like we are of no consequence here - big mistake guys - I can give you a HUGE number of readers a month that all *want* to hear your message and yet I often have a hard time getting phone calls returned. I digress).

Anyway, Bette Midler will replace Celine Dion in 2008 when her Caesars Palace show closes. This will likely be a smashing success - the appetite for Celine was ravenous.

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Las Vegas Sands reported their Q1 2007 results today and while net revenues were up, net income was down due to expenses on upcoming resort properties.

This is getting kinda repetitive - LVS seems to post solid numbers every quarter. They're like Microsoft - making tons of money and totally boring at the same time.

Revenue: $628.2 million
Net Income: $114.60 million
EPS: $0.32

The ADR at the Venetian was up and occupancy was over 98%. Not too shabby.

Macau casino revenue was up. They don't really have any room product to report in Macau yet.

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April 30, 2007

New Macau Photos Available - Construction Updates!

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to Brian and everyone else that submitted this to me.

Just a quick post to direct people to some new photos posted at SkyScraper City that cover all the recent construction activity in Macau. Great to see these projects moving along, especially the hotel at the Sands - Sheldy quietly hedging his Cotai bet.

Also, Drambuie Man is back in Macau and will be sharing more photos when he returns - thanks again!

April 29, 2007

Wynn Macau Closes Tryst Nightclub

Posted by Hunter

An interesting tidbit in today's RJ indicates that Wynn Macau has closed it's Tryst nightclub. A sister to the popular venue in Las Vegas, Tryst Macau was smaller and had been deemed as an experiment of sorts.

Well - I guess the experiment failed as the space is being converted into private gaming.

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UNLV's Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies has released a report which says, "The marketing of sin that helps draws tourists to Las Vegas is an impediment in luring corporate headquarters to Southern Nevada....paints a pessimistic picture of Las Vegas' ability to recruit companies to Southern Nevada and diversify its economy beyond gaming."
The report is critical of some of the issues we've discussed here before, namely higher costs, unaffordable housing, poorly educated workforce, school system problems, lack of "cultural amenities", etc.
In Business Las Vegas summarized the report, but I've been unable to find a link to Lied's report itself. I'd like to read it in its entirety. I find the headline of the story a little over the top, using words like, "...image repels corporate relocation."

Do those here who either live in Las Vegas or frequently do business in Southern Nevada agree with the findings?

To read the article:
Report: Sin City Image Repels Corporate Relocation

April 26, 2007

MGM Mirage Makes Investment in Marnell's 'M Resort'

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage announced today that they will be investing $160MM in Anthony Marnell's South Strip (far South) project, the 'M Resort'.

Marnell previously built and operated the Rio and his company, Marnell Corrao, built The Mirage, Treasure Island, Bellagio and Wynn Las Vegas for Steve Wynn.

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The New York Times has an interesting article that covers the upcoming growth spurt in Las Vegas. A lot of general info for a mass audience but I did think the quote from Wynn indicating that this was the 'most over the top' expansion so far was interesting.

Is this a bigger game changer than milestones like the International, MGM Grand #1, The Mirage, and then Bellagio?

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Looks like billionaire Carl Ichan is selling off his casino assets, including the Stratosphere Tower, Arizona Charlie's (East and West) and a property in Laughlin.

Bloomberg has more on the deal, which is worth $1.3 billion. The buyer is a Goldman Sachs real estate investment subsidiary.

Update: More info here.

Thanks to for catching this one first.

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April 20, 2007

MGM Mirage's Project City Center Steaming Ahead

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage put out a press release today updating folks on City Center's progress.

I've heard a lot of chatter from insiders about the project and from all accounts it is coming along quite nicely - MGM Mirage executives are very pleased with their progress. Of course, recent photos show the main hotel is really taking shape.

There's also news on some budget changes to the project - nothing significant and entirely expected for a development in this stage and of this scope. MGM Mirage is also putting pressure on sub-contractors to reduce some project costs and budgets and without that, the price would have gone up more than they are indicating here.

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April 19, 2007

MGM Purchases North Strip Land Near Circus Circus

Posted by Hunter

So, that story we posted the other day from VT&T was true! MGM Mirage has indeed purchased the land surrounding Circus Circus to assemble a jumbo parcel that will certainly see re-development sometime in the future.

We previously discussed this here:

Unfortunately I don't have the facility to merge the topics in any sensible way.

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Here comes mike_ch's Las Vegas construction update April 2007. This one covers Paris, Planet Hollywood/Aladdin, Bellagio, City Center, NYNY, Excalibur, Mandalay Bay and Luxor.

Thanks again to him for providing this stuff.

Photos are located here:

There are also some new videos, located here:

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Well, after years of transition, the failed 'new' Aladdin will be gone for good this week as OpBiz representatives welcome a converted Planet Hollywood to the world's most famous resort corridor. have taken to calling the place 'Planet Ho!' or 'P-Ho!', both of which I find quite appropriate, given the very high 'lameness quotient' of the property.

Will the place pull it off this time around? I can at least say that the changes they have made have improved their chances that things will be different this time around. The Strip frontage access has been improved and the huge video screens could be kind of interesting, depending on how they are used.

For years the Aladdin was a cheap room - a Center Strip room with below market prices as it struggled to keep its head above water. The rates are rising and that means that the casino and other amenities are going to have to carry the weight of those increased rates.

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A short set of quick updates.

The Silverton, Ed Roski's joint on the I-15 on the way into town, is plotting a massive (by Silverton standards) expansion with new, high-end hotel rooms along with shopping, casino and entertainment space. They hope to compete with Red Rock and Green Valley Ranch.

Next up is the Imperial Palace. A non-union shop for years, the Culinary is considering trying to organize there as it seems Harrah's may keep the place open longer than everyone expected:

Lastly, a story on an association of small, independent casino owners. I just thought this story was kinda interesting.

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April 12, 2007

Rumor: MGM Mirage Buying North Strip Land

Posted by Hunter

I haven't been able to confirm this story despite making several queries but Vegas Today and Tomorrow is reporting that MGM Mirage may be buying the Bennett-owned parcel across from the Sahara.

Since Nazarian purchased The Sahara, this parcel is available - they were previously trying to sell the hotel along with this parcel.

Of course, as we learn more, we'll keep you updated.

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From the agenda of Clark County planners, we have some insight into future projects. Here goes:

City Center - Not much, just a slight increase in the height of the towers from 543 feet to 580 feet. The FAA signed off and MGM is stating that they need the space for stuff like elevators and if residents want to put stuff on the roof (I assume satellite dishes, etc...). Also, the retail component is being increased from 650,000 square feet to 666,870 square feet. One interesting note is that Bellagio's holding company, Bellagio LLC, is the applicant - surely they have new holding companies for City Center - I would assume at least one per development for legal and financial reasons.

Wynn Las Vegas - Again, nothing major. They want to build a walkway from their Sands Ave. parking to the back of house area of the hotel, just for employees. The walkway does intersect with the monorail and the request states they will install a 'protective roof plate' to prevent falling debris hitting anyone. Ha.

Fontainebleau - Some details on the project, which is in review. The tower will be 735 feet high with 2,880 hotel rooms and 1,020 condos with kitchens. The tower sites on a low-rise podium with heights that vary from 81 feet (LVB side) to 175 feet on the convention center side on the back. Other than that, the details are few. They do have a batch plant on site at this time.

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A few quick sound-bites:

A Gaming Today story on the upgrades at the Golden Nugget details the recent changes. I've seen some of this stuff and it is pretty nice. They did a good job down there.

MGM Mirage's sale of their Primm, NV assets to Herbst Gaming is complete.

Lastly, it looks like the NBA All Star Weekend was a bust from a gaming perspective. Thankfully, baccarat action from Chinese New Year saved the day.

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April 10, 2007

Cosmopolitan Rises Above Ground

Posted by Hunter

After what seemed like an endless amount of excavation, the Cosmopolitan has risen above ground!

The resort/condo/casino is going up between Bellagio and City Center on the Las Vegas Strip.

A piece in the RJ:

Also, I had these renderings sent to me a few months ago but was forbidden from sharing... Well, now they are on a public site so here goes: (thanks Mike).

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April 7, 2007

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #15 - April 6, 2007

Posted by Hunter

We're back after a few weeks off and this time I'm joined in the studio by two friends, Carter and Kevin.

Discussion includes Harrah's buyout, Macau updates, CityCenter and more, plus some oh so witty banter and a call from Mike E.


Here's the link to all the most recent photos:

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

Direct RSS:

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April 6, 2007

UPDATED: Podcast Live on TalkShoe

Posted by Hunter

Ok, I'm trying something new - we're going to try a live broadcast of our podcast.

I'm recording a podcast tonight and while we will have all the regular recordings available, I am taking a queue from the podcasting king Leo Laporte and broadcasting this episode LIVE via This means you can call in and listen to the show and participate live (i.e. ask questions).

Since I gave zero notice, I'm guessing that no one will show up but I wanted to try this anyway and we'll probably do this again with more warning. I'd love to take callers.

So, here's how to get in:

Visit and locate our show - it should show up if you search for 'Las Vegas' or 'RateVegas'. I'll update this story if I can get a specific URL or instructions. Okay - starting soon. Let's see what we can do.

Ok, I am aborting the live broadcast - I need more time to get this setup... We're going to record a traditional podcast and next time around we will schedule a live show with call-in. Sorry guys.

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April 5, 2007

Harrah's Shareholders Approve Privatization Plan

Posted by Hunter

Today Harrah's Entertainment shareholders approved the casino company's privatization plan, moving forward on the 7th largest leveraged buy out in US history.

I don't think this vote was ever really much of a question but it's the latest step in the process:

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April 4, 2007

City Center: Visiting the Sales Pavilion

Posted by Hunter

We all know the base genetics of MGM Mirage's City Center development - a mixed use project across 76 acres on a prime piece of Las Vegas Strip real estate. Multiple hotels, gaming, restaurants, retail and condos all coming together in an effort to master plan an miniature city.

The construction cranes are crawling over the property and the 4,000 room hotel/casino that will anchor site is up beyond the 11th floor. A live Web cam of the construction is on the official Web site. Also, MGM MIRAGE provided me with some photos and renderings of the project. Some may be familiar and others new.

I was able to tour the sales pavilion that has been a key tool in allowing MGM Mirage to almost completely sell out one of their condo developments (The Residences at Mandarin Oriental). Along with the tour some questions were answered about some of the other components of the project.

Keep reading after the jump for some more thoughts on what I saw.

online casino games

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April 4, 2007

McCarran Consolidated Car Rental Facility

Posted by detroit1051

"A $170 million consolidated rent-a-car center is scheduled to be open for business today three miles south of McCarran International Airport.
The sleek, modern structure on 68 acres of land at 7135 Gilespie St. will consolidate operations of 11 car rental companies operating at McCarran and, at least for now, ease curbside congestion in front of the airline terminals."

I'm not a fan of these consolidated facilities, but I've been known to be too negative. When any readers use the new one at McCarran, let us know how it works. I've been spoiled by Hertz over the years.
New McCarran Car Rental Facility Opens Today

April 3, 2007

Milam's Las Vegas Tower on Life Support?

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to 'Redneck' for sending this info in. The 1,888 foot 'Las Vegas Tower' project, proposed for construction on the former 'Wet N' Wild' site near the Sahara may be dead. The developer, Christopher Milam, missed a $40 million payment to the landowner, Archon Corp., this past weekend.

For a developer working on a $4.8 billion project to miss a $40 million payment isn't a good sign for the project. For the property owner not to boot them and find someone else isn't a good sign for the demand for that land (at least at the prices they want). The $40 million payment has had it's due date extended to May 31, 2007 - this is the third time the date has been moved and each time LVTI pays about $250,000 for the option so they actually are putting some cash in but things still look shaky at best.

Anyone have any more info on this? I know the debate has raged on the particulars of the building but that's moot if no cash is devoted to continue development.

The section from the 8-K filed with the SEC appears after the jump...

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April 3, 2007

Binion's A Loser For MTR

Posted by Hunter

Binion's in Downtown Las Vegas, formerly Binion's Horseshoe, is not posting good results for owner MTR.

From the RJ (via their horribly designed new Web site - doesn't work properly with Firefox or Safari!), sounds like things have not recovered:

Insert story about Downtown dying here.

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Anyone that runs a Web site tracks all of their statistics such as how many people visited, where did they come from, how long did they stay and what did they look at. We have quite a few more metrics and the amount of data is amazing - except of course I can't really identify the individual (no cause for alarm) - I just see User A, User B, User C, etc...

Anyway, in the spirit of Google's Zeitgeist, here are some of the most popular search terms that lead people to from major search engines since the start of the year. Some are interesting, some funny.

The list after the jump...

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Some quick updates this afternoon...

First off, Mandalay Bay announced upgrades to their pool complex. They spent $30 million to expand the area with the cornerstone of the upgrade being an outdoor-yet-climate-controlled, three story casino featuring glass walls. The casino will feature blackjack, craps and roulette. Beach attire is encouraged - no dressing up required.

To top it off, the third story will include 'Villa Soleil', a set of top of the line villa-like beach cabanas designed for up to 16 guests and 500 square feet. These will cost as much as a whopping $2,000 per day! Mandalay also claims to have doubled the number of available chairs at the pool.

Regarding Monte Carlo, we already knew they were building Diablo’s Cantina to offer dining on the Strip. What's interesting about the official announcement is that MGM MIRAGE alludes to future upgrades coming to Monte Carlo. Looks like that they are going to be spending some money there, at least in the short term. According to the press release, the restaurant is described as follows:

"The first floor will incorporate the main dining area with a hip bar and lounge. Guests will be able to enter from a Strip-front entrance that will feature a walk-up frozen/specialty drink bar, or through the casino. The second floor will include an open-air center bar area and stage for live music, rotating entertainment acts and weekend DJs. The patio will be a perfect setting for carefree fun in the sun or under the desert moon."

In other news, Fontainebleau applied with the county to increase the number of condos on the site from about 950 to just over 1,000. The space will come from a reduced number of hotel rooms - 2,880. The total number of units between the two types will be about 3,900.

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Thanks to Drambuie_Man, we have a major set of new Macau photos that highlight the construction of the MGM Grand Macau, Venetian Macau and others. He was also kind enough to write up his report, which you will find after the jump.

The photos are located here:

Huge thanks go out to Drambuie_Man for taking and sharing these photos with us. He attached some notes to the photos which I have distilled and included here after the jump. I highly suggest that you give these a read along with the photos to get a better sense of context.

Here goes...

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The Riviera rejected a $336 million offer for the company, the latest in a long string of offers for the valuable Las Vegas Strip hotel.

Sure, the Riv is long in the tooth but if the New Frontier down the street does sell for $1.5 billion, the land is worth even more than anyone could have imagined even only one year ago. The Riv will sell, it's just a matter of time.

With Encore, Echelon Place, Fontainebleau, Sahara, the Wet and Wild site and whatever happens with the New Frontier, the Riv site will be re-developed, no question. Just a matter of time and the right buyer.

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Downtown isn't the magnet for development dollars that the Las Vegas Strip is, though that said, Landry's have been pouring money into the Golden Nugget.

Well, the Four Queens is getting upgrades as well - beyond just the nightclub we previously discussed.

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March 19, 2007

Harrah's Using More RFID Technology in Casinos

Posted by Hunter

RFID technology in gaming chips isn't new to Las Vegas - we've seen it at the Hard Rock and Wynn Las Vegas already.

This is news that the technology is spreading to Harrah's Las Vegas - are more properties coming soon?

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March 19, 2007

New Frontier Sold for $1.5 BILLION?

Posted by Hunter

Has the New Frontier been sold? According to a tip submitted in one of our comments by regular poster LStern, it seems as if this may be the case.

According to this article, the purchase price could have been as high as $1.5 billion - $40 million an acre!

This hopefully means the end of the Montreaux project that was slated for the site - it was a horrific take on Bellagio's design with all sorts of bizarre design choices.

Anyway, we'll update you as we learn more.

Update: Whoops. Forgot to post the link (thanks Tim).

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Ok, so this isn't really a surprise. This has been rumored and semi-confirmed for months.

After the fall of 'Hairspray', Luxor officials were looking for something to fill their theater and they tapped their friends from Canada to help.

This show will feature the 'magic' tricks of illusionist Cris Angel. I've never seen him perform but I've heard he is quite good and far less annoying than David Blane.

Expect more details from MGM Mirage soon and a show to open early 2008. Production cost is supposedly about $100 million.

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March 15, 2007

Downtown to Get Nightlife Upgrades

Posted by Hunter

Over the years, many developers have thought that they had the right fix for the woes of Downtown Las Vegas.

Well, one thing they've not had a lot of is nightlife but that is changing.

Looks like we'll see something at the Four Queens and of course, the Golden Nugget is also talking about a second floor nightclub as well.

Will this help?

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March 14, 2007

mike_ch Construction Update: March 2007

Posted by Hunter

Another construction update from mike_ch. This one covers Paris, Bill's Gamblin' Hall and Saloon, The Venetian, Encore, Palazzo, Stardust (RIP), Frontier, Bellagio, Planet Aladdin, and Luxor.

Thanks again to him for providing this stuff.

Photos are located here:

Also, we've got new VIDEOS! You can watch them here (goes from most recent to older):

I'll be in Vegas this weekend to see Spamalot, take some photos, tour the CityCenter sales pavilion and attend wedding (not in that order).

March 8, 2007

Las Vegas Sands Upgrades The Venetian Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

Well, we knew this was coming but finally a press release... Las Vegas Sands is spending $100 million to upgrade the rooms in The Venetian to the standard they are setting with their new Palazzo resort being constructed next door.

The upgraded rooms will retain the existing sunken living configuration but include automatic drapes and other amenities.

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Drambuie_Man is heading to Macau and has offered to take questions in advance for those of us that haven't been or can't get to the other side of the world on a regular basis. I'm lucky to have several folks in the area that have been very generous with their time and this is another example of that.

His comments are after the jump and feel free to litter the comments with requests. Also, if you are in Macau or nearby and want to hang out, email me at and I'll make mutual contact.

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From the Macau Daily Blog (via Brian Fey - thanks!), it looks like all the construction activity in Macau has caused costs to sky-rocket.

The article cites Las Vegas Sands' Cotai projects and Adelson's discussion of how costs are rising.

Update: Thanks again to Brian for posting this video of Cotai development:

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According to filings with Clark County zoning, Boyd Gaming has updated their master plan for Echelon Place to include 1,000 more rooms than previously approved. In addition, the 1,000 condo/hotel rooms in the original plan have been jettisoned.

The plan now includes 5,280 rooms with some featuring kitchens. The site is still split into multiple towers, housing the various hotel components they have planned.

For development geeks, the filing is here:

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March 3, 2007

Sahara Sold to CA Businessman

Posted by Hunter

The Sahara on the Las Vegas Strip, which has been up for sale and looking for the right buyer, has finally been sold.

The Bennett family, now former owners, had been shopping it along with two other land parcels adjacent and across the Strip. They decided to sell the property and hold on to that land.

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According to David McKee, there's some word of possible major problems at Wynn Las Vegas, from 20 boxmen being sacked to both chips and tips missing.

It's not clear if these allegations are true or accurate.

I don't know if these things are true but it's starting to sound like things are going off the rails over there. If anyone has any inside on this, I'd love to hear about it.

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March 2, 2007

Stardust To Be Imploded March 13th - 2:30am

Posted by Hunter

Boyd Gaming will implode on of the Strip's oldest hotels, the Stardust, on March 13th at 2:30am.

The building is being cleared to make way for Echelon Place, a large casino/retail/hotel development. Workers have been gutting it for the best several months - you can barely recognize the shell of the hotel tower and the distinctive neon sign is long gone, to be preserved at the Neon Museum.

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This time around I spent most of the episode talking about Wynn Resorts, Ltd., 4th Quarter earnings report. There's also some stuff on MGM Mirage and others.

Update: For some reason that I can't explain, this episode sounds somewhat tinny. Sorry about that.

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

Direct RSS:

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February 27, 2007

Wynn Resorts: 4th Quarter 2006 Loss

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts announced their numbers today for Q4 2006 (and FY2006).

Despite opening Wynn Macau, the supposed cash generator for the company, they had a loss for the quarter of $55 million.

What does this mean for the company if they can't make a profit with Macau open? How serious is this and what will the company do to stop the bleeding? It is important to note that a large portion of the loss was related to debenture holders.

Despite operating at a loss, some of the numbers look good, including holds and net revenues.

The extensive press release is here:

Also interesting is the occupancy rate for Wynn Macau, which was just north of 80%. I watch the occupancy rates as a very interesting indicator of how the Macau market is rising to the challenge of conversion to a 'resort destination' city away from a day trip market.

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February 26, 2007

Station Casinos OKs Buyout

Posted by Hunter

The Station Casinos board of directors have approved a bid to take the company private. The bid was put together by several board members who also comprise top management and their family members, the Fertitas.

The deal is worth $5.5 billion.

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February 25, 2007

Will Transportation Issues Slow Las Vegas Growth?

Posted by Hunter

This is a topic that Detroit1051 has mentioned several times - Las Vegas infrastructure and how it impacts tourism.

Today's LV Sun has an article on that very topic. Jeff Simpson talks about the impact and some potential solutions.

What do you guys think? How bad is it now and will these problems make you re-consider your vacation?

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February 21, 2007

Wynn Macau: No Credit Offered to Customers

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to some friendly and reliable sources, I got a look at the play/comp requirements for Wynn Macau.

First off, I didn't realize that Wynn Macau is not extending credit - big players have to deposit front money and from what I saw, I got the impression this was for ALL players as the top levels were talking about deposits in excess of $500k USD. Does anyone know if Sands Macau gives credit?

To get comped a Sky End Suite (these are at the end of the tower - no comparable product at WLV but Encore will have them), you need to deposit $500,000 and have an average bet of $10,000. This qualifies you for a helicopter from Hong Kong as well. This suite's casino rate would be $3,000 to $3,400 a night, depending on the day of the week. This compares to a standard room with requires $25k in front money and an average bet of $650 per hand... Plus they throw in some ferry seats - no chopper for you!

It's interesting to see how things are different from Las Vegas... In Vegas, the really big players can have comps (private jet travel, etc...) extended prior to the trip - the big guys are known and the casino is confident in its ability to recoup. Not in Macau - Wynn Macau's comps start when you walk on site and not before. I guess they're still getting to know the regulars.

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February 21, 2007

Wynn Las Vegas Restyles 'Le Reve' Theater

Posted by Hunter

'Le Reve' is the Franco Dragone show that opened Wynn Las Vegas. It stumbled a bit out of the gate but seems to have found its footing as tickets are now selling at a normal pace.

Wynn Resorts purchased the remaining 'Le Reve' assets from Dragone last year with the intent of making some changes. Today they announced the theater itself is being remade a bit.

In a press release on their Web site, Wynn Resorts detail some of the changes, including warmer colors.

The show will be dark in March while these changes are implemented.

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February 21, 2007

Boyd Gaming Posts Larger Than Expected Profit

Posted by Hunter

Boyd Gaming posted some nice results yesterday:

Boyd is building Echelon Place in Las Vegas on the site of the Stardust, which is set to come down in mid-March. Their joint venture in Atlantic City with MGM MIRAGE, Borgata, has many folks believing that Echelon is a project to watch and their Las Vegas opening will be a bigger splash than some have predicted.

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February 20, 2007

Is Las Vegas Losing Its Luster?

Posted by detroit1051

Has Las Vegas become too big to continue to be an attractive destination for middle Americans? Negative publicity from the NBA weekend and today's story in the Review Journal on the mess at McCarran make me wonder when, or if, typical visitors will decided to try other casino/entertainment venues closer to home. In my opinion, the infrastructure in Vegas is so inadequate, it will take years, if it is possible at all, to fix traffic and airport issues. The weekend shootings at a strip club and MGM Grand parking structure and reported problems at Wynn add to the problem. Surely, MGM must be concerned with so much at stake with its properties and CityCenter. What are they doing to at least help correct infrastructure problems? Here are some recent articles:
Weekend shootings and fights at Tryst:
Weekend Violence
Local TV Coverage
Massive Lines at McCarran
I recogniize much of the violence came from LA gang members, but it sure doesn't help Las Vegas' image.
What do you locals think?

February 15, 2007

What's The Deal With Chinese New Year?

Posted by Hunter

Those that follow Las Vegas and the gaming industry know that Chinese New Year is a huge holiday that brings a lot of action to town.

Most American's aren't familiar with the holiday or the associated customs.

The Las Vegas Sun has an interesting article that covers some of the above.

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February 14, 2007

MGM MIRAGE Reports 4th Quarter Profit Doubles

Posted by Hunter

MGM MIRAGE reported another blowout quarter, with Q4 profits doubling from last year. Quarterly revenues are up to $2.02 billion with almost $90 million coming from insurance recovery against Katrina losses.

These numbers were way above what analysts had predicted.

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MGM Mirage added a few press releases over the past couple of days detailing some upcoming plans.

First off is a new community in Jean, NV - just outside of Las Vegas. Currently they operate the Gold Strike and Nevada Landing. The latter will close and operations will be consolidated into the Gold Strike as a new casino hotel is developed, along with residential, retail and other mixed uses. What makes Jean interesting is the possibility of a new airport there at Ivanpah, serving Las Vegas's freight needs in the near term and international travel over the next ten years or so. With a monorail extension, this area could start to really hum.

Second on MGM Mirage's plate is brief announcement that their Macau partnership with Pansy Ho will build a resort on Cotai in that region. They don't specify the parcel other than to refer to it as a 'prime identified site'.

The other story of the day I thought was interesting is coming out of the Harrah's LBO. It's been revealed that part of the financing will come from Harrah's own assets. I find this fascinating and I am considering taking Wynn Resorts private by borrowing against their properties - can I do that? :-)

More on the Harrah's setup from the always excellent Business Press.

Lastly, a quick mention that high end condos aren't selling quite as fast as some thought.

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Here's the latest podcast and it's a good one. This episode features an interview with Tim and Michelle from Five Hundy By Midnight as well as spots on Las Vegas Sands and the new Tropicana.

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

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The Nevada Gaming Control Board approved the deal that swaps the Barbary Coast hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip for 24 acres of land located near Boyd Gaming's 'Echelon Place' site.

Harrah's had been trying to grab the site for years and Boyd finally relented last year. Harrah's is expected to include the Barbary site in any Strip re-development master plan, though that may have been slowed down due to the company being taken private.

Along with the sale, the Barbary Coast will be changing its name to 'Bill's Gambling Hall and Saloon'. The award winning restaurant 'Michael's' will be moving to the South Point down the road.

More info:

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February 8, 2007

Downtown Las Vegas' Lady Luck Remains Closed

Posted by Hunter

The Lady Luck shut down for renovations almost a year ago with the promise of renovation - well, it is still closed. Some predicted that the hotel would never re-open and so far it seems that is still an option.

The RJ has an article on the Lady Luck's status:

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Interesting article in the LVBP talking about Las Vegas Sands recent lawsuit from the AAEC. Apparently they saw this one coming as early as 2002 and it finally landed in their lap.

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Well, we all know that MGM Mirage is planning to enter the Macau market with the under-construction MGM Grand Macau. Since MGM is not a concessionaire in Macau, they have to partner with someone that is or has a sub-concession... Well, they hooked up Pansy Ho, daughter of Macau old-timer Stanley Ho.

Stanley's well known to be a least a little on the sketchy side (some would say totally on the sketchy side). The question that's come up is if partnering with Pansy would allow Stanley any undue influence into her operations.

The Nevada gaming regulatory bodies are investigating Pansy's suitability as MGM Mirage is a multiple license holder in the Silver State. Will this be a problem? The licensing is taking longer than many expected - does that mean they've found some items they're not too happy with?

A couple of articles discussing related issues:

and related to Pansy, brother Lawrence and Packer's media conglomerate:,23636,21170997-462,00.html

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February 5, 2007

Las Vegas Sands 2006 Results = Big Profits

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands (LVS), operators of The Venetian, Sands Macau and constructing the Venetian Macau, Marina Bay Sands and the Palazzo, reported huge numbers for the fourth quarter of 2006 and the year as a whole:

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The Palazzo is rising between Wynn Las Vegas and The Venetian and despite being a $1.5 billion project, it's not been getting a lot of press.

Well, the VegasEye has some new info on Palazzo in today's edition.

They report that TV chef Mario Batali is set to open TWO eateries in the new complex and it will feature a dress-down nightclub/lounge called 'Rocket'.

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January 30, 2007

Kerzner and/or Harrah's Working on UK Casinos?

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to David for this tip...

An interesting article on mega-casinos in the UK, this one in Manchester:

Also, this from the LV Business Press:

I know David has some insight into UK gaming law - hopefully he'll share in the comments.

Update: The LV Biz Press link may not be accurate/up to date.

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January 29, 2007

Harrah's to Sell Rio to Maloof?

Posted by Hunter

We've heard all sorts of rumors about the sale of the Rio to various parties. Well, this one I can see maybe actually happening, just because it seems to actually make sense.

The Poker Prof says that the Rio is going to Maloof. We shall see.

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January 29, 2007

Wynn Las Vegas Dealers Unionize?

Posted by Hunter

I can't tell if this post is just him mis-reading the Web site or if he is reporting a new turn of events.

The Poker Prof is saying that the dealers at Wynn Las Vegas have voted to unionize.

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January 26, 2007

Fight for Station: Private Equity Deal Has Opponents

Posted by Hunter

It looks like the private equity deal that a sub-section of management proposed for Station Casinos is not viewed as a great deal by all.

The deal, at $82/share, has been called inadequate by some investors. I wonder if they'll have to significantly increase the offer to get the deal done.

It's important to remember that the people involved in the deal own a substantial amount of stock already.

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I just got word from my friends Steve and Miles over at The Strip Podcast that their upcoming Thursday night episode will feature some new words from Steve Wynn and based on what Steve told me in a follow-up email, we're going to hear a few things that we've never heard before.

Also, The Strip has announced their first (I think so, right?) live event. This coming Sunday, January 28th, they will be co-hosting a live discussion at the Ghostbar at the Palms. The discussion features the top celebrity journalists, Perez Hilton, Robin Leach, Norm Clarke and Carlos Dias from ExtraTV. More details are available at There's a $10 cover and the show gets going at 8pm so make sure to get there with plenty of time to get in and upstairs. If you've never been to the Ghostbar, this is a good time to check it out, when it's not full of drunken fools all competing to fall off the balcony. The proceeds from the event go to the NLGJA.

So, some hot activity on The Strip Podcast this week. The show is recorded on Thursdays at 7pm and you can participate in a live chat while they do the show. I'm planning on joining in this week - looking forward to it. The chat room is located at: and there should also be links from the Strip Podcast site. See you on Thursday!

Update: A little preview of tonight's Steve Wynn/Spamalot stuff is here.

Updated Thursday: This episode is now available. Wynn talks a bit about the golf course, indicating the zoning was more to do with the way the mortgage is collateralized than anything else but the course will indeed be re-developed in a few years. He also said that he will never do a dense development like City Center, citing his lower cost of land as one reason he doesn't need to. I recommend you listen to the podcast.

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January 25, 2007

Branson in Macau?

Posted by Hunter

This just looks a little crazy but I thought I should report on it.

This article implies that Richard Branson, British business mogul, is interested in doing a project in Macau:

This seems a little wacky to me. I can't imagine him as an operator but who knows, maybe this will be brilliant. Does he have other hospitality assets?

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January 23, 2007

MGM Grand's $20,000 Newlywed Skyloft Package

Posted by Hunter

I wouldn't normally post this as I get these press releases all the time but I thought this one was interesting.

It's a $20,000 package for a trip to the MGM Grand's Skylofts, designed for newlyweds.

It includes a meal at Robuchon, Ka, Tabu, the spa, Rolex watches (!), two nights in a one bedroom Skyloft and more. The complete description from the press release is after the jump.

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This is a WSJ article so it requires a subscription or you'll have to find some other way to read it but it's recommended - interesting stuff.

Casinos Divide to Conquer

Basically the concept is that operators could sell their real estate holdings and then sign long term management deals with the new owners of the real estate. This lets them monetize these assets and many of these companies like Harrah's or MGM MIRAGE are sitting on billions in real estate.

From the article by Peter Sanders:

"Blackjack players who are dealt a pair of aces often "split" the cards into separate hands, giving them two shots at hitting the jackpot. Now, some casino companies are considering a split of their own: effectively dividing their real-estate assets from the operating companies that run the casinos."

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January 23, 2007

Macau Overtakes Las Vegas as World Gambling Capital

Posted by Hunter

Ok, well, we all knew this was coming.

Macau, the former Portuguese colony near Hong Kong, has overtaken Las Vegas as the gambling capital of the world, at least in terms of gambling revenue.

For 2006, Las Vegas took in $6.5 billion while Macau saw $6.95 billion flow into their coffers.

MarketWatch Story on Macau 2006 Gambling Revenues

Update: Looks like this is a 'probably' vs a certainty at this point. The $6.5B for LV is estimated and is the Las Vegas Strip, not the entire city. We'll see when those numbers are published. Still, if not this year, it will be basically a draw and next year I would say it is certain and will be clear.

Update (Wed): More on this from the RJ, along with some comments from Steve Wynn.

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January 21, 2007

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #12 - Finally, Another Podcast

Posted by Hunter

I'm finally back with another podcast. Sorry - it's been busy. This one's only about 40 minutes long so you should have plenty of time to listen.

In this episode I talk about the the Trippies, Wynn labor dispute, City Center progress, Wynn's golf course, and more. Hopefully the next podcast won't be another month away!

The link to the Las Vegas Photo Quiz is here: - Enjoy!

Update: Our good friends at have posted a little shout out to our shout out to their awards in which they gave us a shout out. Awesome.

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

Direct RSS:

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Today's newspapers have some interesting stories.

First off is the Sun with an article on Bobby Baldwin and the CityCenter plan. Some of the water and special features are alluded to here. A very interesting article. From this piece I can't help but think that pretty soon there will be way too many interesting resorts to really see Las Vegas in a single weekend anymore... if you can even do that still today.

Second is an article on implosion prep for the Stardust:

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January 20, 2007

Wynn Resorts Mulls Las Vegas Golf Course Plans

Posted by Hunter

We've discussed this in other threads but I thought it would be worthwhile to extract it out and focus the attention on 'The Vegas'.

The LV Biz Press has a blog entry on Wynn Resorts' activity in combining the parcels that make up the golf course into a set of properly zoned properties.

Is the golf course going to be re-developed sooner rather than later?

Update: In a recent interview on the Strip Podcast, Steve Wynn explains that this move was partially done due to the golf course being released from the mortgage collateral for the hotel.

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January 20, 2007

Smoking Gun Posts Steve Wynn's 'Le Reve' Lawsuit

Posted by Hunter

The Smoking Gun, obtainers of mug shots the world over, has posted the legal documents that make up the Wynn vs. Lloyds of London lawsuit regarding paying lost value in the Picasso masterpiece, 'Le Reve'. Wynn asserts that he is owed the difference between a never-consumated sale price and the newly appraised value given that the painting has been restored.

This is a good spot for ongoing discussion on 'Le Reve' and the various damage issues.

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January 19, 2007

Project CityCenter Sales Pavilion

Posted by Hunter

** I was originally scheduled to do a tour of the City Center Sales Pavilion this weekend. Unfortunately something has come up and I will be in California instead. Anyway, here's some info I got on PCC from MGM MIRAGE and I will re-schedule my tour. **

MGM MIRAGE opened the Project CityCenter Sales Pavilion in early January to showcase the various features of their $7 billion project. The center features models of several of the condo units, incorporating state-of-the-art technology to give prospective buyers an immersive experience.

The Pavilion is open daily, 10am - 7pm. Appointments are preferred but according to MGM MIRAGE staffers serious prospects can often be squeezed in. More info, direct from MGM MIRAGE, on the various units follows.

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January 16, 2007

Hotel and Casino Observations from Macau: January 2007

Posted by Hunter

Thanks again to Chris, our friend in Hong Kong, who checks in frequently with new info on progress in Macau. Keep reading after the jump to get the latest on everyone's favorite S.A.R.

Updates on the Sands, Galaxy, Cotai, the condo market and more.

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January 13, 2007

Luxor To Change Name? 'The Pyramid'?

Posted by Hunter

Saw this one on Robin Leach's 'blog' on Vegas celebrity gossip topics and it's interesting.

The idea is that Luxor's name would change to 'The Pyramid' about halfway through the year when they open their new nightlife operations.

Robin's take on the Luxor name is here.

I know MGM MIRAGE is eager to re-make Luxor in the public's eye as it is seen as having languished under previous management. Still, this would be a big move. I'd be more inclined to see a marketing campaign around 'Luxor: The Pyramid' rather than dropping the former moniker altogether.

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This Wynn Las Vegas press release was issued today to remind people that the popular Broadway musical 'Spamalot' is opening in March in the theater that was formerly home to 'Avenue Q'.

The previews start early March with the actual opening on March 31st. This version of the production will feature John O'Hurly, known for his recurring role on 'Seinfeld' as J. Peterman.

While they were once heralded as bringing in a new wave of entertainment to Las Vegas, shows such as 'Avenue Q', 'Hairspray', and 'We Will Rock You' all faltered. At the same time, 'Mamma Mia' has had a very successful run that is scheduled to end in 2008 and the version of 'Phantom' at The Venetian has seen some success. 'The Producers', another Broadway hit, opens in February at Paris Las Vegas.

I haven't seen 'Spamalot' but I've heard the show is 'wacky' and might be a good fit for Vegas audiences. These shows always suffer from having to be cut down to a running length no longer than 90 minutes, as well as the language barrier with foreign visitors that doesn't exist at non-verbal shows, like those from Cirque du Soleil.

I personally hope that this show works. I really liked 'Avenue Q' and was sad to see it go. I usually really enjoy myself when we spend a night on Broadway in NYC, though I rarely catch touring shows when they come to LA.

Wynn Las Vegas Press Release on 'Spamalot' Coming to Las Vegas

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Howdy folks! As a quick aside, I meant to do a podcast tonight but it didn't happen - sorry!! I'm shooting for the weekend and from then on, probably every 7-10 days. Thank you for being patient. There's clearly a lot to about.

I am planning on being in Las Vegas at the end the month, just for a weekend, to tour and document the progress at CityCenter's preview center - thanks to MGM MIRAGE for any access. From what I'm told, the preview center is amazing - I look forward to sharing with everyone... Expect photos to follow.

Regarding Wynn Macau, their 'Diamond Suites' project, located on the property edge near the future MGM Grand (with its neat/original curtain wall design), is a new hotel tower with the aim to up their room inventory as the company also looks into possibilities on Cotai Originally, Wynn Macau had something akin to a phase '1b', which was supposed to expand the casino floor, add a showroom and a new 'front feature', all to open in early 2007. This front feature is some kind of special effects room that Wynn says will 'blow us all away'.

Given that the public spaces are now going to be more aligned with the 'Diamond Suites' areas, they have been delayed until later this year. The 'Diamond Suites' tower is still 18 to 25 months out, though no specific dates have been announced. Some of the new tables and slots will open for the celebration of Chinese New Year, which is also coming to Las Vegas in a few weeks.

Ok, and last, MGM MIRAGE has new renderings of both CityCenter and MGM Grand Macau in their latest financial presentation. Very interesting shots that really show how the new buildings will interact with each and specifically "NOT" interact with neighbors.

MGM Mirage Financial Presentation 1/2007

I realize this was long winded - sorry. I hope everyone is doing well. Photos will follow in this space.

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The second phase of the hotel tower project at Red Rock Resort has recently been completed. The new expansion brings the total room count at Red Rock to over 800.

Originally opening in April 2006 with just over 400 rooms, this second phase is a welcome addition to the first $1 billion resort to be opened off the Strip in Las Vegas.

In addition, Fortune Magazine named owner Station Casinos as one of the '100 Best Companies to Work For' in their annual survey.

For those that haven't seen Red Rock, it is a pretty amazing property that seems to fit well with its surrounding area.

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January 5, 2007

2006 Gaming Abstract

Posted by detroit1051

The NV Gaming Board has released its 245 page report on gaming in the state during the 2006 fiscal year ending June 30. Gaming revenue continued to be less than half of total revenues of $24.1 Billion.
Review Journal Summary of Gaming Abstract

Nevada Gaming Abstract 2006

December 31, 2006

Biggest Las Vegas / Gaming Stories of 2006?

Posted by Hunter

What did you think was the most interesting/biggest story of 2006 that related to Las Vegas and/or casino gambling?

Was it Harrah's being taken private? Wynn Resorts opening in Macau? The Stardust going dark? The insanity around the Tropicana bidding war? I'm interested to hear your take.

The RJ has a story on that topic today with a few examples but we don't have to limit the discussion to those options.

And, for a little bit of history, these are the posts from December 2005. Funny to think of all that has happened this year.

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Thanks to my friend Chris in Hong Kong, we have a few new shots of development progress for several Macau projects.


Wynn Macau / MGM Grand Macau
Venetian Macau
Grand Lisboa

Thanks Chris! Looks like some of these projects are really coming together and by this time next year, all of the above should be operating (and hopefully I will have reported my personal experience in at least a few of them!)

Happy New Year to all. Another great year of growth on this blog and I hope that 2007 will be even bigger.

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December 26, 2006

Tropicana Las Vegas Plans Disclosed

Posted by Hunter

We've now got some more detail on what new owner Columbia Sussex plans to do with the Tropicana site in Las Vegas.

The two larger towers and the showroom will remain, though be re-worked. They will join several new towers that contain a boatload of new hotel rooms It's certainly going to be a large complex.

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December 23, 2006

Station Plans Master Planned Development

Posted by detroit1051

Station Casinos plans to develop 52 acres behind (to the south of) Palace Station. CityCenter, Echelon Place, Wynn's golf course and now Palace Station. As Strip land becomes scarce, the west side of I-15 is becoming more desireable. Here's a link to the LV Business Press and the map from Vegas Today and Tomorrow.
LV Business Press on STN Development
Vegas Today and Tomorrow Map

December 20, 2006

Las Vegas Sands Wins Pennsylvania Project

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands, owners of the Venetian in Las Vegas, NV, have won the coveted concession in Bethlehem, PA. This was being sought by other operators, including Trump and Isle of Capri.

The project will be built on a 126-acre site - a former steel mill - near Philadelphia. It will be interesting to see what impact this and other Pennsylvania projects have on Atlantic City as Philly is a major feeder market for AC.

It doesn't seem like the Bethlehem project will have any major financial impact for LVS.

and the LVS press release:

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December 19, 2006

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #11 - December 19th, 2006

Posted by Hunter

I'm finally back with another podcast! This time around I'm talking about my recent trip to Bellagio (which includes meeting up with several readers/listeners and author Dave Schwartz) as well as the big news of the day - Harrah's going private! On top of that I catch up with a few news stories from the last two weeks. Enjoy!!

Here is the link to the photos mentioned in the podcast:

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

Direct RSS:

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December 18, 2006

Harrah's Accepts Buyout Offer for $90/Share

Posted by Hunter

Not a lot of detail yet but it looks like Apollo/Texas Pacific boosting the bid to $90/share did the trick:

Harrah's Board have accepted the offer:

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December 12, 2006

Nevada Gaming Win: Up Again

Posted by Hunter

The October gaming win figures for Nevada were up again - barely - after a huge October in 2005.

Interestingly enough, the Strip was actually down a bit with holds not as high as in previous months.

Some 'locals' play saved the numbers from being down overall.

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December 7, 2006

MGM Mirage Partners With UAE Firm

Posted by Hunter

MGM Mirage is planning a partnership with Mubadala Development, a firm headquartered in Abu Dhabi and owned by the royal family there.

There is talk of luxury hotel projects in several parts of the world including Las Vegas.

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December 7, 2006

Wynn Dealers Suit Dismissed

Posted by Hunter

This is actually about a day old but due to some computer issues, I wasn't able to do much posting yesterday.

From the LV Biz Press, in the continuing saga of the Wynn Las Vegas tipping situation, a court dismissed the legal challenge, though the dealers still have several other potential remedies.

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Thanks to reader George, we have an interesting report and photos from a recent trip to Macau. The report is after the jump.

A couple of comments on the report:

* The Sands Macau actually does have a small hotel at the moment and they are planning to expand it to over a hundred rooms in the next few years.

* While the jury is very much still out on Wynn Macau, looking only at the cash volume through that place in the first days we have reported, a lot of money is moving around in that place. Assuming that keeps up and the basic math works, they have potential to make money... Potential.

* Wynn's Tryst - I was under the impression that it was open based on photos from the club and a few reports. Given this report, I'm now not clear as to its status.

* Craps - Too bad no games in Macau. People seem to generally consider it a dying game. Personally, it is by far my favorite. I have seem quotes from Wynn that imply that he believes the same is one of the last generation. Hopefully it is not dying off.

Overall I found the specific comparisons useful for folks like me who are used to Las Vegas/US casinos and who plan to visit Macau sometime in the near future.

I am working on posting the photos that were sent with this story. They will be up soon...

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Some quick hits on upcoming development projects in Las Vegas from the Sun.

* Some discussion on Caesars Palace and the Roman Forum / new tower development.

* The Harrah's Center Strip project is still under wraps, likely delayed due to the potential private equity take-over of the company. This potentially includes the re-development of Bally's, Imperial Palace, Harrah's Las Vegas and the Flamingo, with varying degrees of severity.

* Echelon Place is moving along.

* Station has plans for Durango Station some day.

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December 4, 2006

Las Vegas Sands Plans to Create Online Casino

Posted by Hunter

Very interesting announcement from LVS today - they plan to start an online casino.

Nevada regulated companies have tried this in the past - MGM Mirage had their WagerWorks system that they shutdown in 2004.

US citizens are prohibited from gambling in online casinos and the laws surrounding that have recently gotten stronger with the government taking aim at the financial institutions used to move the money around. Despite it being illegal, online gambling in the US is widespread.

I think this is fascinating. Online gaming is such a lucrative market, I'm not surprised these guys want a piece. I hope this works well and proves that these operators can run reliable games.

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December 4, 2006

Fertittas Offer to Take Station Private

Posted by Hunter

Looks like the Fertitta brothers that run Station have put together financing to take the company private in a $4.7 billion deal.

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December 3, 2006

Wynn Resorts Plans to Re-Work Lure Ultra Lounge

Posted by Hunter

It's a slow news today on this Sunday but one interesting tidbit about Lure, the ultra-lounge at Wynn Las Vegas.

Lure has never been a great performer, despite the room being very pretty with a cool outdoor area. Sounds like it will get a facelift and a new name, along with a new marketing campaign early next year:

Thanks to John for submitting this.

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November 30, 2006

Bellagio & Wynn, November '06

Posted by detroit1051

I checked out of a Bellagio Suite in the main tower this morning and have just unpacked in a Wynn Parlor Suite. I tried to start a report early this morning, but Bellagio's internet service was down all night and still wasn't up at 9 AM. I'll offer a few opinions now and then add comments later. After all, I want to enjoy Wynn.

This will not be a trip report, but random thoughts start after the jump.

Well, no big surprise here... It seems the outdoor 'Roman Forum' area at Caesars Palace is a terrible use of space given it is never used for anything significant.

Harrah's will build more casino, retail and back of house space in that part of the property and then also build a new hotel tower in the southwest corner of the property.

The new tower will be 29 stories and have over 1,000 rooms.

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November 26, 2006

Roll The Bones by David Schwartz - Book Review

Posted by Hunter

Roll The Bones is a new book by Dr. David Schwartz, the director of the Center for Gambling Studies at UNLV. His blog, is a great source for gambling information and news along with the ever-popular casino carpet gallery.

Dave has written several gambling related books in the past, including Suburban Xanadu, a study of the casino resort's evolution (this book features an in-depth look at Martin Stern, Jr., who's work we have mentioned several times in the past here on this site) and Cutting The Wire, a look at the Wire Act and Internet gambling.

You can buy this book here (and it supports this site in a small way): Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling

Keep reading after the jump...

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This podcast includes some audio clips from my recent trip to Las Vegas. I talk about construction on Encore, CityCenter, Palazzo, Aladdin and more. Also, some special guests including Tim and Michelle from Five Hundy By Midnight and loyal contributor Mike E. We listen to a few messages from listeners (thanks for the theme song!) and even find some time to talk Vegas news.

Here is the link to the photos mentioned in the podcast:

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

Direct RSS:

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November 26, 2006

Is Laughlin Ready For A Comeback?

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Review Journal has a story on the changes in Laughlin resulting from new owners and operators in town, including Marnell, Landry's, Columbia Sussex and Icahn. Visitor counts and revenues have trended down for years, but as Vegas keeps going further upscale, maybe it's a new day in Laughlin. I think many people agree with the quote in the article by a visitor, "What I always enjoyed about Laughlin is that it wasn't Las Vegas."

"Rolling On The River: Deals Giving Laughlin A New Look And Perhaps A New Life"

November 22, 2006

Kerkorian Boosts MGM Mirage Stake

Posted by Hunter

This has been all over the financial news sites today. Billionaire Kirk Kerkorian, who already owns 56% of MGM Mirage, is planning on boosting that stake to almost 62%.

MGM Mirage is doing better than it ever has and has a very bright future with City Center coming online in a few years.

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I spent some time in Las Vegas this weekend (actually, a little more time than I had planned) and I wanted to report on my trip.

First off, I have posted construction photos of Encore, City Center, Bellagio renovations, Aladdin/Planet Hollywood, The Mirage (Japonais and Revolution), The Palazzo, and the pit that will become the Cosmopolitan.

I got to meet with a few readers/listeners, fellow podcasters and friends. I had a short chat with Elaine Wynn who is a real class act.

The photos are posted at this link, plus they are also in their respective categories:

More after the jump...

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November 17, 2006

Tropicana Sale Approved By Nevada Regulators

Posted by Hunter

The sale of Aztar Corp., and its Tropicana property in Las Vegas to Columbia Sussex has been approved by Nevada regulators, one of the last steps in the process.

They expect financing and the deal to close soon.

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November 17, 2006

Downloadable Slots

Posted by detroit1051

The LV Sun has an interesting article on downloadable slots. There is growing concern that operators might manipulate payback percentages based on market conditions and who is playing at the moment. A quote in the story from a Gaming Board member is especially concerning. Is the fox guarding the henhouse?
"Nevada's regulations require that machines have the same payback percentage for all players - in other words, that VIPs don't get preferential treatment. But some regulators appear open to giving casinos leeway to tweak odds as long as they pay back the minimum percentage required by law.
"That's a decision that should be left to operators," Gaming Control Board member Mark Clayton said."
Slot Manipulation Possible

November 16, 2006

Sheldon Adelson Talks With Charlie Rose

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to reader Tom M., I was reminded that tonight on Charlie Rose (PBS 11:30pm PT), we've got Sheldon Adelson talking about Cotai, Macau, Las Vegas and being #3.

Charlie Rose is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting interviewers out there. I love the show and I'm sure this will be an interesting one. Too bad it's not Adelson for the hour - we also get some time with new James Bond, Daniel Craig.

November 16, 2006

WSJ: How Boyd and Station Casinos Lost in Vegas

Posted by Hunter

I'm always a little reluctant to post links to WSJ articles since you have to subscribe to read it. Still, I love the Journal and check it out every day and we've got a section piece on Boyd and Station today that's interesting so I'm posting it.

The concept is looking at Red Rock and South Point (South Coast) and how these investments didn't produce the returns they wanted... Station missed this quarter for the first time in a looong time.

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November 16, 2006

Gaming Investment Forum Presentations

Posted by detroit1051

Deutsche Bank/Goldman Sachs sponsored the Gaming Investment Forum on November 13-14 as part of G2E. Many of the presentations are available for rebroadcast and are well worth the time to listen to them.

One very good presentation was made by Galaxy about Macau. It was refreshing to get a different perspective than one gets from WYNN and LVS. Some key points:
* The infrastructure won't be sufficient on Cotai until 2012. Even today, Galaxy provides 130 round trip buses a day to move people to and from its Grand Waldo. When Venetian opens, 50,000 people/day will have to be transported. The government better get moving on the light rail system.
* The Chinese middle market is still ten years in the future.
* Will Cotai get sufficient convention business considering Hong Kong, with its 8 million people and its position as Asia's financial capital, isn't overburdened?
* I liked one comment he made, to the effect that there is a great dichotomy between Macau and Vegas operators on the future market. Maybe, I'd better start saving up to pay off my bet with Hunter.

To listen to any of the presentations, go to the following link which has two pages, one for each of the two days:
Gaming Investment Forum Presentations

November 13, 2006

Mike's Construction (Mini) Update

Posted by Hunter

Another update from Mike on the construction situation. No photos this time but still some good info on Mandalay, Luxor, Excalibur, MGM Grand, Wynn and Stardust.

Keep reading after the jump for the details.

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November 13, 2006

Wynn Redirects Binion and Pays a Dividend

Posted by Hunter

Huh? This one is strange. Two announcements today... First off, from the press release it sounds to me that Binion didn't care for the day-to-day in Macau... Maybe he didn't like living there or something? Certainly sounds like spin to me and hopefully the dividend isn't a smokescreen to that effect.

You can read both releases here:

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November 13, 2006

Riviera Receives Serious Offer

Posted by detroit1051

The Riviera has received another offer. This one looks serious. With Bruce Eichner (Cosmo) and D.E. Shaw behind it, it will probably go through and will be a boost to the north Strip.
Riviera Gets $21 per Share Buyout Offer

This time around we spend most of the podcast talking about Las Vegas nightclubs, specifically which ones are popular right now, what it takes to get in, all about 'bottle service' and other useful info for those folks that are interested in the clubs but maybe haven't yet taken the plunge.

I was lucky enough to get Mike E. on the show to fill in the holes in my knowledge - while I have visited a few of these places, they really aren't 100% my thing. Mike did great and I wanted to thank him again for helping out.

Ok, I hope you guys enjoy the podcast, this one is another long one at just about one hour.

A reminder - feel free to call in and leave us a message about anything Las Vegas or Web site related. The call in number is: 702-508-4232.

Direct RSS:

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November 9, 2006

Tower Suites at Wynn Las Vegas Achieves Mobil 5-Star

Posted by Hunter

This was mentioned in the comments but this is a big deal so I'm doing a full story.

There are no other Mobil 5-Star hotels in Las Vegas and only two restaurants (Alex and Robuchon).

Since this is sure to be controversial with our readers, let the arguing begin! It should be noted that there were several 4-star ratings, including Bellagio, the remainder of Wynn Las Vegas, the Four Seasons, The Venetian, and the Ritz Carlton at Lake Las Vegas.

The R-J Chimes In:

The Sun's Take:

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Wynn Resorts Ltd. reported their third quarter 2006 results today. This was an important quarter for the company as it included the first, albeit small, amount of operations from their second property, Wynn Macau. Also, a large one-time gain from the sale of a Macau sub-concession to PBL put a nice bit of cash into their pockets.

Net revenues for the quarter were $318.1 million. This is up 26.5% from the same quarter in the prior year. Net income for the quarter was $715.7 million but most of that is the one-time event related to the sub-concession.

The net loss has been reduced from $2.2 million last quarter to $1.3 million this quarter. EBITDA was $79.6 million, up 8.7%. I don't have the analysts jive in front of me but I think this is pretty close to what they were predicting.

Wynn Macau, operating for 25 days this quarter, generated net revenues of $45 million and EBITDA of $2.3 million, 81% of which came from table game play. ADR at Wynn Macau was 75.9% and non casino revenues were $4.9 million.

The conference call at 3pm will be on the Web site and we'll be talking in the chat room, which is located here.

For a breakdown of Wynn's results:

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In this latest edition of the podcast, we cover a lot of ground, literally!

First up, here's a warning - this podcast is AN HOUR long. Sorry it is so long but there's a lot in here and I looked at cutting something but I decided that I simply didn't want to and thus here we are.

The notes are after the jump. As always, recent photos are here:

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November 7, 2006

What's Up With Wynn?

Posted by detroit1051

Excerpt from 11/7 Wall Street Journal:
"Meanwhile, a flurry of other merger and buyout activity also drove trading in the options market. The call options of luxury casino operator Wynn Resorts Ltd. traded heavily before its earnings results and in the wake of a $3.7 billion management-led buyout offer."

Conference Call announcement describes the call as "Limited." What does that mean?

November 6, 2006

Las Vegas Sands' Palazzo to Include Luxury Condos

Posted by Hunter

In a bit in the Sunday edition of the Las Vegas Sun, we learn that Las Vegas Sands plans to add a few ultra-luxury condos to their Palazzo project, to appear above the Barney's store that is planned. It's only about 370 units so it's not a huge project.

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November 2, 2006

MGM Mirage Beats Expectations

Posted by detroit1051

MGM earned $.54 in Q3. Analysts had forecast $.41.
Revenues were up 5% to a new record of $1.9 Billion
A Winning Hand at MGM Mirage
A few notes from the conference call follow the jump.

November 1, 2006

Las Vegas Sands Beats 3Q Expectations

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands, owners of The Venetian and the Sands Macau, as well as the upcoming Palazzo and Venetian Macau, beat Wall Street estimates with their third quarter results.

Total revenues for the quarter were $553.2 million with a net income of $97.3 million. Estimates were clocking the company at about $525 million.

The Macau property was up over 20% and The Venetian in Las Vegas also saw gains in several areas.

MGM MIRAGE has their conference call in the morning.

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This Wall Street Journal article (presented via Yahoo! - I hope that means you can read it w/o a subscription!) talks about how construction costs in the Valley have been rising and how that impacts costs for the big gaming operators, both those with projects going and those with stuff on the drawing board.

Wall Street Journal via Yahoo! (free!)

If that doesn't work, here's the original WSJ link (subscription required):

Wall Street Journal (subscription required)

October 31, 2006

Las Vegas Developer 'Eighth Wonder' Talks Singapore

Posted by Hunter

A Las Vegas based casino developer has unveiled plans for the second site that the government of Singapore has up for bids (the first site went to Las Vegas Sands).

Based on a WSJ report, the plan sounds absolutely massive, both in terms of the number of buildings in the project and the number of partners they have signed on. Everyone from Vera Wang to Pelé to the grandson of Jacques Cousteau and a former Universal Studios cofounder are involved (and that's just part of the list - it almost sounds like a joke).

Supposedly the bid for the project valued at US$3.5 billion and will include 10 hotels with 2,100 rooms, a 7,500 seat theater that is inside the carter of a fake volcano, and 35 rides in an amusement park. Guess what they will call his amazing hodge-podge of random items? Well of course there is only one logical name: Harry's Island.

Anyway, this proposal seems more like a kitchen sink development plan than a well thought out master plan.

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October 31, 2006

AAA Five-Diamond Hotels/Restaurants

Posted by detroit1051

AAA announced its Five-Diamond awards for Nevada. I'm sure there will be differing reactions here to the addition of the 5th hotel to the list!

1. The Ritz-Carlton at Lake Las Vegas, Henderson (fourth year)
2. Bellagio, Las Vegas (sixth year)
3. Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas (eighth year)
4. Skylofts at the MGM Grand (first year)
5. Wynn Las Vegas, Las Vegas (first year)
1. Alex, Wynn Las Vegas (second year)
2. Jo�l Robuchon at The Mansion, MGM Grand (first year)
3. Le Cirque, Bellagio (fourth year)
4. Picasso, Bellagio (sixth year)
AAA Five-Diamond Awards for 2007

October 31, 2006

New Culinary Union Blog on Locals Casinos

Posted by detroit1051

Drop, Handle & Hold is a new blog published by Unite Here (the Culinary Union) about the Vegas locals market. Its initial entries focus on Station Casinos whose employees are not represented by Culinary. As such, the blog has its own agenda, but there is some information on Stations' future plans in Vegas and Reno.

When you go to the site, you can click on underlined passages to see
plans, details, etc. of the properties being discussed.

Drop, Handle & Hold

October 27, 2006

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #7 - October 27th, 2006

Posted by Hunter

Hey, we're back with the latest episode of the Worst Las Vegas Podcast - #7.


We talk about the following topics:

* Atlantic City / Trump + Wynn - We talk about what kind of impact a Trump+Wynn partnership might have on Atlantic City and what might possible.

* Construction Update - Thanks to 'mike_ch' for filling us in. This report covers spots like Bellagio's casino upgrades, Palazzo, Wynn's Encore and more. We talk about the article on the blog that is available here:

* What's Changed Since 2004 & Poker in Las Vegas - We talk about what it's like if you haven't visited in a couple of years plus what it is like if you have never sat down at a poker table in Las Vegas, just coming from an online poker environment.

This was a lot of fun to put together and if you're considering playing poker in Vegas, I think this is a must-listen for you. Thanks again to Phil for participating.

Direct RSS:

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October 27, 2006

Las Vegas Construction Update: 10/27/2006

Posted by Hunter

You guys have probably seen Mike's construction updates in the past. Well, we're turning them into a front page story as they are available... Thanks to Mike from all of us for providing this info and taking time out of his day to do this.

The body is after the jump but he's covering the following:

Wynn Las Vegas and Encore

Photos are linked and are posted to the galleries. The most recent RV photos can always be found here:

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October 25, 2006

Wynn and Trump to Team Up in Atlantic City (Updated)

Posted by Hunter

Is Steve Wynn coming back to Atlantic City and is he working with former arch-rival Donald Trump to make it happen?

This has been reported a few places today (including via our listener line - thanks Brian)!

The rumor is that Steve Wynn and Donald Trump are considering some kind of deal to bring Wynn back to AC on the site of Trump Plaza. That could mean a joint venture, Wynn Resorts purchasing the land outright, or nothing at all.

Nothing concrete on this topic but let's open it up for discussion. Thoughts?

Updated: This is gaining more ground:

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October 25, 2006

South Coast aka South Point

Posted by detroit1051

Michael Gaughan's South Point

October 24, 2006

Q3 Earnings

Posted by detroit1051

Third Quarter earnings are coming out. The RJ gave a preview:
Big Six Earnings Preview

For conference call junkies, a schedule follows the jump.

October 23, 2006

Harrah's Plans for Paris

Posted by detroit1051

This week's Las Vegas Business Press discusses planned changes and an expansion at Paris. Is Harrah's concerned about pedestrian safety, or is it a great marketing move to bring more Strip visitors into the property?
Plans For Paris

October 22, 2006

BOOK: Roll The Bones: The History of Gambling

Posted by Hunter

I got my review copy of Dave Schwartz's new book, "Roll The Bones" today and I've started to read it. Dave is a friend of mine and I feel lucky to call him that. He's the number one gambling historian and author of several books. He works at UNLV as the Director of the Center for Gaming Research. His Web site is located here, which we are now proudly hosting for him:

A full review will follow when I'm done but so far, it's great. Anyone that's seriously interested in gambling should buy this book right now.

The link below is from and not only do you get the book for a great price, but we get a small cut of the proceeds, so you are supporting the site and getting what so far seems like a great book.

Ok, here goes: Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling


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October 21, 2006

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #6: Macau: Cotai vs. Peninsula

Posted by Hunter

This is a shorter podcast this time around.

I play a couple of listener calls and talk about Macau, specifically the relationship between the Cotai Strip and the Peninsula and how that will impact operations for Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands.

Call our listener line, anytime: 702-508-4232

You can leave a message that we will read on the air. Grab the number and put it in your cell phone so you can even phone in from Vegas. Also, if you are a casino employee or otherwise have info, you can use this as an anonymous tip line to feed us the goods.

Ready to listen? If you subscribed in iTunes or another player, it's probably already downloading as it's been on the feed for awhile. If you don't use iTunes or aren't already subscribed, the links are below. If you want to listen right here on the site, click through after the jump where we have an embedded player, no download required.

Direct RSS:

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The latest edition of The Strip Podcast features bits of an interview with Steve Wynn mostly related to Macau and the opening of his first venture there last month. If you haven't listened, it's an interesting companion bit to the Sheldon Adelson piece from a few weeks back.

From the interview and others like it, we know that Steve Wynn believes that while development on the so-called 'Cotai Strip' will at some point down the road bear fruit, he thinks that time is 5-7 years off when the area is more built out. Wynn Resorts purchased land on the Cotai Strip and plans to develop up to three hotels there. Wynn's been clear that he thinks Cotai will be great, just not in the next couple of years.

Adelson's position is a bit different. He's currently constructing the first Cotai property, the Venetian Macau. When it opens in 2007, it will at first sit all by itself out there, though it is designed to be a fully integrated resort and will offer a wide array of facilities, much as the Venetian in Las Vegas does today.

I'm not asking if Cotai is a good idea or not - everyone agrees that Cotai is likely the long-term future of Macau. What I'm asking is if this is the right time or if Cotai will have a slow start until more of the planned hotels are on-line...

Will Adelson have to wait until 2010 or 2012 to reap the benefits and is Las Vegas Sands making a mistake to not massively expand the Sands hotel component along with these other projects?

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October 20, 2006

South Coast Sale Progresses

Posted by Hunter

Boyd's sale of the South Coast to operator Michael Gaughan is sailing through regulation. Gaughan is turning in $512 million in stock in return for the property.

It was approved by the Nevada Gaming Commission on Thursday after being approved by the Gaming Control Board previously. The NGC approval is the last stage in the State's regulatory process.

The property will be re-named the South Pointe after the sale is completed.

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October 18, 2006

Time Magazine on Wynn and Adelson

Posted by detroit1051

Time Magazine's Global Business Section for November has a fascinating story about Wynn and Adelson in Macau:
Egos Bigger Than China

October 17, 2006

Flamingo Las Vegas Room Renovations Underway

Posted by Hunter

The Flamingo in Las Vegas, now part of the Harrah's empire, has started renovating its rooms with a new color scheme aiming to be hip and modern.

Don Marrandino, formerly of the Hard Rock (and a brief stint at a pre-opened Wynn Las Vegas), is running the joint these days and he's certainly trying to infuse his style and understanding of hipper market into the Flamingo.

We had the advance info on this upgrade a few months ago but now we have photos of the rooms that are already done. The project is set to take about a year and so far is off to a slow start with only about sixty rooms converted.


Here's the LV Sun article talking about the project:

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October 16, 2006

MGM MIRAGE Out of Laughlin

Posted by Hunter

I'm surprised it took this long but the deal is done... MGM MIRAGE is selling its Laughlin assets, acquired through the Mandalay acquisition. They had previously owned the Golden Nugget Laughlin but sold that in 2004.

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October 13, 2006

President Bush Signs Online Gambling Ban

Posted by Hunter

Today the President signed a bill that was primarily directed at port security issues but in it was a very clear attach on online gambling based around restricting the flow of cash into and out of the online casinos.

Many consider this underhanded as politically, voting against the bill would have then been used to show the respective lawmaker as 'weak on security' - stuffing it in with the ports made it hard for people to vote against it.

Online gambling is generally already considered illegal in the US based on bookmaking rules involving communications over telephone lines (Wire Act) but online poker has been able to move around these restrictions. No longer - this will have an impact of some sort, even if the poker companies seem to be planning to accept US customers in the future.

An excellent book on online gambling prohibitions is Dave Schwartz's 'Cutting The Wire'.

I personally see this as short sighted and totally the wrong way to go. Americans should have the freedom to play online poker, blackjack or whatever if they so desire.

Update: Dave Schwartz has written a comprehensive piece on the specifics of the bill:

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I've really been enjoying this. I'm having fun with this and so I expect to keep on doing it for awhile. There are certainly better Vegas podcasts out there but this isn't what that is about... It's more like an extension to the blog and while I have a lot to learn, I think we've been doing an okay job so far.

Call our listener line, anytime: 702-508-4232

You can leave a message that we will read on the air. Grab the number and put it in your cell phone so you can even phone in from Vegas. Also, if you are a casino employee or otherwise have info, you can use this as an anonymous tip line to feed us the goods.

This time around I talk about Harrah's rejection of the first bid, the second bid and what might happen to their Strip plans if the deal goes through. After that, it's on to my thoughts on the Downtown Las Vegas casino gaming drop and if it was just a blip. Then lastly I talk about the future of the podcast and a little bit about what's coming up.

Once again, comments are welcome and phone messages are very much appreciated.

Ready to listen? If you subscribed in iTunes or another player, it's probably already downloading as it's been on the feed for awhile. If you don't use iTunes or aren't already subscribed, the links are below. If you want to listen right here on the site, click through after the jump where we have an embedded player, no download required.

Direct RSS:

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The Nevada gaming win numbers for August have been processed and the state hit another record, $1.06 billion.

This includes all the casinos in the state but is broken out by region. The Las Vegas Strip was up 14% but as it posts gains on a regular basis, this is no big surprised.

What I found more interesting was a decline in Downtown Las Vegas of 14.3%! This is the third month of declines. I realize the Lady Luck is offline and the Nugget is being remodeled but this seems like a very serious negative trend.

I personally don't spend a ton of time Downtown but for those that primarily stay there, what do you think? Does it seem like it is slowing way down?

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October 10, 2006

LA Times on Macau and a New Rendering of City Center

Posted by Hunter

First up, I tracked down this image that is a rendering of CityCenter - looks more recent than most:

City Center Rendering - Oct. 2006

On an unrelated topic, the LA Times ran a story on Macau that is interesting, though not a lot of new ground:,0,319698,full.story?coll=la-home-travel

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October 10, 2006

Smoking in Vegas

Posted by detroit1051

This week's Eye on Vegas, the online bar/restaurant/nightclub gossip mag mentions a Nevada ballot issue to prohibit smoking where food is served. Does it have any chance? As much as I dislike smoking, it seems misguided in Vegas. Also, it's confusing for voters to have to vote Yes on one Question and then vote No on another.

Eye on Vegas

Review Journal on Ballot Proposals

"Can you imagine grabbing a drink at the Tao Lounge and not being able to have a smoke? How about hitting up your favorite sports tavern for the big game and not being able to chase your beer with a cigarette? Us neither. That�s why it is so important that the industry turns out to vote in next month�s elections. One question on the ballot would make it illegal to smoke in ANY outlet that serves food. Our friends at The Nevada Tavern Owners Association tell us that this vote could have a bigger picture impact that includes a loss of jobs due to lower traffic. By voting YES on Question #4 and NO on Question #5, restaurant, bar and tavern owners would be able to create separate smoking sections to protect Nevada�s children but also the rights of its citizens. Our friend Jay-son Low at Satay Malaysian Grill (thanks for the shout-outs Jay-son!) added his take on this topic as a restaurant owner. �This is not a debate on whether smoking is good for you or not. Rather, it is about the rights of the individual and the rights of the business owner to conduct business how he/she sees fit. Rather than dictating how a business should run, which could potentially reduce the work force and adversely affect the economy in which we live, the consumer/voter can choose by not patronizing an establishment that allows smoking if he/she feels strongly against smoking.� Well said our friend, well said. If you need to register to vote you can call the elections department at 455-VOTE. Remember: vote YES on Question #4 and NO on Question #5 on Election Day."

Thanks to Detroit for pointing out a few articles today:

Station Plans a Latin Theme for Castaways Site

Station Continues to Expand Green Valley Ranch

Finally, some more thoughts on Harrah's and the buyout:

Plus, what might happen post-purchase:

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Yes, that's two podcasts in a week... I have posted the fourth RateVegas podcast and this episode has an international bent.

I discuss the basics of Macau along with the info about Wynn Macau opening in early September. I also talk about Harrah's pulling out of competition for the second casino site in Singapore as well as our potential nomination for a "Trippie" award.

On top of all of that, we now have a listener line where you guys can call in to get a message read on the air. The number is: 702-508-4232. Go ahead and call us anytime, from the field in Las Vegas or otherwise.

To listen to the podcast, we have a few options:

Direct RSS:

Click on after the jump to listen to the podcast right here on the Web site.

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October 6, 2006

Worst Las Vegas Podcast #3 Posted

Posted by Hunter

I posted a new podcast that I recorded last night.

In this episode I talk more about Harrah's and the Barbary Coast, dig into Sheldon Adelson, and look back at the changes at The Mirage.

You can get the podcast a few ways:

If you use iTunes:

If you don't, the direct feed link is:

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October 2, 2006

Harrah's Going Private?

Posted by detroit1051

The Wall Street Journal reported October 2 that Harrah's Entertainment may be purchased by several private equity firms. The report says the deal isn't done yet, but that it could be finalized this week. One of the interested firms is Tom Barrack's Colony Capital which has already made a name for itself in gaming.

What would the deal mean for Harrah's redevelopment of its Strip properties?

I can't link the Journal article, but here is AP's story:
Harrah's in Buyout Talks?

October 1, 2006

Deutsche Bank's Gaming Analyst

Posted by detroit1051

Liz Benston, writer for the Las Vegas Sun and In Business Las Vegas has an extensive interview with Bill Lerner, Desutsche Bank's gaming analyst. He talks about many of the companies and developments we all discuss on this Blog. He is more positive on the Las Vegas locals market than many. To read the interview:

Deutsche Bank's Forecast for Gaming

September 29, 2006

Worst Las Vegas Podcast: Episode 2

Posted by Hunter

I posted the second episode of the "Worst Las Vegas Podcast". Yes, it's two podcasts in a week. That's the way this thing is gonna be... Anyway, in this episode I talk about the Playboy Club at the Palms, a special talk with my friend Kevin on the Barbary Coast, and finally, a re-cap on my Bellagio tour from June.

I hope you enjoy, it's getting cheesier each time.

To listen, put the podcast feed into iTunes (copy and paste this into the podcast option in the Advanced menu):

Podcast Page:

BTW, Kevin's Web site is:

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September 29, 2006

Playboy Club to Open at The Palms - a Nevada First

Posted by Hunter

When the Playboy Club opens atop the new Palms Fantasy Tower, there will be something that no one in Las Vegas, or even Nevada, has done before - charge admission to an area that features gaming.

Actually, to allow this they had to get special permission from regulators. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

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September 24, 2006

Rumble Gets Louder on Harrah's Las Vegas Strip Plans

Posted by Hunter

An official announcement may be getting closer as the news reports start to be coming on a more regular basis. From what we read, the project's scope has expanded and thus we probably won't hear the details this month as expected.

The gist is the same - Harrah's is going to use the property they have on the Strip, combined with some acquisitions, to create a loosely integrated resort complex that retains the individual brands but still sits under a cohesive umbrella. How lose will the integration be? We don't know yet but that will be an interesting component.

What do you guys think? CityCenter is obviously a massive development but this could be bigger? The project would certainly be disruptive and likely undertaken in stages to mitigate the risk to Harrah's cash flow.

More details:
Las Vegas Sun - Jeff Simpson
LVRJ - Inside Gaming

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September 23, 2006

Fire at The Venetian

Posted by Hunter

Looks like there was a three alarm fire at The Venetian:

I believe that everything is under control now and no one was hurt.

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September 21, 2006

Regulation 6A History

Posted by Hunter

I got this from Dave over at his 'Die Is Cast' blog (which we are now hosting for him by the way). It appears that Nevada regulators are getting close to ditching 6A, one of the anti-money laundering rules on the books.

Some might remember The Mirage being hit with the largest fine in Nevada history for forgetting to file thousands of 6As.

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September 19, 2006

Harrah's Plans on Blowing Up Half of Las Vegas?

Posted by Hunter

ChuckMonster at is running a story about Harrah's plans for its Strip properties.

According to this story, Bally's, the IP and Harrah's all get imploded while the Flamingo gets a major overhaul.

Anyway, it's an interesting read, even if based on at least some speculation. You never know - it could happen!

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September 6, 2006

Sommeliers and Wine in Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

I am posting on behalf of detroit1051 - this is his find.

The LA Times has an interesting article on the wine business in Las Vegas. I knew Southern was big in Vegas as well as here in South Florida, but I didn't realize just how big. The article says wholesale prices can be 30% higher than in LA or New York.,1,110441.story?coll=la-headlines-food

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September 6, 2006

Wynn Macau: Photos and a Little Geography

Posted by Hunter

Thanks go out to Chris in Hong Kong for sending his photos of the Wynn Macau opening and shedding a little light on the layout of the place, as no property map is currently available.

First off, some additional interior photos:

More today from the Las Vegas media:

LV Sun -
Review Journal -

Keep reading after the jump.

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A few quick items:

Harrah's is set to remodel the rooms at the Flamingo, casting any demolition rumors into severe question:

After losing the Tropicana assets, Pinnacle will buy the Sands in Atlantic City:

Boyd has announced the Stardust will close November 1st:

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September 2, 2006

Reader Report: Bellagio and Wynn

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to reader John Hall for contributing another piece, this time the focus on Bellagio and Wynn Las Vegas. I can't say how much I appreciate contributions from you guys, the loyal readers. If you want to send something in, send it to:

Ok, what do we have here? Well, as regular readers know, we have spent an awful lot of time looking at Steve Wynn properties, and Wynn Las Vegas over all of them. Well, before there was WLV there was Bellagio and it is still a literal cash factory on the Strip. After touring the back of house facilities, I have a renewed appreciation for the property - it's really a work of art in its own way.

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August 27, 2006

Steve Friess On Wynn Macau

Posted by detroit1051

Steve Friess has written an article in the current Newsweek magazine about Steve Wynn and Macau.

To read the article:

A Vegas-Size Bet On China

Thanks to one of my readers who, for now, will remain anonymous, I was able to take a tour of the back of house areas at Bellagio.

This includes service kitchens for the restaurants, lake pump equipment, soda and liquor distribution, uniform cleaning and control, security, IT and much, much more.

I even saw the room where they put the bad people before Metro grabs 'em!

All that plus the VIP elevators and villa areas (sadly not the villas themselves) and other guest areas.

I left with am impression that Bellagio is a one of a kind masterpiece. If you want to read this very long entry, continue on after the jump.

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August 23, 2006

Wynn Las Vegas Changes Tip Strategies

Posted by Hunter

Starting September 1st, dealers at Wynn Las Vegas will be sharing their tips with pit bosses. This is a dramatic shift for a Strip resort to make - typically pit bosses are salaried and make far less than dealers, a bit of an oddity in the business world where supervisors usually make more than subordinates.

Apparently the dealers are less than pleased and I'm not surprised. Still, I think that this has a good shot at become the new Strip standard. The disparity was growing and a lot of dealers turned down promotions for this reason. This evens it out a bit. I'm sure they'll lose some dealers over this but I doubt any customers will notice.

Thanks to KLAS for the story:

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August 17, 2006

Bare at The Mirage Opens for Business

Posted by Hunter

The new 'European Bathing' area at The Mirage, Bare, is now open.

They are advertising it as 'Pool - Bar - Beds'. That made me laugh for some reason.

For those interested, the Web site has some info, though there are still no pictures. I will try to get some this weekend as I have a friend slumming it at The Mirage.

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MGM MIRAGE issued a press release today regarding a project with Cirque du Soleil based on Elvis Presley to be performed at the upcoming Project CityCenter. The entire text of the press release follows after the jump.

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August 16, 2006

MGM MIRAGE Players Club Update: Monte Carlo Online

Posted by Hunter

Monte Carlo has completed their transition to the MGM MIRAGE 'Players Club' from Mandalay's former 'One Club' system.

The system is already live at Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, The Mirage, MGM Grand, Treasure Island, and NYNY.

Luxor comes this Fall, then Excalibur toward the end of the year with Circus Circus converting early next year.

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August 16, 2006

New Photos: Wynn Las Vegas, Encore, Palazzo, Trump

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to reader Motoman, we have some new Vegas photos from I believe July 2006. Enjoy:

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August 11, 2006

Jockey Club Lucks Out

Posted by detroit1051 has an update on the Jockey Club. It will be renovated at Cosmopolitan's expense as part of a deal reached when Jockey Club permitted Cosmopolitan to build on its parking lot. The report says Jockey Club has more than 14,000 owners. This sure is a Win for the tired, old Jockey Club.

Details can be found at:
Jockey Club Renovation Funded by Cosmopolitan

August 9, 2006

Fontainebleau Moving Forward

Posted by detroit1051

The Fontainebleau, which is planned for the old El Rancho site, is almost a done deal. The LV Business Press has an item which includes a link to the Clark County Comprehensive Planning agenda. Fontainebleau will be presented to the Commission on September 6. Glenn Schaefer is the CEO of Fontainebleau Resorts.

This is another step in the strenghtening of the North Strip.

Read the article here:
Fontainebleau Appears To Be A 'Go"

Two bits of MGM Mirage news this morning.

First off, MGM has created a realty company to sell condos in City Center. The unique move will enable buyers to purchase direct from the developer.

More in the LV Biz Press:

And on David's Blog:

Next up, a press release talking about upcoming evening pool parties at TI. Honestly, the pools at all these hotels seems like a very underutilized nighttime asset.

The TI event is called 'Whisper' and runs Thursdays in August and Labor Day Monday, 6pm-11pm.

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August 3, 2006

MGM MIRAGE Reports: Not All Analysts Thrilled

Posted by Hunter

MGM MIRAGE reported their financials today.

The company's press release is all roses:

Not everyone is buying that though:


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Las Vegas Sands reported their quarterly financials and I'm sure that Steve Wynn is reading them and licking his lips. Why? Revenues from the Sands Macau continue to pump cash into the company and Wynn's Macau property opens in early September.

Here's a link to Sands info:

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Wynn Resorts posted their second quarter numbers today.

From the AP:

"The company posted a quarterly loss of $20.1 million, or 20 cents per share, compared with a loss of $41.8 million, or 43 cents per share, during the same period a year ago."

Reaction seems mixed but shares are rising in after hours trading.

Some commentary and details:

AP: Loss Narrows

The Unexpected Loss

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August 1, 2006

MGM MIRAGE To Build Mandalay Bay-esque Condos

Posted by Hunter

Real quick as I am jumping on an airplane (not to Vegas), but today's RJ has a story on MGM MIRAGE starting to get approvals for a condo-tel complex on Luxor property that will look like Mandalay Bay style architecture:

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July 30, 2006

Wynn's Direct Marketing Campaign

Posted by detroit1051

A friend alerted me to a Wynn article in DM News, a trade publication. It describes the mailing of 205,000 "video enhanced CD-ROMs" in June and 65,000 more in July. The results have been very impressive. Wynn has tracked 164,000 unique IP addresses uploading and viewing the CD-ROM.

Unfortunately, there was a major factual error in the piece which hurts the credibility of DM News. The article discusses Wynn's competitor, Trump International Tower & Hotel which "...opened across the street a few months after the Wynn debuted last year." Further, "...the resort is not only looking to gain ground against high-end resorts like the Trump...".

I wrote a Letter to the Editor of DM News, pointing out that Trump is not open, is a condo-hotel and is not a direct competitor to Wynn. You wonder what kind of fact-checking DM News does.

Multichannel DM Draws Aces for Wynn Hotel

A press release this morning indicates that famous casino operator Jack Binion is going to run Wynn's International division. Interesting stuff:

Also, an RJ article about Wynn Macau, opening in 40 days:

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Harrah's has added the 'slot finder' to their Web site, basically the ability to see if your favorite slot machine is in one of their casinos. Still, no cool features like a map to the machines, etc...

You can find the slot finder here:

This leads to the larger point - Las Vegas casino Web sites generally suck. They are all basically brochures on the Web, in various stages of design prowess. Now, the biggies do have access to their slot club balances online and that sort of thing but there are still lots of features they could add, not to mention much more comprehensive looks at the properties themselves.

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Ok, I have some shots from last weekend at Wynn Las Vegas.

A few shots of the construction progress at Encore as well as Wynn's new B Bar.

You can also see that Keno is closed... 'Shoe In' in the Esplanade was also closed and being remodeled.

Thanks to a reader I was able to tour Bellagio's back of house areas and I am working on an article based on that incredibly amazing experience. As of now, said reader will go anonymous - don't want to get anyone in trouble!

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July 12, 2006

Interview With Station's CFO

Posted by detroit1051

The July issue of CFO Magazine has an interview with Glenn Christenson, CFO of Station Casinos. It can be read at the link below. Two interesting quotes are:

"Back in 1997, the Nevada legislature passed Senate Bill 208, which limits where these local properties can be built. There are only a few sites that can be developed as casino properties, and we control the majority of them. In fact, we own more gaming-entitled nondeveloped land in Las Vegas than any other company. And there is no way that anyone can duplicate that."

""Eighty-seven percent of our cash flows come from slots. So we are very much oriented toward our casino floors, which is one reason we are able to give [earnings] guidance. We have guidance out there for 2007; no other gaming company is doing that. Hotel rooms and table games are very volatile. And on the Strip, hotel cash flows make up about 40 percent of the total; table games about 12 to 15 percent. Consequently, the Strip companies are not able to give guidance out anywhere near as far as we can."

Interview With Glenn Christenson, Station Casinos

July 6, 2006

MGM Grand's Aziz

Posted by detroit1051

CNN's online business site, "Business 2.0", has an interesting profile of Gamil Aziz, president of MGM Grand. He is in large part responsible for leading the transformation of MGM Grand from a "dormitory" to one of the hottest, most profitable properties on the Strip.

He talks about his philosophy of working backward:
"Aziz's secret is a counterintuitive management practice - nicknamed "working backward" - that he invented on his arrival at the Grand. The strategy calculates the maximum revenue that each business or space could generate in a perfect world - that is, if every customer spent the most the market could bear and if traffic reached its physical limits.
Aziz then subtracts actual sales from that hypothetical number and calls the difference a loss, even if the venue is making money. His formula for closing the gap usually starts with a jackhammer."

In my opinion, MGM Grand is now a property which appeals to all market segments, from the value conscious to the high end customers of Skylofts and The Mansion. However, I would like to see MGM Grand update the "Grand Tower" rooms in terms of syle and furnishings.

To read the article:
Gamil Aziz Has Reinvented MGM Grand

July 5, 2006

Harrah's to Trade Rio For Barbary Coast??

Posted by Hunter

Wow, if this is true, it's mighty insane. The Las Vegas Business Press is reporting that Harrah's might swap the Rio with Boyd Gaming for the Barbary Coast, enabling Harrah's to create their massive Strip project.

We'll see.

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June 28, 2006

LVS Presentation

Posted by detroit1051

I just listened to the replay of a presentation Wm. Weidner, Las Vegas Sands COO, gave today at the Bank of America Gaming Conference in Las Vegas. It is well worth the 36 minutes. Weidner always impresses me, and I like his rapidfire way of talking. The presentation is accompanied by 55 slides which help put things in perspective. Macau and China are mindboggling. We've never seen anything like it, and LVS is going to continue to be the leader in Asia. China's future is unbelievable as is LVS'. Wow!!!

To listen to the replay:
Las Vegas Sands Presentation at Bank of America Gaming Conference

June 26, 2006

Project CityCenter Starts Cooking

Posted by Hunter

If you've been following the Vegas news over the past day or so, you will have noticed some new details on MGM MIRAGE's 'Project CityCenter' development, to be located between Monte Carlo and Bellagio.

We got the skinny from MGM MIRAGE and will summarize what we know after the jump.

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June 26, 2006

Caesars Palace

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Review Journal has an interview with Jimmy Wike, VP Table Games Operations. He speaks well of his employer, Harrah's, as one would expect, and sounds very supportive of Harrah's ability to bring Caesars back to its glory days. I found interesting his comments that Caesars is expanding games to appeal to different demographics and has actually reduced the number slots in favor of tables. He also discusses Harrah's corporate policy of emphasizing superior customer service.

The article may be read at:
RJ Article on Caesars Palace

June 22, 2006

Plans for Westward Ho Site

Posted by Hunter

Looks like another crazy idea for a small slice of land has popped up, this one on the site of the Westward Ho.

We really need some kind of probability scoring system for these projects. This one would be rated 'Low to Very Low'.

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Mandalay Bay is first, followed by the other Las Vegas properties, then expanding out.

Here's some more info and point conversion information:

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I went to see one of the *preview* performances of LOVE, the new Cirque show based on music of The Beatles. It is playing at The Mirage, in the theater that used to be the home of Siegfried and Roy until the incident that left Roy fighting for his life.

LOVE is in previews, which means that Cirque is not issuing press tickets and they would rather I didn't publish this at all. To be fair, I fully understand that this is not the final version of the show and that subject matter may change. That's fine. Keep reading after the jump...

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June 17, 2006

Encore at Wynn Las Vegas Revealed

Posted by Hunter

"As I walked past the Aqua Theater, home of 'Le Rêve', I could smell flowers. As I passed into the hotel known as 'Encore', I was greeted by warming sheets of natural light, streaming into the vast gardens from the many skylights above. I had thought that Wynn Las Vegas was the pinnacle of comfortable, elegant resort design but once again, the bar has been raised."

We have a full feature on Encore details after the jump... (Warning: Spoilers - if you want to be surprised, stop reading now.)

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So, I'm in Vegas checking out what is new and different and instead of just writing a simple note I decided to record audio as I walked through the properties... So, I guess this is the first Two Way Hard Three 'podcast'. I don't plan on podcasting on any kind of regular basis, this is a convenience thing. It's not short at over 30 minutes.

Anyway, if you don't like to hear people complaining about stuff, this isn't the podcast for you. I listened back and a lot of it is negative - I like talking about how people are screwing up... You have been warned.

NOTE: I recorded this late, late Friday night. I just listened to it again (and edited a bit). It's a little crazy sounding at times, very stream of consciousness. I also sound a little tipsy (never!). Hopefully I won't scare anyone off... Enjoy. I am off to a top secret meeting. Will report back when I have something to report.

Our podcasts are available via the podcast RSS feed:

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June 13, 2006

Weekend Research Trip: Encore, Mirage and More

Posted by Hunter

This Thursday - Saturday will be on a research trip at Wynn Las Vegas (yes, life is tough), working on a detailed story on Encore's development, 'bare' at The Mirage and more. New for this time around - I'll be recording audio as well as writing details. We'll see how that goes. I might go to see 'LOVE', still not sure. Any requests for information, leave them in the comments.

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The rumors regarding Steve Wynn wanting to take over creative control of Le Reve are correct.

Today the company reported that they have purchased Dragone's interest in the Le Reve production for just over $15MM.

Supposedly Steve wants to add lasers, special effects and pyrotechnics to the show.

SEC Filing for Wynn Resorts

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June 5, 2006

Hairspray at Luxor to Close in 6 Days

Posted by Hunter

According to Steve and Miles from 'The Strip Podcast' (who often break entertainment news on their podcast), MGM MIRAGE is killing off 'Hairspray' which is running at Luxor.

It's only been open four months but from what I have heard, attendance was poor from the get-go.

Steve and Miles briefly dissect the reasons behind the closure, taking a look at the idea that 'Hairspray' and 'Avenue Q' are a bit too off the beaten path for the average Las Vegas visitor. How will Phantom of the Opera (Venetian), The Producers (Paris Las Vegas) and Spamalot (Wynn Las Vegas) fare?

Listen to their 6 minute blast:

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June 5, 2006

Video on Macau Development

Posted by Hunter

Here's a cool video that outlines some of the gambling operations in Macau.

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Man, this one sure has success written all over it... And I swear I'm not being sarcastic.

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June 4, 2006

Bullish on Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

Liz Benston in the June 4th Las Vegas Sun has two bullish stories on future growth. The first is on increased investor interest in Las Vegas gaming and condos. The second report is on Cosmopolitan, going up between Bellagio and CityCenter.

Investment appetite for Las Vegas is hotter than ever.


Looks like the already excellent pool scene at The Mirage is heating up. Following the trend around town, they are adding a 'European Bathing' pool, tentatively called 'Bare' in a previously under-used area between the pool and dolphin habitat. Few additional details are available but according to MGM MIRAGE officials, it opens this Summer.

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May 30, 2006

Las Ramblas and Riviera

Posted by detroit1051

LV Business Press has two interesting articles today:

Las Ramblas Bites the Dust

Riviera's Future

May 29, 2006

Harrah's Loveman Hints at Strip Plans

Posted by Hunter

Some interesting hints at what is coming for the center Strip from Harrah's. The company's CEO, Gary Loveman, sat down with the LV Sun's Jeff Simpson (great writer, BTW) to share some of what is coming from the company.

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May 29, 2006

Advertising Age Magazine on Vegas

Posted by detroit1051

Advertising Age has just completed a five part series on Las Vegas. The link will take you to Part 1. Subsequent parts may be accessed by clicking near the bottom, right side of Part 1.

>>So where does Las Vegas go with it? When does this model stumble
under its own weight? Not any time soon, if the record-breaking crowds
are any indication. But there's another trend at work on the Strip
that will drive the next evolution of Las Vegas, and that is real
estate. Last week's sale of the Tropicana Hotel at the south end of
the Strip offered a new opportunity to peg a number to what an acre is
worth here on the city's beachfront: $30 million.<<

Advertising Age Series on Las Vegas

May 26, 2006

Las Vegas Sands Wins Singapore Bid

Posted by Hunter

I didn't realize they were ready to make a decision on this already... Looks like LV Sands won the right to build the first casino in Singapore, a huge coup for the company. Shares are up sharply on the news.

They have pledged $3.6 billion for the project in the Marina Bay district of the city.

Yahoo Finance

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May 24, 2006

Fountains of Bellagio @ Wynn Macau

Posted by Hunter

Based on this picture, it looks like Steve Wynn may be bringing his 'Fountains of Bellagio' concept to Macau.


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May 22, 2006

Mapping Wynn's Encore

Posted by Hunter

We could also call this entry 'Why Hunter Isn't an Artist for a Living'.

Encore at Wynn Las Vegas, the 1,700+ room hotel that will sit next to WLV has broken ground. As is the standard with Wynn projects, it is somewhat shrouded in secrecy.

Other than Wynn's brief remarks about some kind of retractable roof coupled with county filings, we have little to go on.

I created a very basic site sketch with my guess as to how the buildings will be arranged on the property. Please excuse my limited Photoshop skills - I am not a graphic artist (and it shows). To see my rendering, click after the jump.

We know the tower will be similar to Wynn Las Vegas. I'm guessing it will look like the tower at Wynn Macau, with the 'swoosh' going the opposite way. From the sky, this layout position the towers in a vague 'S' layout and when viewed straight on, the two swooshes, combined with negative space, create something that could be called a 'W'.

Based on the county filing, the low-rise building will be up to ten stories, far higher than Wynn Las Vegas. It sounds like they are trying to use the available acreage by building much more dense this time around.

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May 20, 2006

Tropicana Bidding War Finally Over

Posted by Hunter

Columbia Sussex has won the 6 week bidding war that erupted over Aztar Corp., owners of the Tropicana properties in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, amongst other properties.

The WSJ has the story (subscription required):

From the article:

"The casino affiliate of closely held Columbia Sussex Corp. emerged victorious in a two-month bidding war by agreeing to acquire casino operator Aztar Corp. for $1.94 billion, a deal that underscores the scarcity of available development opportunities on the Las Vegas Strip.

Columbia Entertainment will pay Aztar $54 a share and assume roughly $676 million in Aztar's debt, giving it control of Aztar's Tropicana flagships in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, N.J., as well as other gambling properties. Columbia Entertainment has also deposited $313 million in a bank account, which it will use to pay Aztar should the deal fall apart if Columbia Entertainment fails to meet certain criteria, including obtaining a casino license in New Jersey."

The other serious bidder, Pinnacle Entertainment, dropped out of the race as the price reached levels that made less and less sense financially. It has been rumored that Pinnacle is looking at the site of the Sahara on the North Strip as another option for a new resort in Las Vegas.

More Details from Various Papers:

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An article in the Las Vegas Sun talks about how some bartenders and cocktail waitresses are peeved that as new food and beverage outlets open, they are being 'passed over' for younger recruits.

Personally, while it might be an ugly part of the business, I see this as just that - part of the business. As the article states, the clubs and bars are just as much looking for models/entertainers as servers.

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According to 'Eye on Vegas', the Hard Rock has been sold for $770 million to the Morgans Hotel Group, which is hotelier Ian Schrager's former company with hotels in New York, Los Angeles and elsewhere.

More of the details are here:

Update: This is legit. Some more on Yahoo!:

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Looks like Pinnacle has raised its offer for Aztar again:

At some point this deal is not accretive and they'll have to walk away... I'm surprised they've gone this high as Pinnacle's Lee is a very balanced guy and concerned about shareholder value.

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May 4, 2006

Las Vegas Sands Announces Quarterly Results

Posted by Hunter

Just days after competitors MGM MIRAGE and Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas Sands, operators of the Venetian in Las Vegas and the Sands Macau in Macau, China have announced their results.

Quarterly revenue is up to $503MM, based largely on the Macau property with net income of $134MM.

For details, see this release:

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May 3, 2006

Some Time at the Red Rock Resort

Posted by Hunter

I spent some time at Las Vegas' newest casino, Red Rock, this past Monday. Red Rock is owned by Station Casinos, Inc., who also operate Green Valley Ranch, Sunset Station and other properties in Las Vegas.

Click on through to read some observations and thoughts on the property and a link to my photos.

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Wynn Resorts reported earnings today for their third full quarter of operations.

Net revenues for the quarter were $277.2 million and adjusted net income was $1.1 million. If you include pre-opening expenses and adjustments for 'Avenue Q', that swings to an $11 million loss.


Looks like Cirque is going to do a show on Cotai for Las Vegas Sands:

I'm sure that doesn't thrill MGM MIRAGE.

In other news, an interesting article on the W Las Vegas project going up on Harmon:

Lastly, Pinnacle, the original Aztar/Tropicana suitor, announced some great earnings:

Wynn earnings coming today... We'll see how they did this last quarter...

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Yes, I am in Las Vegas. This post is a bit stream of consciousness, just random things I noticed so far:

* Wynn Las Vegas have changed the advertising graphics for Le Reve to include actual performance shots. I assume this is to drive home the CDS connection.

* Corsa Cucina, the Wynn restaurant that had to be remodeled right after opening, is now doing brisk business.

* The Sands/LVB entrance for the Wynn Esplanade is being re-done with an outer door and new glass. It is mid-construction but fully open.

* At The Mirage, Ava is gone, Onda is being renovated and Love will include lots of red (if you go behind the curtain as I did, expect to be yelled at).

* The new poker room at The Venetian is really big, not bad looking and totally empty. Maybe 20% full.

* Bellagio is cruising along, seemingly indifferent and impenetrable to competition.The Prada store still has no mens clothes (the staff dutifully described a belt as 'mens clothes' but I disagree). The new employee parking garage is HUGE... Literally almost dwarfing the large signs that straddle Frank Sinatra Drive.

* Planet Aladdin - If anyone was wondering, Desert Passage is being redone. The whole facade is under scaffold.

* Planet Aladdin Interior - Man. So much work to do. These guys can't pull it off. If they aren't dropping the 40ft ceiling, they got nothing. The place feels empty and it always will. By the way, the signs look like they were designed by prisoners.

* Caesars - the 'E' is out on the new Augustus Tower. To me this is the kind of thing that should last a day at most. It is the FREAKING SIGN ON THE STRIP AND THE LIGHT IS BURNED OUT. Fire somebody.

* Paris - The signs of Harrah's taking over are everywhere and since it was a mediocre place to begin with... BTW, I have never been 'hard sold' on a suite upgrade before. I didn't even want one. The check in clerk had a whole sheet with prices AND justifications, FAQ style. Harrah's central. Wow.

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April 28, 2006

Encore at Wynn Las Vegas Breaks Ground

Posted by Hunter

Yup, they did it today, April 28th, the anniversary of WLV's opening, Elaine's birthday and the Desert Inn's opening.

I should have some pictures soon but basically it was the board of directors moving some dirt with shovels...

Encore's logo looks like it is written in script, like 'Wynn', probably his handwriting, with a nice little 'at Wynn Las Vegas' underneath. Very 'Treasure Island at The Mirage' (but the opposite in terms of relation) if you ask me.

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April 27, 2006

Cosomopolitan Site Plan

Posted by Hunter

Thanks to one of my loyal readers, I got a chance to look at the detailed site plan for the Cosmopolitan, a condo/resort/casino project going up next to Bellagio.

Personally, this is one of the only condo projects that is really interesting to me (with the exception of CityCenter). They have a limited amount of land to work with but they are using it well, building up instead of out. There is a strong retail and dining component on the Las Vegas Blvd. side and the casino will use most of the rest of the ground floor space.

Overall I continue to be interested and impressed with what these guys are doing with this property.

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April 27, 2006

Long Delayed MGM Grand Tower Project to Start?

Posted by Hunter

Next month MGM MIRAGE will ask the Clark County Planning Commission to extend a plan to add another hotel tower at MGM Grand. The original application was submitted in 1998 and would include a 49 story hotel/casino with 1,700 guestrooms, connecting to the convention center.

The project had previously been delayed due to a shift in 'corporate priorities' (read: merge with Mirage Resorts and Mandalay, build City Center, etc...). Will this ever get off the ground?

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April 27, 2006

MGM MIRAGE Reports Quarterly Results: Profit Up 30%

Posted by Hunter

Today is a quarterly reporting day for MGM MIRAGE and report they did... Profits up 30%. They claim $135 million in savings from the combined MGM/Mandalay properties. I'll be listening to the conference call and updating this story as soon as I can - Windows Media Player is not cooperating at all.

Net revenues for the quarter were $1.9B and 'same-store' revenues were $1.2B, up 4% (they did 4% better even without the MBG acquisition). Occupancy stands at 97% (!) and the ADR (average daily rate, key indicator in hotel/leisure reporting) was $181 (up $5 from last year). REVPAR (revenue per available room - another key metric) was also up $5 to $175.

Quickly reading some of the detail, it looks like they wrote off about $24 million related to the Bellagio/Monte Carlo tram. This sounds like the tram is back out of service to accommodate CityCenter development. Eventually CityCenter will link the properties.

$380 million was spent on capital improvements, including CityCenter, The Mirage, Beau Rivage, and MGM Grand Detroit.


The Mirage will be the site of a new ultra lounge called 'Revolution', based on the Beatles and opening in the fourth quarter.

Supposedly the new Mirage restaurants are doing great and Japonais is scheduled to open in August.

CityCenter design for the main hotel is complete and excavation is underway. Foundations will be poured in about a month.

The Boardwalk demolition will take place on May 9th.

The new Bellagio parking garage (employees) is going to open in July.

CityCenter will have a sales center between Monte Carlo and NYNY and also 'discovery centers' in the lobbies of Bellagio and The Mirage.

Beau Rivage construction is progressing. Apparently the restaurants will be completely new, none of the old concepts are being rebuilt.

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April 25, 2006

MGM MIRAGE Partners With Foxwoods

Posted by Hunter

This has been all over the news today but I am just getting a chance to post it.

Looks like MGM MIRAGE is setting up a partnership with Foxwoods on Connecticut to brand their expansion project as an 'MGM Grand' hotel, despite the fact it will be operated by Foxwoods.

More details:

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April 24, 2006

Pinnacle Increases Aztar Offer to $45 Share

Posted by Hunter

In what sounds like a 'Come On Dudes, We're the Real Bidder Here', Pinnacle has upped their bid for Aztar to $45 a share.

We'll see what happens now - the bid from Columbia Sussex is still higher at $47 but they have potential licensing issues.

In related news, this article talks about Aztar and Riviera valuations and how they vary:

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April 23, 2006 Photo Gallery Macau Photos Updated

Posted by Hunter

Thanks again to Chris from Hong Kong for providing updated photos of construction in Macau for our gallery.

The link is here:

You'll see Wynn Macau, basically completed, along with the MGM Grand and Galaxy Starworld. Enjoy.

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It looks like one of my favorite Vegas Web sites,, has rolled out a new version - and this isn't just a face lift!

Along with all the irreverent Vegas content they've been sporting since their original launch, the new version allows hotel ratings, personal profiles and what looks like a stab at some 'social networking' features, ala Vegas-style.

Of course, I also operate a site devoted to Las Vegas ratings and reviews... So, what do I think about this new stuff? I think it's great. So far it looks like they've done a good job and if nothing else, the 'competition' will inspire me to finish the long incubating new version of, an upgrade that works to feature the content more prominently and simplify the ratings and review process.

So, congrats to Chuck and everyone else over there - it's great work. Who knows, maybe we can even do a project together sometime.

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April 19, 2006

LOVE: The Beatles + Cirque de Soleil at The Mirage

Posted by Hunter

Looks like Cirque went ahead and released a bunch of information about the new show at The Mirage on their Web site, without all the fanfare of a press release, etc...

Tickets are now available for 'LOVE', which is the title of the show.

There are rehearsal photos, a brief background on the show, and more at the Web site.

Previews start in June and the show opens July 2nd. Tickets run from $69 to $150.

Update: Complete press release included below.

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April 19, 2006

Station Opens Red Rock in Summerlin

Posted by Hunter

Well, the big day is here. The newest casino in Las Vegas opened this morning at 12:01am after a VIP performance from Grammy winner Sting.

Coverage in the LVRJ:

Personally, I'm looking forward to visiting and photographing in about 10 days. Of course, you'll hear all about it.

This is a historic moment for Station Casinos, which is a company that often flies under radar but is exceptionally well run. I expect to be impressed with Red Rock, much more than I was with Green Valley Ranch. The pictures of the pool deck look great and I really like how they've integrated the desert theme into the landscape architecture (LifeScapes, the folks that did Wynn, Bellagio, The Mirage and the Strip median are responsible for that). This place looks like it belongs in its environment.

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April 17, 2006

Aztar/Tropicana Bidding Continues

Posted by Hunter

Looks like four times is the charm for Aztar... Columbia Sussex has thrown a bid in for the company that owns the Tropicana on the Las Vegas Strip.

Update: Today's WSJ states that Pinnacle is close to making a deal:

"Aztar Corp. is close to striking an agreement to be acquired by Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. for about $1.5 billion, or $43 a share, in cash, according to people familiar with the situation."
(subscription required - but worth it, IMHO)

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All kinds of interesting stuff today...

Of course the big news is Red Rock Station, opening in just a few days.

Articles in the Review Journal:

and the LA Times:,1,679332.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

Personally I am looking forward to checking it out for myself and taking some photos in about a week and a half.

Beyond that, a little news on Wynn's Encore and the Golf Course stuff:

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April 12, 2006

$2 Billion Montreux To Replace New Frontier

Posted by Hunter

[Thanks to for directing us to this article.]

Looks like some more information is coming out about what Phil Ruffin has planned for the New Frontier lot, across the street from Wynn Las Vegas.

The design isn't finalized but it does seem that Ruffin is sticking with the observation wheel that we've heard about several times in the past.

LV Sun: Montreux to Replace New Frontier

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The Anaheim-to-Vegas train that Nevada's senior Senator has been working on for years still isn't getting a lot of traction:

What do you guys think? Something you would use if it was available?

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April 6, 2006

Looks Like The Riviera Has Been Sold

Posted by Hunter

Look what came across the Reuters wire?

Looks like the Riviera has been sold for $211 million... Not just the Vegas property but the whole company.

Update: More coverage this morning. The RJ weighs in:

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April 5, 2006

Desert Passage 'De-Theming' To Begin

Posted by Hunter

Looks like the folks that bought Desert Passage at the (soon to be former) Aladdin / Planet Hollywood are starting to talk about the changes they are planning.

An interesting article in Gaming Today discusses the changes:

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Reading Wynn Las Vegas' most recent SEC filing, a couple of items stood out.

Most of the stuff was very run of the mill but it did note that as of today, the company's lenders have approved the budget, plans and specs for Encore, which was the last issue, even if just a technical one. Groundbreaking is expected April 28th, the one year anniversary of the opening of Wynn Las Vegas.

Also, the golf course development is briefly discussed. Nothing revolutionary, the same old info regarding multiple lakefront hotels on that land. The one interesting detail was the disclosure that they don't expect any construction to begin there until 2009.

For those that like to read this stuff, here goes:

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March 30, 2006

Colony Capital Makes Aztar Bid?

Posted by Hunter

Now, this is getting interesting.

Colony Capital has made a bid for Aztar that's higher than Pinnacle's of a couple of weeks ago.

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For years and years, many travelers equated cheap rooms, shrimp cocktails and showgirls with Las Vegas. Hotel rooms under $100 per night were available all up and down the Strip - not just from the Northern cluster of older hotels. As recently as 1999 it wasn't uncommon to be able to book at room at Bellagio for $140/night on weekends.

No longer.

These days, rates for standard rooms have increased and former mid-level properties have been renovated and re-branded in an attempt to convert them to the higher end. Forget about Strip rates under $100 on weekends and don't be freaked out if your sub-par room at the Luxor costs $249.

What happened? Is this bad for the city? Is Las Vegas still a deal? More after the jump.

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March 19, 2006

Interview with Wynn Macau GM in Business Week

Posted by Hunter

Interesting interview and remarks from Grant Bowie, Wynn's GM in Macau:

March 16, 2006

Wynn 10-K

Posted by detroit1051

Wynn Resorts has released its 10-K Filing. It contains detail on '05 results and Encore and Macau plans for '06 and beyond . Encore's cost is now $1.74 Billion, but that figure includes an employee parking structure on Koval Lane, east of Wynn Las Vegas.

Wynn 10-K Filing

March 13, 2006

Pinnacle Buys Aztar

Posted by detroit1051

Pinnacle Entertainment (PNK) will buy Aztar (AZR) for about $1.45 Billion in cash plus debt. Overall, the deal will be $2.1 Billion.
Pinnacle To Acquire Aztar

Dan Lee exuded confidence and competence in the conference call. This will be a great deal especially with Dan Lee's commitment to redevelop the entire 34 acres on which the Las Vegas Tropicana sits.

The conference call is well worth listening to at:
Pinnacle Entertainment Conference Call of March 13, 2006

A few weeks back we announced a new interview series here on the site and our first subject we asked was DeRuyter Butler, head of architecture for Wynn Design and Development. Mr. Butler was gracious enough to accept and we began gathering questions.

The interview questions came from the readers. We then whittled them down to what we felt was a good mix of questions covering multiple topics and sent them off.

The answers to the various questions that got passed on are after the jump. Questions are in bold and his responses follow. An apology if your question didn't make the cut, there were quite a few great questions and we had to limit the number to keep this reasonable.

I think Mr. Butler's detailed answers will thrill anyone interested in Wynn Las Vegas, Bellagio and resort design in general. We're lucky to start our interview series with such an interesting subject.

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March 6, 2006

Red Rock Previews Begin

Posted by Hunter

Both the Las Vegas Sun and the Review Journal have articles that preview the new Red Rock Station Casino, opening next month.

Personally, I'm interested in checking this place out when it opens.

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March 5, 2006

Wynn To Sell Macau Sub-Concession for $1B?

Posted by Hunter

According to the LV Sun, Wynn has struck a deal to sell a sub-concession in Macau to an Australian company for $1 billion dollars.

Update: Looks like it is official, though a little less at $900MM.

The press release:

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March 4, 2006

Slot Economics

Posted by Hunter

A good article in the Las Vegas Sun breaks down some of the economics of modern slot machines and the differences between games the casinos buy outright and those they share in profits with the slot manufacturer.

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February 23, 2006

Wynn Resorts: Loss Narrows

Posted by Hunter

Blogging live from a Wynn Las Vegas parlor suite, here's the links to Wynn's earnings, released today:

Yes, they are still posting losses but looking at the recurring vs. non-recurring items, things look pretty good for Wynn Las Vegas.

I listened to the conference call while sitting on the tarmac waiting to take off. Steve talked mostly about Macau. They said they will have three sites on Cotai that they will operate. He sounded really excited about China.

Wynn Macau opens September 5th - he made the call today.

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February 23, 2006

MGM MIRAGE: Record 4th Quarter and Year End Results

Posted by Hunter

Profit was up 31% on increased revenue for fourth quarter. Earnings were at $97.8 million and revenue to $1.75 billion. Annual profits were $444.3 million on revenues of $6.48 billion.

Since this includes the acquisition of Mandalay Resort Group, MGM MIRAGE breaks out same store numbers for more accurate comparison.

More information here:

Update: A few things from the conference call:

  • Continued restaurant changes at Mandalay Bay. rumjungle and 3950 are being changed around.
  • Luxor - a new nightclub is replacing Ra and the race and sports book will be moved to make way for a new restaurant.
  • Mirage - Japonois should open in August and the Cirque show in May.

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February 19, 2006

Podcaster Interviews Wynn: 'Q' Closing, 'Wynn Parkway'?

Posted by Hunter

So, I go away for the weekend and don't take my computer along and guess what happens? Podcaster Steve Friess interviews Steve Wynn and their conversation ranges from the closing of 'Avenue Q' to the ultimate development of the Wynn Golf Course.

If you're interested, the best thing to do is to listen to the entire podcast. Still, some brief highlights:

  • Wynn estimates he will save between $75 and $85MM by using the 'Q' theater for 'Spamalot'. Also, the convention space that will be built for Encore will be able to connect directly to WLV's convention space, something impossible if the Grail Theater would have been built as planned.
  • 'Avenue Q' was making money but not enough money to keep it in that spot. They looked for other, smaller spots but couldn't find something the right size.
  • Eventually the golf course will go and be split into several parcels. Up to two hotels and a giant lake will be built on parcels between the existing Fairway Villas and what is the half-way point through the course.
  • A 135ft tree lined 'Wynn Parkway' will eventually run through the parcel, connecting all of these various resorts.

The podcast is located here:

Also, for more on Encore, the RJ had an article recently:

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February 19, 2006

MGM MIRAGE May Develop Three Sites in Macau

Posted by Hunter

According to this article, MGM MIRAGE may develop up to three sites in Macau. The first site, the MGM Grand Macau, is under construction now. Who knows, we may see a 'Mirage Macau' or 'Bellagio Macau'.

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February 15, 2006

G2E Institute Scheduled for May

Posted by detroit1051

A Detroit News column discusses G2E's new "G2E Institute" which will hold its first conference May 9-11 at the new Red Rock Station. Casino design, Racino, Technology and Tribal will all be the focus at this workshop style conference.

To read more:
Global Gaming Expo Creates G2E Institute

February 14, 2006

Las Vegas Sands Profit Up

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas Sands, operators of the Venetian in Las Vegas and the Sands in Macao, reported a 59% rise in profits for their fourth quarter in results released today. Details in the article below. The company is also building The Palazzo in Las Vegas and a version of their Venetian resort in Macau.

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First off, the Sahara. In a LV Sun article, the guys running the joint made it clear that they aren't going anywhere right away. While the place could be bought, they want to sell the hotel and two adjoining parcels in one deal that would reach up to $700MM and so far no one is biting.

We've discussed the Golden Nugget's changes as they've been announced. Here's a good article in the Business Press discussing a few more of the details of their plans - they also drop the little gem that they've looked at potentially buying the Horseshoe. Interesting.

And finally, as you may have seen here, we launched a new site in our family, I'm happy to say that the first 24 hours has been a big success so far - traffic ramped up much more quickly than any site we've ever done before. If you haven't checked it out already, take a look now.

Remember to get your Butler interview questions in by Wednesday!

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February 9, 2006

Terrorism: Sobering Report on Las Vegas

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Sun reports that Las Vegas is not included on the list of American cities most likely to be targeted by terrorists. I believe the Administration and Homeland Security have made a major error.

I'm still not convinced airliners have been made totally safe from terrorist hijackers. What other city has the major airport surrounded by so many mega-hotels?

If the air space is secure, what about conventional truck bombs or chemical? The front entrances to many Strip properties aren't secure from a Timothy McVeigh type attack. One attack on Las Vegas would, in addition to the thousands of immediate casualties, shut down tourism across the country with its associated effect on the entire economy while people wonder whether Orlando or some other destination is next.

It's ludicrous that the 40 million tourists each year weren't factored into the equation rather than using census data of permanent population. Politics as usual!

Las Vegas Not on the List of Potential Terrorist Targets

February 9, 2006

MGM MIRAGE Development Update

Posted by Hunter

This morning brings a press release from our friends at MGM MIRAGE discussing, among other things, progress on planning for Project City Center.

Some good info in there, give it a read:

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February 6, 2006

MGM Grand Taking Reservations For Condo-Hotel

Posted by Hunter

According to a press release from this AM, MGM Grand is now taking reservations for 'The Signature at MGM Grand', the condo-hotel (cotel) portion of the Residences at MGM Grand, opening in May.

The press release is included after the jump and details the accommodations' amenities.

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February 5, 2006

The Las Vegas Buffet

Posted by Hunter

A neat article on today's RJ talking about Vegas hotel buffets including a bit about their history.

Love 'em or hate 'em, they are part of the Vegas 'experience'.

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February 3, 2006

Monorail To Be Extended: Airport and West Strip

Posted by Hunter

So, looks like they decided the only way to save the monorail is to pour more money into it and make it more useful.

This story covers the potential expansion, with the airport coming first. Can't wait to ride along with the family of four and their suitcases!

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February 3, 2006

Rolling Stone Hotel? Snore.

Posted by Hunter

This story's been making the rounds for the last couple of days - a hotel with a Rolling Stone theme... What is that theme exactly? Suck? Rolling Stone hasn't had much cultural significance for a long time, maybe since the Dr. Thompson days.

Anyway, my gut is that this project ain't gonna happen.

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February 1, 2006

Tropicana Plans Being Disclosed in Private?

Posted by Hunter

According to the Las Vegas Business Press, Aztar has been talking quietly with potential financiers about the fate of the Tropicana in Las Vegas and what might rise from its ashes.

BTW: These guys look like they might have stolen another one of my design ideas, a water feature on the roof or coming down off the roof... First that stupid NBC show, now a real casino... This stuff has been in my sketchbook for years. I digress.

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February 1, 2006

Macau Casino Site and Blog

Posted by Hunter

I got a link suggestion over at for a site dedicated to Macau casinos. There's also a blog on the site that features Macau news.

An interesting perspective that complements the great stuff we get from Chris in Hong Kong.

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February 1, 2006

Hooters Set to Open Right Off The Strip This Week

Posted by Hunter

The Hooters Hotel and Casino, formerly the San Remo, will open this Thursday across from the MGM Grand on Tropicana Avenue.

Gaming Today as a nice write up of the details:

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January 29, 2006

Broadway in Las Vegas - A Breakdown of the Shows

Posted by Hunter

The Review-Journal has a good article on the breakdown of Broadway-style entertainment in Las Vegas, present and future.

Nice to see it all laid out in one place:

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January 27, 2006

The March to Wireless Gaming Continues

Posted by Hunter

Another article about upcoming wireless/mobile gaming in Nevada... Personally, I feel like this concept is getting a lot of attention but I don't find it all that interesting. Do you really need to play 21 when you're sitting in the cafe? What happened to chatting with your friends?

Do you guys think wireless gaming is a huge deal?

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January 26, 2006

The Impact of Resort Closures on You?

Posted by Hunter has an interesting article discussing the impending resort closures and how they will impact room inventory and other aspects of Las Vegas.

It's a good read, I recommend it.

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January 25, 2006

Chinese New Year

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Sun reports on the growing importance of Chinese New Year to Las Vegas Strip properties. It ranks behind New Year's Eve and is tied with Super Bowl as the second most important gambling event of the year. Hotels will have full occupancy this weekend.

MGM Grand will have both Mandarin and Cantonese concerts this weekend, and Wynn Las Vegas is hosting a private party for 1,400 invited guests.

To read the entire article:
Casinos Open Arms for Asians with Open Wallets

I spent the weekend in Las Vegas at The Mirage. This was my first time as a guest there since Wynn Las Vegas opened this past April. I am happy to report that despite the fact that I'll probably stay at Wynn whenever I can, The Mirage will fill in when Steveland is full or overpriced. The stated purpose of this trip was for a friend's birthday but fortunately for me, I had some time to catch up on all of the changes since my last trip six weeks ago.

My main focus was to see how The Mirage looked and felt after having a facelift. I also made it over to WLV to see Corsa after its re-design.

The photos from this trip are detailed here in this entry. To read the rest of this post, click the link and keep reading.

Sorry I missed these over the weekend, I was doing research in Las Vegas.

The Clark County Planning Commission shared some details of upcoming projects for the New Frontier site and Wynn's Encore project.

Here's the Las Vegas Sun article discussion both: Las Vegas Sun.

If you want to read the commission's materials, they are located here:

New Frontier Plans
Encore at Wynn Las Vegas Plans

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January 17, 2006

Avenue Q 2.0 - Show Tweaked For Wynn Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

According to the blog of a cast member, the version of Avenue Q that is showing at Wynn Las Vegas has been slightly tweaked to accommodate the Vegas visitor, and I assume to help pick up ticket sales.

For the blog entry, check here. And the previous entry detailing the changes, here.

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January 17, 2006

Another One Bites The Dust: Riviera To Fall?

Posted by Hunter

The LV Sun is reporting that some stock deals could lead to the redevelopment of the Riviera property on the Las Vegas Strip.

Riviera To Fall?

Thanks to for pointing out the story that we missed.

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A quick hit on a couple of stories from the past few days:

Castaways History

Boardwalk Closes

Cosmopolitan Gets Financing

One of my favorite Vegas sites,, has a great interview posted with Nick of the Las Vegas Casino Deathwatch.

It's a great read - I encourage you to check it out and also to bookmark/RSS subscribe/whatever to VegasTripping - you'll love their stuff!

VegasTripping Interview on Vegas in 2006

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January 8, 2006

Station Casinos' Impact on Las Vegas

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Sun met with Lorenzo and Frank Fertitta III recently to discuss Station's position as the leader in the locals market and STN's plans for the future. The two brothers may develop up to six new Station Casino properties in the next ten years. Station has $1.3 billion of projects under way now including the soon to open Red Rock Station and expansions at three properties. Station stock is up 21% in the past year and 46% over two years.
The most startling statistic to me was that off-Strip casinos will take $1,500 per year from every person in the Las Vegas valley by 2010. When you consider the number of residents who don't gamble at all, gamblers are leaving significantly more dollars in locals casinos every year. Is this a good thing or not?

The story can be found at:
Station's Econ 101

January 4, 2006

Boyd Unveils Stardust Site Plan: Echelon Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

Finally, the word on the Stardust site.

There's a lot of info, so you probably want to read the details for yourselves:

Press Release

And, the new Web site for the resort:

Echelon Las Vegas

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January 2, 2006

Las Vegas Condo-Hotels

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Sun reports that the first condo-hotels near the Strip will open in the first half of this year. The Residences at MGM Grand and The Platinum on Flamingo at Koval Lane are nearing completion. The MGM development has sold out two of its three towers and the third is 75% sold. The Platinum sold its 255 units in 39 days.

I looked at The Residences at MGM Grand when the sales office and mock-up units opened several years ago on MGM Grand's Studio Walk. The units were furnished very nicely, but they were basically large hotel rooms with small kitchens. Units were combined to create larger apartments. I may have misjudged the potential for condo-hotels because I couldn't understand paying $600,000-$1,000,000 to live in what amounts to an extension of MGM Grand. Does anyone here have experience with condo-hotels?

Developers Offering a New Kind of Suite Deal with Condo-hotels

December 30, 2005

Possible Riviera Takeover?

Posted by Hunter

Looks like someone might have their eye on that impressive bundle of real estate.

I forgot to note that I saw this first over at, a great place to keep on your bookmarks... Be sure to check out their South Coast pictures as well.

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December 27, 2005

Recapping 2005 in Las Vegas News

Posted by Hunter

What a year! 2005 saw big changes for Las Vegas, world-wide gaming and this little Web site.

In Las Vegas, 2005 saw the return of Steve Wynn with Wynn Las Vegas. We saw the completion of two mega-mergers, MGM Mirage + Mandalay and Harrah's + Caesars. The jury is still out as to how that will impact the Strip.

MGM Mirage announced major components of their Project City Center initiative. Las Vegas Sands unveiled the Palazzo resort concept. The Las Vegas condo boom, while still very strong, showed some signs of too-rapid expansion.

Las Vegas turned 100 years old and the city celebrated with a big party in July.

So, what were your favorite Las Vegas stories of 2005 and why? Read more and comment after the jump.

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December 26, 2005

Casino Patron/Developer Packer Dies

Posted by Hunter

Kerry Packer, Australia's richest man and a frequent customer of Las Vegas casinos has died. Famous for supposedly paying off a cocktail waitress' mortgage with a tip, Packer was also developing Macau casinos with partners in the SAR.

Details: Australia's Packer Dies

This could have an impact on MGM MIRAGE's cash flow. Packer was a consistent contributor to their bottom line at Bellagio.

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December 21, 2005

Station Casinos to Continue Las Vegas Locals Domination

Posted by Hunter

Hot on the heels of Red Rock Station, here comes more Station:

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Looks like the gallery is going to be history after all - everyone needs a Rolex!

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December 11, 2005

More Details on The Tropicana's Rebirth

Posted by Hunter

This Las Vegas Sun article has some interesting new info on what may happen at the Trop, including a rendering of the new building.

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December 10, 2005

Wynn Departs Singapore Bidding Process?

Posted by Hunter

According to this RJ article, Wynn Resorts will not be bidding on a potential project for Singapore:

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December 9, 2005

Planet Hollywood Finally Rolling?

Posted by Hunter

This article details the progress the Aladdin folks have had converting to the 'Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino'. It's taking longer than expected, but things are rolling now...

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December 8, 2005

The Future of Downtown Las Vegas?

Posted by Hunter

Inspired by a post on the WYNN Yahoo Finance Message Board from Hail2skins, I'd like to pose this question to the group:

What will downtown Las Vegas look like in 10 years?

The Fremont Street Experience is just about a decade old, created to increase visitor-ship with a 'must see' attraction. How well has it done this?

What will new owners like Landry's do downtown and how big of a problem is the Barrick Gaming's financial meltdown?

All comments are welcome!

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December 7, 2005

Wynn Details Macau Concession Plans

Posted by Hunter

In a move that will surely please investors, Wynn has discussed plans to possibly offer sub-concessions or joint ventures in Macau:

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December 6, 2005

Wynn To Proceed With Encore

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Sun reports that Steve Wynn will start construction on the 2,030 suite Encore tower next spring. The article implies Encore will be a high-end property in which many of the comped casino guests will reside. A 40,000 sq ft casino is very small; will it be primarily a high-limit pit? When completed in two years, Wynn Las Vegas will be a 4,800 room property.

To read the Las Vegas Sun Column:
Wynn To Build Encore

November 24, 2005

Wynn Las Vegas Fairway Villa Trip Report

Posted by Hunter

Howdy! Thanks to fellow Vegas fanatic Mike E, we have a trip report direct from a Wynn Las Vegas Fairway Villa. I was lucky enough to see this villa for myself this week and thus his trip report will be interwoven with my own comments, as we've done in the past.

Photos of the villa are located here:

From here on, it is Mike talking unless you see the [Hunter] notation. More after the jump!

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November 23, 2005

Mirage Update

Posted by Hunter

I was on property at The Mirage on Monday, taking a look at construction progress around the building.

Until construction is more complete, I can't recommend staying at The Mirage.

Wow, I can't believe I said that. I love The Mirage but right now it is a construction site. While many casinos embark on remodel projects, they are doing about 8 at the same time at The Mirage and it is disrupting the guest experience. Fortunately, I don't think this will last much longer, but if you're looking for the next few weeks leading up to NYE, I would maybe think twice (unless you get a great rate).

FIN, the new chinese restaurant, opens today and I got a peek inside. The room looks great and I'm sure will be a nice addition.

The Baccarat Bar, a long standing hangout in the middle of the casino is simply GONE. Without a trace. This really bums me out. Not only does it open up sight lines in the casino and make the place look like a warehouse, this was a great place to get a drink and relax. What a shame. Now, it is full of slots. In my opinion, it looks bad. Apparently a new bar/lounge will be stuck where the high limit slots used to be, now that they are located where the baccarat pit was.

The Jet nightclub is coming together, with the sundries store near the North entrance gone and moved to where the Shadow Creek golf store used to be. There's also a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf there.

I have some pictures but they aren't totally ready to be posted. I'll update this thread when I have them up.

Also, look for a trip report from member Mike, direct from a Wynn Fairway Villa. I was lucky enough to get a tour - what a great room!

UPDATE: Photos are here. A full explanation/article on the villa will be coming soon.

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November 17, 2005

Golden Nugget Sale Details; MGM MIRAGE Bits

Posted by Hunter

A couple of different stories here.

First off, some more detail on the Landry's deal to buy the Nugget. We find out that Poster and Breitling made off like bandits:

Second, some tidbits from MGM MIRAGE:

  • The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art now features advisory services if you are interested in buying art and need some expert help. Contact the gallery for an appointment.
  • MIX (THEHotel) was awarded the Mobil 4-star award.
  • Bellagio was again awarded AAA's five diamond award.
  • The bridge linking TI and the Fashion Show Mall is now open.

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November 7, 2005

Las Vegas Hilton Makeover Update

Posted by Hunter

The LV Sun has an interesting article on the progress of the remodel at the LV Hilton:

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November 5, 2005

Updated Macau Photos Posted

Posted by Hunter

Thanks again to Chris, we have some new Macau photos posted here:


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November 3, 2005

You're In Charge - What Would You Change?

Posted by Hunter

So, reading a technology blog recently, I got to thinking... If I was running a Las Vegas casino, what would I change. Seems like a good basis for an article on the blog.

So, what would you change about your favorite Las Vegas property? Imagine you're running the joint - fix the things that bother you as a customer.

Please respond in the comments. I'm working on my own response right now and it will be posted below when it is done.

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November 3, 2005

Earnings: Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Las Vegas Earnings:

Net Revenues: $251.4 million
Adjusted Net Loss: $1 million (due to pre-opening and opening expenses and includes Macau and Encore expense)

Net Gaming Revenues: $123 million
Table Game Drop: $414.6 million ($7,321 win per day)
Slot Machine Win Per Unit Per Day: $251 on $897.1 million of volume

Gross Non-Gaming Revenue: $164.7 million / Net: $128.4 million
ADR: $264 and occupancy was 93%
REVPAR: $246

Overall, EBITDA of $73.2 million, 29.1% margin.

More Details:

Las Vegas Sands Earnings:

Net Revenues: $437.6 million (up 27% from last year)
Adjusted Net Income: $99 million

They break out a lot more details for the various properties:

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November 1, 2005

Wynn, Landry's In Dispute

Posted by Hunter

This has been circulating for a few days and now we have a front page article in the LV Sun.

This has to do with a hiring dispute between Wynn and a former table games supervisor who wants to go work at the Golden Nugget in Laughlin.

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October 29, 2005

Colony Capital's Resorts International

Posted by detroit1051

In Business Las Vegas has a wide-ranging interview with Roger Wagner, COO of Resorts International. He makes some interesting comments on Harrah's, the Las Vegas Hilton and the gaming industry in general.

To read the interview, click below:
Resorts International: Inteview with Roger Wagner

October 26, 2005

Despite Beau Rivage, MGM MIRAGE Posts Record Results

Posted by Hunter

Net revenues increased 74% from the same quarter last year. Even same-store net (not including Mandalay's properties) was up 10%.

The closing of Beau Rivage cost them $13M compared to the previous year.

Full details on the results: here.

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Courtesy of Clark County, some additional information on progress/permits for Encore at Wynn Las Vegas and the Palazzo site, next to The Venetian.

Palazzo Permits

Encore Permits.

Neither contains any new earth-shattering information but it does show Encore going up in the room count department a good bit.

Now, this next set of permits are for a smaller expansion for Wynn Las Vegas, to include the Spamalot Theater, as well as some additional casino, retail and some other uses... 20,000 in additional casino space? Interesting.

Wynn Las Vegas Spamalot Expansion

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October 23, 2005

Macau Update

Posted by Hunter

We've got some more information on developments in Macau, the former Portuguese colony that allows Las Vegas style gambling in China near Hong Kong.

Thanks to reader Chris, we have some great first hand info as well as pictures. For those that missed them last time, we posted a bunch of his shots here: Some great shots!

This time around we have a couple more photos from Chris and they will be in the Macau group on the above site very soon.

Below, find some more comments from Chris regarding Macau developments (after the jump)...

Thanks again to Chris - he's providing us with a unique insight into Macau development that otherwise we just wouldn't have. Thank you Chris and keep it coming!

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October 20, 2005

Future of Gulf Coast Casinos

Posted by detroit1051

Las Vegas Business Press has a comprehensive report on the rebuilding of Mississippi's Gulf Coast casinos.

To read:
Las Vegas Business Press on Mississippi's Gulf Coast Casinos

October 20, 2005

Wynn Closing Art Gallery?

Posted by Hunter

Heard around town, the gallery at Wynn may be closing.

My thoughts? Bad move - the gallery is a semi-unique feature that sets the resort apart. The collection is small but has some pretty amazing works, including 'Le Reve'.

Wynn Closing Gallery?

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October 19, 2005

Station Casinos Earnings Up

Posted by Hunter

Las Vegas based Station Casinos shattered Wall Street guidance with their third quarter results. The Las Vegas market continues to be robust.

Station Blows Away Estimates

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October 18, 2005

Bourbon Street Closed

Posted by Hunter

Purchased by Harrah's earlier this year, the Bourbon Street casino on Flamingo has closed two weeks early after a water main broke.

No plans have been announced for the property but it is hard to believe they won't be knocking it down.

Bourbon St. Closes Ahead of Schedule

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October 18, 2005

Marnell to Build Casino

Posted by Hunter

Anthony Marnell III, son of Tony Marnell, is looking to build the 'M Resort' in Las Vegas. Tony Marnell runs Marnell Corrao construction, the company that built Bellagio, Wynn Las Vegas, Treasure Island as well as the Rio, which they also operated before it was purchased by Harrah's.

Interesting development.

Marnell Plans Development

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October 15, 2005

Las Vegas Hilton Begins Renovation

Posted by Hunter

Looks like Colony is renovation the Las Vegas Hilton, once the largest hotel in the world.

Las Vegas Hilton Renovations Underway

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October 14, 2005

I-15: Artery of Commerce

Posted by Hunter

Anyone in Southern California that visits Las Vegas is well familiar with the 15. It's basically the only driving route to Sin City and in many places it is still two lanes, which leads to sometimes massive delays.

Interesting article on how important this stretch of road is to Nevada.

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October 6, 2005

Poster and Breitling: What's the Real Deal?

Posted by Hunter

So, the 'Golden Boys' are out of gaming... Does anyone have the real read on these guys? They claim they got an offer they couldn't refuse and on paper, that might be believable.

Until the Laughlin deal with Barrick fell apart, it looked like Poster Financial (the holding company for their investments) might make off with some cash. As it turned out, that deal fell apart (and into the court system) and Landry's ended up getting the Laughlin Nugget for no additional cash. Hmmmm... That's about $30 million that didn't go back into the pot.

Based on what we know, this seems like a botched deal to me. What do you guys think?

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We went for a last minute trip to Las Vegas this past weekend and I decided to go out and take some photos to keep my friendly readers up to date.

The good stuff - October 2005 Photos - The Mirage, Wynn, Bellagio and More (My RateVegas photo gallery still has some issues - Flickr for now)...

Read more after the jump...

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October 3, 2005

MS Casinos On Land - Yes!

Posted by Hunter

Our friends at are reporting that MS Governor Barbour has agreed to drop the restriction that requires casinos in the state to be built over water, which resulted in massive damage from Hurricane Katrina.

Development is still restricted to be near water, but this will allow the developments to be much more secure in the face of any future disaster.

MS Governnor Signs On To Land Based Casinos

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September 30, 2005

The Future of Caesars

Posted by Hunter

Since being acquired by Harrah's, many have speculated what will happen to the high roller culture at Caesars Palace.

This article sheds some light on what management is planning to do with Caesars:
Loveman on Caesars High Rollers

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September 27, 2005

Golden Nugget Sale Completed

Posted by Hunter

Well, Landry's now owns downtown's most luxurious casino, the Golden Nugget.

Tim and Tom tried to drastically change its direction with mixed results. Landry's has pledged to focus more on slot players than high rollers and to add a third hotel tower.

Golden Nugget Sold

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September 14, 2005

Westward Ho History?

Posted by Hunter

Admittedly not a property that shows up on the blog too often... We are hearing from all over that the Ho is closing down in November.

I guess the lot has been sold... So, keep your eyes open for more info on this. We'll post this as we have it.

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September 14, 2005

Beau Rivage Will Take A Year To Repair

Posted by Hunter

MGM MIRAGE's Terri Lani says that it will take about a year to repair Beau Rivage in Biloxi, ravaged by Hurricane Katrina.

The casino will be rebuilt as it was, as a barge floating on water.

Lani Talks Beau Rivage

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September 14, 2005

More Details on Wynn Macau

Posted by Hunter

Some additional information on Wynn Macau is reported in this article:

Details on Wynn Macau

The casino is slated to open in mid-2006.

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September 8, 2005

Regal Pulls Out Of Las Vegas Sands Deal

Posted by Hunter

Regal Hotels, which was to develop Macau property in conjunction with Las Vegas Sands, has pulled out of the deal.

Sands Loses Operator

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September 8, 2005

Golden Nugget To Get New Hotel Tower

Posted by Hunter

A major development for downtown Las Vegas, Landry's has announced they plan to add a new tower to the Golden Nugget, which they are purchasing.

Licensing for Landry's is proceeding.

Golden Nugget to Add New Tower

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September 8, 2005

More Details on Planet Hollywood Emerge (Updated)

Posted by Hunter

By this time next year, the transformation of the Aladdin into the 'Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino' should be close to complete.

This article in the RJ details some more of the specifics on the changes.

Aladdin Reborn as Planet Hollywood

Plus, the Sun's take: Aladdin in the Las Vegas Sun

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September 2, 2005

Vegas Today and Tomorrow

Posted by Hunter

We always like to let folks know about other Las Vegas sites that we're into.

Vegas Today and Tomorrow

This site shows current and upcoming construction, along with some educated guesses about stuff like Encore at Wynn and Project City Center.

Anyone interested in Las Vegas construction should be checking this site on a regular basis.

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September 2, 2005

'Avenue Q' to Debut at Wynn Las Vegas

Posted by Hunter

The hit Broadway musical featuring singing puppets, 'Avenue Q', opens to its first non-preview audiences on September 8th.

Instead of doing a national tour, Wynn Las Vegas has locked up the performance rights and built a theater specifically for the show.

Reports from the preview audiences are very strong. If you're looking for something fun and funny to do in Las Vegas, this is a great option.

Avenue Q to Open in Las Vegas

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August 29, 2005

Clooney's Project For Real?

Posted by Hunter

George Clooney's hotel project has been batted around for months... Seems like Brad Pitt is no longer attached, but this might be moving forward.

Clooney Working on Vegas Hotel

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August 29, 2005

CT Paper Finds Wynn A Mixed Bag

Posted by Hunter

A long article that goes into some heavy detail about a stay at Wynn.

I don't agree with everything written but the experiences are well laid out.

Wynn Some, Lose Some

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August 25, 2005

Marrandino To Head Harrah's LV; Flamingo

Posted by Hunter

Don Marrandino, formerly of the Hard Rock Hotel, will head Harrah's Las Vegas and the Flamingo.

Before the opening of Wynn Las Vegas, Marrandino signed on as general manager, only to leave for Harrah's Tahoe.

Marrandino Back in Vegas

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August 22, 2005

Harrah's Buys Imperial Palace

Posted by detroit1051

Harrah's announced it will buy Imperial Palace for $370 Million. The sale should close by year-end.

To read Harrah's Press Release:

$370 Million Deal Provides Growth Opportunities

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August 19, 2005

MGM MIRAGE Macau Deal Likely to Be Approved

Posted by Hunter

According to this Las Vegas Sun article, the deal between MGM MIRAGE and Pansy Ho to build a MGM Grand in Macau, China is likely to be approved by Nevada gaming regulators.

MGM Macau Likely To Be Approved (LV Sun)

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August 18, 2005

Management Shakeup at Beau Rivage

Posted by Hunter

Looks like MGM MIRAGE is making some changes at their Biloxi, MI property.

Changes at Beau Rivage

This is a property I've never visited. Anyone been there? What is it like?

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August 18, 2005

Top Las Vegas Sportsbooks

Posted by Hunter

HotelChatter is running a series on Las Vegas sportsbooks. If you're interested in betting on sports and want to know where to go to find the most comfortable chairs and biggest screens, read on.

Best Las Vegas Sportsbooks

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August 18, 2005

Wired on Wynn

Posted by Hunter

For those interested in the technology behind Wynn Las Vegas, this Wired article talks about what goes into a $2.7B hotel.

Wired on Wynn

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August 12, 2005

Slightly OT: Lake Charles, LA

Posted by detroit1051

I wanted to see Pinnacle's new casino, L'auberge du Lac in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Pinnacle's CEO is Dan Lee who formerly was Steve Wynn's CFO at Mirage Resorts. Pinnacle (PNK) is doing very well and has two new properties which will be built in St. Louis city and county. My report relates to Las Vegas only in that Lake Charles represents a closer destination for people in south Texas and Louisiana. Anyway, that's my justification for publishing it on a Las Vegas blog.

I spent two nights at L�auberge on the way home from Las Vegas. It was 150 miles from Houston International and took 2.5 hours. There were lots of billboards in Texas for Delta Downs, Harrah�s and Isle of Capri but none for L�auberge. That all changed by the time I got to Beaumont, TX and then in Louisiana. L�Auberge is very convenient to I-10, but the I-210 intersection with Nelson Road is already becoming a bottleneck. PNK�s construction has spurred new bar/restaurants, strip malls and unfortunately, a Sam�s Club. Contractors are already working on the intersection.

L�auberge�s entrance drive gives a great first impression with the golf course on either side. There were quite a few golfers, but it won�t be fully opened to the public until the grass is more established in the fall. There�s nothing like it in the area.

What was most interesting to me were the three distinct market segments served by PNK, ISLE and HET. L�auberge is clearly middle to high end with many business travelers as well as players. Isle of Capri was unbelievable. As a shareholder, I was pained to see such a depressing, dirty, run down property. The clientele was certainly less than blue collar. Harrah�s had solid blue collar customers and PNK had the cream of the crop. Using Prizm�s market segmentation classifications, I would segment them as:
Isle---Back Country Folks
Harrah�s---American Classics
L�auberge---Country Casuals

I didn�t drive to Coushatta. Why would anyone spend another 45 minutes or so when they can stop at L�auberge?

I had breakfast the first morning with a pharmaceutical rep who said she is in Lake Charles every Monday and had gotten PNK to give her the casino rate for her room each week. She said no other properties in the area can compare. She also said it was great to have a land based casino instead of a riverboat. When I told her L�auberge�s casino was a boat, she politely told me I didn�t know what I was talking about. That�s a good example of how seamlessly PNK has built the entire property.

I ate at the bar in Snake River Grill the first night. It�s a first class restaurant with high-end clientele made up of players, business travelers and upscale locals. The attractive bartender said she has brought a lot of her customers over from her former restaurant. I sat next to a player from Texas. He is a heavy player who stays at Venetian at least once a month. He also played at Coushatta until L�auberge opened. He said the tribal chief would send his plane to pick him up whenever he wanted. This guy said PNK has a limo pick him up at the Houston airport each trip, and if they would send the seaplane for him, he would quit Las Vegas completely. In his words, �L�auberge has everything I want, and it�s less of a hassle to get here.� I have to believe he wasn�t BS�ing me because his Host hovered around him all evening in the bar.

Jack Daniels Bar was busy both nights with a younger crowd than Snake River. The lazy river pool area is totally open with another bar. The private villas are open but too close to the pool area, in my opinion. They each have private, fenced, gated patios from which guests can access the pool.

The second floor of the hotel will all be suites. It will probably open by the end of August. Each hotel floor already has two �Versailles Suites� which have a large living room, bedroom, wet bar and 1.5 baths. VIP Services said the suite floor will have the same but with a few larger suites. The elevator wouldn�t stop at 2 for me to take a look.

Since the casino is surrounded on three sides by the hotel or public areas, there are three entrances which make it easy to get to from any location, including from the large parking structure. Wynn should have as large a garage.

Blackjack tables were busy most of the time with many $5 and $10 min. The high limit room was busy each afternoon and evening with $25, $50, $100 and up mins. There is also a bar in the high limit room. All the vp machines I saw were 9/6. The connecting high limit slot room was fairly busy with a surprising amount of play on the $10 and $25 machines instead of the $5 ones. Slot chairs are the most comfortable I�ve ever sat in. Staff throughout the hotel and casino was all very friendly, and when I asked for directions, walked me to where I was going. Early reports indicated some needed more training. 95% of the ones I talked with seemed competent in addition to being customer friendly. I asked as many as I could how they liked the company. They all said it was a great place to work and offered child care and other benefits they couldn�t get anywhere else.

One thing that might change is the round video poker bar in the center of the casino with a mesh curtain surrounding it. There was never any business, and I thought it was depressing looking. Reminded me of sitting in a tent with mosquito netting�which may be appropriate for hot, humid Lake Charles.

The rooms are nice, but I was a little disappointed that I could hear talking through the wall which has the HVAC vents. What�s with all the hotels now having down comforters on the beds? They�re too damn hot!

Lake Charles will never replace Las Vegas for me, but if I lived in Houston, Beaumont, Galveston or the surrounding Louisiana area, I could easily become a regular at L�auberge. I see an expansion being needed before too long. Add this property to Belterra and the two upcoming St. Louis ones, and I�m very comfortable and secure with my PNK.

August 9, 2005

Stratosphere Profits Up; Riviera Announces Loss

Posted by Hunter

Two bits of gaming business today:

Gaming has had an uneven quarter of results, some folks showing nice gains and some losses, as we see here.

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Harrah's Entertainment has appointed a new president for its high roller property, Caesars Palace.

Gary Selesner was formerly the general manager of Caesars and was promoted to the position which was vacated when Mark Juliano left to work for Donald Trump.

Harrah's Appoints New Caesars President

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Harrah's second quarter profits were up 17% post the merger with Caesars Entertainment.

Still, shares traded down as analysts had expected better performance. While many gaming companies such as MGM MIRAGE have reported healthy results, none have solidly beaten Street expectations, which is dragging on the stock price.

LV Sun: Harrah's Profits Up

Update: Here's an interesting article from Motley Fool on gaming stocks this quarter:
Motley Fool on Gaming Stocks

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August 3, 2005

Las Vegas Sands Profit Dips

Posted by Hunter

A strong quarter for Macau but The Venetian was a bit flat.

Las Vegas Sands Profit Dips

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August 3, 2005

Encore at Wynn Las Vegas Room Count Details

Posted by Hunter

Along with Wynn Resort's recently filed 10-Q with the SEC, some details about the Encore project are available.

Currently, the de-facto expansion of Wynn Las Vegas will feature 1,550 rooms, of which 300 are suites.

Encore will open in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2008.

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August 1, 2005

Wynn Resorts Announces Second Quarter Results

Posted by Hunter

Wynn Resorts announced second quarter results today, including 64 days of operation of Wynn Las Vegas.

The company reported a loss of $35.2M, mostly caused by opening expenses for the resort.

In those 64 days, Wynn Las Vegas (WLV) generated $201M in revenue, or $3.14M/day. Of this revenue, gaming was $98M, or almost 50%. Slots were $34M of that, tables $62M.

ADR (average daily rate) for the hotel was $284 with occupancy rates of 90.1%.

WLV EBITDA was $58.7M, meaning margins of about 30%. Pre-opening costs were $37M.

Steve Wynn's statement follows:

"The initial response from customers and employees has been very gratifying. In our first two months of operations, we achieved outstanding revenue numbers in various departments including slots, tables and retail. We deliberately and substantially overstaffed in order to offset our expected initial disadvantages in productivity: we had more than 9,000 employees working with approximately 58 newly integrated operating systems. In the upcoming months, our main focus will be on raising margins through increased operational efficiencies."
Complete Press Release: Wynn Resorts 2nd Quarter

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Some folks are wondering if the purchase of the Bourbon Street by Harrah's means implosion for the Flamingo.

I'm still a strong 'No' vote there but anything is possible in Las Vegas.

The Bourbon Street will close in October.

Bourbon Street to Close

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July 30, 2005

Gaming Stocks Strong in July

Posted by detroit1051

The LV Review Journal reports that a weighted average of nine gaming stocks increased in July for the second month. Wall Street analysts are upbeat about the industry and Nevada. All eyes are on Las Vegas Sands which will report next week and on Wynn. Wynn said 2nd quarter results will be announced by August 9, but there will not be a conference call for analysts to ask questions of management.

In my opinion, Steve Wynn is his own worst enemy when it comes to Wall Street. He creates an antagonistic atmosphere when he appears less than forthcoming. Contrast this approach to MGM which always has open conference calls and takes all questions regardless of their significance.

To read more:
Casino Stock Index Increases

It's been awhile but our faithful readers will remember that the last time we met we covered Caesars Palace, Harrah's, The Flamingo and the Imperial Palace.

Sorry for the delay loyal readers. Since we last me the blog has been redesigned and another blog author, detroit1051, has been added to help fill your need for Vegas dirt. In this installment we take a look at The Mirage, Treasure Island, The Venetian and Wynn Las Vegas - three of which were built by Steve Wynn.

Disclaimer: I own some stock in both Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands (but not MGM MIRAGE)... I think that you'll find my reviews 'fair and balanced' but in the spirit of full disclosure...

STRIPPING continues after the jump...

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Profit at the casino operator is up 34% post its merger with Mandalay Resort Group. Developing...

Profits Up at MGM MIRAGE

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July 27, 2005

An Indictment of Las Vegas Journalism

Posted by Hunter

I stumbled across this interesting story that skewers both the Las Vegas Sun and Review Journal for their year 2000 coverage of the 'merger' between MGM Grand and Mirage Resorts.

Interesting perspective on this stuff that you don't usually get to see.

Columbia Journalism Review: Big Deal in Vegas

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July 27, 2005

Hard To Find a Cheap Room in Vegas?

Posted by Hunter

I scour the blogosphere to find interesting things for y'all to read.

Here's an article about how cheap rooms in Las Vegas are quickly becoming a thing of the past.

No More Cheap Rooms

Beyond that, I'm halfway done with the next Stripping article, so stay tuned for that as well.

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July 27, 2005

Gaming's Billionaires

Posted by Hunter

A quick look at some of the billionaires involved in gaming. From Steve Wynn to Sheldon Adelson to Kirk Kerkorian, a quick rundown.

Gaming's Billionaires

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July 27, 2005

Boyd Gaming and Downtown

Posted by detroit1051

Boyd Gaming's second quarter results were strong across the board, but it was good to see some positive news coming from downtown properties. Boyd's three downtown casinos, California Hotel, Main Street Station and Fremont did well. These hotels, especially the California, have long attracted Hawaiian tourists, both from the islands and California.

These results, new condo development and the World Market Center opening all may add to downtown's resurgence.

The Las Vegas Review Journal has complete information at
Boyd Finds Downtown To Liking

While slots have had elaborate computerized player tracking systems for years, the table games in Las Vegas casinos still determine comps by hand, a practice that can be a bit random at times.

Well, things are about to change for table players.

The Las Vegas Review Journal reports that progress is being made on a system developed jointly by IGT, Shuffle Master and Progressive Gaming, some of the biggest names in the business.

Read the article here: LVRJ: Tracking What's On The Table

So, what do you table games players think about this?

Personally, I'm all for it. I'm the type of player that falls through the cracks, sometimes losing enough to be comped but often a victim of the system. In terms of my dollar value to the casino, I'm simply being overlooked and I think this would change that quite a bit.

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July 25, 2005

Wynn To Get Spamalot

Posted by Hunter

After months of speculation, it has been confirmed that Broadway musical Spamalot is heading to Wynn Las Vegas.

Wynn Gets Spamalot

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July 25, 2005

Tropicana Redevelopment Plans

Posted by detroit1051

Clark County's Comprehensive Planning website contains an agenda item for last week's July 21, 2005 meeting. It describes general plans for the redevelopment of the north part of Tropicana's property. Tropicana has requested approval for 2,750 rooms, larger casino, public and back-of-house areas, and an increase in building height to 470 feet.

The request does not include the southern part of the property in which the Island Tower is located. There has been past speculation that the entire property would be developed in phases to include two separate casino/hotels or possibly a condo tower. When the meeting minutes of this public hearing are published, we will likely learn more.

To read more:

Clark County Agenda Item for Tropicana Enterprises>

July 24, 2005

Kirk Kerkorian - 'The Simple Gambler'

Posted by Hunter

The Observer has a nice little profile on Kirk Kerkorian, the billionaire investor that owns a majority of shares in the Strip's largest casino conglomerate, MGM MIRAGE.

The Simple Gambler

"Few investors have the capacity to confound convention and get away with it like Kirk Kerkorian. Last week, the legendary 88-year-old investor, said to be America's fourth richest man, was reported to have made $100 million in a little over a month on a highly counter-intuitive bet on General Motors shares."

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July 22, 2005

Las Vegas Monorail Enters Second Year

Posted by Hunter

While considered useful by some, the monorail is generally seen as a disappointment.

This LVRJ article discusses the challenges ahead.

LVRJ: Monorail: Year 2

"There was no need to reserve a spot on the Las Vegas Monorail for its first birthday last week. There were plenty of empty seats to go around as the $650 million train line entered its second year seeking new riders and elusive profits."

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July 21, 2005

Aztar Reports Strongest Quarter in History

Posted by detroit1051

The Tropicana's parent company, Aztar, reported the strongest quarter in history, driven by the Atlantic City Tropicana's expansion and new retail/restaurant complex, "The Quarter."

In the company's July 20th conference call, management did not give specific insights into plans to redevelop the Las Vegas Tropicana property. Some financial analysts expect Aztar to announce plans by the end of 2005.

Today's Las Vegas Review Journal provides detail on Aztar's performance and possible plans for the Tropicana's valuable 34 acre site on the southeast corner of the Strip and Tropicana.

Review Journal article on Aztar

July 21, 2005

Strong 2nd Quarter Earnings Predicted

Posted by detroit1051

The July 21 Las Vegas Review Journal anticipates second-quarter profits more than 50% higher than last year for the "Big Six." Included are Boyd Gaming, Harrah's Entertainment, Las Vegas Sands, MGM Mirage, Station Casinos and Wynn Resorts.

Wall Street analysts credit the opening of Wynn, the strong leisure market, both from locals and elsewhere, and Macau's contribution to Las Vegas Sands.

Deutsche Bank's Andrew Zarnett said of Las Vegas Sands, "The Venetian once stood at the end of the Strip. Now it stands at the center because Wynn is pulling thousands of people a day up to the new end of the Strip."
Zarnett also said visitation by retirees and baby boomers is driving growth.

UNLV history professor Hal Rothman sounded a note of caution that the strong earnings "may be a harbinger of a brighter future or just a reflection of the opening of Wynn Las Vegas in April."

It certainly seems that Las Vegas is hot, in more ways than one, this summer.

The Review Journal's comprehensive article may be read at:
LV Review Journal on Gaming Revenue

July 20, 2005

Colony Capital to Buy Raffles

Posted by Hunter

According to this USA Today article, Colony Capital is purchasing the Raffles Hotel Group.

Colony has been on a buying spree lately, picking up the Las Vegas Hilton among other properties. Raffles is one of the best known luxury hotel brands in the world.

This could have interesting implications for a Raffles in Las Vegas... I also believe that there was talk of Raffles running one of the properties in Las Vegas Sands' Cotai Strip development in Macau.

USA Today: Colony Buys Raffles

"Los Angeles-based Colony Capital said Monday it has agreed to buy the iconic Raffles Hotel in Singapore and 40 other properties owned by parent Raffles Holdings."

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July 18, 2005

David Schwartz Interviewed at

Posted by Hunter

I checked my feed reader this evening to see that one of my favorite Las Vegas Web sites,, had done an interview with one of my favorite Vegas bloggers and authors, David Schwartz.

Dave is a historian at UNLV, fantastic author, and keeper of the infamous casino carpet gallery. If you don't know his work, be sure to read the linked interview and buy his book(s).

David Schwartz at

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July 18, 2005

Station Casinos To Build In Reno

Posted by detroit1051

The Las Vegas Sun reported today that Station Casinos plans to build at least three casinos in Reno. The company already has the upscale Red Rock Station under construction in Las Vegas' Summerlin area. It will open in Spring 2006.

LV Sun: Station Plans to Build in Reno

July 17, 2005

MGM MIRAGE To Extend Mandalay People Mover?

Posted by Hunter

According to an article in today's LVRJ, MGM MIRAGE is looking at the possibility of extending the Mandalay Bay-Excalibur people mover all the way to Treasure Island, with a stop at Harrah's owned Caesars Palace.

Plans to have a Mirage Resorts tram that ran from Bellagio to TI were discussed several times under the 'Wynn Administration' but never got off the ground.

This would be a direct blow to the floundering Las Vegas Monorail.

People Mover to Eclipse Monorail?

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July 16, 2005

Mark Juliano Leaves Caesars For Trump

Posted by Hunter

Detroit posted this in the comments but it looks like an important story to me.

This guy has been running Caesars for some time and the conventional wisdom was that he was going to Wynn.

Juliano Leaves Caesars For Trump

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July 12, 2005

Wynn Las Vegas Boosts Record May Win For Nevada

Posted by Hunter

According to the latest figures from the Nevada Gaming Commission, Wynn Las Vegas helped push the monthly gaming win for May to record levels:

Wynn Boosts May Win

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June 22, 2005

Gaming Executive Pay Scale

Posted by Hunter

VegasTripping compiled a nice little table of industry pay: Industry Pay Scales

Wynn's doing pretty well for not having a resort in operation until 2 months ago!

June 22, 2005

Gambling Revenue to Reach $100B

Posted by Hunter

According to a PriceWaterhouseCoopers study, worldwide legal gambling revenues are set to reach $100 billion by the end of the decade.

Study in LVRJ

It is estimated that Nevada casinos will win almost $16 billion of that total.

According to some Wall St. research published recently in the LVRJ, analysts believe that Wynn Resorts will have the third largest annual revenues in the industry by 2006.

Still, their $2.8B is dwarfed by the $9B and $7.5B that are expected to be generated by Harrah's and MGM MIRAGE.

For the full article, check out this link (LVRJ).

June 9, 2005

Gaming The Industry by Hal Rothman

Posted by Hunter

UNLV History Chair Hal Rothman has written an interesting article for the Las Vegas Business Press on what is coming in the Vegas gaming industry.

It is a recommended read.

Hal Rothman at LV Business Press

Thanks to detroit1051 for pointing this out!

May 12, 2005

Fontainebleau to Name Schaeffer CEO

Posted by Hunter

A potentially huge development...

The Fontainebleau is a famous Miami resort that was not only Jay Sarno's inspiration for Caesars Palace but also cited by Steve Wynn has a precursor to The Mirage.

Glenn Schaeffer is the extremely able former head of Mandalay Resort Group which was recently purchased by MGM MIRAGE.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Schaeffer has been named CEO of Fontainebleau Resorts and they are planning a property in Las Vegas on the Northern end of Strip on land owned by Turnberry Associates. The site plan will also include condos.

Schaeffer is quoted as saying that architecture is the next frontier for Las Vegas...